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    By: Mahmud Jonsen

    Assalamu Wr. Wb.
    Bismillaah, Alhamdulillaah, washsholaatu wassalaamu 'alaa rosulillaah wa' alaa aalihi washohbihii Waman waalah.
    Asyhaduan laailaha illalloh asyhaduanna wa Muhammadan 'abduhuu warosuuluhu laa nabiyya ba'da.
    Faqoolallohu ta'ala fikitabihil Kariim, a'udzubillaahi minasyaithonirrojiim, "Fii buyuutin adzinallohu antarfa'a wayudzkaro fiihasmuhuu yusabbihu lahuu fiihaa bil ghuduwwi wal ashooli". Waqoolan nabiyyu SAW. "Idza marortum bi riyadhil Jannati farta'u. Qola: Yaa Rosuululloh, color riyadhul Jannah? Qola: Majalisu Dzikri ".
    Shodaqollohul'adziim wa wa shodaqo rosuuluhul habiibul Kariim nahnu 'ala dzaalika laminasysyahidiin was syakiriina walhamdulillaahi robbil'aalamiin.

    Ikhwan Akhwat rohiimakumulloh,
    Hadirot Praise to Allah SWT. which has provided a wide range of pleasure to us all, so with grace and gift that we can still practice a variety amaliyah that we receive from Master Murshid.
    Sholawat and greetings may always tercurahkan to our master the Prophet Muhammad., Also to his family, his friends, the clergy and all Waliyulloh, also to his people who are pious until the end of time. Aamiin.

    On this occasion we want to express, that actually in amaliyah Manaqib it has a variety of glory, with Manaqib will get the grace of Allah SWT., Always filled with tranquility and peace, attended by lovers of Allah, surrounded by angels and all those present praised Allah SWT. before His angels. All were given Allah SWT. because in Manaqib always be filled with shades of remembrance to Allah.

    In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairoh ra. Of the Prophet., He said:
    "Verily Allah Almighty Bless, the Most High has many angels are always traveling, exceeding the recording angel of charity, they are constantly looking for different panels of Remembrance. When they found the Assembly Zikr, then they will come sit with them and surround with its wings up to meet the distance between them and the sky world. If the assembly participants have split them up into the sky.
    He continued: Then Allah, Most Exalted Majesty again asked them (although He knows better than them): Where are you all? They said: We come from thy servants in the world that is to purify, exalt, raise, praise and plead with you. He asked again: What did they ask for to me? The angels replied: They beg Thy heaven. He asked again: Are they've seen My Paradise? The angels said: O our Lord yet. Allah says: Especially if they had seen My Paradise? They said again: They also seek refuge in Thee. He asked whether they seek refuge From Me? The angel replied: From Hell You, O our Lord. God asked: Are they've seen my hell? The angels answer: Not yet. Allah says: Especially if they've seen my hell? The angels continue: And they also ask for forgiveness from you. He said then Allah says: I've already forgiven them and give them what they asked for and I also have to protect them from what they are afraid.

    He SAW. continue any longer then the angels said: "Faya quuluuna robbi fiihim fulaanu" abdu khotoo'u innamaa Marro wajalasa ma'ahum. Qola: "Faya quuluu ghofartu humul qoumu laa yasyqo bihim jaliisuhum". It means: "O our Lord! Among them were the Fulan is a sinful passing by and sat participate remembrance with them. He said that then God answered: I also have forgiven him because they are a people who will not be miserable people who sat with them. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

    Brotherhood and sisters happy,
    Why do people who are present in the assemblies dhikr / Manaqib are those who have forgiveness and protection from Allah SWT.? That's because they have pledged allegiance (Talkin) to Allah through His Beloved (Murshid) to always dhikr Aloh SWT. as his word: "Laqod rodhiyallohu 'annealing mu'miniina IDZ yubaa yiuunaka tahtasy-syajarooti fa'aliima maafii quluubihim, fa-anzalas-sakiinata' alaihim wa atsaa bahum Fathan qoriiban". (QS. Al-Fath: 18). Meaning: "Indeed, Allah has been a blessing to the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, then Allah knows what is in their hearts and He sent down tranquility on them and give replies to them with a near victory (time)". Assembly they are the gardens of paradise, so they have been given the enjoyment in dhikr and worship to Allah SWT.

    Rosululloh SAW. Berssabda: "Idza marortum biriyadhil farta'u Jannati. Qola: "Well rosuululloh, color riyadhul Jannah? Qola: "Majalisu Dzikri". (HR. Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi). Meaning: "When you pass through the gardens of paradise, stop. Companions asked: "O the Messenger, whether the gardens of paradise? Rosululloh SAW. Replied: "Dhikr Assembly".

    Fathers, mothers happy,
    Attending Manaqib / assemblies dhikr is one way to gain knowledge. Seeking knowledge is important, because it will be able to increase the degree of a person on the side of Allah SWT. As word of Allah SWT .: "Well ayyuhalladzina aamanu idza qiilalakum tafassahu deed majaalisi fafsahuu yafsahillahu lakum, wa idza qiilan syuzuu fan syuzuu yarfa illahulladziina aamanuu minkum, walladziina uutul 'ilma darojaati, wallohu bimaa ta'maluuna khobiiro". (QS. Al Mujaadila: 11). Meaning: "O people of faith when it is said to you:" Berlapang-lapanglah in assemblies, "then lapangkanlah, Allah will give spaciousness for you. And when it is said: 'Stand ye', then stand it, Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge. And Allah is Aware of what you do ".

    Hadiths Rosululloh SAW .: "From Abu Dhar, he said: Rasulullah SAW said:" O Abu Dhar. You shall go, and you learn a verse from the Book of Allah, it is better for you than you pray 100 cycles. And you shall go, and you learn a chapter of science that can be carried or can not be carried out, is better than you pray to 1,000 cycles. "(Reported by Ibn Majah with sanad hasan).

    On the other virtues of assembly ta'klim we can also understand it from Judge Luqmanul advice to his son:

    "My son, when you look at the middle of the congregation remembrance (remembering Allah or talk about science) then sit down with them. If you are smart, then bermanfaatlah knoweldge, and if you are stupid, then you can gain knowledge from them. While they have the possibility to obtain the grace of God, so that you will get a share anyway.
    And if you see a group that is not dhikr, then careful careful, do not go near them. If you are good at science there is no benefit to you, whereas if you are stupid, then it will add kesesatanmu. There is a possibility they will receive angry God, so that you will go mad hit him ".

    In the book Tanbihul Ghofiliin explained, that the person sitting to attend the Assembly Dhikr / Ta'lim, though can not remember the science presented, will meperoleh seven glory:
    1. Glory people studying
    2. Curb sins behavior during sitting in assemblies
    3. When leaving for his association endowed with the grace of God
    4. Will join obtain graces God bestows upon assembly
    5. It is written as good deeds throughout attention to what is being said
    6. Overcome by the angels with wings
    7. Every step is written as a favor and as a sin.

    Even if he can listen to what is discussed in the assemblies then he will get more glory, as said by Umar bin Khatab ra .: "Sometimes people go out to bear the sins of the mountain Thihamah. But when he listened to the science discussed in the Assembly Ta'lim, he was frightened and repent. So when I got home he became clean of all sins. Therefore Ta'lim join this Assembly, exists whenever there Manaqib, because in it there is dhikr to Allah and studies of science (Ta'lim Assembly) ".

    Hadanallohu waiyyakum ajmaiin, wassalaamu'alaikum waroh matullohi wabarkatuh.

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