Sinopsis Queen Seondeok Episode 62 - Tamat

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    Sinopsis Queen Seondeok Episode 62 - Tamat

    In Wyol Seong,
    People yelled and cheered. Queen above posdium see it with pleasure. Al Cheon worried about the Queen and the Queen's health began to feel the pressure of this crisis and almost fainted. Queen issued a cold sweat and struggle with consciousness, the Queen waved to the people then left the podium with his entourage, when the Queen almost to the palace, the queen slipped and almost fell. Al Cheon won the Queen's hand and apologized for his rudeness, Al Cheon want to hold the Queen.

    Queen said many people who still see them. Queen said he was still able to walk into her room. Al Cheon off his hand with the obedient and the Queen took a breath dalam2 to try to walk. Kim Yu shin felt there was something wrong with the Queen.

    (Queen of the possibility of heart attacks, with symptoms: pain and defiantly comfortable in the middle of the chest, pendek2 breath, cold sweat, his head lightly.)

    As they cheered, one sees strangeness in the sky, there was a shooting star. (Actually, not at all falling star falling star, but dust and batu2 called meteroid fall into Earth's atmosphere and burns due to contact with oxygen. If it works batu2 flakes fall to the earth, will be called a meteor.)

    At that time, by chance the Queen fell and sank. Al Cheon trying to hold back the Queen and the Queen struggling with his breathing. Kim Chun Chu, Yu Shin Kim, Seo Hyun Kim came to the Queen and the Queen murmured, calm ... quiet .. Al Cheon ordered brought a stretcher. Al Cheon's men immediately ran to take a stretcher. Kim Yu Shin asked what happened. Al Cheon only show a worried face. Kim Yu Shin looked at the Queen who tried to breathe and struggled with his breathing. Then the people cry out for falling stars.

    While in Myeonghwal Sanseong, Bi Dam and its allies also see the same phenomenon and said that the star had fallen in Wyolseong and say this is evidence that Wyolseong heavens will be destroyed and conquered. Era Wyolseong and his luck was over. Wyolseong will be rivers of blood and Bi Dam drew his sword and said the will of heaven was on their side and together will build new Silla. Yeom Jong lead and cheered live Sangdaedeung Dam Bi .. The nobles also cheered. Bi Dam said to myself: I will be the Silla and you, Deok Man will be mine.

    Physician palace looks worried with pulse diagnosis Queen but Queen asked the court physician to prescribe it for him and that's enough. Court physicians are not too optimistic as the Queen. Al Cheon very worried and feel healer Queen's palace had been completed and asked doctors to go. Court physicians understand and leave. Kim Yu Shin came and asked what the Queen ill. Queen sit and Kim Yu Shin asked the Queen lay there. Queen said he baik2 not necessary and just. This is only mild health problems and if he continues to lie down, his head will feel heavy. Kim Yu Shin asked when the Queen began to feel sick? And what is the result of the diagnosis. Al Cheon and Queen did not reply Yu Shin, Yu Shin kept asking.

    Queen then tells about his dream on the Yu Shin. That is the first moment he arrived in Silla from Taklamakan desert ... Kim Yu Shin surprised when the Queen began to tell stories. Queen said he was dreaming. In it, he is still looking for Moon Noh.

    Deok Young Man asked everyone in the market presence of Moon Noh. Deok Young Man confused with all the answers he received, at a loss to find Moon Deok Noh Man he hit a beautiful white woman dressed almost like a goddess a temple with a mystical aura and then she hugged warmly Deok Young Man. Deok young man protested and tried to break away from her embrace. Deok Man looking at woman in white. Back to the present, the Queen went on that she hugged him with great affection and weeping, but last night after many years, the same dream repeated again and Queen to wonder who he is ... the woman.

    Kim Yu Shin said he wanted to know about the disease and not the Queen of dreams in the past. Al Cheon asked the Queen, whom her Majesty ..? Al Cheon looked at the Yu Shin and shook his head .. it means, do not tanya2 more about Queen disease. Queen is still with his story saying he did not know who she was, because his face was not clear and the Queen could not remember his face. Queen then ordered on Kim Yu Shin that battle strategies that have been filed Yu Shin must be processed by the command of it and be done tonight. Kim Yu Shin understand and obey.

    Kim Yu Shin shock when I discovered Queen's health condition is very severe from benar2 Al Cheon and he did not believe it. Al Cheon also just found out this akhir2. Kim Yu Shin asked how this could happen with the Queen. Al Cheon said, because they are facing a crisis, the Queen does not want his condition spread as rumors and disrupt morale or spirit of the people. That's why the Queen ordered the palace physician to silence on his condition.

    Kim Yu Shin came to see the Queen again who is sleeping with a restless and then remember that the Queen had said she wanted to leave the throne and spent the rest of his time with Bi Dam is the last desire.

    Kim Yu Shin held a briefing with members of the military. Kim Yu Shin said before all the nobles began to join in Myeonghwal Sanseong, they have to hold him and attacked the rebels. Kim Yu Shin said of the four corners of the East, West, South, and North should continue to attack directly to master the fort. Im Jong asked whether they would use a diversion attack. Wyol Ya said diversion tactics are just tricks. Kim Yu Shin said this would be an honest attack there is no trick at all. Kim Yu Shin said the East, West, North and South will wait for the 4th gate opens, and Kim Yu Shin will lead the main force to attack the main gate Myeonghwal Sanseong.

    Bi Dam said that people in Wyolseong want to end this quickly. Mi Saeng confirmed that they have to attack as soon as possible before more and more nobles who joined us. Bi Dam said that the victory would be theirs if they can hold and provide stiff resistance from attack to Myeonghwal Sanseong. They just need to survive until aristocracy Hoyeon and the rest of the other nobles came with his army.

    Sueulbu nobles declared that the troops at the shelter are also headed to Seorabeol. Jae Ho tomorrow morning justify their strength will increase to 5000 elite troops. Jujin said the number of their troops close to 20 thousand this is a fairly large amount. Ha Jong laughs with big numbers. Bi Dam said that before the troops arrived, they should not be provoked to deal with Wyolseong.

    But it must still survive in Myeonghwal Sanseong. Bi Dam said tonight or tomorrow morning is the most critical saat2. Bi Dam said that they have to survive for 2 days and then victory will on the part of them.

    Kim Yu Shin held a briefing for the attack Myeonghwal Sanseong, will be held Al Cheon defense to attack. Al Cheon already received permission Queen officially gave the order on the Al Cheon to help the attack. (Al Cheon also missed the war hehe ..). If Al Cheon succeed, Im Jong Deok Chung, Baek Eui, Wyol Yes and his troops will attack continuously in the four corners of the castle gate. Kim Seo Hyun his doubts on the strategy Yu Shin, because benar2 draining all their resources or troops. How are they going to take care of logistics and command control. Al Cheon agree if they hear the trumpets of war, then the enemy will hear it. If they use fire flares, will not be seen by the troops because of the castle surrounded by mountains so they will not see the signal.

    Kim Yong Chun asked whether there are signs that can be seen by all our forces but the enemy will not even notice and can not detect it as a signal. Kim Yu Shin said, because there is a shooting star that looks at Wyolseong the spirit of the military member to be down. Kim Yu Shin said he would make "stars" back to space again and it will be a signal.

    Yes Wyol Gwoljangno troops with fire projectiles to attack the defense Myeonghwal Sanseong. Arrow eruptions began on his target. Hwang Seon Yun Yeol and chanted: Attack! and their close and direct defense shield to hold the arrows. But still, there are taxable.

    Wyol Yes, Seo Ji, and Dae Pung raided the first layer and Al Cheon wait, Al Cheon Guk San signaled by Heun and Yang Gil to attack the defense line. Wyol Ya beat Seon Yeol. (Also see fellow Hwarang sad like this ..) Meanwhile, Hwang Yun fought bravely to survive and then sounding the trumpet. Al Cheon rushed towards him and dropped the trumpet and then conquer Hwang Yun. Guk Dae Pung San Heun and went to Al Cheon and ordered them to go and get ready. Yang Gil took the torch and began to swing to signal. Large Layang2 started up with a statue of flaming straw attached.

    Jong Bo came in and reported that the defense line of attack. This is surprising ally Bi Dam. Bo Jong berkaa they were attacked by troops Gwoljangno. They were attacked in the North, South and near the river there is movement of the enemy. Ha Jong surprise, they were attacked from four directions.

    Mi Saeng said it would attack camouflage. Sueulbu nobles say this is only design to fabricate that this frontal attack. Jujin said they might sneak to attack from behind. Ha Jong said they should send troops to resist the attack. Bi Dam says no need for these tactics and they will launch his strategy. Although the attack did not come from the primary troops Yu Shin Kim, but the deployment of the supporting force is definitely not from the primary troops Kim Yu shin and will not deploy troops to fight with them.

    If we can survive until tomorrow morning, victory will be ours. Bi Dam ordered Bo Jong and Phil And to keep their defense and do not engage too much, increase it and watch the movement of enemy defenses with diam2 and report back to Bi Dam. Jong Bo and Phil and understand and leave.

    Yeom Jong-in and called Bi Dam and raving that there is something beyond that must be seen Bi Dam. Troops in Myeonghwal Sanseong look to the sky and they say that the stars that fell yesterday now risen again to the sky and they panic. Bi Dam and its allies came out to see the star that rises to the heavens. Ha Jong asked whether this is true? Mi Saeng realize it was fake, and it actually layang2. Bi Dam asked what kite. Mi Saeng explains that a large kite tied with straw dolls were burned. This is a trick. Yeom Jong said that this might be to raise the spirit of their troops. Bi Dam said on the contrary this is a sign ... a sign of the military. This is to divert the attention of their troops.

    Defense forces in Myeonghwal Sanseong investigating layang2 diam2 and disturbed by eruptions. Im Jong and his troops managed to climb the walls of the fort and disable the guard with their assault. Im Jong ordered that the gate was opened after his paralyzing the enemy. Wyol Yes, Al Cheon, and Seo Ji enter through the gate and they split up in the castle and followed with a run from behind the San Tak in disguise and looking for Bi Dam.

    Jae Ho reported on Bi Dam that successfully penetrated the East gate. And Phil came and reported that the South gate was also attacked by troops and Deok Baek Eui Chung. Ha Jong surprised how impenetrable the South gate. Mi Saeng asked what really happened. Bi Dam ordered to immediately deploy troops to East and South gate and direct them into the fortress where Bi Dam will meet their own and lead the battle against them. Jae Ho and Phil And understand.

    Bi Dam went to his room at San Nothing appears in the front. Bi Dam asked what happened. San Tak greets Dam Bi and whispered in his ear that makes Bi Bi Dam Dam looked startled and his eyes empty and Bi Dam looked shocked when he walked away.

    Yeom Jong said on Jujin and Sueulbu that they must flee from the castle. Lord Jujin agree if the gate had penetrated the East and South, sooner or later the whole castle will fall. Yeom Jong said that the army is on Gyesanjae Hoyeon nobility and ask them to go through the gate and the North West and tried to escape from the second gate. Lord Jujin and Sueulbu understand and hurried away.

    Yeom Jong tidy dokumen2 on the table when Bi Dam entrance, Yeom Jong said the Bi Dam they had to get out of the fort to escape. After their exit from the fort they would meet royal troops Hoyeon and face them in Dang San and asked Bi Dam to hurry. Bi Dam just stood there and Yeom Jong realize there are peculiarities in Bi Dam. And asked what was wrong.

    Bi Dam near Yeom Jong and call him "bastard" Yeom Jong surprised with kata2 Bi Dam. Bi Dam said Yeom Jong, San Heuk palace guards. Yeom Jong laughter that finally Bi Dam know well and know the truth. Bi Dam seen with blood thirsty Yeom Jong.

    Meanwhile, the East gate open, Yu Shin Kim troops went in and announced that it has successfully penetrated the eastern gate and secured. Kim Yu Shin turned slowly toward his horse with his troops and ordered them to destroy the rebel who became an enemy of Silla and executing them. Shin Yu's troops advanced to cheer along with Kim Yu shin.

    Yeom Jong Dam Bi face, so it's all the doings and crimes. Yeom Jong said this is a weakness Dam Bi, Bi Dam always find a reason for everything. Yeom Jong Noh said that Moon was killed by him and this rebellion instigated by him and persuade Bi Dam to wielding a sword against the Queen, it's all a deception strategy, right? Yeom Jong laugh that without interference Yeom Jong, Bi Dam also will kill the Moon Noh sake of having a book topography 3 countries. Bi Dam grabbed Yeom Jong-collar and told him to shut up. Yeom Jong said that even without him, Bi Dam will do anything to get the Queen to him, is not that true?

    Bi Dam could only scream at Yeom Jong to be quiet. Yeom Jong're telling the truth on Bi Dam, that as long as 10 years ago only to achieve political power Bi Dam've done a lot of tactics and machinations to get it and asked why could that be ... because the Moon Noh was away, to fulfill the last will and testament Mi Shil or because of provocation that makes Yeom Jong Dam Bi do it? Yeom Jong said it is definitely not that. Yeom Jong pointed toward the chest Bi Dam (liver) and say it all comes from within your own soul. Bi Dam wanted to become king because actual ambition is to become King and have it all.

    Bi Dam said what it is that Yeom Jong thinking? You're wrong because I do not like it, I simply and Yeom Jong said yes ... it is loyalty. Yeom Jong asked whether this is the reason Bi Dam of loyalty tiba2 become unmanageable and become self-destructive and cause his downfall. Yeom Jong admitted that he helped a little and then asked what. If loyalty is realized, what ultimately think Dam Bi will be different. Yeom Jong said the opposite, Bi Dam remains will rebel even without provocation, and why could that be, it is because of fragility and insecurity of your own. Yeom Jong said Bi Dam will always feel insecure in his mind when and where the Queen will leave it or throw it away.

    This is because phobias and fears which make Bi Dam could not believe the Queen. Bi Dam loosen its grip on Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong said Bi Dam always be people like that. Yeom Jong said, Bi Dam never thought that he would and should trust that person, otherwise Bi Dam think when people will stop believing ... when Bi Bi Dam Dam will be removed and that's all there is always a dipikiran Bi Dam.

    Bi Dam shouted for Yeom Jong stop. Yeom Jong laughed and said: Do you know and realize that the queen until the end of the fixed trust you without the slightest doubt?

    Bi Dam hit by the truth kata2 Yeom Jong and must rely on his chair because of shaking, he was digesting the truth. Yeom Jong said the Bi Dam, you're the one who does not believe it and the person who caused the collapse of loyalty and create damage and the fall is not the Queen but none other than the Bi Dam itself. Bi Dam confused and desperate. Yeom Jong laugh and he would go when Bi Dam to stop it and then drew his sword and thrust in the direction Yeom Jong and pull it out make Yeom Jong fell limp in the chair, dying and dead. (It's too late however ..)

    Bi Dam muttered that he did not like it. Mi Saeng go looking for Bi Dam that he must immediately leave through the north gate as soon as she saw the corpse Yeom Jong. Mi Saeng begin to know the truth when he muttered Dam Bi is not like that. Dam Bi Mi Saeng go but keep walking.

    Bi Dam: out of the way!
    Mi Saeng: Kill me first if you want to go. Mi Saeng laughs.
    Mi Saeng menterawakan himself. How could he believe this idiot is proportional to his brother. How could he be naive and stupid as this. Bi Dam rid Mi Saeng.

    Mi Saeng: What a fool I believe idiots like you and try to achieve this great ambition benar2 laughingstock. My sister had miscalculated with you.
    Bi Dam: big ambition! For the objectives and targets Mi Shil I was born, and for the goals and targets Moon Noh I grew up. Great mission, what it is not targetmu?

    Mi Saeng: My sister and leave you throw and Moon Noh do not give love and affection when we raise you and your loyalty to intervene and block. See here, Bi Dam ... Hyeong Jongku affection. If you wish to try and think to deny it all, is not you who destroyed the loyalty? You are a sad mistake. People who can destroy you is yourself. No one, no matter what, no one can destroy you unless you destroy yourself, you're pathetic.
    Bi Dam: Why did you wait until now just tell me.

    Mi Saeng: already been said. My brother already told you, duke of Seol Won also said it and I also. The whole world is telling you. You're the one who did not hear it. hhh ...

    Myeonghwal, Baek Eui Lord Jujin herding, Sueulbu. Yu Shin looked at them, followed by Ho Jae, Phil, and (sad as well, Mark had sama2 Hwarang ..) And Im Jong Deok Chung came in and reported they had conquered Myeonghwal Sanseong, and pursuing other rebels. Deok Chung said that Bi Dam, Jong Ha, Jong Mi Saeng and Bo have not been caught and it seems they managed to escape. Kim Yu Shin said they are not likely to escape, because all roads have been closed. Kim Yu Shin command to check the Yangsan and Muhwasan and surrounding areas Myeonghwal sanseong. Im Jong Deok Chung understand.

    Queen arrives in Fort Myeonghwal San Seong, he was greeted by Kim Yu shin. Queen: What you want to say, say so. Kim Yu Shin asked after Bi Dam was arrested, what will be the Queen. Queen: What are you afraid I forgive him? Shin Yu said yes. Queen insists he had issued orders that the Bi Dam is the enemy of the state and decided that he should be killed. Queen asked why Kim Yu Shin discuss it anymore. Kim Yu Shin sighed and queen looked sad but she had to do it.

    Saeng and Ha Jong Mi was in front of the tomb Mi Shil. Ha Jong asked whether his uncle sorry. Mi Saeng regret what I have said, it is definitely not. Mi Saeng born a great man, I've become a father for more than 100 people have embraced many children and women. Mi Saeng was using his ability with a maximum and had obtained political power again and descended from there. This is very exciting and extraordinary. Ha Jong said he was jealous of his uncle. Mi Saeng laughed and said at least still counted Jong Ha Kim Yu Shin's father-in-law, this would save his life so no problem.

    Ha Jong asked what is true. Mi Saeng laughs they've been here, looking Im Jong and his army. Im Jong Mi Saeng and ran to hide behind Ha Jong Mi Saeng as a shield, Im Jong surround them. Im Jong read their charges and then arrest them for crimes committed in the name of the royal command. (You have a right to Remain silence, everything you say will from be charged againts you haha ..) Mi Saeng just laughed.

    San Tak and Bi Dam walk and San Tak said, this road to the headquarters of the Queen. Bi Dam: then .. San Tak said if Bi Dam continues then he will be caught. Bi Dam: yes, you're right .. go, now you can go. San Not surprised he would be relieved of assigned and asked where he should go and what to do with Bi Dam if he went away from his side. Bi Dam said that even if they they have been surrounded, San Tak will probably find a way to escape easily. Bi Dam gave jewelry to appreciate San No: Go away from here and remove the memory of this place and never use a sword again but live from the plow and the hoe.

    San was asked whether the plan Bi Dam why say that, San No worry Bi Dam. Bi Dam: nothing to say to him, I have to go to say it. San Tak said however that if Bi Dam continues to get there he would not invite .. San Bi Dam went with him. Bi Dam smiled and asked for San Tak quickly go.

    Bi Dam went and San Not with all my heart bowed his face to the ground to salute and farewell to Bi Dam. San Bi Dam was seen walking away and San was turned, tiba2 his surprise, he shot arrows.

    Baek Eui and his troops had caught up with them. San Tak in his last saat2 shouted: Sangdaedeung quick run! Bi Dam looked back and forces rained San Baek Eui Not with arrows. San Tak spewed fresh blood and collapsed to the ground. Baek Eui read the charges to Bi Dam. Bi Dam said: Whoever is killing me, his name will forever go down in history! Bi Dam sword to welcome Baek Eui and his troops, Bi Dam paralyze them with brutally until she approached the compound, Bi Dam continued to slaughter anyone who is in front. (Yes rich Musashi ..)

    Al Cheon report on the Queen to anticipate Bi Dam will go here. There were reports he was seen in the forest near here and he headed for the headquarters. Kim Yu Shin asked whether Bi Dam has been arrested. Al Cheon said Bi Dam refused were arrested and are now engaged in combat with troops in the field of slaughter. Queen, Kim Yu Shin, and Al Cheon went out to see Bi Dam.

    Troops surrounded the Bi Dam. Bi Dam sword in his hands tied with rope and swung it around like a spinning chain and clear-cutting whoever is in front of him. Then the road opened for Kim Yu shin to deal with Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin approached and said Bi Dam was completed and ended, do not continue this slaughter and go with him. Bi Dam to see the Queen dikejauhan look towards it and ask whether it's Queen Shin Yu. Kim Yu shin asked to stop their resistance. Bi Dam human mind is a fragile creature with feelings of weakness to feel able to withstand the burden of the dream is very naive.

    Bi Dam in his own world and not aware with the situation said on Kim Yu Shin that they remembered they had not determined who the winner. Bi Dam prepare yourself and say should be decided and Kim Yu Shin had to do it.

    Kim Yu shin sword both are involved in heavy fighting but Bi Dam started coming toward the Queen. Kim Yu Shin ordered troops to block access to the Queen Bi Dam. Bi Dam tried to suppress the formation of troops who tried to hold him but managed to overcome the formation of Bi Dam, and he became closer to the Queen. Kim Yu Shin shouted they should withhold access to the Queen.

    Bi Dam said to himself that victory was hers, I just wanted to talk to him. Bi Dam kept surging forward toward the Queen and he fought very bravely, he dropped every person in front of him. Queen saw Bi Dam to break through army barricades. Bi Dam said to myself: 70 steps away .. that separates me with Deok Man, then continue to try advancing towards the Queen and slaughter anyone that way.

    Wyol Yes come and report Gwoljangno troops arrived. Seo Ji directly ruled Gwoljangno troops to take positions and prepared to shoot. Seo Ji: Shoot! Bi Dam tried to avoid the rush of arrows. Bi Dam attracted a soldier becomes tamengnya but he finally got some shots too, Queen closed her eyes. Bi Dam wounded but still tries to stagger forward, he calculated: 30 steps away ... toward Deok Man. Then kills again a few soldiers who attacked him, Bi Dam fought to stay alive.

    Gwoljangno troops retreated. Bi Dam Baek Eui have to deal with, Im Jong Deok Chung, and Wyol Yes. Bi Dam was still able to overcome them, Bi Dam rests with his blood stained sword and stood and counted, 10 steps in the direction .. .. Deok Man. Queen choked see persistence Bi Dam to advance toward him, then Al Cheon and Kim Yu Shin menghalaunya help and stabbed Bi Dam just not so deep but enough to keep him. Bi Dam is still reeling toward the Queen with his last breath 2.

    Kim Yu shin with his sword held Dam Bi, Bi Dam to see the queen cry. Dam Bi Yu Shin turned to pleading with the views and Kim Yu Shin shook his head, do not go again .. But Bi Dam keep moving forward and trying to grab the Queen with her hand, Kim Yu Shin no choice .. he menikamkan dalam2 sword towards Bi Dam. Bi Dam menggumankan something in his last breath and then when Kim Yu Shin drew his sword .. ka Bi Dam collapsed ground with his arms still outstretched towards the Queen and died.

    Queen took a few steps toward the body's Dam Bi and Al Cheon knees then all kneel before the Queen.

    Queen: Now the rebels are wiped out and completed. Now for Silla, what is there to Silla is all have to unite under one mind, one will, spirit and strength to go to realize the unification of the three Han big ambitions. Queen said to all the officials, nobles, Hwarang, military, and its people to meet the ambitions and hopes. Queen asked to announced that the rebellion was over and asked that this decision was declared to the whole country.

    Then Al Cheon stand up and lead all the shouting and cheering for the Queen, Queen live .. live the Queen all cheered. Queen of broken hearts Dam Bi seeing corpses on the ground, tiba2 he lost balance and fell to the ground, before fainting Queen looked at the Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon ran to him and yelled for the Queen Queen conscious but unconscious.

    Queen became aware of fainting and Princess Man Myeong asked about the Queen, Princess Man Myeong very worried. Queen asked how long he was unconscious, Man Princess Empress Myeong answer was unconscious for 3 days and nights. Princess Man Myeong asked how the Queen can not say anything to her health condition, the Queen was seriously ill. Queen said that life and death is a cycle of life, there is no need to be announced. Queen looks resigned to her fate.

    Al Cheon entrance and pleased that the Queen was aware. Queen agreed and said Al Cheon must be very difficult when he is not conscious. Al Cheon said not apa2 and the Queen does not need to apologize, all baik2 only from now until later. Queen said that from today until the future, Al Cheon will work even harder, a lot of things that require the attention of Al Cheon. Queen asked him to take positions that are now empty Sangdaedeung. Al Cheon looked in doubt Queen confirms this and immediately carry out his orders. Al Cheon accept her new position with a full appreciation for the generosity of the Queen.

    Queen meets Yu Shin Kim, the Queen asked what was whispered in the ears Dam Bi Yu Shin before he died. Kim Yu Shin said he did not dare say so and ask the Queen forgave him because he could not tell the Queen. Queen insisted that Kim Yu Shin told him what was said Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin still insisted on not really reveal the problem and forget about it, and the Queen gave orders for him mangatakan Yu Shin, Yu Shin Kim sighed,

    Bi Dam said .. Yu Shin remember just before the death of Bi Dam Deok Man ... continuously with a soft tone.

    Kim Yu Shin said that did not deserve to call the Queen in a tone like that. Queen remembers saying to Bi Dam no one should call him by name. Bi Dam insists he will call his name. Queen replied that if Bi Dam do that because your loyalty, the world would think that as a big threat. Queen's tears as he recounted it. Queen want to get out the streets with Kim Yu shin. Kim Yu Shin comply, the Queen wanted to look at the sky and earth, the queen wanted to see everything.

    Queen sits on a ridge overlooking the skyline. Most likely in Taebaeksan. Kim Yu Shin closer to the Queen. Queen said the scenery is very somber and quiet. Kim Yu Shin said spring would come soon and the flowers will bloom and grow daun2 pohon2 new and will be a green surface once again. Queen murmured: spring .. Shin Yu and call and say, there are many people who come to him and some separately. Some came to protect her, some involved in the conflict and there is also a Queen paused for a moment he .. because it's painful and menyesakkannya him .. who loves me. So many people come and go, but in the end only one person is left and the faithful is Kim Yu shin.

    Queen said they had experienced many things and fight and be able to handle this because the Queen could probably lived with Kim Yu Shin by his side. Yu Shin Kim thanked the Queen. Queen said that Kim Yu Shin Silla will be able to fulfill the dreams of this nation and surrender peacefully on Kim Yu shin. Queen said the purpose of unification of three kingdoms if they are not able to realize this ambition, they will never know or guarantee whether they can defend the sovereignty of this country that they will not know where the border will fall.

    Kim Yu Shin understand and realize that. Then the Queen told Kim Yu Shin about his dreams when he first arrived in Gyerim, he now knows who the woman who held her in his dreams. Kim Yu Shin asked who he is His Majesty say to me. Queen looked up at the sky.

    Time passed several years, at the Tomb of Queen Seon-Deok, an elderly man waiting in the tomb and an old officer approached. They are Al Cheon and Kim Yu Shin both of them are old. Kim Yu Shin greets Al Cheon. Kim Yu Shin said he heard Al Cheon retired and hidden life turns out you're here. Al Cheon Shin Yu returned the greeting and he heard fighting in Hwangsanbeol (Silla and Baekje, th 660) is a fierce battle.

    Kim Yu Shin said nothing, all the same fierce battle. Shin Yu said that Al Cheon benar2 is Commander guardian of the Queen Seon Deok to the end. Al Cheon smiling and facing toward the tomb of Queen, His Majesty is Yu Shin. Shin Yu was defeated Baekje and Goguryeo maybe later. Kim Yu Shin salute in front of the tomb of Queen, and Kim Yu Shin remember when the Taebaeksan.

    Taebaeksan, Queen resume now he knew who the woman who wept and hugged him. Kim Yu Shin asked who it was the noble, whether mothers or caregivers So Hwa late Queen Maya.

    Queen said: Yu Shin if you remember some time ago, we wanted to go and run away if you remember that incident .. if we still can do it now. Kim Yu Shin said he was too embarrassed and why mention it again ... tiba2 Queen Queen leaned back in his chair and put his hand to grip the chair to see the sights and then she sobbed and closed his eyes and died. Queen's hand fell limp from the chair and said nothing. Kim Yu Shin sees it and realizes that the Queen had just died Seon Deok and Kim Yu Shin cried seeing the hand of the Queen of rigid and called the Queen and see the Queen is very peaceful.

    (This incident in the medical world that is known as the Lazarus phenomenon that shows a behavior that is almost dead but it looks very healthy for a while before the person enters his death. Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus after 4 days off.)

    Deok Young Man walking to and fro looking for Moon Noh, he asked each person where the Moon Noh, what do you know Moon Noh etc. Suddenly a woman with a white shirt approached him and hugged him warmly. Deok Young Man tries to break away and asked why did you hug me and then she let go of his arms and Deok man saw the woman. The woman walks away and Deok Young Man called and asked why he tiba2 hug for no reason. Deok Man shouted at the woman who turned in the direction Deok Man and it turns out she was Queen Seon Deok. Queen sees himself.

    Queen in her mind: Deok Man, from now until the next road that you go through will be very heavy and difficult and also full of suffering and pain. You will lose the people you love .. You will be very lonely, will be much quieter than a dry desert ..
    Deok Young Man: hey! Who are you? Why are you crying?

    Queen in her mind: Looks like you will have and get everything in the world but to be honest you have nothing.
    Deok Young Man: It's really weird ... you people ..!

    Deok Young Man walking away but stopped and looked back toward the Queen Seon-Deok, and walk again. Queen Seo Deok Deok look from afar at a young man who seeks Moon Noh ..

    Queen in mind: You must be strong and steadfast ... you have to understand?

    Queen finally speaks, you must be strong ... you have to strengthen ourselves.

    Queen Seon-Deok smile.

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