Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 35

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 35

    Bi Dam stood up and said he had already spent all his abilities. Chil Sook asked Bi Dam silent because Chil Guk Seon Sook speak. Bi Dam back on his knees. Moon Noh stood up and said he seon Moon Guk Noh acknowledged that there was fraud in the Bi Jae. Because Bi Jae Hwa Rang is a sacred ritual they must remove all suspicion, and accusations of fraud, must represent the Hwa Rang Pungwolju with strength and integrity is, therefore, Moon noh vote abstained and did not recognize the results of these Jae Bi. Deok Man surprised.
    Moon Noh suggested Wonhwa Mi Shil, Owner Hwarang Princess Deok Man, Pungwolju now Ho Jae, Wonsanghwa Chil Sook, and he himself would discuss the matter further and will take action to fix it. Jae Ho asks all who will be meeting to go. Bi Dam looked Mi Shil and knows he is behind all this.
    Jae Ho asked what they would do with Jae Bi this time. Moon Noh first stand and he apologized as a teacher he was very sorry Dam Bi with Bi Dam deeds. Chil Sook said very embarrassing if applicable such as Bi Dam. Mi Shil instead said he understood the actions Bi Dam. Jae Bi Bi Dam understand this to select Pungwolju. If Bi Dam wins, then it would make Kim Yu Shin, Jong Bo and his masing2 win one time, so that should a vote be held, but the possibility of Bi Dam and also Kim Yu Shin to be chosen to be small. But see Bi Dam and Kim Yu Shin is a friend, then he let his friend win and become Pungwolju. Mi Shil said not to see action Dam Bi childish, but look at rudeness in insulting Dam Bi Bi Jae.
    Joo Bang is still bothered by Kim Chun Chu. Chun Chu kept asking what happened with Bi Jae. Joo Bang should provide overview reports to Kim Chun Chu. Dam Bi Chun Chu said deliberately relented and Joo Bang said that's why now he will be punished by the Chil and Moon Sook Noh. Kim Chun Chu said if this is advantageous Al Cheon. Joo Bang justify: Bo Jong. And reprimanded Chun Chu for not listening. Kim Chun Chu wrong to recognize people. Joo Bang did not know the results.
    Then Kim Chun Chu said that the child Dam Bi Mi Shil (right lho ..) and Joo Bang Bo Jong justify that person. Bo Mi Jong Shil's children are students Guk Seon Bi Dam. Joo Bang Chun Chu upset because he did not understand then explain once again. Chun Kim Dae Nam Bo Chu saw an almost crazy looking for Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu slipped again. Nam Dae Bo ordered his men to find Chun Chu. Joo Bang disturbed. Then he realized Kim Chun Chu is gone.
    Jae Ho Kim Yu Shin asked for and removed from the Bi Bi Dam and let Al Cheon Jae and Bo Jong as finalists. Deok Man said that Bi Dam is accused of manipulating the results but Kim Yu Shin has achieved results with his own struggle and no errors in the act of Kim Yu Shin. Deok Man asked whether they doubted the performance of the Bi Kim Yu Shin Jae. Chil Sook Kim Yu Shin agrees that serious. Mi Shil asked what they had to lose their integrity for the sake of making Kim Yu Shin became Pungwolju, if true then it's embarrassing.
    Deok Man to be careful with kata2 Mi Shil. Mi Shil said need 2 hands to clap, but only Deok Man accused Bi Dam and then said Kim Yu Shin winner. Moon Noh said would not be fair if Kim Yu Shin Bi win this and Moon Jae Noh do not expect the result will be like that. Deok Man said that he does not intend for the victory awarded to Kim Yu Shin, but he intends for there is no suspicion with Kim Yu Shin who had fought hard for Bi Jae.
    Mi Shil then asked what they would do. Chil Sook stood with a proposal. Moon Noh out and read the results. Bi-final results between Kim Yu Jae Shin and Bi Dam invalid and void. Bi Dam stood up and said no fair and disappointed because he is a person who was guilty but Kim Yu Shin've given everything to win. Jae Ho Bi Dam snapped because against the orders that have been decided. Ho Jae Jae Bi said that the outcome this time will be deferred and will be repeated again in a few days as a punishment from the chaos caused by Bi Dam. Jae Ho asked Bi Dam leave Hwa Rang. Bi Dam go. Jae Ho Kim Yu Shin said that should compete once again in the final Bi Jae. All the confusion about who will be the opponent Yu Shin.
    Ho-jae said Kim Yu Shin Sook will fight Wonsanghwa Chil. All shocked. Even So Hwa Sook and regiment saw Chil Yonghwa also said it was not true, Shin Yu condition is not possible to fight Chil Sook. Chil Sook explained he will attack with 10 blows and attacks if Kim Yu Shin able to withstand all the attacks and he will declare a winner Kim Yu Shin. All felt Yu Shin will not be able to withstand Chil Sook are still fresh. Captain Hwa Rang others said Yu Shin will not even be able to withstand the first blow Chil Sook. If Kim Yu Shin can withstand 10 attacks Chil Sook then the result will be considered valid and the ballot will be held between him and Bo Jong. Bi Dam had heard enough and left. Bum Seok happy if it is implemented it will be Pungwolju Jong Bo.
    Ho Jae jae said Bi-finals of Chil Kim Yu Shin and Sook.
    Chil Sook Kim entered the arena and shin yu should try to stand up to face the Chil Sook. Se Jong Chil surprised because the result is against Kim Yu Shin Sook. Ha Jong asked whether they get a peek at the results. Se Jong Kim Yu Shin against Chil Sook, only one can match the Noh Moon Sook Chil. Ha Jong Kim Yu Shin laugh.
    Kim Yu Shin Sook preparing for the Chil Chil Sook Shin Yu beat mercilessly. Kim Yu Shin must fall every time Chil Sook hit him. The Hwa Rang said this was over how Yu Shin with conditions like this against Chil Sook. They are confident that Bo will be Pungwolju Jong. Kim Yu Shin stand to withstand blows to the 2 and fell again, then accept that the 3rd time vision Yu Shin already began to blur, Chil Sook launched a blow to the 4. Yu Mi Shin Saeng said must have been exhausted. Ha Jong said this is ridiculous. Se Jong Shin Yu said the condition was like that, how he can survive. Ha Jong Jong Bo said in the end will be Pungwolju.
    Mi Saeng said although Bi Dam liable in this action how they can do this in a Bi Jae. Ha Jong Mi Saeng very lucky with his Bi Jae because it was a battle if not Mi Saeng will not be Pungwolju. Mi Saeng asks why Ha Jong sprinkled salt on the wound. Ha Jong said he was intrigued by the results and will see for yourself.
    Kim Yu Shin lying on the ground, Deok Man and the regiment concerned Yonghwa Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin struggled to rise and receive the attack of Chil Sook. When trying to stand upright Yu Shin Sook Chil provide a series of attacks and strokes later kicked all parts of the body Kim Yu Shin and Kim Yu Shin fell sprawling on the ground. Bo Jong Jae supported and see Bi. Jae Ho announced that the Bi Yu Jae between Chil Sook Shin and will not proceed because the Yu Shin will not be able to withstand 10 blows Chil Sook. Kim Yu Shin standing by relying on his wooden sword and said he had not been told to give up. Deok Man said to himself for Kim Yu Shin stop it and regimental Yonghwa very sad to see it.
    Kim Yu Shin tried to stand up with strength. Ha Jong came to see how hard his head was Kim Yu Shin, Mi Shil looked at his son to be quiet. Deok Man almost cried inwardly begging for Kim Yu Shin surrender. Later, Bo Yu Shin Jong shouted for survival and to encourage him. Al Cheon also support and yell for Yu Shin Yu Shin Do not give up. Then all the cheering and encouraging the Yu Shin. Joo Bang count was nine strokes. Go Do said this was the final blow that should he stand. Yu Shin Kim Sook said in Chil, this has not been completed.
    Parents Kim Yu Shin Yu Shin choked seeing conditions when the atmosphere becomes tiba2 goes wild and the Hwarang and Shin Yu nagdo cheered on to receive his final blow. Chil Sook give all his energy for the final blow and break the sword Yu Shin but the last before fainting Kim Yu Shin Sook Chil successfully stabbed stomach before collapsing unconscious. Deok Man very worried. Chil Sook feel the stab in his stomach. Even Wyol Seo Ji and Shin Yu Ya think has lost. Mi Shil said all was over. Ho Jae Chil announce the winner is due to Yu Shin Sook does not survive the 10 punches. But Chil Sook cut and said he had lost and said Yu Shin winner, because last stab Kim Yu Shin on his stomach. If they use a real weapon then this is a serious injury, so losing and Chil Sook Kim Yu Shin winner.
    Field to be crowded by cheering spectators and the declaration that Kim Yu Shin Yonghwa as the winner of the regiment. All ran to the Yu Shin and happy for him even to admit the victory of Yu Bo Jong Shin. (Tirzah: wow .. Hwarang spirit) Princess Man Myeong not bear to see the condition of her son and her husband cried dibahu. Ha Jong Sook asked why Chil admit defeat. Chil Sook said how he admitted that he Hwarang if not aware of his defeat. Se Jong asked what this means is Pungwoljunya Kim Yu Shin.
    Seol Won Jong met Bo and asked why he gave the spirit of the Yu Shin. Bo Jong gave a simple answer to because he is the Hwarang and anyone who got this position would feel the same. Princess Man Yu Myeong Shin care for the unconscious, and Deok Man came to see his condition. Princess Princess Man Myeong said on Kim Yu Shin Deok Man already have a drug and is now fast asleep from exhaustion. meanwhile, Kim Chun Chu find out from Joo Bang with a rewarder of every story. Bang Joo Kim Chun Chu asked to hear it, then he talked about Mi Shil, then the Princess Deok Man. Chun Chu Kim Joo Bang upset because one thinks Kim Yu Mi Shil Shin is a party. Kim Yu Shin was the Princess Jong Deok Man and Bo were the Mi shil.Joo Bang requested gifts anymore because he has many stories. Then Deok Joo Bang tells the story of Man and So Hwa.
    Moon Noh returned to his residence and saw Bi Dam knelt on the floor. Bi Dam stood and Moon Noh sitting. Moon Noh said Kim Yu shin survive. Moon Noh think Bi Dam would not be here anymore. He asked Bi Dam pack up and make preparations for his departure. Seol Won Mi asked what he was thinking Shil.Mi Shil think about Kim Yu Shin. Seol Won also think alike, about the fighting spirit that makes all the friend and foe alike to cheer and support him. It reminds Seol Won when he became a Hwa Rang in the reign of King Jinheung. Thoughts on the Moon Noh, Mi Shil, Seol Won Kim Sadaham Rang and even in their youth. (Kim Sadaham, 547-564 squeaked Geochilbu nobleman and famous Hwarang)
    Mi Shil feel the same thing but it also made him worried because after this Kim Yu Shin will be more confident and strong.
    Bi Dam Moon Noh asks why not throw him out, not only recognizes Noh Moon Dam Bi in Bi Jae alone. Moon Noh said Bi Dam stupid. Bi Dam does not know where his fault, not the Moon have big ambitions and Noh Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin is also the same. This can not be compared only with Bi Jae. If the match is pure benar2, what Moon Noh Yu Shin Kim thought could beat him. If so what if Bo Jong wins. Jong Bo will be Pungwolju. Moon Noh asked what was meant by Bi Dam. Bi Dam said they have big ambitions and was not supposed to be little things like that do not obstruct it. Hal2 trivial like Jae Bi regulations, etc. should not prevent them achieve their ambitions.
    Moon Noh said much remains to be studied Bi Dam in this life's journey. Moon Noh said Bi Dam childish. Noh Moon Dam Bi ask away because he had made a mistake. Moon Noh said much remains to be studied Bi Dam. Moon Noh asked Bi Dam followed. Moon Noh said Bi Dam would not say that the glory in front of them can be achieved without having to be bothered by trivial hal2. Moon Noh said Bi Dam deficient in its understanding that the great ambition so called because there are many obstacles to achieve that ambition. Moon Noh said that even Bi Dam should provide all capabilities to do so, not sure Noh Moon Dam Bi will be able to surpass Kim Yu Shin with his business.
    Dam Bi Mi Shil met in the corridor and Bi Dam step aside to give way to him. When Mi Shil past, Mi Shil said he thought it Bi Dam gifted with wisdom and ingenuity, such as Mi Shil first met. Apparently the first, Bi Dam takseorang not believe that would be able to defeat him and secondly he did not believe people will see it later harassing name and Moon Sook Noh Chil. Bi Dam asked whether failure to believe is the pride and courage because no shame to lose. Then Mi Shil think, a direct hit, that Bi Dam filled with a high sense of selfishness and his desire to impress people rather than thinking about his own plans. Mi Shil laugh at ignorance Bi Dam. Bi Dam did not like it out of the Mi Shil. Then Mi Shil adding it may be the performance of a spoiled child who wants to find his parents' attention. Dam Bi's eyes in anger and Mi Mi Shil Shil also knew he had hurt the feelings of Bi Dam and then he left.
    Bi Dam to see Kim Yu Shin. Deok Man and Al Cheon also exist there. Bi Dam ask how the state of Kim Yu Shin. Al Cheon angry and pulled the collar Bi Dam, see what you've done. Bi Dam knows his mistake and apologized, and now she felt uncomfortable with what he has done and he never take into account previous or realize the consequences. Deok Man looked Bi Dam, Dam Bi Man asked her to forgive him, he just wants to help. Al Cheon want to hit Bi Dam and Deok Man to stop it. He asked Al Cheon out first, he would speak alone with Bi Dam. Al Cheon out.
    Bi Dam Deok Man told he benar2 sorry. Bi Dam Deok Man asked to stop the grin on his face. Deok Man reminded that Bi Dam never swore loyalty to him as their ruler. If this happens again, he would like to see tidal Bi Dam in front of him again. Bi Dam said that he acted recklessly and promised that it will not happen again and apologized.
    Deok Man said he was not the one who used to be, so Bi Dam must honor his promise and did all his orders or he would do he had just said. Bi Dam Deok Man assured this will not happen again. Then Deok Man relented and asked how the injury Bi Dam. Bi Dam showing her legs and said yes, like this. Bi Dam said that Kim Yu Shin had given everything in Bi Jae, all praised him, what he will become Pungwolju. Deok Man tells all who see not deny the possibility. Bi Dam said he was concerned that everything will be messed up because of iniquity.
    Deok Man Kim Yu Shin caring and Bi Dam to see how his attention to Kim Deok Man Yu Shin and Bi Dam felt a little jealous.
    Kim Chun Chu still hear stories of this time Joo Bang San Tak and the others join. Joo Bang said Cheon Myeong after the Princess died, and then San Tak adding strange phenomena that occurred and the eclipse of the sun and burung2 luminous, and Kim Chun Chu add money to hear it again. (Tirzah: this cute guy is smart, he would hear a third party dr, jd will not be lied to so just by Mi Shil or the other). All the talk about burung2 glow from the residence of Princess Cheon Myeong. This is because the Princess Deok Man praying every day at the temple Princess Cheon Myeong.
    Kim Chun Chu asked what was Princess Deok Man praying every day at the temple Princess Cheon Myeong. All agreed. Joo Bang ask all silent, then said that the yearning Princess Deok Man for 20 years to meet her sister only to see his brother died before him. It was very painful and sad for him. San No to continue the story about the mistaken So Hwa's mother by Princess Deok Man turns out to be caregivers. But Kim Chun Chu was not interested to hear it again.
    Deok Man praying in the temple and said Cheon Myeong Kim Yu Shin has been successful and Chun Chu Kim will soon arrive. Al Cheon Jong Im told that Kim Yong Chu asked them to look for the presence of Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu Kim they believe is already in Seorabeol. Im Jong said there nangdonya who saw Dae Nam Bo in Seorabeol and it seems he was looking for someone. Al Cheon think, they must beat Dae Nam Bo and Kim Chun Chu discovered before, he ordered all to help.
    Mi Nam Dae Saeng asks Bo what she meant Kim Chun Chu disappeared. Nam Dae Chun Chu bo told how lie. Mi Nam Bo Dae Saeng ordered to seek Kim Chun Chu immediately and took him to the palace. Mi Saeng warned if Dae Nam Bo wrong again, then not only Mi Shil who will be in trouble but will make Dae Saeng Mi Nam Bo pay. Nam Dae Saeng Mi Bo go and wondered what Bo Nam Dae benar2 do what is ordered.
    A year ago, Bo Nam Dae Kim kneeling in front of Chun Chu, he apologized and asked for Kim Chun Chu kill him. Kim Chun Chu can understand and say it enough and he will return to Seorabeol and ask Dae Nam Bo escort him home. Reaction Chun Chu Kim Dae Nam Bo surprising.
    Mi Saeng surprise, Kim Chun Chu did not return her mother's death. The man who killed her mother kneel and ask killed but he did not actually ask escorted to Seorabeol. Mi Saeng feel weird.
    Al Cheon when looking to see Dae Kim Chun Chu Nam Bo. He decided to finish the wedge between them. He tells Dae Nam Bo, Cheon Myeong Princess's death was reported as an accident, AL Cheon knew it was a lie. at that time there were only Dae Nam Bo and him. And they know what happened. Nam Dae Bo asks what would Al Cheon. Al Cheon said he had reached the semi-finals Bi Jae, so he was not in fit condition to fight. Al Cheon show that injured his hand and asked Dae Nam Bo took the opportunity to kill him. Nam Dae Hwa Rang Bo said how to do it. Al Cheon warned that the death of Princess Cheon Myeong as Seonggol in the mountains. Al Cheon and Nam Dae Bo was wielding a sword and be ready to fight when tiba2 Chun Chu emerged. He said he was satisfied the streets and going back to the palace. Nam Dae Bo turned around and asked where Kim Chun Chu for this. He was looking everywhere.
    Al Cheon said he did not know who Kim Chun Chu, but he will solve the problem with this guy first. Kim Chun Chu asked what it is. Nam Dae Bo said if so, Kim Chun Chu was the one who is more entitled to forgive Dae Nam Bo. Nam Dae Bo pleased when asked who Al Cheon Kim Chun Chu. He asked Al Cheon a salute, he was a child chu chun Kim Cheon Myeong Princess and Duke Kim Yong Su. Al Cheon Kim Chun Chu surprised and nodded. So Hwa ran to the temple and said Kim Chun Chu has arrived. Deok Man and he was delighted to see pictures brother and hurried away.
    Kim Chun Chu came to King and greeted the King and Queen Maya Jinpyeong. Kim Chun Chu said the King and Queen must have suffered terribly. Jinpyeong King and Queen Maya saw Kim Chun Chu was a large and Queen Maya approached Kim Chun Chu. Deok Man half ran to Kim Chun Chu. Kasim said Kim Chun Chu is to meet the King and Queen, he would meet with Princess Deok Man. Deok Man happy and rushed back to his residence.
    Chun Chu Kim Deok Man entered the residence previously was the residence of his mother Princess Cheon Myeong. He travels and remembers his mother sent him away and said for now they have split up. Kim Chun Chu asked how long 10 days or 20 .. she said, much longer than that. Prince Chun Cheon Myeong hug and know they will be separated for long.
    Deok Man back to his residence and asked what this really Kim Chun Chu. Deok Man introduced himself, he was the aunt's mother's younger sister Princess Cheon Myeong Kim Chun Chu. Chun Chu Kim Deok Man saluted. Deok Cheon Myeong Man whispered and she hugged Kim Chun Chu of being cold. Then Kim Chun Chu asked why Deok Man uses this residence, is not here a lot of places. Deok Man understands that this once was the residence of Chun Cheon Myeong mother.
    Deok Man realized that this was the residence of the mother Chun Chu. If Chun Chu does not like it will move. Deok Man know that Kim Chun Chu is not so healthy he asked Chun Chu Kim's health. Deok Man convinced he would do all he could to Kim Chun Chu in lieu of his mother. Kim Chun Chu issued a box he was carrying. Apparently it is surat2 from her mother. He read out a letter after letter to Deok Man. Her mother always put off his return to Seorabeol. Next year, always wait until next year and it never came. Kim Chun Chu always wanted to meet her mother but then time passes and he did not feel it anymore. Kim Chun Chu wonder how it could happen.
    Man tries to explain danminta Deok Kim Chun Cu to hear it but Kim Chun Chu cut it. He already knew Deok Man praying every day for Cheon Myeong. Deok Man promised to keep Kim Chun Chu. Deok Man knew he was not so experienced to be his mother and will do the best he could. Kim Chun Chu explained once and forever, he said Deok Man do not take advantage of the popularity of his mother nd his reputation and inherited like his. If there is someone who can take the place of his mother, was definitely not a Princess Deok Man but not the other is his own, Kim Chun Chu. Deok Man will not be accepting anything that belongs to Princess Cheon Myeong. Chun Kim Deok Man chu hear that come from far as she did to Seorabeol. Kim Chun Chu asked what he felt and what the feelings of Kim Chun Chu when brought back to Seorabeol. Deok Man think about what was meant by Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu and Kim go.
    Al Cheon greets Kim Chun Chu and said he would escort Kim Chun Chu returned to his residence. But Kim Chun Chu refused and he had his own plans. He asked Dae Nam Bo go with it. Bo Nam Dae Kim Chun Chu surprised when asked to get around Seorabeol. Nam Dae Bo gladly escort him. Mi Saeng ran to greet Kim Chun Chu. Mi Saeng asked how Chun Chu. Mi Saeng said he would take over and show the road. Al Cheon Jong Im surprised to see Mi Saeng Kim Chun Chu carry away.
    Mi Seol Won Shil said that he benar2 greedy. Seol Won Mi Rang asked about the purpose Shil. Mi Shil said to have a talent like Seol Won Rang side as a loyal subordinate how he did not feel lucky.
    Seol Won Mi Shil said excessive praise for him. Mi Shil Pungwolju asked what results will appear tomorrow. Seol Won Rang said that in honor of Kim Yu Shin Mi Shil he assured that all is set up according to expectations Mi Shil. Mi Saeng in and smiled. Mi Shil ask Chun Chu and Mi Kim Saeng said he would arrange a meeting with Chun Chu Mi Shil. Mi Mi Shil said Saeng can do whatever needs to be done. Mi glad Shil Kim Dae Chun Chu near Nam Bo.
    Kim Yu Shin prepare themselves and the Hwa Rang others congratulated him as the new Pungwolju. Al Cheon invited to Yeol Kim Yu Shin Seon Hwa Rang Jeon because council is now awaiting the testimony of Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin Hwa Rang facing council he greets Princess Deok Man, Mi Shil and everyone in attendance. Jae Ho announced they will announce a new Pungwolju now. Moon Noh read that for elections held Pungwolju 3 games are legal and Chil Sook Hwa Rang said Kim Yu Shin has won two rounds of 3. Kim Yong Chu said, therefore, Kim Yu Shin will become Pungwolju to 15 Hwa Rang.
    Seol Won Kim Yu Rang said that Shin will provide enthusiasm as he had shown during the Bi Jae then provide an assessment based on the motto Hwa Rang taps before he went he wanted to know one thing. YU Kim Shin had to explain about the refugees who are in Samnyangju Style. He asked what happened to the refugees was why they did not exist anymore. Deok Man asked what was meant by Seol Won Rang. Seol Won said that as Pungwolju must be clear and free from all doubts and suspicions. Minister of Defense reported that they found people with the same amount that used to be in Samnyangju now living in a family belonging Amnyangju Kim Yu Shin.
    (Amnyangju now: Gyeongsangbuk-do)
    Seol Won Rang warned that the transfer of refugees to Samnyangju Style is the answer to the will of heaven but also to defeat the rebels Bo Hoe Gya. Can he asks why refugees are now living in the land of Kim Yu Shin and he received a report that the rebels Bo Hoe Gya visible activity in that area. Seol Won-rang to ask about the lineage of Kim Yu Shin is from Hollywood and asked Kim Yu Shin explained to the board regarding this issue.
    Deok Man knows this job Mi Shil.

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