Penulis : Tom and Jerry
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Tom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry is an American animated series produced MGM which tells the story of a pair of cat (Tom) and mouse (Jerry) who are always quarreling. This animated series is the winner of an Academy Award (Oscar) and form the basis of a successful series studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). This short story they created, written and directed by two men named William Hanna animator and Joseph Barbera (they Kemudain famous as Hanna-Barbera).
This animated series produced by MGM Cartoon Studio in Hollywood in 1940 until 1957 when the unit closed the animation studio. In 1960, MGM hired Rembrandt Films (led Gene Deitch) in Eastern Europe to produce this series Tom and Jerry.
Production of Tom and Jerry returned to Hollywood in 1963, done by SIB-Tower 12 Productions leadership of Chuck Jones. Series production lasted until 1967.
Tom and Jerry appear again on television cartoon shows produced Hanna-Barbera (1975-1977, 1990-1993) and Filmation Studios (1980-1982). MGM's animated short film production work of Hanna and Barbera is known for having won seven Academy Awards, together with the achievement of the work of Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies. Two of this work is the work of animated series that received the most awards.
The storyline in each short story is usually centered on the efforts of Tom's impossible to catch Jerry, along with a variety of physical conflict and damage the material. They sometimes appear to live peacefully side by side in several episodes (at least in the first few minutes), so sometimes it is not clear why Tom is so bernafsunya chasing Jerry. Some reasons may be the lasting enmity of cat and mouse, the tasks assigned by the owner of the house, revenge, and competition against other cats.
Tom catch Jerry rarely successful, largely due to skill and agility Jerry and Tom's own stupidity. Tom usually beat Jerry when the rat became the cause of the problem or when Jerry had to act outrageous.
They are well-known short stories with the most sadistic joke that never featured in the animated film: Jerry Tom's body cut in half, insert tail Tom kejendela Jerry, Jerry Tom clamping head with a window or door, Jerry dropped a variety of heavy objects ranging from iron, a rod of iron, cover the oven, glasses, plates, glass, and other furniture into Tom's head. Tom using everything from axes, pistols, bombs and dynamite and poison as his attempt to kill Jerry, Jerry Tom tail bake into bread pan, insert it into the cat's tail outlet, hit Tom's face with a baseball bat, and others. But besides all this sadistic act, no blood or the terrible things that appear in their stories. The joke is often repeated in this cruel act was when Jerry hit Tom when the cat was doing something. Tom initially oblivious to the pain --- but then feel it later!
This cartoon series is also famous for its dependence on various cliches, such as body jet black characters that become due to an explosion and the use of shadow images are enlarged (as in the episode "Dr.. Jekyll and Mr.. Mouse.") The similarities in the objects and real events could be the main attraction of the visual humor of this cartoon series. The characters Tom and Jerry ordinary transformed into forms that do not make sense but it is related to events that exist (mostly due to hit in situations of forced or otherwise) in the enclosed picture is horrible but in the real world.
Music plays an important role in each episode, giving emphasis on the behavior of characters, the voice sound effects, and bring emotion into the story. Music Steering Scott Bradley created complex works of music that combines jazz, classical and pop for this series. He often uses contemporary pop songs and songs from MGM films such as "The Wizard of Oz" and "Meet Me In St.. Louis".
Pre-1953, all Tom and Jerry animated films produced in the ratio and the standard format of the United States Film Academy (Academy). From 1953 until 1956, some films produced in the format of multiple Academy and widescreen CinemaScope process. From 1956 to the closing of the MGM animation studio a year later, all Tom and Jerry animated film produced in CinemaScope, some even accompanying songs recorded in stereo. In the era of the 1960s, the works of Gene Deitch and Chuck Jones are all produced in Academy format, but with a composition that can be converted into a widescreen format. Works by Hanna-Barbera was originally produced in three-strip Technicolor, while produced in the 1960's using Metrocolor format.
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cat
Tom is a cat house bluish gray (the color of Tom's hair is very similar to the Russian Blue cat coat color) living in the comforting, while Jerry is a small brown mouse who always stay close to where Tom lives. Tom is very quick-tempered and irritable, while Jerry is a character who lives free and very good at taking a chance.
Despite vigorous and determined, Tom is always less with the intention of the brain and shrewdness Jerry. In each episode, Jerry usually come out as winners, and Tom becomes the loser. But, the opposite could happen. Sometimes, Tom's a winner, from several hundred episodes of Tom and Jerry, only thirteen episodes that states Tom come out as winners in the end. Sometimes, too (usually something which ironically) both lose or both ends to be friends, like in the episode "Blue Cat Blues".
Jerry Mouse
Both these characters have a tendency to be sadistic, meaning they are both very happy to torment one another. However, in some episodes, when one character is in danger, other characters will be awakened and save character.
Although many supporting characters and characters that speak a small role, Tom and Jerry rarely speak for themselves. Tom, for example, famous for his favorite to sing when trying to attract the attention of a female cat. He sang the song "Is You Is or Is You Is not My Baby" by Louis Jordan in the episode "Solid Serenade" made in 1946. Directed by William Hanna contributed rat squeaked voice, breath sounds and other voices for the two main characters of this. One of Hanna's sound-effect contribution is heartfelt cries Tom which is made from genuine cries of Hanna where the beginning and end of the tape is removed so that just screams the loudest cries are presented. The only episode in which Tom talked a little long and did not sing is "Million Dollar Cat", where Tom speaks "Gee.'m Throwing away a MILLION dollars .... BUT I'M HAPPY!" while playing Jerry.
People helpers
Butch, rivals Tom Cat
* In an effort to catch Jerry, Tom often had to compete with Butch, a black cat that lived in dark alleys who also want to catch and eat Jerry, or get a girlfriend of Tom.
* Spike (sometimes nicknamed the "Killer" or "Butch"), a bulldog guards are fierce and hot-tempered, always attacking Tom. He usually-good friends with Jerry, became the guardian and protector of the rat in several episodes, he had a son named Tyke.
* Toodles Galore, Tom's girlfriend. He usually met Tom when Tom saw it and Tom have got it before the preliminaries by Butch.
* Mammy Two Shoes, a black housekeeper (Lillian Randolph was filling his voice) that her face is rarely seen and usually beat Tom with a broom when the cat was acting-inappropriate behavior. Mammy appeared in many episodes until 1952. After that Tom and Jerry shown live together with young couples in the 1950s era: a husband who is thin and tall with wearing glasses and a dark-haired wife with childishness. The owner of Tom's next is a thin woman and be assertive with the properties such as Mammy-Two-Shoes. The difference is, this woman is not afraid of mice and are always able to punish Tom for chase-chase Jerry (never fails to catch the cat).
* Nibbles, a little mouse is an orphan. He then called Tuffy. In the late 1940s, Jerry adopted a baby gray rat fur is displaced. Unlike Jerry, Nibbles able to speak, but usually in a foreign language depending on the theme and background of the episodes are made.
Spike, the bulldog guarding Jerry
* During the 1950s, Spike seemed to have a boy named Tyke, an additional character that causes softening of Spike and the emergence of a tough stand on the animated series "Spike and Tyke" short-lived. Tyke sometimes speak, using voice and expressions such as comedian Jimmy Durante.
* Quacker the Duckling, a duck little orphan who later adapted by other Hanna-Barbera characters, Yakky Doodle.
* Lightning, golden orange cat. Formerly nicknamed Meathead. Lightning seen with a black nose on several episodes of Tom and Jerry, and later seen with a red nose in Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale.
* Topsy, a friend of Butch, a young brown cat, who lived in a dark alley with Butch and Lightning. He became friends with Jerry majority than Tom when he appeared as a cat house in Professor Tom.
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera worked at MGM studios to start directing films for the unit Rudolph Ising, the first is a cartoon about a cat and mouse tale, "Puss Gets the Boot". Completed in late 1939, and released to theaters on February 10, 1940, the story focused on the character Jasper, gray cat that is where Jasper tried to capture an unnamed rodent, but after accidentally crashed into a flower pot, a house maid black households named Mammy Two Shoes warning: Jasper will be thrown out (just as Mammy said "OWT, out!") if once again breaking glassware. Rats are using this to advantage, and began throwing wine glasses, ceramic plates, teapots, and any and all fragile, so Jasper will be thrown out. This cartoon aired, and removed without opening music, and Hanna and Barbera began releasing other cartoons.
Producer Fred Quimby, who operates the MGM animation studio, quickly pulled from Hanna and Barbera cartoon other one-shot, that which they do, and assignment as a series featuring a cat and mouse. Hanna and Barbera intra-studio contest to give couples a new name with the proposed name of the image that comes out of a hat; animator John Carr won $ 50 with a suitable name suggestions: Tom and Jerry. [1] This cartoon was released with an episode of "The Midnight Snack ".
Tom's physical appearance evolved significantly over the years. During the early 1940s, Tom has advantages detail-shaggy fur, a lot of facial wrinkles, and some of the signs and all the slender eyebrows into a form more applicable in the late 1940s-and looked like a realistic cat; apart from initial four-legged Tom became increasingly, and finally almost exclusively, bipedal. Instead, the design essentially remains the same Jerry. In the mid-1940s, the series has been developed, faster more energetic (and violent) tone, due to inspiration from colleagues in the cartoon film studio MGM, Tex Avery, who joined the studio in 1942.
Although the theme of each short is almost the same - a cat chasing a mouse - Hanna and Barbera find variations on the theme of the endless. Barbera's storyboards and rough layouts and designs, combined with the time Hanna, produce a series of cartoons of the most popular and successful MGM. Thirteen entries in this series won the Best Short Animated Film category at the Academy Awards.
This cartoon series remained popular throughout their original theatrical run, even when the budget began to tighten somewhat in the 1950s and the pace slows a little cartoon. However, the company's box office revenue declined for the movie theater, and short subjects pata era of the 1950s. At first, all the cartoons produced by MGM CinemaScope format. After MGM realized that they have released the older cartoons bring as much revenue as the new film, studio executives decided, (this is very surprising staff) to close the animation studio. MGM cartoon studio closed in 1957, the last episode of session 1 to 114, "Tot Watchers", was released on August 1, 1958. Hanna and Barbera opened an animation studio to the TV for themselves, Hanna-Barbera Productions, in 1957, which then produces the famous TV show and movie.
In 1960, MGM gave the deal with production on the Czech-based company, Rembrandt Films, to make the 2nd session of the series Tom and Jerry. In the second session of this series, William L. Snyder became a producer, with director Gene Deitch, and is located in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Studio hire Konícek Stepan as the theme music maker, Václav Lídl, Larz Bourne, Chris Jenkyns, Eli Bauer, and Allen Swift. [2] For this session, the members make the most of the thirteen episodes have a surrealistic quality.
Since the group Deitch / Snyder has seen only a handful of session 1 Tom and Jerry, the resulting film is considered unusual, and, in many cases, bizarre. The first episode of this session is "Switchin 'Kitten', which contains the music and sound effects that often interfere with hypnosis, and high pitched.
Fans are usually rooted to criticize the Deitch cartoons because Tom was never a threat to Jerry. Most of the time, Tom was just trying to hurt her when he felt disturbed by the act of Jerry. In this session, Tom's owner is a fat man named Clint clobber easily upset. [3] Clint also more (graphically) brutal in punishing Tom wakrtu compared with Mammy Two Shoes, such as beating and thrashing Tom repeatedly, burned his face with a grill and forcing Tom to drink carbonated beverages as a whole. This is a session for Tom and Jerry did not bring the phrase "Made In Hollywood, USA" at the end of each episode.
Contracts with Deitch ended in 1962, with the last episode in its sessions "Carmen Get It!". Chuck Jones went on to work for the third session, in studio SIB Tower 12 Productions. The sessions produced 34 episodes that bring a distinctive style Jones. However, although essentially animated by the artists who worked with Jones at Warner Bros. studios., The whole episode has just reached the level of success. In this session, Tom has thick eyebrows like Boris Karloff and appear less complex (including the color of fur in this session is grayed out), sharper ears, and furrier cheeks, while Jerry was given the eyes and ears of the more big, bright brown color, and sweet expression, similar to Porky Pig.
Several episodes of Tom and Jerry at the third session of the story reminds Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. Jones worked with Maurice Noble. This is then forwarded by Abe Levitow and Ben Washam. 2 episodes that are the result kerjsama with Hanna-Barbera MGM, directed by Tom Ray. Fillers his voice a few is Mel Blanc.
Starting in 1965, Tom and Jerry series of Hanna and Barbera began appearing on television in edited form. Tim Jones needed to take the cartoons featuring Mammy Two Shoes, and replace it with a young British woman. Last episode of the entire series Tom and Jerry is the "Purr-Chance to Dream", in 1967.
In 1986, MGM was bought by Turner Broadcasting System with its owner, Ted Turner. Turner sold the company a few moments later, but still pre-1986 MGM film, so Tom and Jerry until now the property of Turner Entertainment. (Also owned by Warner Bros..)
This animated series produced by MGM Cartoon Studio in Hollywood in 1940 until 1957 when the unit closed the animation studio. In 1960, MGM hired Rembrandt Films (led Gene Deitch) in Eastern Europe to produce this series Tom and Jerry.
Production of Tom and Jerry returned to Hollywood in 1963, done by SIB-Tower 12 Productions leadership of Chuck Jones. Series production lasted until 1967.
Tom and Jerry appear again on television cartoon shows produced Hanna-Barbera (1975-1977, 1990-1993) and Filmation Studios (1980-1982). MGM's animated short film production work of Hanna and Barbera is known for having won seven Academy Awards, together with the achievement of the work of Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies. Two of this work is the work of animated series that received the most awards.
The storyline in each short story is usually centered on the efforts of Tom's impossible to catch Jerry, along with a variety of physical conflict and damage the material. They sometimes appear to live peacefully side by side in several episodes (at least in the first few minutes), so sometimes it is not clear why Tom is so bernafsunya chasing Jerry. Some reasons may be the lasting enmity of cat and mouse, the tasks assigned by the owner of the house, revenge, and competition against other cats.
Tom catch Jerry rarely successful, largely due to skill and agility Jerry and Tom's own stupidity. Tom usually beat Jerry when the rat became the cause of the problem or when Jerry had to act outrageous.
They are well-known short stories with the most sadistic joke that never featured in the animated film: Jerry Tom's body cut in half, insert tail Tom kejendela Jerry, Jerry Tom clamping head with a window or door, Jerry dropped a variety of heavy objects ranging from iron, a rod of iron, cover the oven, glasses, plates, glass, and other furniture into Tom's head. Tom using everything from axes, pistols, bombs and dynamite and poison as his attempt to kill Jerry, Jerry Tom tail bake into bread pan, insert it into the cat's tail outlet, hit Tom's face with a baseball bat, and others. But besides all this sadistic act, no blood or the terrible things that appear in their stories. The joke is often repeated in this cruel act was when Jerry hit Tom when the cat was doing something. Tom initially oblivious to the pain --- but then feel it later!
This cartoon series is also famous for its dependence on various cliches, such as body jet black characters that become due to an explosion and the use of shadow images are enlarged (as in the episode "Dr.. Jekyll and Mr.. Mouse.") The similarities in the objects and real events could be the main attraction of the visual humor of this cartoon series. The characters Tom and Jerry ordinary transformed into forms that do not make sense but it is related to events that exist (mostly due to hit in situations of forced or otherwise) in the enclosed picture is horrible but in the real world.
Music plays an important role in each episode, giving emphasis on the behavior of characters, the voice sound effects, and bring emotion into the story. Music Steering Scott Bradley created complex works of music that combines jazz, classical and pop for this series. He often uses contemporary pop songs and songs from MGM films such as "The Wizard of Oz" and "Meet Me In St.. Louis".
Pre-1953, all Tom and Jerry animated films produced in the ratio and the standard format of the United States Film Academy (Academy). From 1953 until 1956, some films produced in the format of multiple Academy and widescreen CinemaScope process. From 1956 to the closing of the MGM animation studio a year later, all Tom and Jerry animated film produced in CinemaScope, some even accompanying songs recorded in stereo. In the era of the 1960s, the works of Gene Deitch and Chuck Jones are all produced in Academy format, but with a composition that can be converted into a widescreen format. Works by Hanna-Barbera was originally produced in three-strip Technicolor, while produced in the 1960's using Metrocolor format.
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cat
Tom is a cat house bluish gray (the color of Tom's hair is very similar to the Russian Blue cat coat color) living in the comforting, while Jerry is a small brown mouse who always stay close to where Tom lives. Tom is very quick-tempered and irritable, while Jerry is a character who lives free and very good at taking a chance.
Despite vigorous and determined, Tom is always less with the intention of the brain and shrewdness Jerry. In each episode, Jerry usually come out as winners, and Tom becomes the loser. But, the opposite could happen. Sometimes, Tom's a winner, from several hundred episodes of Tom and Jerry, only thirteen episodes that states Tom come out as winners in the end. Sometimes, too (usually something which ironically) both lose or both ends to be friends, like in the episode "Blue Cat Blues".
Jerry Mouse
Both these characters have a tendency to be sadistic, meaning they are both very happy to torment one another. However, in some episodes, when one character is in danger, other characters will be awakened and save character.
Although many supporting characters and characters that speak a small role, Tom and Jerry rarely speak for themselves. Tom, for example, famous for his favorite to sing when trying to attract the attention of a female cat. He sang the song "Is You Is or Is You Is not My Baby" by Louis Jordan in the episode "Solid Serenade" made in 1946. Directed by William Hanna contributed rat squeaked voice, breath sounds and other voices for the two main characters of this. One of Hanna's sound-effect contribution is heartfelt cries Tom which is made from genuine cries of Hanna where the beginning and end of the tape is removed so that just screams the loudest cries are presented. The only episode in which Tom talked a little long and did not sing is "Million Dollar Cat", where Tom speaks "Gee.'m Throwing away a MILLION dollars .... BUT I'M HAPPY!" while playing Jerry.
People helpers
Butch, rivals Tom Cat
* In an effort to catch Jerry, Tom often had to compete with Butch, a black cat that lived in dark alleys who also want to catch and eat Jerry, or get a girlfriend of Tom.
* Spike (sometimes nicknamed the "Killer" or "Butch"), a bulldog guards are fierce and hot-tempered, always attacking Tom. He usually-good friends with Jerry, became the guardian and protector of the rat in several episodes, he had a son named Tyke.
* Toodles Galore, Tom's girlfriend. He usually met Tom when Tom saw it and Tom have got it before the preliminaries by Butch.
* Mammy Two Shoes, a black housekeeper (Lillian Randolph was filling his voice) that her face is rarely seen and usually beat Tom with a broom when the cat was acting-inappropriate behavior. Mammy appeared in many episodes until 1952. After that Tom and Jerry shown live together with young couples in the 1950s era: a husband who is thin and tall with wearing glasses and a dark-haired wife with childishness. The owner of Tom's next is a thin woman and be assertive with the properties such as Mammy-Two-Shoes. The difference is, this woman is not afraid of mice and are always able to punish Tom for chase-chase Jerry (never fails to catch the cat).
* Nibbles, a little mouse is an orphan. He then called Tuffy. In the late 1940s, Jerry adopted a baby gray rat fur is displaced. Unlike Jerry, Nibbles able to speak, but usually in a foreign language depending on the theme and background of the episodes are made.
Spike, the bulldog guarding Jerry
* During the 1950s, Spike seemed to have a boy named Tyke, an additional character that causes softening of Spike and the emergence of a tough stand on the animated series "Spike and Tyke" short-lived. Tyke sometimes speak, using voice and expressions such as comedian Jimmy Durante.
* Quacker the Duckling, a duck little orphan who later adapted by other Hanna-Barbera characters, Yakky Doodle.
* Lightning, golden orange cat. Formerly nicknamed Meathead. Lightning seen with a black nose on several episodes of Tom and Jerry, and later seen with a red nose in Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale.
* Topsy, a friend of Butch, a young brown cat, who lived in a dark alley with Butch and Lightning. He became friends with Jerry majority than Tom when he appeared as a cat house in Professor Tom.
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera worked at MGM studios to start directing films for the unit Rudolph Ising, the first is a cartoon about a cat and mouse tale, "Puss Gets the Boot". Completed in late 1939, and released to theaters on February 10, 1940, the story focused on the character Jasper, gray cat that is where Jasper tried to capture an unnamed rodent, but after accidentally crashed into a flower pot, a house maid black households named Mammy Two Shoes warning: Jasper will be thrown out (just as Mammy said "OWT, out!") if once again breaking glassware. Rats are using this to advantage, and began throwing wine glasses, ceramic plates, teapots, and any and all fragile, so Jasper will be thrown out. This cartoon aired, and removed without opening music, and Hanna and Barbera began releasing other cartoons.
Producer Fred Quimby, who operates the MGM animation studio, quickly pulled from Hanna and Barbera cartoon other one-shot, that which they do, and assignment as a series featuring a cat and mouse. Hanna and Barbera intra-studio contest to give couples a new name with the proposed name of the image that comes out of a hat; animator John Carr won $ 50 with a suitable name suggestions: Tom and Jerry. [1] This cartoon was released with an episode of "The Midnight Snack ".
Tom's physical appearance evolved significantly over the years. During the early 1940s, Tom has advantages detail-shaggy fur, a lot of facial wrinkles, and some of the signs and all the slender eyebrows into a form more applicable in the late 1940s-and looked like a realistic cat; apart from initial four-legged Tom became increasingly, and finally almost exclusively, bipedal. Instead, the design essentially remains the same Jerry. In the mid-1940s, the series has been developed, faster more energetic (and violent) tone, due to inspiration from colleagues in the cartoon film studio MGM, Tex Avery, who joined the studio in 1942.
Although the theme of each short is almost the same - a cat chasing a mouse - Hanna and Barbera find variations on the theme of the endless. Barbera's storyboards and rough layouts and designs, combined with the time Hanna, produce a series of cartoons of the most popular and successful MGM. Thirteen entries in this series won the Best Short Animated Film category at the Academy Awards.
This cartoon series remained popular throughout their original theatrical run, even when the budget began to tighten somewhat in the 1950s and the pace slows a little cartoon. However, the company's box office revenue declined for the movie theater, and short subjects pata era of the 1950s. At first, all the cartoons produced by MGM CinemaScope format. After MGM realized that they have released the older cartoons bring as much revenue as the new film, studio executives decided, (this is very surprising staff) to close the animation studio. MGM cartoon studio closed in 1957, the last episode of session 1 to 114, "Tot Watchers", was released on August 1, 1958. Hanna and Barbera opened an animation studio to the TV for themselves, Hanna-Barbera Productions, in 1957, which then produces the famous TV show and movie.
In 1960, MGM gave the deal with production on the Czech-based company, Rembrandt Films, to make the 2nd session of the series Tom and Jerry. In the second session of this series, William L. Snyder became a producer, with director Gene Deitch, and is located in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Studio hire Konícek Stepan as the theme music maker, Václav Lídl, Larz Bourne, Chris Jenkyns, Eli Bauer, and Allen Swift. [2] For this session, the members make the most of the thirteen episodes have a surrealistic quality.
Since the group Deitch / Snyder has seen only a handful of session 1 Tom and Jerry, the resulting film is considered unusual, and, in many cases, bizarre. The first episode of this session is "Switchin 'Kitten', which contains the music and sound effects that often interfere with hypnosis, and high pitched.
Fans are usually rooted to criticize the Deitch cartoons because Tom was never a threat to Jerry. Most of the time, Tom was just trying to hurt her when he felt disturbed by the act of Jerry. In this session, Tom's owner is a fat man named Clint clobber easily upset. [3] Clint also more (graphically) brutal in punishing Tom wakrtu compared with Mammy Two Shoes, such as beating and thrashing Tom repeatedly, burned his face with a grill and forcing Tom to drink carbonated beverages as a whole. This is a session for Tom and Jerry did not bring the phrase "Made In Hollywood, USA" at the end of each episode.
Contracts with Deitch ended in 1962, with the last episode in its sessions "Carmen Get It!". Chuck Jones went on to work for the third session, in studio SIB Tower 12 Productions. The sessions produced 34 episodes that bring a distinctive style Jones. However, although essentially animated by the artists who worked with Jones at Warner Bros. studios., The whole episode has just reached the level of success. In this session, Tom has thick eyebrows like Boris Karloff and appear less complex (including the color of fur in this session is grayed out), sharper ears, and furrier cheeks, while Jerry was given the eyes and ears of the more big, bright brown color, and sweet expression, similar to Porky Pig.
Several episodes of Tom and Jerry at the third session of the story reminds Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. Jones worked with Maurice Noble. This is then forwarded by Abe Levitow and Ben Washam. 2 episodes that are the result kerjsama with Hanna-Barbera MGM, directed by Tom Ray. Fillers his voice a few is Mel Blanc.
Starting in 1965, Tom and Jerry series of Hanna and Barbera began appearing on television in edited form. Tim Jones needed to take the cartoons featuring Mammy Two Shoes, and replace it with a young British woman. Last episode of the entire series Tom and Jerry is the "Purr-Chance to Dream", in 1967.
In 1986, MGM was bought by Turner Broadcasting System with its owner, Ted Turner. Turner sold the company a few moments later, but still pre-1986 MGM film, so Tom and Jerry until now the property of Turner Entertainment. (Also owned by Warner Bros..)
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