Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 34

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 34

    Deok Man shocked to see Bi Dam. Guk San Heun said that Bi Dam is now being asked for permission from Wonsanghwa (Chil Sook) to allow follow Jae Bi.
    Se Jong asked whether they believe that Bo will be able to be Jong Pungwolju. Jong Ha, Jong Bo never defeated in Bi Jae. Seol Won said there is no guarantee of victory, in a martial game there is always a surprise. Ha Jong said what they need to prepare something who knows Bo Jong failed.
    Mi Saeng enter enthusiastically. Mi Shil asked what was wrong, Mi Saeng regulate his breathing and said as he headed for this place, he saw Bi Dam. Bi Dam broke through the gates of Hwa Rang and intends to participate Bi Jae. Se Jong said how Bi Dam dare do that. Seol Won said, as he has a quality Gukseon students to participate Bi Jae. Ha Jong asked whether Bi Dam Moon Noh true disciple or just a servant only. Mi Shil silent.
    Ho Jae said on Dam Bi Bi Jae is limited only to the Hwa Rang. Jae Ho asked what rights Bi Dam. Bi Dam said that he had pupils Guk Seon. Bi Dam said that as a disciple of Guk Seon, he has a position as the Hwa Rang and the right to enter the Bi Jae. Ho Jae said 32 people had been confirmed Hwa Rang from representatives throughout the country. Although Bi Dam qualify but he was too late and not according to standard procedures Hwa Rang. One of the Hwa Rang said that this is an unfair demand, because they are all qualified and are competing from jauh2 day. They only hear the students Guk seon Dam Bi and although it is true he Seon Guk students, remain opposed to dasar2 Hwa Rang. All asked Bi Dam go.
    Bi Dam then approached one of the Hwa Rang and spit at him and asked him to come out and provoke the guy. Hwa Rang were asked what would Bi Dam and he felt insulted, he drew his sword. Hwa Rang Bi Dam attacked it with remarkable speed to maturity. Then Bi Dam said that the Hwa Rang Ho-jae who fell to the ground are not eligible to enter the Bi Jae. He asked whether he could replace him. Joo Bang and Go Do slipped out. Jae Ho thinks that the Bi Dam really dare to use all means to join the competition. Bi Dam asked if anyone sees that the Hwa Rang is what first drew his sword.
    Moon Noh Joo was shocked when Bang and Go Do face and tell what the Bi Dam. Moon Noh Joo Bang ask to see because Bi Dam said he Guk Seon student and want to participate Bi Jae. Moon Noh asked Joo Bang Bi Dam said he was sure his students, Joo Bang justify.
    Chil Sook stood up and asked what right Dam Bi Gukseon student. Then Moon Noh came and asked what was wrong. Jae Ho said that the Bi Dam admitted as a student and want to participate Bi Gukseon Jae. Chil Sook said if Bi Dam Guk Seon's true disciple, then he is eligible for the Bi-jae, so if the Moon Noh confirmed he would allow Bi Dam participate. Moon Noh and Bi Dam looked at each other and spoke with his eyes. Bi Dam shows that he must follow these Jae Bi. Moon Noh said Bi Dam is true disciples. Jae Ho finally announced Bi Bi Jae Dam will participate. Bi Dam will replace the Hwa Rang falling earlier. Jae Ho introduced the Bi Dam: Hwa Rang Bi Dam from your regiment or regiments Do Ji Myeong without a name.
    Bi Dam grateful for permission to participate. Jae Ho announced that the 32 participants have been defined and Bi-jae will be held this afternoon. Mi Nam Dae Saeng said that Bo will soon arrive at Seorabeol. Mi Shil asked when exactly. Mi Shil heard that Kim Chun Chu had reached Danhangseong (ancient Silla border, about 2 hours from Seoul), they've waited for Kim Chun Chu in Seorabeol.
    Mi Saeng said he would warn Dae Nam Bo later if it is up to because of this delay. San Tak came and reported that the Bi Jae will begin this afternoon. Seol Won asked what happened with Bi Dam. San Tak said, Noh Moon Dam Bi justifies his students. Mi Shil not so shocked and Se Jong said that is not already there are 32 participants. San Not justify but one of his fights with Hwa Rang Bi Dam and falls to the ground then he is forever barred. So Bi Dam took over the place. Jong Ha Moon asked if this plan Noh with his students, they have conspired.
    Seol Won said this is not a character Guk Seon. Ha Jong-Won Seol asked how confident the Moon Noh character. Seol Won said he would examine this issue. Joo Bang and Go Do report on Deok Man, Bi Dam benar2 Noh Moon disciple. Bi Dam like blue lightning like a ghost, without looking, he dropped a Hwa Rang to the ground and Joo Bang Dam Bi showed movement on Deok Man. Go Do said Bi Dam took the place of the wound. Bi Dam Deok Man remember saying to him, he would make Kim Yu Shin became Pungwolju.
    The Hwa Rang discuss Bi Dam, he admitted students Guk Seon but the behavior is not good. Dam Bi Tiba2 like ghost appears in the middle of them and ask who the opponents they will face. The Hwa Rang think Dam Bi benar2 rude with them. Bi Dam say they will fight it and he said who would be his opponent had to be careful. The Hwa Rang think Bi dam crazy.
    Joo Bang Shin Yu said do not be too worried when Kim Yu Shin Jae Bi prepare mentally to face. You've had enough practice. All practice Yu Shin hit a rock would be useful. Joo Bang and Go Do ask Yu Shin Baek Eui defeat. Kim Yu Shin said they were really noisy and ask them to leave. Joo Bang Shin Yu asked what felt tense nerves. Go Do say probably because this is the first participation in the Bi-jae. Joo Bang thinks they should find something to relieve the anxious heart Yu Shin. Joo Bang Shin Yu found a wooden sword and brought it to the Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin picked it up and met Al Cheon. Joo Bang and Go Do give encouragement to Al Cheon to do their best because the cadre of Al Cheon and they are good friends. But Yu Shin Al Cheon and being cool with each other. Bang said Joo Jae Bi definitely something very important so that makes people very nervous. Go Do say they are both very akrabpun suddenly become so fearful of each other cold.
    Bo knows Seok Jong Bum Bi Dam will face in the first round. Bum Seok worried because he knows martial arts skills while in the district Dam Bi Iseo. Jong Bo knows Dam Bi quick with his movements, so he asked Bum Seok carefully. Bum Seok will do my best and if he fails, he will try to not hurt so it can enter the next round. Then Bi Dam appeared in front of them and asked who they mean. Bi Dam as a disturbing ghost haunts the Hwa Rang. Bi Dam said, and Seok Jong Bum Bo comes from the same team, so it's better they go together well. So Bi dams to make them both at once. Bi Dam said that he remembered all the martial abilities Seok Bum does not mean even to save his own life.
    Bum Seok angry with teasing Bi Dam Bi and shout at the dam because it had insulted him. Bi Bi Dam on the contrary said that if Jae is a game to find the most loud it might be a successful Bum Seok be Pungwolju with her voice. Bi Dam felt funny and went, saying how people pick the shortest Seok Bum sound so hard. Bum Seok benar2 felt humiliated and angry.
    Bi Dam to see Im Jong. Im Jong nearly draws his sword when tiba2 Bi Dam jumps to her and asked what Im Jong knew him. Bi Dam said that Im Jong must know him. Im Jong asked what was wrong with Bi Dam. Bi Dam Im asked what regiment captain Ho Jong Guk Seon Do. He said his teacher used to be captain Moon Noh same regiment. Moon Noh has been created specifically to fight the science of this regiment. Bi dam had never seen Im Jong technique, but he whispered to Im Jong, if they met at Bi Jae later, it looks like they will merebutkan who is more worthy to be disciples Guk Seon. Deok Man came in and heard what was said Bi Dam. That Im Jong is not fit to be captain of this regiment, and if he loses, he must hand over the reins of leadership at the Bi Dam. Bi Dam see Deok Man. Im Jong and Bi Dam saluted.
    Bi Dam Deok Man called and asked what was meant by Bi Dam with all this. What do you mean Princess? Deok Man said all provocation, all the tactics and interfere with the Hwa Rang with all the fun of him. Deok Man said if Bi Bi Jae Dam wanted to participate, then he should practice. Bi Dam said this is the best preparation he was doing. Deok Man surprised. Bi Dam said he was confident with his abilities. But he had no experience in dealing with someone in Bi Jae, so he must be satisfied with the results. Deok Man asked then what he meant. Bi Dam said that every moment the sword out of the heart of every fighter, then with the provocations, and disrupt their mental performance may also affect their swordsmanship. Bi Dam said he was disturbing them to get the maximum results. Deok Man said his tactics are cheap. Bi Dam said that Deok Man once said that the essence of Hwa Rang is never to distinguish between everyday life in battle. The Captain Hwa Rang failed to know the rules. Deok Man benar2 can not say anything when Bi Dam kata2nya twist.
    Bi Jae began at noon. Bi Dam facing Seok Seok Bum Bum and tossed to the floor. Kim Yu Shin and Phil Dan escaped. Bo Jong also qualify. Then Al Cheon escaped. Then Bi Dam have to deal with bo Jong. (Wow. .2 Mi Shil's child)
    King asked about the development of Bi Jae. Kim Yong Chu said that Bi Dam also participated, Queen Maya Dam Bi asked what was the child who is a follower Deok Man. Kim Yong Chu agreed. He also was a disciple of Guk Seon. Then the eunuchs to report the arrival of the Chinese Ambassador who came from Hangju. King happy and asked what Kim Chun Chu also came with him. Kasim ragu2 and he said that the Mi-Shil had preceded them to pick up Kim Chun Chu.
    The king was surprised that now controls Mi Shil Kim Chun Chu. Queen Maya asks how can withstand Mi Shil Kim Chun Chu. Kim Yong Chun Chu Chu said that if Kim had already left before the Ambassador Kim Chun Chu then it should have arrived at Seorabeol now because Ambassador also had arrived. Why he has not arrived. Queen Maya worried about what her grandson might withhold Mi Shil Kim Chun Chu. The king ordered an investigation.
    Mi Saeng received a report that Bo and Kim Dae Nam Chun Chu had passed Geumohsan and will soon arrive at Seorabeol. (Geomohsan, now Namsan in Gyeongju).
    Mi Saeng wonder, Geumohsan very close to why they have not arrived. Officers reported that the Hwa Rang Dae Nambo've given their position. He said travel far been made Kim Chun Chu fatigue and pain so that they should rest and stay several days in Danhangseong for treatment. Se Jong said despite that, they should have arrived at Seorabeol now. Ha Jong also said that although they were on foot, they also should have been up to. Ragu2 officer, then said that Kim Chun Chu tidk can ride a horse. All the shock and wonder how he can not ride the horse.
    Mi Saeng think it's nonsense if there are people who can not ride a horse let alone Chun Chu is large. se Ha Jong Jong and see Mi Mi Saeng Saeng later realized, he also could not ride a horse (bwa. .. ha .. ha). Mi Saeng defensively that even if he can not ride a horse he had another talent to cover the shortfall. Mi ask Saeng Kim Chun Chu taken by stretcher only.
    Bo Nam Dae Kim Chun Chu led the group and heard the command to stop. Nam Dae Bo jumped from his horse and asked what was wrong. Kim Chun Chu said he was too dizzy to continue the journey and need a break. Nam Dae Bo asks stretcher lowered. Kim Chun Chu (later to become King of Taejong Muyeol) take a break and breathe the air and asked for towels and water. Kim Chun Chu and then washed his face and clean it with a towel. Nam Dae Bo waited nervously. He said Kim Chun Chu must immediately go on because they're expected in Seorabeol. They've been very close. Kim Chun Chu said that the palanquin made him feel dizzy and he could not travel. This makes Dae Nam Bo very upset with Kim Chun Chu a crybaby.
    Kim Chun Chu has a very high diplomatic talent and it shows when dealing with the Tang Dynasty. Now he is playing guardian.
    Kim Chun Chu asked about the Bi Jae held in Seorabeol. Bo Nam Dae Kim Chun Chu justify and say that today was too hot to travel. Kim Chun Chu restore wet towel and Dae Nam Bo seemed to want to hit the face of Kim Chun Chu.
    Jae Bi finals, the semi-finalists: Kim Yu Shin of the regiment will meet Al Cheon Yonghwa of Bi Jeong Ji Do regiment. Then Bi And from Myeong Ji Mu Do will meet Bo Seon Jong Il Wyol Do. Semi-final match will be held at around 3-5 pm.

    Kim Yu Shin treat blisters on his shoulders when Wyol O and Seo Ji to come and see her. Seo Shin Yu Ji saw a wounded shoulder and asked what Yu Shin able to continue the match. Yu Shin Hwa Rang said that other conditions are equal. Seo Ji Yu Shin helps treat shoulder. Wyol Ya say if Yu Shin managed to become Pungwolju it will accelerate their plans. Yu Shin Kim should win.
    Al Cheon also injured his hand. His men say he will be faced with Kim Yu Shin. Al Cheon said he would do the best. If Al Cheon wins he will be faced with Bo Jong. Would not that be a problem. Better to make an agreement with Al-Cheon Shin Yu for their cooperation. Al Cheon not going to do that, he did not want to manipulate the Bi Jae for the benefit of themselves. Both of them will not do it because it Bi Jae.
    Jong Bo practicing push-ups. Seok Bum came up and asked what Bo Jong baik2 only. He apologized for not much help. Bo Seok Jong Bum entertain and said Bi Dam is an unexpected opponent. Bo Seok Jong Bum advised to be careful with the Bi Dam. Bi Dam fast movements. Seok Bum says, Kim Yu Shin Cheon danAl might have made a deal. Seok Bum said that the greatest strength of Bi Dam is the speed of reflexes and agility. But Bi Dam already injured ankle. Bi Dam certainly difficult to use ankles to the motion.
    Bi Dam ... slept like logs and lifting his right leg to rest, and Guk Dae Pung San Heun come and carry water for him. Then they saw Bi Dam to sleep well and do not care about the world, snoring, and laughed to himself in his sleep. Guk San Heun said Bi Dam benar2 not require assistance from others. Then they see the wounds caused by Bi Dam Im Jong and wondered whether Bi Dam can run with the wound.
    Saeng looking for his sister and Mi Mi Kim Chun Shil said that Chu had not arrived. Mi Chu Chun Saeng said already passed Geumohsan and already close at hand. Just because Kim Chun Chu can not ride a horse and Mi Saeng thought it was weird. Shil and Seol Mi Mi Saeng Won looked at strangely. Mi Saeng defend themselves that at least he has other abilities and do not like Kim Chun Chu who do not have any capability.
    Nam Dae Bo fro, while Kim Chun Chu break. Nam Dae Chun Chu Bo persuaded to learn to ride horses because it is not hard and everyone can do it. Bo Nam Dae Kim Chun Chu willing to teach horseback riding because it certainly is fun. Kim Chun Chu asked what's really fun. Nam Dae Bo will show it. Kim Chun Chu said he never learned to ride a horse some time ago but it was hard and at least Dae Nam Bo gave the reins and he will give it a try. Kim Chun Chu come out and learn to ride horses. Then Dae Nam Bo said he had to hold him, Kim Chun Chu said she became afraid and wanted to come down soon. Nam Dae Chun Chu Bo persuaded to stay on horseback for a while longer, but Chun Chu want to go down. Currently under Kim Chun Chu said that learning to ride a horse makes it tired and he will rest at the inn. Nam Dae Bo .. shock!
    Kim Chun Chu felt sick while on horseback even if only briefly, but they must immediately leave but Kim Chun Chu insisted that he wanted to go to the inn to rest.
    Yu Shin Kim, Jong Bo, and Al Cheon prepare themselves but Bi Dam sleep. Moon Noh Deok Man came and asked what he ordered Bi Dam do this. So Hwa surprised to hear the name of Bi Dam. Deok Man said he did not give orders. So Jae Hwa said that Bi will begin soon and they must leave immediately. Deok Man depart.
    Jae Ho announced the semi-final will bring together Kim Yu Shin and Al Cheon. They saluted Deok Man. Yonghwa Regiment encouraging the regiment Bi Yu Shin Cheon ji do the same, they encourage Al Cheon. Kim Yu shin started to fight with Al Cheon. Kim Yu Shin shown to be superior and Al Cheon fell and fainted. Kim Yu Shin winner. Kim Yu Shin will enter the final round. Then Kim Yu Shin appoint Al Cheon is unconscious and held up the hands of Al Cheon.
    Kim Yu Shin brought back to rest. Regiment treat yu Shin Hwa Yong. Al Cheon came in and said how could he the loser could walk but the winner just lying in bed. Kim Yu Shin said earlier benar2 a great battle. Al Cheon said Yu shin should be Pungwolju for defeat with dignity. Joo Bang said al Cheon unnecessary mati2an like that, but members of the regiment Bi Bi Jae Cheon said this is it. Joo Bang can not understand all the hugs and say that friendship is forever. Joo Bang felt it made no sense.
    Nam Dae Kim Chun Chu Bo met to ask what she needed when she found the room empty Chun Chu. Chun Chu Kim Dae Nam Bo cheat with dolls were placed in her bed. Nam Dae Bo ordered everyone to find Chun Chu. Nam Dae Bo benar2 dizziness.
    Next in Bi Jae, Bo Jong will fight Bi Dam. Remember Bo Seok Jong Bum said Bi dam fast but his ankle was badly injured. Jong Bo Bi Dam must attack the wrist. Bo said that the victory Bi Jong Jae and state his side. Then Bi Dam perform similar movements Tai Chi movements. Moon Sook Noh Chil surprised and see it.
    Bi Dam using strength to attack Bo Bo Jong Jong own. Bi Dam look at the Moon Noh a surprise. Moon Noh never taught this science to Bi Dam, Dam Bi stole learn because Moon Noh seems reluctant to teach all sciences to Bi Dam. Bi Dam begged to learn all the science teacher. Moon Noh said Bi Dam master of martial arts just by looking.
    Bi Dam using slow motion and then pushed closer to the land use Jong Bo Bo Jong own strength. Bi Dam won! Noh Moon sits just saw Bi Dam. (Tirzah: Tai Chi Cuan was first invented by Chang Chun Bao, he went to Wu Tang mountain to meditate, where he received enlightenment and founded the Wu Tang or Bu Tong Si Pay and changed his name to Sam Chang Fong or Thio Sam Hong. He benar2 ever lived. Her story is on a serial silat Ie Long Thien Tu Ci or To liong To or Machete Murderer Dragon)
    Jae Ho said that the finals will be held tomorrow morning, but Bi Dam said that he will fight Kim Yu Shin now and here. Jae Ho Shin Yu called and asked what he agrees. Kim Yu Shin said that if Bi Dam baik2 course, he also agrees and will play about 2 hours.
    Kim Yong Chu reports to the King and Queen Maya that defeated Jong Bo Bi Dam. The king was surprised and the Queen said during his knowledge, Jong Bo never defeated in Bi Jae. How to beat Bo Jong Dam Bi he must be very great. Kim Yu Shin said that if Bi Dam in the final to win this then they masing2 has won once. So there will be a vote to determine Pungwolju pemgambilan.
    King said in a sisitem voting, it looks like Bo Jong will be the winner. Queen Maya said Kim Yu Shin should be Pungwolju to strengthen support for the Princess Deok Man. Ha Jong Jong Bo disappointed to lose. Se Jong Mi surprised and shocked because Bo Jong Shil less than Bi Dam. Se Jong asked what he would do Mi Shil. Ha Jong warned that Yu Shin and Bi Dam Deok Man is the son of fruit. Mi Shil said he would go to the Bi Jae. Ha Jong said his mother's presence will not affect the outcome. Mi Ha Jong Shil to go and do not understand.
    Mi Shil went to visit her son who lost. Mi Shil very disappointed. Jong Bo apologized to his mother. Shil said Bo Mi Jong're doing the best. Mi Shil and entertain children and convince Bo Jong disappointed that he has done a very good thing.
    Kim Yu Shin met with Bi Dam. They memendang for about 15 minutes (wow.. Long I guess, could fall in love with Shin Yu Bi Dam ama tuh .. hehe ..)
    Joo Bang asked what they would benar2 outdo each other by just looking at each other. Joo Bang said that this is a battle of minds and they will not understand. Deok Man looks to the 2 man and he remembers saying to Bi Dam if what he feared happened, he would not forgive Bi Dam. Bi Dam said that Kim Deok Man feared lost in the Bi Yu Shin Jae. Deok Man said he would accept defeat Kim Yu shin but not with what is planned Bi Dam. If that intention Dam Bi, Bi Dam Deok Man asked not to think about, especially Yu Shin will not accept if Bi Dam relented. Deok Man said to myself, Bi Dam should not succumb in Bi Jae.
    Kim Yu Shin fought with Bi Dam Dam Bi and realize intentions and ask for Bi Dam benar2 against it and warned that if Bi Dam conceded he would die. Bi Dam asked Kim Yu shin to see a broader perspective, between what he would yanh achieve with ambition Princess Deok Man. Jae Bi can not be compared. Kim Yu Shin said not to underestimate berani2 Bi Jae. Mi Shil went to the Bi Jae.
    Then Bi Dam fell to the ground and Kim Yu Shin asked Bi Dam wake. Then Chil Sook became angry and took to the field, he said Kim Yu Shin and Jae Bi Bi Dam insulting. Chil Sook said how dare you call yourselves as Hwarang! Deok Man afraid that Chil is part of a plan Sook Mi Shil. Won Sook Seol Chil remember saying there is a possibility Guk Seon send Bi Dam to beat Bo Yu Shin Kim Jong for successfully become Pungwolju. Chil Sook Noh convinced that the Moon would not do anything like that tarnish Bi Jae. Won Seol still not sure and hoped he was wrong. But still suspicious. Chil Sook said that if the Moon Noh Jae Bi benar2 violated, he will forgive Moon Noh. Mi Shil said it would be easier for them if Guk Seon indeed designed it. Chil understand the intent Mi Sook Shil.
    Mi Shil and Chil Shil Mi Sook met and asked about the purpose Chil Sook. Chil Sook told everyone that he Wonsanghwa Chil Sook has spent his life with a sword and if they insult Bi Jae, he is better than the blind eyes see it. Chil Sook Noh and ask to see Moon Moon Noh Jae Bi express his opinion what is fair and legal. Chil Guk Seon Sook asked what agreement, if Guk Seon Hwa Rang agree it will be finished.
    The cadre muttering and whispering to each other what this means to the end of the Hwa Rang, Kim Chun Shu then slipped among the crowd. Joo Bang teman2nya try to hear and ask for silence as Kim Chun Chu came beside Joo Bang and asked who the winner and ask this and that. Joo Bang very disturbed and then he wanted to hit him but he saw Kim Chun Chu Go Do not like what he thought.
    Joo Bang: And who are you ..?Kim Chun Chu: I ... is Kim Chun Chu.Kim Chun Chu smiling as a new character in this drama.

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