Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 45

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 45

    Troops marched to the palace led by Mi Shil. Chil and his men headed Sook Jeon Gang King's residence, they disable all the guards. Bo came in and Im Jong Jong asked what was wrong. Bo Jong said something happened in Seon Yeol Gak. Somebody tried to kill Se Jong. Im Jong Jong Bo asked what he meant anyone who dared to do so. Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon Jong Bo said. Captain Hwarang others asked how the state of Se Jong, Se Jong is being treated, Im not believe Kim Jong Yu Shin and Al Cheon do that.
    Bo Jong said the investigation is being held but the council is discussing spending Princess of world politics and what he thinks Princess who planned this. Bo Mi Shil Jong said that their silence has reigned for the past and wait for further instructions.
    So Hwa is serving the King taking the medicine when the king heard a commotion outside. King asked what happened outside, So Hwa go check. Then Kasim panic and report to the King of something happening. Kasim begged the King immediately hide themselves.
    Nam Dae Bo stop Deok Man & Kim Chun Chu, he saluted and Deok Man asked what happened. Nam Dae Bo said that the King wanted to meet them soon and he will escort the Princess and Prince to In Gang Jeon. Deok Man looking at Chun Chu and then asked how Dae Nam Bo pesn King could deliver him. Nam Dae Bo said he would escort the princess and he ordered his men to bring Deok Man with force.
    Meanwhile in Seon Yeol Gak, Seol Won Yu Rang still dealing with Shin. Seol Won Rang said they entered the conference room and interrupt the court and council meetings are now suspected of trying to kill Se Jong. Seol Won said they were detained and accused of a crime. Kim Yu Shin said none of them tried to kill Se Jong.
    Seol Won said they would be examined to know the truth and ask for Yu Shin lowered his hand and quietly surrendered. Al Cheon said it's a trap and it is set by them.
    Seol Won said they had detained. Kim Yong Chun said how Seol Won to hold members of the board without the presence of the King. Kim Seo Hyun said that this is very regrettable and is a mistake all this was happening but without the presence of King Jinpyeong not hold them means breaking the law. Kim Yong Chun asked Seol Won took command by His Majesty the King is sealed until it Seol Won can not resist them. Seol Won said ok he will get it. Kim Yu Shin looks nervous.
    Jujin noble men report that they have mastered Seorabeol. Lord Jujin asked his men to give the letter to Mi Shil. Chil greets Mi Sook Shil and said they had control of the palace and are now ready to Mi Shil. Mi Shil carrying a warrant for King Jinpyeong and waiters say they can not enter. But he had removed easily and the door will be opened for Mi Shil. When Mi Shil went into the bedroom of King, Chil Sook King was shocked to see an empty room and he was looking for it. Mi Shil said King would still be around here, they just have to look.
    King is in hiding with the Queen of the virtual and So Hwa. Kasim diam2 smuggle seals at King Palace. Queen said anyone who tried to kill Se Jong, Kasim did not know what happened, but now Kim Seo Hyun, Kim Yong Chun, Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon was arguing with Seol Won Rang. So Hwa was surprised what a coup .. (if you think these 3 people felt sorry for ya .. .. several times through a coup). King said Mi Shil finally did it. King remembered when Mi Shil's first coup.
    King's right, Mi Shil revolt. Queen asked where Deok Man now and do not know So Hwa. Princess was escorted by Dae Nam Bo and Queen Maya began to panic. So Hwa Princess asked what was in the office of the board of the palace. Kasim said he honestly did not know. King said the court seal must not fall into their hands, if not Mi Shil will use it to accuse Deok Man commits an offense with his name. Queen and So Hwa shocked by this truth. Kasim said they akansegera find the King. So Hwa said, he will bring stamp palace and go to escape stamp (first baby Deokman, cur stamp So Hwa .. sorry ..). King and Queen Maya saw So Hwa. So Hwa assured them he could escape it once was.
    Queen wonder how So Hwa get away, So Hwa said the Queen would not ever say there is a secret passageway, so he could escape. King said Mi Shil already knew it. So Hwa begged the King to make the transfer, So Hwa already experienced in the Taklamakan desert and he was wise enough now. So Hwa convince them.
    Mi Ha Jong Shil met and Mi Saeng, he asked how Se Jong. Saeng Mi Se Jong menenagkan sister that will not be apa2. Mi Shil asked where the King, Ha Jong said they were still looking for King. Mi Shil said he was ordered to deploy troops to the hideout.
    Mi Sook own Chil Saeng said lead people and will seek the King, so Mi Shil relax. Bum Seok comes in to report Kim Yong Chun said that they could not be detained without orders stamped with the King. Ha Jong said just the opposite, why waste time. Mi Seol Won Shil said for waiting. He himself would accompany the king to meet them. Saeng Mi Mi Shil surprised by the action. Mi Mi Shil ask Saeng awaiting the arrival of Princess Deok Man.
    Joo Bang and Go Do follow Deok Man and Chun Chu Kim Dae Nam Bo guarded. They try to find a way to release the Princess. Go Do initially frightened but scolded Joo Bang, Bang Joo began to think. Go Do said Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon and all the guards in Seon Yeol Gak and what they would do. Joo Bang thinks what he should do and remember Kim Yu Shin had said before Bi Jae (duel) that they have to spend his best. Joo Bang said at Go do, not in Seorabeol or anywhere else on the Silla of this, he had never seen people with great powers like the Go Do. Joo Bang asked for Go Do not fear. Do not think this Bi Jae, but please think that this hunting trip. Go Do know Kim Yu Shin Joo Bang said that he has quick feet and clever / cunning, and he must avoid direct confrontation.
    Joo Bang and said holding the Go Do Go Do again that is very strong. Go Do not understand.
    Joo Bang carry out his plan. He pura2 fell to the ground in front of Bo and Nam Dae Deok Man shocked to see it. Joo Bang howled in pain and he signed on the Go Do for moving. Nam Dae Bo distracted at Joo Joo Bang Bang and asked why blocking the road. Joo Bang greet Princess and also Dae Nam Bo. Kim Chun Chu follow-up tricks and introduce Joo Joo Bang Bang as Daenangdu and Joo Bang with a formal salute to Kim Chun Chu. Joo Bang tried to approach the princess but was prevented by Dae Nam Bo who said they were now guarding the Princess and Kim Chun Chu to meet the King and asked for Joo Bang to step aside.
    Joo Bang said that there are foreigners from the west came in and he said he benar2 not believe, they are high once or twice his height. Go Do came in with a wooden stick. Nam Dae Bo asked what diocehkan Joo Joo Bang Bang and say they face pale and her eyes were blue and so on. Nam Dae Bo Go Do bothered with carrying a wooden stick (Tirzah; um a while ... Joo Bang and Go Do ... Asterix and Obelix-like plus menhirnya ha ha .. just stay idefix woof woof who have guns,). Nam Dae Bo asked why the wood, Joo Bang Nam dae still divert attention because he knew Bo Go Do not bring myself definitely hurt Dae Nam Bo. Deok Joo Bang approached Man and asked that he ran away, then Go Do threw the wooden beams in the direction Dae Nam Bo and his men.
    Nam Dae Bo pursue them. As they fled, Go Do not be followed, Joo Bang ask Kim Deok Man and Chu Chun away, Go Do keep Dae Joo Bang Nam Bo and see Go Do detained. Joo Bang lose but Kim Deok Man Chun Chu called him from behind semak2 and ask for hiding and orang2 Joo Bang Nam Bo dae continue the search.
    Kasim King and Queen drove through the corridors and So Hwa see them from behind. When Kasim opened the door, the royal couple were "greeted" by Mi Shil. Mi Shil said what the king in this place. King Asks what happens. Mi Shil will escort the king to In Gang Jeon and will explain to the King of everything. Mi Shil ordered to escort the King back to his room. When the situation was safe, So Hwa slipped out with the royal seal.
    Yu Shin Kim and Seol Won Rang still persevere. Al Cheon Seo Hyun Kim asked who was stabbed Se Jong. Nobility Kim said it happened very fast and no one saw the truth. Kim Yong Chun said that without a doubt, this is one of those scenarios. Kim Yu Shin said that if they are arrested, they will end up with criminal charges and Princess Deok Man will be accused as the mastermind.
    Joo Bang brings Princess and Kim Chun Chu clothes to the laundry room. Deok Man asked why tiba2 someone attacks Se Jong. Kim Chun Chu said that this is their plan. Joo Bang wonder, how could they stab Se Jong. Kim Chun Chu said view of the palace council meeting agenda that would remove the Prince from the political world, will be concluded that the lady who did the chaos and is suspected as the mastermind behind this and will rebel. Joo Bang surprise, the Princess will be accused as traitors. Joo Bang said the King was still alive. Deok Man can guess, the King is under the control of Mi Shil and will be under house arrest. They should get out of the palace.
    Joo Bang asked what Prince did not see the guard. How are they going to come out. Deok Man remember when he was at the temple, he comes through a secret passageway through Sa Hwa Hwa Rang Dang at the Palace Temple (Shin Dang). Kim Chun Chu said there were many guards, so approaching the temple is also not easy. Deok Man confirmed. Joo Bang asked what if they do this. Deok Man asked how, Joo Bang refers to the ranks of soldiers uniform in the laundry room.
    Princess Man Myeong meet Wyol Yes and Seo Ji who can not enter the palace. Wyol Ya do not know what's going on inside, no communication with the Princess Deok Man since he entered the palace. Princess Man Myeong said her husband was in the palace. Seo Ji asked whether they also went into the palace, Princess Man Myeong prevent. If you want to go to court should sembunyi2.
    Dam Bi was surprised anyone would try to kill Se Jong and he was wounded. Yeom Jong said they still do not know the situation but right after Jong has been stabbed. Yeom Jong ask for confirmation of his men. Bi Dam asked what happened with Princess Deok Man. They have not got the information about the Princess and the King. It's annoying they should know, Yeom Jong asked what he would do Bi Dam. Bi Dam thinking frantically to try to find a way. Bi Dam said he should immediately save the princess and went away. Yeom Jong tried to stop the Bi Dam, Yeom Jong upset and struck the head of his men and asked them to pursue Bi Dam.
    So try to sneak and hit Hwa Sook Chil! So Hwa asked what is happening in the palace. Chil Sook (who by chance) So Hwa's attention and said he was not supposed to be at the residence of Princess, why he is on In Gang Jeon. So Hwa know they both serve the opposing party. So Hwa said he had to take medication for the King and tiba2 see a lot of troops and iabersembunyi and asked what happened in court. So Hwa said he was scared and wanted out of the palace as soon as possible. Chil somewhat hesitant Sook So Hwa's hand and asked to follow.
    kadorama-recapsChil So Hwa Sook brought to a secret room, So Hwa slip (again) and Chil Sook quickly holding it. So Hwa was asked where, Chil Sook explained this is a personal learning space Mi Shil and for now this place is the safest in the palace. So Hwa still want to leave the palace and he asked for Chil Sook took him away from the palace. Chil Sook said today no one can enter and exit the palace. Chil So Hwa Sook asked to stay there for a while because Mi Shil would not wear it today. Chil Sook Hwa mentioned the leg So, what pain? Chil Sook So Hwa want to see it and be embarrassed and said he baik2 only. Then Chil Sook go and said he would soon return. So Hwa Sook relieved Chil's gone, it turns out So Hwa binding royal stamp on his ankle, that's why he was limping.
    Ha Jong complained to the King there is something serious going on Seon Yeol Gak. Kim Seo Hyun, Kim Yong Chun, Kim Yu Shin, and Al Cheon had insulted the council. They were wielding guns and wounding Se Jong. Ha Jong calls this rebellion. Queen Maya annoyed how they can call it rebellion. Mi Shil said it is not clear what happened, but there are some obvious facts, namely Se Jong was stabbed and Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon entered the courtroom with armed, and the palace council agenda .. which is discussing the release of Princess Deok Man of the political world, so with all these events, it is certain that the Princess Deok Man is the mastermind. King raised his voice, that's what they recommend you do here. Mi Saeng said they must get a warrant to arrest Princess Deok Man, Al Cheon and Kim Yu Shin so the truth of this problem can be revealed.
    Queen Maya benar2 angry when they proposed that the Princess was Deok Man arrested benar2 ridiculous, this is why they are deploying troops in In Gang Jeon. Ha Jong said guards at the palace in order to maintain safety of the King and Queen. Queen Maya said why do not you just direct the sword on them. Mi Shil asked the king gave the royal seal. King challenged the Mi Shil and asked what he would do if she refused him. Mi Shil said he would look all over the court with his hands, flip turn, or disrupt the palace for the royal seal.
    Nam Dae Bo informs his father that he lost Princess Deok Man and now he fled. Nam Dae bo told Yonghwa the sudden appearance of the regiment, but he sure Deok Man still exist in the environment court. Mi Saeng complain that nothing can be done son. Ha Jong asked why his cousin was not able to do this properly.
    Mi pertama2 Shil said they have arrested all members of the council and people in Seon Yeol Gak and insert them into custody. Ha Jong surprised with his mother's intentions even without the consent of the King and they have not found the royal seal. Mi Shil said he did not have to waste time going to get the orders of the King as soon as possible. Mi Shil asked to mobilize all forces and hold everything in Seon Yeol Gak. And take the royal seal and Deok Man immediately to him. Saeng Mi and Ha Jong Mi Shil to go execute the command. Mi Shil said dreams do not come easily to realize.
    Mi Saeng out and meet Seok Bum, he ruled to keep everything on Seon Yeol Gak. Seok Bum was asked what were the orders of King, Ha Jong said just follow their orders. Bum Seok understand and convey commands on Seol Won Rang. Ragu2 and Deok Seok Chung Bum Seok Bum remember is the one who stabbed by accident Se Jong Deok Seok Chung Bum stand behind. Bum Seok asked why Deok Chung looked confused? Deok Chung said there was no apa2. Seol Won Rang ordered everyone charged with rebellion have been indicted soon. Kim Yong Chun ask the orders of the King, but Seol Won said they had been hurt and insulted council Se Jong palace with wielding the weapon.
    Seol Won ordered that all detained. Kim Seo Hyun want to see the orders of the King, but Seol Won accelerate the arrest. Kim Yong Chun screaming how they can hold the board members without the orders of the King, but Seol Won Rang mendengae not want any reason and ordered to arrest them. Both parties drew the sword. Seol Won ruled arrows troops who are in the roof to begin shooting.
    Seol Won Yu asked Al Cheon Shin and lowered his sword and give up, he also asked for troops and al-Cheon Shin yu do the same. Seol Won will give cues, as Kim Yong Chun directing his own sword into his neck. He threatened if Seol Won force, his blood will stain their hands. Seol Won: What are you doing?! Asked Kim Yong Chun Yu Shin and Al Cheon go and the other to step aside. Kim Yong Chun said that false allegations of attempted murder at Se Jong tactics he did not know what else to do them. But then they would start killing the other board members and that's for sure Kim Yong Chun.
    Seol Won almost gave Bum Seok sign but is prevented because the problem became increasingly worse. Kim Yong Chun Yu Shin and yelling at Al Cheon to leave the premises. Yu Shin and Al Cheon Seok Bum move away and take the opportunity to cripple Kim Yong Chun and both sides fought benar2. They are easily overpowered.
    Seol Won ruled for Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon detained. San Tak came and reported that 51 people staff the residence of the King is already known and nothing is missing. Mi Shil did not suspect anything is missing. Mi Shil said if no staff were lost but not yet discovered why the royal seal. So remember Chil Sook Hwa said he sent medicine and tiba2 see the troops and he wants out of the palace. Mi Saeng said if no one is missing then the royal stamp must be on the court. Mi Shil impatient and ordered that they immediately look for all places and be done with a secret not to attract the attention of outsiders.
    So Hwa been tied back to the royal stamp on his ankle, he approached the door and was locked from the outside. So Hwa trying to find the keys and check every drawer, he dropped the box of documents from the King Jinheung for Seol Won Seol Won Rang given to Mi Shil. So Hwa read it and was surprised to see its contents.
    So Hwa heard a noise, he cepat2 back to his seat and return the letter into the box. Chil So Hwa Sook entered and asked how the situation outside. Chil Sook ask for sempel kingdom handed to her. So Hwa shocked. Chil Sook coolly asked the royal seal and So Hwa pura2 do not know about seals it. Chil Sook feel sad why and how So Hwa during her life is always used by King Jinpyeong and how many times So Hwa must risk his life for the sake of the King and his orders if he died because of this, what he did not apa2. So Hwa Sook also said the same is not Chil Chil Sook want to risk his life for Mi Shil. So Hwa said there was nothing else but obey. Chil Sook politely ask So Hwa gave her royal seal.
    So Hwa refused, Chil Sook begged him to give him the royal stamp, it satu2nya way to save his life. But still menolak.Saat So So Hwa Hwa away, she dropped the royal stamp of his foot. (Tirzah: aarrgh ... So Hwa .. sigh ..)
    Chil Sook quickly took the royal seal and So Hwa begged her not to give it to Mi Shil. Chil So Hwa Sook encouraging and said he would soon return and go. So Hwa tried to follow but too late, the door was locked again and shouted at the Chil So Hwa Sook that she can not do it and fell in disgrace.
    Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon fight and tried to run and they pressed. Al Cheon said he would stay and hold them, while Kim Yu Shin had to run. Kim Yu Shin did not want to hear, they should be together and face this. Al Cheon said Yu Shin had to go look for Princess and save her and ask her to do this quickly. (Tirzah: Oh .. Al Cheon benar2 loyal to the Princess ..). Kim Yu Shin tried to run and open the gate, he glanced at the Al Cheon a nod for Yu Shin flee. Al Cheon run to close the gate behind him. He faced the troops themselves.
    Ha Jong surprised to know they also lost Kim Yu Shin. Mi Saeng said this happened because Kim Yong Chun going to kill himself so Yu Shin escaped. Ha Jong-Won Seol said benar2 only just bragging to his ability. Mi Shil tries to keep his disappointment. He said they are now losing and daughter Kim Yu Shin Deok Man. Mi Shil asked whether they also can run away from the palace. Mi Saeng convincing unless they grow wings and fly can not be run from the palace. It's just a matter of time. Ha Jong said they have orang2 control and secure the entire palace. He asked his mother not to worry. Mi Saeng said should.
    Chil Sook came in and said he had found the royal stamp and show it on the royal stamp Mi Shil. Mi Sook Chil Shil asked how to find it, Chil Sook said in the palace basement.
    Mi Shil pleased and took the seal. This is great, now they can solve all the problems of law in accordance with state law. Mi Shil asked his brother to write the orders of the King and arrested them on charges of rebellion and attempted murder on board members and announce to the community. Mi Saeng menyanggupinya. Ha Mi Shil asked to force Kim Jong Seo Hyun, Kim Yong Chun and Al Cheon so they claim in accordance with the allegations. They must admit that Princess Deok Man is the mastermind behind this rebellion. Mi Shil said they had held a meeting immediately and summoned all governors to court and ask for Chil Sook Hwa Rang govern all to attend. Chil Sook do it. Mi Shil ask for Kim Yu Shin and Princess did not come out of the palace.
    Bum Seok Sook Chil met and ordered them to summon all the cadre and giving the royal command and Seok Bum said this command to sue Princess Deok Man, Deok Chung now benar2 suspicious. Mi Saeng ask all cadre called and Ha Jong adding they should be there in the courtroom tomorrow morning without any delay. Mi Saeng said now lives find Princess Deok Man and all dreams will be achieved. Ha Jong agree, they will not be able to run away from here.
    Kim Yu Shin slip then he saw Chil Sook and Suk Bum and hid himself, he was away from it and deal with Deok Chung! But do not report Yu Chung Deok Shin and Shin Yu said that in order to use the west gate to escape. Because there was an order to withhold royal Princess Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin conscious Princess may have not been caught. Deok Chung said Princess may not be able to leave the palace. Yu Shin Kim Deok Chung thanked for her help and left.
    Chil Sook shows the royal command of captain Hwarang and said King had issued orders to detain Princess Deok Man. Jong Im surprised. Chil Sook said Princess Deok Man has rebelled. Phil And also surprised by the allegations in the Princess. Bo Jong explained Princess has become a puppeteer, and uses the palace guards and insulting the courts of the palace and tried to kill Se Jong. Chil Sook Hwa Rang ask the captain to send their cadre arrested Princess Deok Man. Deok Chung Jong Bo came in and said he was looking for because they're reading the royal command to capture the Princess and Chil Sook has mobilized all cadre Hwarang for this task. Deok Chung unsure of the authenticity of the order.
    Yu Shin Kim Deok Man ran to look for. Just where he hid ... Yu Shin remember the secret room when he was duty at the temple palace. Kim Yu Shin to get there.
    Joo Bang, Deok Man, and Chun Chu disguised as soldiers headed toward the palace temple. Joo Bang will examine the first case in front of the temple there are guards and asked them to wait. Then Deok Man saw a squad of guards and the captain shouted what they were doing there, he ordered to secure the eastern gate and asked them to return to the ranks. Deok Man Chun Chu understand and ask to run, captain became suspicious and asked them to turn around and ask them of unity where and why they do not answer it. Deok Man said they were heading to the east gate as instructed. Captains say how many times he had to say it ... then he realized it was Princess Deok Man and shouted that he was .. Deok Man kicked his shins and ran towards the temple. Captain yelling and chasing them. Joo Bang realize Deok Man chased by troops. Deok Man and Chun Chu cornered by troops. Deok Man drew his sword and prepared to fight.
    Joo Bang said how Deok Man could get caught. The captain asked Princess to go with him in peace. Joo Bang said they had to flee to a secret passageway. Joo Bang sought the secret and accidentally find a panel that opened the way to the secret passageway and go, he found the other door panel.
    The captain is still trying to ask Princess returned to the palace along with him. Deok Man asked them to step aside. The captain said arrest orders had been accepted by all the troops and ask him to go with them. Deok Man swinging his sword and asked them to reverse this command princess. Capt. for Deok Man arrested memrintah. Then Kim Yu Shin comes and ask them to stop. He paralyze the guards one by one. Deok Man glad to see Yu Shin. Yu Shin asked if Deok Man baik2 only. Iya said Prince. Shin Yu Man asked her back, he will face them. Kim Yu Shin said she had no intention of hurting them and ask them to step aside. Captain ordered to arrest them all. Kim Yu shin against them again and he asked her to Man fled as soon as possible. Man pulled Deok Chun Yu Shin Chu and followed by the guards who chase them.
    Meanwhile, Joo Bang discover a secret passageway that leads to many roads, he did not know where the road and into a panic. Kim Yu shin kept fighting with Deok Man and Chun Chu in the back and they tried to flee. Troops chasing them. Kim Yu shin up to the gate and tried to disable the guard. Kim Chun Chu fell and a soldier made prisoner. He directed the dagger on Chun Chu and ask them to stop and ask for the gates closed and locked. The captain said enough is enough and ask that they lower their weapons and surrender. Kim Deok Man Chun Chu asked to go and yell at her aunt to go. Deok Man dropped his sword, Kim Yu Shin also dropped the sword and the captain ordered them arrested and then Bi Dam from the rooftops fired arrows at the soldiers and go down with his army to take over the situation. (Tirzah: finally .. it's about time, dude ..)
    Deok Man Chu Chun away draw out of danger and Bi Dam guards massacred without mercy. (Seems he very much enjoy the slaughter ..). Kim Yu Shin Deok Man called Bi Bi Dam and Dam said he was too late and asked her to forgive him Man. Kim Yu shin and Bi Dam with face guards. Son Dam Bi fruit using formations to defeat the palace guards. Bo Nam Bo Dae Jong and came to give assistance. They ran towards the west gate.
    Joo Bang benar2 lost he leaned against the wall because of fatigue and the walls were moving and Joo Bang fall.
    Kim Yu Shin and Bi Dam fought to find a way. Deok Man also had to fight. Bi Dam brought Deok Man and Chun Chu Kim Yu shin block away and the guard. Bi Dam up to the gate and opened it, Yeom Jong had prepared the horse to escape. He greeted the princess and Kim Chun Chu Yu Shin and asked them to leave immediately. Deok Man asked how the Yu Shin.
    Kim Yu Shin said that he would soon catch up with them and ask them to leave. Princess Shin Yu insisted should go with them. Bo Jong shouted they should not be run. Kim Yu Shin asked Bi Dam, he must protect Princess Deok Man does not care about anything and close the gate. Man shouting at Yu Deok Shin, Yu Shin what to think about.
    Yu Shin Kim Deok Man said safety is their hope. Deok Man does not want to hear it. Kim Yu Shin: Princess, you have survived and come to save me!
    Kim Yu Shin yelled into Bi Dam, why just stand there, escorted Princess to a safe place and pull Bi Dam Deok and Kim Man Yu Shin closed the gate and locked it from inside while Deok Man shouting at Yu Shin to open the gate and Kim Yu Shin said no one is allowed to pass through this gate and he continued to fight. Deok Man Yu Shin yelled at from the outside gate.
    Bi Dam Deok Man pulled up the horse and brought Yeom Kim Jong Chun Chu and they fled, Deok Man looking back from the back of a horse ...

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