Activities Sahur on the Road in London Compulsory Licenses Police

Activities Sahur on the Road in London Compulsory Licenses Police - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul Activities Sahur on the Road in London Compulsory Licenses Police, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    Activities Sahur on the Road in London Compulsory Licenses Police

    Activities Sahur on the Road in London Compulsory Licenses Police
    Baban Gandapurnama - detikNews
    Commissioner Pol Mashudi
    London - Police ready to monitor the activities of the meal on the road relating fasting of Ramadan in the city of Bandung. In order to prevent disruption of security and order, people who intend to hold sahur on the road in public areas shall permit the police.

    "Activity obligatory crowd and permission to notify the police. Over 10 people conduct an event that should be coordinated with the police," said Police Commissioner Kapolrestabes London Mashudi Mapolrestabes when encountered in Bandung, Java Road, Sunday (13/07/2014).

    Mashudi insists it does not prohibit people carry such positive activities sahur on the road. Step aims to facilitate the coordination of the event police escort.

    Residents or groups of people usually convoy riding two-wheelers and four to surround the town while distributing food to those in need of dawn. According Mashudi, potential security breach could have occurred when the execution of the meal on the road.
    He said police need to join trailed spreader dawn foods to avoid friction between residents and groups in the field. "Can permission to the nearest police station, there will be a recommendation of Polrestabes. Essence, the police ready to secure and protect their sahur on the road," said Mashudi.

    Follow a number of interesting events that happened during the day only in the "Reporting" TRANS TV Monday - Friday at 12:45 pm

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