Free association, Abortion and Youth Pilu Story

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    Free association, Abortion and Youth Pilu Story

    Free association, Abortion and Youth Pilu Story

    COBA note this juvenile expression. "Not" cool "if a date without handrails. Less "exciting" courtship without ciuman.Kalo want dapetin "sensation" ente must nambain date with it-that ".Menyeramkan not it ?. More sinister chirp again this teenager, "Now the crazy times, not virgin girls say cool. I do not want to say crazy so I'm glad I'm not a virgin, cool ". Is that bad as our youth today? Yes, and they can get that way because they adopt the culture of Western liberal thinkers without risk to himself. The ABG assumed that modern western culture is the culture. Ikutnya Peng must have been a modern and terpandang.Karenanya mingle freely with the opposite sex is an honorable deed. So no matter acted. If not the Virgin Man destined tend to gravitate towards the beautiful-indah.Misalnya beautiful women and handsome seksi.Pria and Maco. How busy pastures his eyes, he would quit since looked at the beautiful and sexy woman in depannya.Baik surreptitiously or openly he would do it. The same rule of nature applies to women. That is, so a couple of other types are formed by natural causes itu.Yang woman saw her own view Permian puannya tampan.Lakiinya cantik.Mereka tertarik.Di resto they met each other and finally they were dating. There is another law of another. As is known, the current position is in the middle lust fontanel that time found very rarely humans can control syahwatnya. This law applies umum.Sipapun him, if he is human, he would be subject to this law. The question arises, what happens if the two lovers together in a place they think is romantic? Lust they will continue to inflame lust bangkit.Jika then certainly they would both do "it". The latter is the natural law. That the average maximum capability of women "non-virgin" (not virgin) in holding the fulfillment of his heart was 6 months [1]. On top of that figure he will find himself what he needed. It means women "non-virgin" in a position "need" as above, is very sensitive to stimulation of the opposite sex. He could not bear this godaan.Kondisi cause women do not hesitate to have intercourse with a man even though new in his world. That is the real background for why Islam has preferred reward celibate men who marry women perawan.Karena janda.Daripada marry widows marry the widow did perizinahan prevent repetitive. Therefore teenager who holds the status of "non-virgin" can be said in fact he is the "widow premarital" If not quickly married she easily got pregnant out of wedlock problems in later hari.Sebab that good communication between parents and children is very important here. Young women ancient kings wife chose companion young age (15-20) .Alasannya among other things; The young woman was very subur.Hanya touch them directly pregnant because healthy ovum. Of young women too many children can dieroleh. Such favorable circumstances are not found in adult women (25-40 yr). China's domestic and ancient records say as itu.Bahwa one of their emperor had 1,000 wives wives .But interesting here is kebanyakanyan wife of the king was a teenager. Indeed, the level of the most fertile women to produce children is the period after menstruation clean. Female teens who have passed over the fertile period of a woman dewasa.Karena was a great chance to become pregnant in this period. That is why it often happens teenage girls get pregnant. Though she had never been touched by any man. Because of the fertile period admissions uterus sperm while bathing in the pool or apa.Saat took place the meeting of sperm with ovum resulting in pembuahan.Hal is possible because the ovum is in good health at the fertile period. Therefore teenagers involved in promiscuity and do not understand the relationship between menstruation to pregnancy is at risk of pregnancy outside marriage. Unfortunately many young women end up choosing aborsi.Namun instead of finishing masalah.Aborsi precisely to end his life .. Ended Death of Abortion Doctor advises on Michelle (18 years old) that anti-epileptic drugs (sakait epilepsy) that often consumes most likely to make the baby was born with a defective body. on the advice is Michelle decided not choose abortion. Evans obstetricians perform an abortion at Family Planning Medical Centre of Mobile, in the state of Alabama, United States. Three days after the abortion is performed, Michelle fainted and had to be rushed to the hospital more representative. Through thorough examination, doctors found a bone feet, two pieces of a baby's skull and some pieces of the placenta in the uterus Michelle.Karenanya Michelle get more incentives care of gynecologists. But as soon as Michell's life could not be helped due to excessive bleeding for three days [2]. Abortion death also happened Novila Sutiana (21 years old) home sweet .Gadis Wates Kediri tewan is finally in the hands of a midwife who handle abortion. Because you want to cover the shame of the family finally decided to abort the baby Novila Sutiana results affair with Santoso (30 years old). Novila and Santoso came Purwatiningsih Endang (40 years), who daily work as a midwife in the village of Tunge, District Wates, Kediri. The method used is quite simple Endang. He injected pain relievers Oxytocin Duradril 1.5 cc mixed with Cynaco Balamin, similar to the body's vitamin B12 Novila. According to Endang, patients who injected drugs would contract and issue its own fetus in her uterus contraction Securities will appear 6 hours after the injection. Unfortunately, just two hours later, Novila seen having strong contractions. Even when you're on a motorcycle dibonceng by Santoso toward his house, Novila fell and fainted due to not hold flavor sakit.Apalagi intimate organ keeps blood mengelurkan. Residents who saw the incident immediately rushed to Puskemas Puncu. However, due to the critical condition of the victim, he referred to hospitals Pare. Unfortunately, the medical officer in the emergency room could not save Novila until he died on Saturday at 23:00 pm [3]. Thousands of stories like Michelle and Novita can be found in google.Semua their melancholy story shows how promiscuity can carry life in tragic adolescent girls graduated. Promiscuity is not a tribal cultural association he keren.Tapi primitp

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