The Message Movie

The Message Movie - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul The Message Movie, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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The Message Movie

The Message Movie 

 this film is a colossal film of the past that was worked together with the Academy of Al Azhar Cairo this film tells about the life of the last prophet for Muslims in the world, namely the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam. the first setting of this film tells about the Arab civilization where the Ka'bah is used as a place of worship which in the environment of the Ka'bah there are many other places of worship that are known by Muslims namely change or idols in fact these idols were assets of the ruler of the Arab rulers at that time, especially Abu Sofyan Muhammad's presence as a reformer in Arabia greatly disrupted the existing economic cycle, especially for Abu Sofyan's family the Arab condition at that time was the center of civilization that came from various parts of the world starting from European Europe and even from the archipelago the following settings describe the Prophet Muhammad who was silent or alone in a cave known as the hiro cave in this film the figure of the Prophet Muhammad is not shown by the figure of Saidina Ali not shown in principle the figure of 4 friends in this film is not shown based on the code of ethics or customs that exist in Muslims this film is the best film of all time entered on IMDB which is truly extraordinary must be watched for Muslims and non-Muslims alike in the next setting tells about the migration or the transfer of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina because the Prophet Muhammad preached in Mecca was not accepted Finally the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina in Madina the Prophet Muhammad rode a camel and the camel was told to choose a place as the first base to build the house of the Prophet Muhammad as is known that the first house in Medina Prophet Muhammad was the first mosque built by Muslims in the world in the next setting It is told that Muhammad was planned to be killed but it turned out that what was in Muhammad's room was Saidina Ali this makes a big question for Arabs Who exactly is Muhammad so that an expert who is only 17 years old is willing to sacrifice his life for Muhammad in the next setting It is told that this first mosque needed a caller or known as the call to prayer and the first person to do the call to prayer in Medina was known as Bilal bin Rabah, the first black man he was appointed by Muhammad from a slave to become a person of the same dignity and degree in the eyes of God the next setting is the hudaybiyah agreement because the Prophet Muhammad preached very difficult finally an agreement was made hudaybiyah namely a 10-year peace agreement between Muslims and the infidels of Quraish in fact the agreement was violated by infidels so this violation triggered a war in this film tells of some very powerful war among them is the Battle of Badr where this war tells about the struggle for wells then subsequent wars Where there is in one war Muslims get defeated because they forget the instructions of the leadership the biggest defeat of Muslims due to the existence of an infidel leader known as Olin bin Walid Khalid bin Walid was later known as a Muslim warlord who could spread Islam throughout the world from Europe to Asia from the story in stages finally Islam could be accepted in Mecca and in Medina at the end of the flashlight It is told that it was recaptured by Muslims with the extermination of all the idols in Mecca then Bilal climbed onto the Kaaba and made the first call to prayer in Mecca in the last setting told about Muhammad's last Hajj where this Hajj is indeed the last Hajj because after doing this last Hajj the Prophet died even though the Prophet Muhammad had passed away but the existence of Muslims continues to exist and continues to grow rapidly increasingly rapidly growing day by day The following about the review of The Message movie may be useful
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