FOLLOW RASULULLAH SAW. - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul FOLLOW RASULULLAH SAW., saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    solemn Manaqib

    KH. Abdul Gaos SM.

    Thank God we were given the opportunity by Allah. to follow Manaqib in this Suryalaya. We do not know whether tomorrow or the day after they were given another chance by him to live. Word of the Prophet Muhammad. "The life is the day of the End, for anyone that does not know if still alive until tomorrow". If we do not return to God today, when? Therefore we should be able to keep herself from doing things to harm ourselves. Allah SWT. says: "And We sent not a messenger, but to dita'ati with the permission of Allah. Indeed, if they come to you when persecuting him, and begged forgiveness of Allah, and ask forgiveness for their Rasulpun, they would have found Allah Oft, Oft Repentance Merciful. "(Qur'an, an-Nisaa ': 64).
    Thank God, we've met with Mr. Sheikh Ahmad Shohibulwafa Tajul 'Arifin, a scholar inheritors of the Prophets. With practice Thoriqoh Qoodiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah we hope that Allah SWT. give mercy to us. We obey all the commands of our teachers are essentially we obey the Prophet. This is one task of a teacher Murshid to invite the people to follow God's messenger. "And there came from the other end of town, a man with a hurried he said:" O my people, follow the messengers. Follow those who do not ask for replies to you; and they are the ones that receive guidance. "(QS. Yaasiin: 20-21). Have we ever asked for money by Pangersa Abah when participating Manaqiban in Suryalaya? Is it to get talqin TQN Dhikr is required to pay so rupiah? No !. Never prompt reply from human services or wages, people like this, God has never asked for pay or reward or reward. Anyone who comes to bring the sins and errors then met Abah, then he will show you the way to God so that He gives ampunan- Him. Thoriqoh this is the way, the road closest to God, most easily implemented, but foremost by Allah. With this dhikr we expect forgiveness from God, we wanted to be cleansed of sin so that back pure and clean as a newborn . we do not want to be cleaned by Allah, of sin and error in nature barzah or in hell later. There is no other path that we should take is to go to a replacement of the Prophet. as written in the letter an-Nisa verse 64 above. One of the prayers read by Mr. Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani while on the Tigris river (above the river prayer mat), "O Allah, I beg thee with the right of your Prophet Muhammad., Thou murderous disciples my students except in a state of repentance ". Amalkanlah this dhikr in accordance with the guidance and example of the Master Murshid then spread it to others; "Amalkan, secure, preserve," so that when death came to pick up, hopefully we are in safety.

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