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    Post murshidship Abah Anom (Lineage to 37), the only student he was recognized as the Murshid (Lineage to 38) by Ikhwan TQN Suryalaya is, Pengersa Abah Aos, Sheikh Muhammad Abd al Qodiri Gaos Saefulloh Maslul an Naqshbandi al Kamil, Qs.

    Said pengersa Abah before thousands of Brotherhood at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Muhammad is the name given by both his parents, Gaos is the given name of Sheikh Muhammad Kahf (Murshid Thoriqoh Syathoriyah) which is none other than His grandfather himself, the name given to mother him (Siti Muslihah) two years before he was born. Saefulloh Maslul is the name given by the Supreme Master Sheikh Ahmad Shohibulwafa 'Tajul Arifin, Qs. (Abah Anom), Al Qodiri, is the name given by Sheikh Hashimuddin (grandson of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani) in Baghdad, Iraq, An Naqshbandi, was the name given by Sheikh Afeefuddin (grandson of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani) in Malaysia, and Al Kamil, is the name given by Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil Gilani (grandson of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani) in Turky.

    Responding murshidship pengersa Abah Aos, Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya, along with the ranks of the Foundation Board Serba Bakti (YSB), and most of Deputy Talkin Abah Anom, do not accept murshidship pengersa Abah Aos, for those murshidship TQN Suryalaya until today still exist in Abah Anom, until Allah SWT. determine Guardian / Teacher Murshid others later on.

    Murshidship problem is concerned about the beliefs, of course we have to understand for people who disagree with our beliefs. As brothers TQN Suryalaya, we must always hold fast to the contents Abdulloh Mubarok Tanbih of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Nur Qs. (Abah Sepuh). Keep unity and integrity, respectful to the higher, do not dispute, humility, mutual help, do not quarrel, do not insult, do not be arrogant, to be affectionate, sweet favor, suave, inexpensive hand. Do not hate the clerical contemporaries, do not check the pupils, then do not blame the teaching of others, do not change attitudes although hurt others, must love those who hate you. Word Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul Al Qodiri An Naqshbandi Al Kamil, Qs., Murshid TQN PPS genealogy to 38, which now has 89 Vice Talkin spread in Indonesia, Malaysia, to Jeddah Saudi Arabia: "not overtaken But None Disadvantaged" , Of course, his word was addressed to anybody Who Wants to Come.

    As Murshid TQN Suryalaya pengersa Abah Aos several times issued edict as enhancements to improve the teaching of TQN Suryalaya amaliyah all brothers. The edict, among others:
    In Sirnarasa, he called on all the brothers in order to carry out the sunnah prayers amaliyah isti'anah by 4 cycles, 2 times following greeting with a prayer, after ISRO ', istiadah, istiharoh.
    In Spain, he set Lagam uniformity in Khotaman.
    Airport Abu Dhabi, October 21, 2014, 6:34 AM local time / 9:34 pm. (Prayer Sunna "Thanks Ni'mat). Pengersa Abah stated:" Prayer of Gratitude Ni'mat do with 2 roka'at, as many (infinite), anywhere and anytime. Ayat after letter Alfatihah is 34 letters of Ibrahim, the first rokaat: "Wa maa sa aataakum min kulli-altumuuhu, wa laa inta'udduu ni'matallohi tuh shuuhaa". In the second roka'at: "Innal insaana lazholuumun kaffar". After the greeting, bowed down to read: "Allohuma laka sajadtu, wabika aamantu walaka aslamtu sajada wajhiya lilladzi kholaqohu showarohu wa wa wa syaqqo sam'ahu bashorohu bi haulihi waquwwatihi tabaarokallohu Ahsanul khooliqiin".
    In Turky, Friday, October 24, 2014 on a bus, Kusadasi, 10:34 AM local time. Intimation Abah Aos: "Pre Manaqib, read Al Fatiha, Al Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and An Nas For World Civilization. After" To Triumph of Religion and State "(read: For the Glory of Religion and State of World Civilization, Al Fatihah ...) ,
    Istambul, Turky. Tuesday, October 28, 2014. The declaration Abah Aos; "Al Fatihah 4th Khotaman or Tawassul, sentence;" Wa wa Muslimatin Muslims ", dicukupkan (not used). So it becomes:" ... wa wa ila arwahi kulli waliyyin waliyatin, min masyariqil ardhi ...).
    In Manaqib Istiqlal Mosque dated February 21, 2015 pengersa Abah Aos issued edict, that every Manaqib implemented is in commemoration of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad, anywhere and at any time.
    In Jakarta, he called on all brothers TQN PPS wherever located, alone or in congregation, from Friday 6 to 14 March 2015, the Asr prayer every ba'da implement Khotaman by reading Yaa Lathif as much as 129 times.
    Medina, March 7, 2015. Hours 22:00 WAS. He is chanting sholawat and greetings to the king. And he maklumatkan that it didawamkan every evening after evening prayer and dhikr.
    Medina-Mecca, dated March 9, 2015, pengersa Abah delivered starting today:
    Each entered a restroom or bathroom directly ablution.
    The timing of the Duha prayer returned again as in the days of Sheikh Abdulloh Mubarok Bin Nur Muhammad (Abah Sepuh), namely at 07.00 am.
    In Sirnarasa, starting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, he called on all the brothers that bedtime reading, "Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim ,. Naruddu Bikal a'daau minkulli wijhatin wabil Seismic tarmihim bu'di bissatat terminal. Allohuma Haafizhun Hayyun Laa Yanam", to sleep.
    In Prapanca, Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Pengersa Abah mengijazahkan Uluk regards Rijalul Ghoib. Note from KH. Arifin Muhammad Sholeh Hujatul: Before reading Rijalul Ghoib, so beruluk greetings in advance to pengersa Abah Aos.
    At Jagat Throne, Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 08.00 am. All the brothers were asked to fast Rojab, on Thursday, then Friday night the first night prayers in Rojab.
    In Bandung, he urged and warned that the Brotherhood and Akhwat all counted Tuesday, May 12, 2015, to say / answer, "Aamiin" in a loud, compact, and the congregation throughout the temple of prayer Hadrotu Sheikh Abdulloh Mubarok Bin Nur Muhammad (Abah Sepuh) in each reading Tanbih.
    To all of the Ikhwan-Akhwat TQN PP Suryalaya. Abah appealed as of Wednesday, May 13, 2015 in order to homogenize amaliyah reading tawasul against all Genealogist TQN PPs contained in strands Dhikr Daily, Khotaman, and Tawasul with reference to the guidance of the editors of Pengersa Abah Sepuh following: "Thumma ila arwaahi experts silsilatil Qodiriyyah Naqsyabandiyah Ma'had Suryalaya wa jami'i ahlit thuruqi..dst ".
    One by one pengersa Abah guidance for all of his students, to always increase amaliyahnya that will deliver the student up to Allah SWT. Not likely that someone will be up to Allah just capitalize charity little too far from sincerity (full of love). Moreover, accompanied with bad traits dominate a person's heart, such as; hatred, verbal unguarded, vanity, etc. All that will cover our hearts, thus becoming dark, unable to see the bright light from his Lord. As word of Allah SWT. in Surat An Nur verse 35: "Allah (giver) light (to) the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is like a hole that is not transparent, in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass (and) the glass as if -will star (glowing) like pearls, which is lit with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) olive tree, neither of the east (anything) nor of the west (her), whose oil (only) almost- almost luminous, though no fire touched. light upon light (multi-layered), Allah guides to His light whom he wills, and Allah perpetrate parables for mankind, and Allah knows all things. "

    Thank you, O my Master Eminence, though hobbled himself is following footprints ... sometimes creeping, sometimes crawling, sometimes sitting, sometimes standing, sometimes run fast, run fast, then fell back (shuffle). Turns let alone to pursue, is behind this self alone could not. But I still hope to be recognized as a student, though he is only a burden to you ...

    Until finally you said, "not overtaken But None Disadvantaged, Come Together Alone Great Teacher". Isro 'and Mi'roj Prophet Muhammad. occurred while other people are still sleeping. So if you want to increase, "When everyone else had gone to bed, we were still up. When other people do not wake us awake. The heart is only love Abah Anom, eyes only see Abah Anom, ear only listen Abah Anom." That is how he already mortal fi sheikh himself has been melting along the Great Master. Word of Allah in the Qur'an Surat Al Araf verse 179: "and verily We made for (the content of hell) most of the jinn and humans, they have hearts, but failed to use to understand (the verses of Allah), and they have eyes (but) did not he used to see (the signs of Allah), and they have ears (but) did not he used to hear (the verses of Allah). they as cattle, nay even more astray. they are the heedless ones. Beruraian these tears regretting the stupidity and laziness. Hopefully terbonceng on top of your vehicle that General to get to Hadirot Allah Azza Wa Jalla, Aamiin.

    Lovers Tafakur Sanctity of Life

    Rojab 1436 H / May 2015


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