History Persib

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    History Persib

    Prior named Persib, in Bandung stood Bandoeng Inlandsche Voetball Bond (BIVB) in about 1923. BIVB This is one of the organization the struggle of the nationalists. Noted as the General Chairman is Mr BIVB. Syamsudin which is then forwarded by the son of a woman warrior Goddess Sartika, namely R. Atot.

    Atot this reason, registered as a Commissioner of the first area of West Java. BIVB utilize Tegallega field stands in front of a horse race. BIVB teams entered the game several times outside the city like Yogyakarta and Jakarta Jatinegara.

    BIVB then disappeared and came two other clubs are also colored by nationalist Indonesia namely Bandung Indonesian Football Association (PSIB) and the National Voetball Bond (NVB).

    On March 14, 1933, both clubs had agreed to do fusion and was born the gathering that called Persib who then choose Anwar St. Pamoentjak as General Chairman. The clubs are joined into Persib is READY, Soenda, Singgalang, Diana, the Sun, OVU, RAN, HBOM, Jop, MALTA, and Merapi.

    In Bandung, no matter when it was already established football clubs sponsored by the Dutch people namely Bandung & Omstreken Voetbal Bond (VBBO). This society is often looked down on Persib. It was as if a bevy Persib "second class". VBBO often mocking Persib. It's known games, held by Persib done dipinggiran Bandung-when it-like Tegallega and Ciroyom.

    Society even when it would rather watch the match held VBBO. The location of the match was in the city of Bandung and certainly considered more prestigious, the two field center of the town, UNI and SIDOLIG.

    Persib won the "cold war" and a bevy of football only for the people of Bandung and sekitarnya.Klub-club that had shelter under such VBBO and SIDOLIG UNU joined with Persib. Even VBBO then submit all the usual pitch they use to compete namely UNI Field, Field SIDOLIG (now Stadium Persib), and Field SPARTA (now Stadium Siliwangi). This situation, of course, confirmed the existence Persib in Bandung.

    When Indonesia fell to the Japanese. Football activities of the shadow organization was stopped and her organization banned lam. This not only happens in Bandung, but also throughout the country. With the vacuum itself Persib experience. Moreover, the Japanese colonial government also established a new association that overshadow the sport when it Rengo Kai Tai Iku.

    But as organizations struggle breathing, Persib simply not subject to the wishes of Japan. It officially changed its name Persib with the Japanese last name. But the fighting spirit, purpose and mission Persib as a means of struggle has not changed one bit.

    During Revolution Physical, after Indonesia's independence, Persib back to show their existence. The situation and conditions then forced Persib to not only exist in Bandung. But scattered in different cities, so there Persib in Tasikmalaya, Persib in Sumedang, and Persib in Yogyakarta.

    In those days warriors Siliwangi struggle moved to the capital of Yogyakarta. New in 1948 Persib again stands in Bandung, the hometown of then raised him.
    Dutch Rongrongan come back, VBBO strived to live again by the Netherlands (NICA), although with a name Persib speak Indonesian as part of the strength of national struggle, of course, very vigorously trying to thwart that effort. During the occupation NICA, Persib re-established over the business, among others, doctors Moses, Munadi, H. Alexa, Rd. Sugeng with Chairman Munadi.

    Persib struggle apparently succeeded, so that in Bandung, there is only one football club which is based on the spirit of nationalism Persib. For the purposes of organizational management, the decade 1950 - made a note of these important events. In the period 1953 - 1957 Persib was moved around the end of its secretariat. R. then mayor of Bandung Enoch, waking the Secretariat Persib in Cilentah.

    Early Persib have buildings which are now in Jalan Gurame, is an effort R. Soendoro, a Lieutenant Colonel replubiken just out of the LP Kebonwaru in 1949. At that time, through the stewardship of the lead, facing the R. Soendoro The good friend who happened to Enoch. From the conversation, the Mayor supports and provides a plot of land in Jalan Gurame today.

    At that time, because the financial condition of concern, Persib do not have the funds to build buildings, Soendoro back to the Mayor and stated, "Taneuh Puguh deui, but my ditiungan meeting blue sky," said Soendoro.
    Finally Enoch also help build a building that later suffered two renovations. Gait Soendoro own world football forwarded his son, among others, Soenarto, Soenaryono, Soenarhadi, Risnandar, and Giantoro and grandson Hari Susanto.

    In running the organization a few names that also plays a role in the wheels of Persib organization is Mang Mang Andun and Andi. Both sisters were Persib field. Task two, now followed by a son and daughter, Endang and Ayi since the 90s. In addition to administrative staff also Turahman.

    The first renovation done on the leadership of Col.. CPM Adella (1953-1963). Now Persib secretariat on Jalan Gurame representative that was enough, especially after Chairman H. Revelation Hamijaya (1994 - 1998) to renovate the building into office so that adequate to accommodate a variety of secretarial activities Persib.

    Persib ability to maintain the values and traditions and adjust to the times of course can not be separated from the General Chairman of the figure not only figure capable of managing organizations in the sense for an organization that continues to live, but also a figure who is able to explore the potential and accommodate the existing power, so that Persib gait in the national football scene continues through various works of Persib.

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