IS THERE IN Suryalaya heretical?

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    IS THERE IN Suryalaya heretical?

    IS THERE IN Suryalaya heretical?

    This article was inspired after reading Scientific hidmat Manaqib Tuan Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Qs. in Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya. One quote his speech was, "Is it after death basyarnya, you will turn away from him? Is it after death basyarnya, but his spirit is not dead and his spirit continues to perform the role of murshidship, you will flee Suryalaya? Is it after Abah Anom die basyarnya his spirit alive and continue to run the spiritual guidance of the hearts-our hearts, you will leave amaliah him?
    Are you going manambah embroider his teachings?
    Do you feel you need to find someone else his successor?
    Are you going to leave Muhammad simply because he killed? ".

    Debate among scholars about the problem of heresy until now not endless, some say innovation is misguided, then place in Hell. Some say heresy divided into two, namely; Heresy Dholalah and Bid'ah Hasanah. Well let's look at a brief understanding about the following heresy.

    Word Rosulululloh Saw .: It means: Do ye invent new affairs, because actually hold a new thing is heresy, and every heresy is misguidance ". [Hadith Abdu history of David, and At-Tirmidhi; hasan hadeeth saheeh].

    First class
    Based on the hadith, the heretic (each) said astray. Invent something that does not exist in the time of Prophet Muhammad Saw.itu is heresy, for example; qunut dawn prayer, reading usholli when starting the prayer, memorial maulid, nuzul Quran, prayer tarowih 20 cycles, ISRO 'Ascension, etc. For this class to implement it is unlawful and must be in the "fight", should not be grown in the Islamic community. This group of them, is; understand wahabi growing in Arabic, as well as other groups such as; "Hizb ut-Tahrir ', the pilgrims' salafi', some 'MCC', 'Exactly', 'Muhammadiyah', etc. The main character is, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and clerical supporters. The majority of this group bermazhabkan Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in jurisprudence.

    Second class
    They divide into two heretical understanding, namely; hasanah heresy and heretics dholalah. Hasanah Heresy is something new case but the case is a good case (commendable). While the case of heresy dholalah is something new, but contrary to the basic teachings of Islam (Syar'i). In conclusion this group received hasanah like heresy in the category referred to in the above example and reject the new things that are contrary to aqidah / Islamic Shari'a. This group is Ahlussunnah Waljamaah, such as; NU, and the group Thoriqoh in Tashowwuf (Sufi). Utamannya figure is Hujatul Islam Imam Ghazali, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, etc. This group generally bermazhabkan Shafi'i in the field of jurisprudence.

    Based on the brief description above, it can be ascertained understanding Suryalaya TQN boarding school is located in the understanding of both, ie understand heresy in two terms. That is NOT SOMETHING MEMBID'AHKAN (DOCTRINE) RECENTLY after the death GURU Murshid.

    So if there is found, Murshid History Master's teachings should not be added (updated) and has assumed perfect for ever, understood to be against UNDERSTANDING heretical among the congregation of the WAL AHLUSSUNNAH.

    Word Rosululloh Saw. "Scholars are penurus the Prophets". Treatise will continue until days later, after another, guiding the people from time to time in accordance with their respective era.

    Bibarokati genealogist TQN PPS, special wabil Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul, Qs. Al Fatiha .....

    Lovers Tafaku Sanctity of Life
    January 2015

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