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    DUE Fight GUARDIAN Allah

    DUE Fight GUARDIAN Allah

    Abah Aos
    The main task of the Prophets and Rosullulloh is called on all people to worship only to Allah and not menyekutukannya with anything. There is no god who has the right to be worshiped but Allah, "La ilaha Illalloh". Word Rosullulloh Saw. "Afdholu maaqulta ana wanabiyana, min qauli laailaha Illalloh" - The main thing I said and spoken earlier prophets, There is no God but Allah.

    Thus the Great the sentence, the sentence only to humans in amanahkan, as the Word of Allah Ta'ala. in the Qur'an Surah Al Ahzab verse 72-73: "Verily, We have raised the trust to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, then everything is reluctant to assume the mandate and they feared would betray, and dipikullah Kerygma by men. Truly man it is very unjust and very ignorant, so that Allah punishes the hypocrites, men and women, and the idolaters men and women; and so that Allah accepts repentance of the believers men and women. and Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful "(Surat al-Ahzab [33]: 72-73).

    It was narrated from Ali ibn Abi Talib Karramallahu wajhah, he said: "I heard a man's lord Muhammad said: Junjungan angel, Gabriel said: I'm not down with carrying a sentence greater than the phrase La ilaha illa. With the sentence sky, earth, mountains, trees, land and ocean surface. Remember the sentence he is a sentence that safety is high. "(Miftahus Shudur, KH. A. Tajul Shahibul Wafa 'Arifin)

    That Syaiyidina "Ali k.w. asked the Prophet:" O Messenger of tunjukilah I shortest way-in short to God and that as easy as possible and most importantly, can be reached by a servant in the sight of Allah ?. Then Speak Muhammad: "Should you do dhikrullah eternal (dhikr Dawam) and the statement that the most important ever done and done by the Prophets before me, that is La ilaha illallaah. If ditmbang seven disastrous heaven and earth in a single leaf scales, and sentence laailaha illallaah the scales the other one, then it would be heavier sentence laailaha Illallah in leaves of scales ".

    As described above, that the task of the Prophet which was then forwarded by the Wali of Allah is to uphold the sentence Monotheism, sentences whose roots plunged to earth leaves reaching to the sky that always gives its fruit in every season, as the Word of Allah, "Do you not see how God has made parable good sentence like a good tree, its roots are firm and its branches (towering) into the sky. the tree gives its fruit in every season by the permission of God. God made it parables to mankind so that they always remember. (QS. Ibrahim: 24- 25).

    Then surely the duty of Wali Allah to mensyiarkan laailaha Illalloh sentence, because the scholars are the successors of the Prophet, as the Word Rosullulloh Saw. "Al 'ulama-u warosatul anbiya". Of course, in enforcing the sentence must be the challenges and obstacles of the human race who do not want enforcement of the sentence that the Supreme, which usually comes from the unbelievers or from the class of hypocrites. But remember, if istiqomah in the propaganda struggle Insha Allah will always get help by Allah SWT. Said Sheikh Mohamed Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul, "Though the people to turn upside down, it will not obstruct the enforcement of sentences mampu.menghalang the Great."

    From Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: "Verily, Allah said:" Whoever is hostile guardian (lover) my then indeed I have announced the war to him. It is not my servant closer to me with a (righteous deeds) the more I loved from the deeds that I have enjoined him (in Islam), and always my servant closer to me with deeds extra (which recommended in Islam) so I also loved her. Then if I have loved my servant, I will always guide him in his hearing, guided him in his vision, led the work of his hands and straight in his footsteps. If she appealed to me and I will fulfill his request, and if he asks My protection and I will give him protection. I do not hesitate to do something that I should do such doubts to (revoke) a believer's life (to me), he does not like death and I do not want to hurt him ". HSR al-Bukhari (5/2384, no. 6137).

    Be careful, do not try to antagonize his Wali. It will cause you to get a variety of troubles, from the smallest to the largest. Had heart pengersa Abah Aos not filled with compassion, undoubtedly will be many people who will suffer and get a variety of distress as a result of hostile to him. The rich become poor, healthy become sick, the field becomes narrower, pious being ignorant, wise become spiteful, glorious became abject, the highest rank to be low, the wise grows zholim. That's the result of his hostile Wali, adaikan not removed by the glory of morality and Marine Mahabbah (Love) of the saints and prophets to his people, a heart filled with love undoubtedly Allah Ta'ala. will lower his doom. Love and affection in that is the cause of Allah Ta'ala. His held their doom.

    Word of Allah Almighty (in the hadith above), which means, "It is not my servants closer to Me with anything more I love than with the things that I have enjoined. My servant endlessly approached to Me with devotions sunnah until I love him. "

    Allah Almighty says, which means, "Remember the trustees of Allah, there is no fear on them and they did not grieve. (Namely) those who believe and always fear Allah." [Yunus / 10: 62-63 ]

    And the word of Allah Ta'ala. "(Those who are righteous are) those who restrain anger and forgive the mistakes (of others). Allah loves those who do good. "(Surah Al 'Imran: 134).

    From Abu Huraira Allaah 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "It is not charity that reduces treasure, and it is not God adds to the slave by giving his apology (his brother) but the glory (of the world and the Hereafter), and it is not a person humble themselves for God unless He will exalt (degrees) it (in this world and the hereafter). "(HR. Muslim, no. 2588 and other priests).

    Lovers Tafakur Sanctity of Life

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