When Imam Ahmad Crying On A Sufi Assembly

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    When Imam Ahmad Crying On A Sufi Assembly

    When Imam Ahmad Crying On A Sufi Assembly
    Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal known including scholars who are sensitive to the things that smelled heresy. In his time, there was a very famous Sufi cleric, Imam al-Harith al-Muhasibi. There is a dispute between the two is known. But that's not what we will write here. But we will try to see how Imam Ahmad despite having differences with another scholar, but he can not deny the fact that there are on the cleric.

    Imam al-Khatib al-Bagdadi in its appeal, and Imam Ibn Jawzi in Manaqib Shaid Imam Ahmad and al-Khatir, narrated by sahih sanad, from Ismail ibn Ishak al-Sarraj, he said,

    "One day Ahmad bin Hanbal once said to me:" I heard that al-Harith al-Muhasibi have pilgrims exploded. What can you invite him to your house and provide for me a seat in case he can not see my presence, so I could listen to his talk? "I replied:" Good O Abu Abdillah, I'll perform. "It requests Abu Abdillah (Imam Ahmad) it makes me happy , Then I went to see al-Harith al-Muhasibi and asked him to come to my house that night. I asked him to invite congregations as well. He said: "O Ismail, jamaahku very much. Do not be too bothered provide meals, enough water to drink and dates only. "Then I also provide appropriate request

    After that, I went to Abu Abdillah and preach about it. He came over to my house ba'da sunset. Then he went into the upper room in my house to keep reading awrad to complete. Then came al-Harith al-Muhasibi. They immediately eat, then prayed Isha without direct prayed ba'diyah sunnah. They sat in front of al-Harith fervently, inaudible one that speaks to mid night. Then there was a group that was asked about a problem. Al-Harith was finally answered at length, while the silent congregation fervently as if their heads were seized birds. Among them there were crying and fainting when al-Harith was explaining the problems in question.

    Then I went upstairs to see the state of Abu Abdillah, it turns out he was sobbing and stunned silence. Then I went back to the assembly, and they remain in a very solemn until the dawn arrived. Then they performed the dawn prayer, then return to their respective homes. I rose and went to Abu Abdillah, and the situation has changed. I asked him: "What do you think, O Abu Abd Allah?". With awe -he replied: "I have never seen a collection of people like this before. And I have never heard of the nature of science as it has been delivered by this man. Based on what I heard and saw their condition, then you should not be friends with them. "Then he stood up and left the house." (Tarikh Baghdad 8/214, Manaqib Imam Ahmad, p: 185).

    Related statement of Imam Ahmad not to make friends with al-Harith al-Muhasibi and jamaahnnya, Imam Tajuddin al-Subki in Thabaqat al-Syafiiyyah and Imam al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar in Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb, explaining that Imam Ahmad forbade to be friends with them because he knows will maqam (position / condition) they were very narrow and can not be traversed by any person. And he knew the person who walks in them will not really able to give their rights. (Excerpted from the book of the treatise al-Mustarsyidîn, verification and comments Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah).

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