A STUDENT WILL RECOGNIZE teacher - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul A STUDENT WILL RECOGNIZE teacher, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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By the time of Dhuhr, she headed mosque ran into a Ihkwan, then he said, "I want to talk the truth. So there is a" Smart "in my neighborhood, to which end I asked about the" Abah Aos ", then smart people are saying told me that, "He is indeed a great scholar, but has not been inducted. Like the study, all subjects had graduated, but have not graduated. "Well, hear this statement, even made me hesitate to murshidship" Abah Aos ".

Then, briefly, I asked the brothers, "Who should induct or graduation? And he said," Now that I do not know, I shall ask the smart people ". Our talk was interrupted, and we also perform Dhuhr prayer in congregation.

Finished the prayer, we continued our conversation. I started by asking no pin bb, because I want to share if there is information or intimation pengersa Abah Aos. A moment later we were already involved in a serious conversation concerning genealogy Murshid TQN Suryalaya to 38.

Briefly I say, that which induct / graduation a Murshid is:
 Inaugurated by Master Murshid previous (command).
 Inaugurated by His student (Recognition).
Now, if the sense should be sworn / graduation by Master Murshid earlier, as understood brother (outwardly), then it is not possible, because the teacher mursyid previously it had died. But what might happen is in the inauguration of the essence. So based in reality, teachers are required in Murshid 'inaugurated' (recognized) by the "Disciples". Who are his disciple? Is none other than your own!

I further explained in the Kitab al Anwaarul Qudsiyyah explained that, "If a sheikh mursyid guiding a student dies, he or she must find a successor to PASS guidance or to ADDING VALUE mursyid GUIDANCE from the first.

And there are some explanations about the appointment of a mursyid Ulama, one of them according to Sulaiman Zuhdi, in the book Majmu`atur Rosail, the appointment of a mursyid stated as follows:
With command (Amar) from Shaykh before.
With Sheikh Testament before.
Designated by Murshid to lead thoriqoh in the areas with no mursyidnya.
Appointed by the Kholifah and students unanimously (if Murshid has died).
In spite of it all, the true successor of murshidship it is a matter for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as His Word .: "Whoever is given instructions by God, then he is rightly guided; and whoever misled him, then you will not be get a guardian who mursyid. " (QS. Al-Kahf: 17).

The brothers TQN Suryalaya my opinion is divided in several groups in understanding murshidship after the death of Anah pengersa Anom, are as follows:
Those who already believe the existing genealogy to 38. They are the ones who get a clue, as the Word of Allah swt. in the Qur'an Surat Al-Kahf: 17.
Those who believe murshidship still on Abah Anom. This group seemed to act only for the benefit of themselves, they seem not to think for people who would come later, when they really needed a Murshid. Because ke'egoan'nya, they are not aware indirectly has decided TQN Suryalaya pedigree chain.
They are still looking around for who mursyid Abah Anom's successor? In this group are those who are always "confusion", when met 'sun', they said, "This is mursyidku, but when the 'sun' drowned, they said," Oh, it was not. "Once they see the 'moon', back they said "This is mursyidku", but when the moon disappears during the day, they say, "Oh, it was not." Thus, they are always waiting. I do not know what awaited them? Do pengumumun ?, or decrees or instructions ?, ?, or what..?
And there is also the advantage of the opportunity to "run away", leaving thoriqoh teachings. This is the group that claimed to be students but not a disciple, after the death of Abah Anom be an opportunity for them to cease to practice the teachings of TQN Suryalaya; stopped making dhikr, khotaman stop, stop praying-praying sunnah. And there is also interest in moving thoriqoh teachings; they are more trusting of others than the internal TQN Suryalaya. Though Abah Sepuh has stated in Tanbih, "Pun we place people ask about Thoriqoh Qadiriyya Naqsyabandiyah.
Facts murshidship Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul ra. (Abah Aos):
When saying goodbye to Abah Anom, patted his shoulder, with a fragment of the Word of Allah Surah Al Baqarah: 247: "Allah has raised Thalut be king."
He ruled by Abah Anom: "amalkan, Secure, Preserve!"
He also ruled by Abah Anom: "Develop Manaqiban!"
And, there are many other cues, which are unlikely to be written, as if the trees used as pen and ink made oceans, surely would not be able to write down his knowledge of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
My advice to anyone who wants to learn the practice of TQN Suryalaya, because we still need the guidance mursyid that we can still see, hear, and we sentauh, then, "Open the chest-chest with the broadest, and let the truth it enters relung- deepest recesses of your heart. "


"Thank you, I hope I opened", said the brothers, and we also ended the chat.

Lovers Sanctity of Life

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