TOOLS reformer FAITH

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    TOOLS reformer FAITH

    TOOLS reformer FAITH
    KH. ABDUL Gaos SM.

    27 years ago in Sarawak Malaysia, we had been invited by the scholars. In one of the event there was a scholar who would only dhikr with the phrase Laa ilaha illa Muhammadurrosulullah ... Laa ilaha illa Muhammadurrosulullah ff. Then I explained that the sentence is in al-Quran and al-Hadith, but do not use Muhammadurrosulullah, including: Muhammad letters: 19 letters as-saaffaat: 35, as well as some of the hadith of the Prophet.

    "The most important what I say and what was spoken by the prophets before me is: La ilaha illallaah." Those who say La ilaha illallaah with sincerity, would go to heaven "." Jaddiduu iimaanakum aktsiru min qouli La ilaha illallaah ". "Talqinkan to the people who will die, the phrase La ilaha illallaah", etc. "So no muhammadurrosulullah. If you want to add the hosts go ahead, meaning the hosts have extended al-quran and hadith. "I said. Finally, the cleric asked for talqin dhikr TQN followed by other scholars.
    There is no other sentence that could renew faith except La ilaha illallaah. Thank God we have gained this sentence directly from Pangersa Abah Anom is the genealogy 37th TQN pontren Suryalaya. In a hadith explained: "Indeed, Allah will raise or send to these people every 100 years a community's faith fortitude (reformer their faith)". (HR. Abu Dawud, al-Hakim, and al-Bayhaqi from Abu Hurayrah). For us that's a reformer Pangersa Abah our faith by giving the phrase La ilaha illallaah. Implement such as remembering what he teaches.
    Prophet Muhammad SAW. has been chosen by God to serve as role models for our people. He has left us. But there is no substitute. "Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets". Therefore, let's take the example of the Prophet Muhammad, let's take the example of our Master Murshid, pangersa Abah Anom both in attitudes, words and actions.

    "Ye have indeed in the (self) that the Messenger of Allah a good role model for you (that) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection and Allah much" (QS. Al-Ahzab: 21). "Look at them that there is a good model for you ..." (Qur'an, al-Mumtahanah: 6).

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