EXCITED TO THE BIRTH OF THE PROPHET - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul EXCITED TO THE BIRTH OF THE PROPHET, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.


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In Robi'ul Awwal (Maulud), many among the Muslims who commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. by organizing events both in mosques and homes, invite lots of people to get together to stay in touch, dhikr, reading Qur'an, reading stories about the history of the Prophet's life, charity handing out food, it was all done as an expression excitement gratitude for having been born (come) a Prophet morality is exemplary moral keangungan.

As word of Allah Ta'ala. in the Qur'an, we are encouraged to rejoice in the mercy and grace of Allah SWT. to us. So it is only fair we too rejoice in the blessings and the coming of the Prophet and the Prophet told us his people.

Word of Allah Ta'ala. about Him a Prophet sent as a gift from Allah:

لقد من الله على المؤمنين إذ بعث فيهم رسولا من أنفسهم يتلو عليهم آياته ويزكيهم ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة وإن كانوا من قبل لفي ضلال مبين
That is, "Truly Allah has given gift to those who believe, when Allah sent among them a Messenger from their own ranks, who read to them the verses of Allah, cleaning (soul) them, and teach them the Book and Al Hikmah. And indeed before (the coming of the Prophet), they are really in manifest error ". (QS. Ali Imron (3): 164).

One example that the coming of the Prophet / Prophet it is the gift of Allah SWT:
Before the coming of Islam, all mankind despise women. Never glorify it, think of it as humans do not.
The Greeks saw women as a means of pleasure only.
The Romans give the right to a father or husband to sell daughter or his wife.
Arabs give a child the right to inherit his father's wife. They had no inheritance rights and no right to own property. It also happened in Persia, Hidia and other countries. Arabs when it was usual to bury their daughters alive without sin and error, simply because she is a woman! Allah says about them:
وإذا بشر أحدهم بالأنثى ظل وجهه مسودا وهو كظيم. يتوارى من القوم من سوء ما بشر به أيمسكه على هون أم يدسه في التراب ألا ساء ما يحكمون
That is, "And if someone of them is given the news of (the birth) daughters, was Black (red goes out), his face, and he was very angry. He hide himself from his people because of the bad news to him. Is he going to keep it to bear the humiliation or will bury it in the ground (alive) ?. Know, what was worse what they charge it. "(QS. An-Nahl [16]: 58).

Post-arrival of the Prophet Muhammad, women are honored and given the same rights as men, as His Word:

ولهن مثل الذي عليهن بالمعروف وللرجال عليهن درجة والله عزيز حكيم
That is, "And women have equal rights with obligations under way ma'ruf. But men have a degree of excess rather than his wife. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. "(QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 228).

Thus, it can not be denied that the Prophet Muhammad. is a blessing or a gift of God to man that has no equal, as his word:

وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين
That is, "And We have not sent thee (Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds". (QS. Al-Anbiya (21): 107).

Therefore, we are commanded by Allah to be merry (grateful) for the grace and mercy:
قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون
That is, "Say! (O Muhammad), with the Grace of Allah and His mercy, let them rejoice with it. Kurnia Allah and His mercy is better than what they accumulate." (QS.Yunus (10): 58).

The holding of birth anniversary of the Prophet is addressed other than to imitate the character and follow its teachings, as his word:

قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم والله غفور رحيم
That is, "Say, 'If you (really) love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins.' Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say, 'Obey Allah and His Messenger, if ye turn away, then se, verily Allah does not love the disbelievers. "(Qur'an, Ali Imran (3): 31).

People who really love Allah commanded to follow the Messenger SAW call. "Follow me". The question, "Is it true that we love Allah? How far manakan our love to Allah?

In a hadith of the Messenger SAW. said, "Alaa matu hubbillaahi hubbu dzikrillah, wa 'alaa matu clunk-bagh-dhi dhillaahi dzikrillaahi" That is, "The sign of God's love is like the recollection of God (dhikr Allah). And Allah is a sign of hatred hate dhikrullah azza wajalla." (HR. Baihaqi).

It is also mentioned in a history, that Moses a.s. once asked Allah swt., "My Lord, how can I tell the difference between your lover and kebencian- Mu?" Allah swt. said, "O Moses for the lover of my two signs of evidence: first, easy dhikr (remembering and call me), so I'm also remembering her. Secondly, preserved from all the unclean and my anger, so he survived the upset and torment me. Likewise for my hatred there are two signs of evidence: first, easily negligent remembrance of me. Secondly, it is easy indulgence that plunged into disobedience ".

Firman Allah SWT:
فاذكروني أذكركم و اشكروا لي ولا تكفرون
That is, "So remember Me, surely I will also remember you; and be grateful !! Me and You must not be kufr. "(QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 152).
If we want to follow the Messenger, we would also like dzikrulloh, because the Messenger of Allah. a lot of dhikr to Allah, as His Word:

لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة لمن كان يرجو الله واليوم الآخر وذكر الله كثيرا
That is, "Ye have indeed in (self) Rasululloh was a good example for you (that) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection and Allah much". (QS. Al-Ahzab (33): 21).
There is a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari. Hadith explained that on every Monday, Abu Lahab is alleviated punished before Allaah in Hell as compared to other days.
In a hadith mentioned:

قد رؤي أبو لهب بعد موته في النوم فقيل له ما حالك? فقال في النار إلا أنه يخفف عني كل ليلة اثنين وأمص من بين أصبعي ماء بقدر هذا- وأشار لرأس أصبعه - وأن ذلك بإعتاقي لثويبة عند ما بشرتني بولادة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وبإرضاعها له.
That is, "One family (Abbas bin Abdul Mutholib ra) dreamed of meeting Abu Lahab after his death. There is ask him: How are you? Abu Lahab said: I'm in hell. It's just that (the punishment) be lightened for me every Monday and I drink water from my fingers this size (he pointed the tip of his finger). it was because I was free a slave Tsuwaibah when he gave the good news to me about the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, and because he was nursing the Prophet Muhammad. "(HR. Bukhari).

Who Abu Lahab? Abu Lahab was one of the Prophet's uncle, he was consistently blocking preaching of the Prophet, so he was heckled and enshrined in the Qur'an.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم:
By the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
تبت يدا أبي لهب وتب
Perish the hands of Abu Lahab will perish.
ما أغنى عنه ماله وما كسب
It is not beneficial to her possessions and what he seeks.
سيصلى نارا ذات لهب
Later he will go to the fire flare up.
وامرأته حمالة الحطب
And (so did) his wife, carrier of firewood.
في جيدها حبل من مسد
That her neck a rope of palm-fiber.

Imam al-Bukhari narrated from Ibn 'Abbas, that the Prophet. never go to the field, then he climbed the hill and cried: "O all people." Then the people of Quraysh gathered came to him, and then he said: "What do you think if I tell you that the enemy will attack you in the morning or evening , do you trust me? "" Yes, "they replied. He said: "I was a warner to you will be a painful torment."
Then Abu Lahab said, "What's this you have gathered us? Kebinasaanlah you. "Then Allah revealed tabbat yadaa ABII lahabiw watabb (perish the hands of Abu Lahab will perish). The first is a curse for him, while the latter as a notification regarding the situation.

Abu Lahab was an uncle of the Prophet. whose real name is 'Abdul' Uzza bin 'Abdul Muttalib and kun-yahnya name was Abu' Utaibah. Called Abu Lahab because her face that emits light. He was among those who hurt, hate, revile, and demeaning the Prophet. as well as his religion.

Imam Ahmad narrates Ibrahim ibn Abil 'Abbas told us,' Abdurrahman bin abiz Zinad tell us, from his father, he said: "There was a man named Rabi'a ibn 'Abbad of the sons of Ad-Dail -which he was formerly a later Jahiliyyah entered the Islamic-telling, in which he said: 'I never saw the Prophet. at the time of ignorance in the market of Dhul-Majaz, he said: 'O mankind, say: La ilaha Illalloh, surely you're lucky.' And the people were gathered to see him being in the back there is someone whose face shone brightly, which has two signs saying: 'Indeed, he (the Prophet) is an adherent Shabi'ah liar.' she followed him wherever he went. Then I ask about her, then people say: 'This is his uncle, Abu Lahab.' Then narrated from Ibn abiz Shuraih of Zinad of his father, and then he mentioned it. Abuz Zinad said: "I told Rabi'a, 'Do at the time you were a kid?' He replied: 'No, by Allah. Indeed, at that time I was understanding. ' "Narrated by Ahmad alone.

Thus, the word of Allah Ta'ala: tabbat yadaa ABII lahabiw watabb, "Perish the hands of Abu Lahab will perish." That is really losing again failed, deeds and efforts had been lost. 'Watabb' ie perish again really proven losses and destruction.

His word: maa aghnaa 'an humaa luhuu wamaa Kasab (it is not expedient for her possessions and what he strove). Ibn 'Abbas and others said, wa maa Kasab (and what he strove for) the children. And similar things also narrated from 'A'ishah, Mujahid,' Ata ', al-Hasan and Ibn Sirin. And mentioned also from Ibn Mas'ud that when the Messenger of Allah. invites his people to faith, Abu Lahab said: "If what children say my brother was right, then I will redeem myself from the torment on the Day of Judgment later with treasures and my son. Then Allah Ta'ala also lowered: maa aghnaa 'an humaa luhuu Kasab wa maa (it is not expedient for her possessions and what he strove).

His word: Sayashlaa naaron dzaata Lahab (later he will go into the fire flare up). Namely sparks fire that has a large and very hot fuel power. Wamro-atuhuu hammaa latal Hatab (and so did his wife, carrier of firewood). And his wife, including the women of Quraysh were honored, namely Umm Jamil and his name Arwa bint Harb bin Umayya, who was a brother of Abu Sufyan, he was a loyal servant of her husband in kufr, disbelief and opposition. Therefore, on the day he too would someday be a helper of her husband in his ordeal in Hell Hell. Therefore, Allah says: Hammaalatal hathabi FII jiidihaa hamblum meme Masad ( "And so [also] his wife, carrier of firewood. That her neck a rope of palm-fiber."), Which he used to carry firewood and handed it to her husband to add ( weight) what he experienced it, he was always ready to do so.

FII jiidihaa hablum meme Masad ( "The one in her neck a rope of palm-fiber.") Mujahid and 'Urwah said: "Of coir hell." From Mujahid,' Ikrimah, al-Hasan, Qatadah, ats-Thawri, and as-Suddi, hammaalatal hathab ( "carrier of firewood") where his wife is usually around to launch pitting. And this opinion is also that the choice of Ibn Jarir.
Al-'Aufi narrated from Ibn 'Abbas,' Athiyyah al-Jadali, adl-Dlahhak, and Ibn Zaid: "He used to put a thorn in the street (path) of the Prophet." And that really is the first opinion. Allaah knows best. Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab said: "He has a very luxurious necklace. And he said: 'I will dermakan this necklace to fight against Muhammad.' That is, that God will bring (them) to put a leash on her neck made of coir hell. "Ibn Jarir narrated from ash-sya'bi, he said:" Al-Masad means fibers. " 'Urwah ibn az-Zubair said:" Al-Masad mean chain length of 70 feet. "
Regarding his word: Fii jiidihaa hablum meme Masad ( "The one in her neck a rope of palm-fiber.") Mujahid said: "That necklace of iron." While Ibn Abi Hatim been narrated from Asma 'bint Abi Bakr, he said: "When down verses: Tabbat yadaa ABII lahabiw watabb ( "Perish the hands of Abu Lahab"), a woman who was blind eye, Umm Jameel bint Harb appear, where she has a shrill (sound) is very high and he himself found the stone. He said: "Mudzammaman abainaa, wadiihuhu qallainaa, wa amruhu 'ashainaa." ( "He's despicable that we ignore, underestimate our religion, and our perintahnyapun durhakai.").

And the Prophet. sit in the mosque along with Abu Bakr. When you see them (the wife of Abu Lahab), Abu Bakr said: "O Messenger of Allah, he has appeared while I was worried he'll see you." So the Prophet. He said: "Surely he will never see me." And he read in the Qur'an that berliau uphold. As spoken by Allah Ta'ala: "Wa-Aana idzaa qara'tal qur ja'alnaa bainaka wa laa Bainal ladziina yu'minuuna bil aakhirati hijaabam masthuuraa" ( "And when you read the Koran necessarily We conducted among you and those who believe not in the hereafter, a wall covered. ") (al-Isra: 45). Then he came to a stop near the Abu Bakr without seeing the Prophet. then he said: "O Abu Bakr! I tell you that your friend has been scolded." Abu Bakr said: "No. Demi Rabb's keepers house, he did not mencacimu. "Then he turned and said:" The Quraysh knew if I daughter prisoner. "

The scholars said: "And in this letter contained a very real miracles and arguments are very clear about the prophetic, since the word of Allah Ta'ala where this down:" Sayashlaa naarong dzaatal Lahab. Wamra atuhuu hammaalatal hathab. FII jiidihaa hablum meme Masad. "(" Later he will go to the fire flare up. And (so did) his wife, carrier of firewood. That her neck a rope of palm-fiber. ") (Through this verse) Allah informs that both will got misery and will not believe. Both or one of them would never believe, both physically and mentally, secretly or overtly. And it is the most compelling evidence and clearly indicates the prophetic.

If Abu Lahab (the Prophet's uncle) alone, which were clearly infidels and denounced by the Qur'an, commuted punished before Allaah because expression of joy at the birth of Rasululloh Saw. When Tsuwaibah, female slave of Abu Lahab conveyed the good news about the birth of the Light of the Universe, Abu Lahab also gave him his freedom as a sign of joy. So what about the people who are Muslims are overjoyed with the birth of the Prophet.? Certainly'll get a response better than Abu Lahab.
Such warning explanations (celebration) birth (birthday) of the Prophet Muhammad. including something that can be done. Moreover, it is the birthday celebration of reading sholawat, alms with a variety of food, teaching religion and so on, all are deeds that are recommended by the Shari'a.

Allah swt. said:
وكلا نقص عليك من أنباء الرسل ما نثبت به فؤادك
That is, "And all the stories of the apostles we tell you, is that the stories by which we teguhkan heart". (QS.Hud (11): 120).
Saw a sign that the Messenger. glorify the birth, can be taken kiyas of the hadith description below.

عن أبي قتادة الأنصاري رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سئل عن صوم الإثنين فقال فيه ولدت وفيه أنزل علي - صحيح مسلم

It was narrated from Abu Qatada al-Ansari r.a. that Rasululloh Saw. was asked about fasting on Monday. Then he replied, "That was the day I was born and revelation was revealed to me." (HR. Muslim).

Hadanalloh waiyyakum ajma'in, Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.


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