UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya

UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya

    UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya

    Under the guidance of Murshid to 38, TQN Suryalaya increasingly flying the flag. Manaqib in commemoration of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday., Homeland Security, Triumph of Religion and State, and World Civilization, increasingly crowded implemented across the country, like mushroom that grows in the rainy season.

    In practice, Securing and Sustaining the Doctrine TQN Suryalaya, Murshid Lineage to 38, Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul r.a. has now raised 96 Vice Talkin to assist him in providing Talkin Dhikr, they come from bebragai circles, there is a set berlakang Kyai, Ustadz, Traders, Farmers, Educators, Entrepreneurs, Public Servant, until the scholar who holds a Professor, Doctor.

    Word Abah Aos, "As Moses a.s. prayer, begging assisted by his brother Prophet Harun a.s.", as well as Abah also ask for help in practice, securing, preserving the teachings of TQN Suryalaya ".

    Word of Allah SWT. :
    "My Lord, lapangkanlah me my chest, and make it easy for me my business, and deliver rigidity of the tongue, so that they may understand my words, and make me a helper from my family, (ie) Aaron, my brother, courageous with her strength, and let him share my task that we may glorify thee, and much remember thee. Truly you are the Seer (the state of) us. "(QS. Thaahaa (20): 25-35).

    Word of the Prophet Muhammad. he said to 'Ali, "your relationship with me is like Aaron relationship with Moses. But there is no prophet will come after me ". (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab Fada'il as-Sahaba).

    So with the help of the "Aaron-Aaron," this is getting Sticking TQN Suryalaya not shrinking. Word Abah Aos, "The clearer, more decisive, more straightforward, more easy to understand, that we are here, not ours. Nothing is not from Allah, everything is his deeds. We could not get anything, Allah is decisive . Before the decisive word, Allah has determined we should gather here, and more and more, not shrinking, but getting stuck ".

    Deputy Assistant Student Was Talkin Murshid
    The Vice Talkin is Vice Abah Aos in giving Talkin. Appointed deputy talkin by Murshid does not necessarily reflect the position maqom someone, or maqomnya higher than the Brotherhood general. Said KH. Dadang Muliawan to KH. Jujun Djunaidi, "Ak said Abah, so vice talkin Riyadhoh tea".

    Word Abah Aos when lifting vice talkin, "Today, precisely yesterday Abah lift Maid, so Farmer Tree Anti Earthquake term Abah, representatives talkin term Abah Anom".

    Reflecting on the previous fleet, not all representatives were talkin Abah Anom in Word 38. The carriages kloter Abah Aos, "Of the number of vice-talkin Abah Anom, only one representative talkin graduating, namely KH. Muhammad Sholeh Hujatul Arifin". Well this indicates that the position of a person as a representative talkin, was not directly proportional to maqom someone.

    So therefore, kuranglah wise if if the brothers excessive demands to representatives of talkin, because they are not Murshid, even vice mursyid was not, they are nothing more than a student who is given the task by the Murshid to help fight his message. As well as Dai / Da'iyah, holders and mountings Manaqib, and the brothers-sisters in general, which also fought together with Murshid.

    Word Abah Aos, "We pray for all, because here, ngetem two days was not enough, now more and more, which is not unexpected, because the Internet and Pacebok too propaganda".

    Therefore, to all the brothers let us align our intents and purposes, that we just want to get Ridho Allah through obtaining his love in order to identify himself alone. Word Abah Aos, "It is the same .. us, nothing is different. Professor, this! Doctor, this !, Corporal, this !, General, this !, all the same! Far not kilometers, close instead of millimeters".

    "Inna akromakum indalloohi atqookum"
    (Verily the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you).

    Lovers Tafakur Sanctity of Life

    Demikianlah Artikel UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya

    the life of the muslim world UNDER THE FLAG THREE EIGHT, TQN increasingly flying Suryalaya, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat untuk anda semua. baiklah, sekian postingan the life of the muslim world kali ini.

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