Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 61

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 61

    Dam Bi will be confused and screaming like crazy.

    Yeom Jong happy because he had succeeded in forcing Bi Dam entered the "dark areas within themselves" (rich black Spiderman jd time haha) Yeom Jong remember him saying at Mi Saeng he will destroy the trust Bi Dam on the Queen. Mi Saeng Dam Bi doubt that confidence can easily be destroyed only with tactics alone. Yeom Jong said, what if this about the Queen, Mi Saeng laugh ya .. maybe this could work.

    Yeom Jong laugh, Bi Dam has betrayed its allies for the sake of loyalty all his life for Queen and in the end this is the result of his betrayal. He was mocking stupidity for trusting Queen Bi Dam. Bi Dam interesting collar Yeom Jong (I'm getting tired of this scene .. dg) and directs the sword to his neck, Bi Yeom Jong Dam will kill if he did not shut his mouth. Yeom Jong Dam Bi challenging to kill, even kill me but will not improve the situation because the current position of Dam Bi, Bi Dam can not do anything. Yeom Jong said the Queen was throw and trust Dam Bi .. Yeom Jong (aaarrgh..) And dropped his sword.

    In mine Geumjeongsan, Bi Dam practicing war ally. Mi Saeng getting impatient and agitated that the Bi Dam and Yeom Jong is not here and no news from them. Bo asks ability Yeom Jong Jong Dam Bi persuade to join their rebellion. Ha Jong said their troops had to wait Bi Dam to lead. Jujin agree, without Bi Dam all this in vain. Mi Saeng asked what the fuck it Yeom Jong? All agree they should not trust Yeom Jong.

    Meanwhile, Yeom Jong continue to brainwash Bi dam, it's not too late if you want to get the Bi Dam Bi Dam Deok Man then must seize Silla from him. Yeom Jong said all is set up and prepared and that this was the intention from the beginning of Bi Dam becomes King. Bi Dam stood up and left when Yeom Jong asked Bi Dam would go anywhere and hold Bi Dam, but Bi Dam Yeom Jong with a scary look and he went like a zombie, Yeom Jong tried to call Bi Dam.

    Queen wrote a letter to Bi Dam, this is the last and final instruction as ruler of Silla, and after it finished. Queen said that he will abdicate the throne and followed the Chuhwa, Queen asked Bi Dam to prepare a small cottage for them and wait for him there. Queen Bi Dam assured that these are only temporary and then the Queen will be with Bi Dam.

    Bi Dam still without direction in the forest road and he thought the Queen intention to kill him. Then Bi Dam remember what was said when he expressed his feelings Queen, the Queen asked, how about because he simply mncintai Silla Silla and her love only to Silla. Dam Bi was also remember when Deok Man know that Mi Shil was his mother and insisted that at least Bi Dam should tell him about this. Bi Dam said if she told Deok Man, if you're not going to leave me and felt I no longer useful for you. When Bi Dam remember it all, he pulled out the ring of the Queen and looked at him and cried while holding erat2. (Frodo Baggins rich aja ..)

    Queen completed his letter to Dam Bi, Bi Dam should trust him and wait for him to come anyway. Queen paused for a moment and write his name as Deok Man in the letter and then fold it and insert into the envelope. Joo Bang came in and asked what the Queen call him. Queen gives the letter and asked for Joo Bang expedite his trip to Chuhwa gun and give it to Bi Dam and Joo Bang must submit directly into the hands of Bi Dam. Joo Bang understand, he took the letter and left. Meanwhile, Dam Bi confused with his own thoughts and Bi Dam said to herself as she saw the ring the Queen, she will become Silla and if not then he will join the blocking dream orang2 Silla.

    Bi Dam said that whatever the method and how it will happen, no problem for him. Bi Dam said that if the throne proved to be very heavy and a lot of trouble to hold so that the Queen felt the need to kill Bi Dam and throw it away, then Bi Dam vowed to release the Queen of the burden. Bi Dam will definitely do that.

    Mi Saeng angry, Yeom Jong return alone without Bi Dam. Ha Jong asked where Bi Dam. Yeom Jong convince them that the Bi Dam will appear and he will surely come. Mi Saeng remind Yeom Jong, pulling his collar (lagi..?) If Bi Dam does not appear then he himself would kill Yeom Jong. Sueulbu said that this is not the time to find fault. Yeom Jong Mi Saeng release, they should immediately leave because the dept of defense may know their whereabouts. And Phil said that if they remain in this place they will be surrounded and captured. Jujin suggest they go to Yul Bo Hyeon, is hiding there. Mi-yun Hwang Saeng and agree. Then Jujin see Bi Dam at the entrance to the royal clothes and go. Bi Dam look at them and said they were all sad collection of people who are stupid. Mi Saeng shocked but all pleased with the presence of Bi Dam, Yeom Jong (public enemy number one!) Most happy among them.

    Al Cheon gave instructions to his men and asked them to be alert to any suspicious activities. The guards understand and leave. One of them report on Al Cheon that Heuk Gap San of troops has been missing for several days. Al Cheon asked about Heuk San and received a report that Heuk akhir2 San highly suspicious of this. Al Cheon realized something was wrong.

    Bi Dam said on its allies they will not avoid confrontation. Mi Saeng said if not then what Dam Bi plan. Bi Dam said during the uprising Chil Mi Sook and the reason of failure and defeat is Shil Shil Mi Seorabeol leave and live in Daeya. Bi Dam said that those who leave Seorabeol be expressed as a villain. Bi Dam said Silla correct principles only and is based in Seorabeol. Jujin surprised but understood. Bi Dam said they would take over Seorabeol and lower Queen of the throne and he will become king. The nobles swore loyalty to Bi Dam. Bi Dam said that a new era will begin at dusk. Bi Dam said he would invade and take over Seorabeol during the evening. Mi Saeng asked whether Bi Dam suggested to attack the castle where the Queen was Wyol Seong like that? (Wyol Seong Fortress is Banwolseong or means Fortress and a half months is also known as the palace Wyol Seong, its name taken from a palace fence. Now its ruins still exist between the forest and bukit2 and can be seen in Gyeongju)

    Bo Jong said the Bi Dam have not collected all their forces, Yeom Jong said their troops would not be able to master Seorabeol and dealing with the dept of defense or even the palace guard in Wyol Seong. Bi Dam just smiled.

    Courier up to Seorabeol, Seo Hyun Kim explained about the logistics of the Queen. Are ally Dam Bi Bi Yu Hyeon may go as long as this place was used by the Ministry of Audit and Bi Dam and Yeom Jong often used as a headquarters. Seo Hyeon Kim say they have to keep all access from Bi Yu Hyeon to Seorabeol to prevent their entry into Seorabeol.

    Guk san Heun facing and to report any troop deployment in Geumohsan and moving toward Seonggi gun. Kim Yu Shin said that if they follow the route of Geumohsan toward Seonggi then they will be heading eastwards Seorabeol namely Daedeosan. Then come and report Dae Pung Jujin nobles had crossed into Guk Chil. Kim Seo hyun see map Geumohsan, Seonggi gun, then chik guk Kim Chun Chu said they are heading the capital. Kim Yu Shin said all headed to the Wyolseong where the Queen is located. Queen said if they will reach the capital of the gun and Chil Seonggi guk will suffer, especially the residents.

    Queen tells Kim Yu shin to withhold access to Deoksan and prepare for a defense to hold them towards the capital. Kim Yu Shin understand and go with san Guk Dae Pung and Heun.

    At the headquarters Dam Bi, Bi Dam opened the map and see the hills and he smiled Deoksan sure (BD and DM had a brain once .. ckck yes, war is still one mind). Jujin and Jae Ho reported that all had been prepared in accordance with instructions. Bi Dam asked whether all the troops had gathered. Jujin said Yeo Do they gathered. Jae Ho asked what the next action. Then Yeom Jong came to report that Kim Yu Shin has just departed from Wyolseong with his troops. Bi Dam asked how much of its strength, Yeom Jong approximately 2,000 people and reported them to the hill Deoksan and build defenses there. Jae Ho asked how they will fight whether to directly attack? Bi Dam: direct attack?

    Queen does not agree, they should avoid direct attacks on Seorabeol. Kim Yong Chun agrees. Kim Chun Chu asked what personal forces that have been disersi join them. Al Cheon said it was not yet certain but moves toward Wyolseong indicate they are confident with the strength to launch a direct attack. Queen looks nervous.

    Jae Ho Dam Bi govern and Jujin to lead and launch attacks against Kim Yu Shin ofnsif in Yeo Do county. Bi Dam said they had to attack with full force but they must immediately resign if it hears a signal to retreat. Jujin surprised they will retreat. Bi Dam ordered to move immediately. Jae Ho Jujin and understand. Bi Dam study the map and Yeom Jong Dam Bi surprised by the strategy. Dam Bi asked about troop Phil And, what is ready. Yeom Jong said they are ready. Yeom Jong asked what he had to say on Phil And he commanded. Bi Dam said no need but to wait.

    Phil Dan and his army outside the fort Myeonghwal there and wait.

    Yang Gil informs that Seo Hyeon Kim Yu Shin Kim faced a direct attack from the Bi Dam in Yeo Do. Seo Hyun Kim surprised they're attacked by direct. Gil reported that Kim Yu shin ho jae but managed to beat Bo Jong Jujin and launch an attack from the other side continually. Kim Seo hyun said all this proves they are heading into Wyolseong. Yang Gil said Kim Yu Shin able to withstand their attacks and Kim Seo Hyeon Yeo Do warn me if lost, would open the way to Wyolseong. Kim Seo hyun ordered the troops of the Yangsan and Muhwasan mobilized to provide assistance on Kim Yu shin in yeodo gun. All understood.

    Yeom Jong report of the Yangsan and muhwasan troops already moving to help Kim Yu shin and all according to plan Bi Dam. Bi Dam said ok and ordered Phil And for processing in accordance with the plan. Bi Dam asked Jae Ho Yeom Jong rule, Jujin to withdraw from Yeo Do county. Yeom Jong wonder they are not going to Wyolseong. Bi Dam said Wyolseong not their actual target.

    Seo Hyun Kim received reports that the rebels retreated from Yeo Do county and he asked what the Yangsan and Muhwasan troops had reached the Yeo Do county. Guk san Heun say yet. Kim Seo hyun did not catch them back and realized there was something strange. and asked which way they retreated. Guk San Heun said at Yangsan. Kim Seo hyun said Yang san is now empty.

    In the fortress Myeonghwal the guards said that Wyol Seong may face heavy attacks and others say why troops were deployed to Yeo Do county then Phil Dan and his army came and attacked the fort Myeonghwal. Phil And no trouble mastering the fort. (Pinter also BD hehe ..)

    Kim Yong Chun received a report that had already defeated Kim Yu Shin Jae Ho, Bo Jong, and Jujin and now they will retreat from Yeo Do county. Queen wonder why tiba2 retreat. Kim Yong Chun said that they saw the danger and retreat. Kim Chun Chu felt weird. Kim Yong Chun explains Kim Seo Hyeon already deployed troops from Yangsan and Muhwasan to help Yu Shin. Kim Chun Chu said Yangsan now empty and Kim Yong Chun said is certain. Kim Chun Chu feel anxious. Queen realizes that maybe ... Kim Yong Chun asked what was wrong .. that Yangsan not their priority. Queen to see a map and pointed Myeonghai Sanseong.

    Kim Yong Chun asked what their target was Myeonghwal Sanseong. Queen says now there are 2 political force in Wang kyeong (Royal Capital).

    Kim Yu Shin realize rebels retreated toward Yangsan. Dae Pung confirmed they already exist in the San. Kim Yu Shin began to understand their target is actually a rather Wyolseong Myonghwal. They want to master the fortress Myonghwal. Go Do and Dae Pung shocked.

    Phil Dan and greets troops at the fort Myonghwal Dam Bi. Phil And Bi Dam praised for his efforts which was very good. Phil And that's not saying anything, because Bi Dam is a great strategy that has been planned so that the fort was empty, so it is easy to master the fort. Bi Dam and its allies entered the fort Myeonghwal. (Ok, personal opinion .. yes BD dah nih abysmal responsibility, so I think DM hehe forget and be king, you know .. not bad BD BD can certainly nyatuin 3 countries also, the problem could be arranged Hoe Bo Gya is .. I think you know .. )

    Kim Chun Chu told the Queen that the goal of insurgents is actually Myeonghwal San Seong. Kim Chun Chu said they were attacked with full force on Yeo Do county only as a camouflage for the Queen to deploy troops from Yangsan to Yeo Do county so that they can easily master the fort Myeonghwal. Queen said the rebels did not want to repeat history with Mi Shil. Kim Chun Chu Mi Shil justify leaving Seorabeol time, it was the biggest mistake he made in his rebellion. Kim Yong Chun said that the distance between Myeonghwal Sanseong and Wyolseong only 10 ri. Kim Seo Hyun confirmed only need 15 minutes with cavalry troops to reach Wyolseong. Kim Yong Chun said there will be 2 political force that will face each other in Wang kyeong.

    Seo Hyun Kim apologized for the incorrect observations about this incident. Queen asked how dare they entered the conflict in the capital and said this is really a bold strategy to fight with full force in the capital are limited. (Ratu.. Who used to mastermind it hehe ..)

    In Myeonghwal, Ha Jong said in a 700-year history of Silla, only this time there is a direct battle with full force in the capital and created two political forces. This is the first time. Jujin agree they only only 10 of Wyolseong ri. Jujin also say they can not be silent, Jujin Dam Bi asked what the next plan. Bi Dam asked: So what you guys think? Mi Saeng said, first of all, this problem must be known to the public. Mi Saeng said the resistance would occur in the capital. Now although the Queen of a woman but he is supported by the stability of the state because Kim Yu Shin, Bi Dam and other nobles. So the Queen can get the royal authority.

    Lord Jujin and Ha Jong Mi Saeng nodded in agreement and continue, but if the situation is now public knowledge, the nobles and the people will begin to doubt about the skills and the ability of the Queen to power and what a woman will be able to reign as Queen. Bi Dam justify. Bi Dam said they had spread the rumor to all corners of Queen and survive in the capital as long as possible.

    Kim Chun Chu justify the conclusion that the Bi Dam is the brains behind this uprising and also architect of the strategy with the support of the nobility and their private armies who had deserted from the front line to join the Bi Dam and entered into rebellion and Bi Dam is now the reason for this rebellion.

    Among them there are no more Mi Shil or Seol Won Rang, but how might they be able to design strategies such as good and very brave this. Kim Chun Chu said there was only one person and that person is Bi Dam. Queen tells Kim Chun Chu: enough talk about it. stop. Kim Chun Chu told the Queen that the Queen already knew and was able to conclude from the Queen herself thought it Bi Dam and asked what was so. Queen justify, he really has concluded that the Bi Dam was the one but the Queen wished this was not true and benar2 wrong.

    Joo Bang arrived in Chuhwa gun. Joo Bang out of San Tak that Bi Dam has not reached the Chuhwa Gun. San Tak said he sent Bi Dam to prepare everything here, but Bi Dam is yet to come. Joo Bang worried Bi Dam should have been up to. San was asked whether the letter will be given to Bi Dam, Joo Bang said in San Tak this Ratu command and he must submit this letter to personally hand Bi Dam.

    Bi Dam said he wanted to lower the Queen. Ha Jong said Bi Dam is not just saying that they must endure in a long time. Hwang Yun asked if merea've collected a lot of what forces they will reach the capital directly. Bi Dam said no. Bi Dam said that they will win the nobles to their side, because they now have the Lord Jujin, Sueulbu, and himself. Bi Dam also said he had 7 people from 10 members Hwabaek as allies (great, too ..). Mi Saeng said it .. and Bi Dam asserted that he was as Sangdaedeung council will hold an emergency meeting with a proposal lowering Hwabaek Queen Seon Deok. Bi Dam left the meeting and holding the Queen's ring.

    Bi Dam Hwabaek holding court with a proposal to force Queen Seon-Deok down from the throne. Bi Dam read the proposal that the Queen is not worthy or fit to inherit the throne of Silla Silla King Jinheung and therefore suffer from the ongoing conflict with neighboring kingdom of Goguryeo and Baekje and the consequent loss of the fort Daeya to Baekje and the Queen has been looked down upon and despised by the Queen's envoy Tang which bertahkta and have defiled the name of Silla in the eyes of the world.

    The nobles get a copy of the proposed reduction in the Queen. Then Bi Dam adds that Ashoka of the Maurya dynasty of the great doctrine that states have sent a new king must reign in the Silla and the Queen should be aware that this is the will of heaven. Bi Dam as Sangdaedeung will hold a hearing based on 3 reasons Hwabaek this and have suggested that the Queen is lowered and that way save Silla from harassment. Joo Bang and San Tak saw the announcement of Bi Dam. Bi Dam said the Queen had to let go right as the King to restore the honor of Silla and the proposal was signed by Sangdaedeung Bi Dam.

    Joo Bang Dam Bi asked what makes a proposal to lower the Queen of the throne and asked what happened exactly. Joo Bang said what this means Bi Dam rebelled against the Queen. San Tak said, this seems true rebellion. Joo Bang Bi Dam realize that actually exists in Myeonghwal Sanseong. San Not confirmed. Joo Bang said he needs to send commands Queen but now Myeonghwal Sanseong is the rebel headquarters. San Tak said if Joo Bang enter Myeonghwal Sanseong, Joo Bang will die quickly. Joo Bang know if he entered he could die, but he must send this command to Bi Dam, what to do. Joo Bang remember the Queen insisted that Joo Bang directly handed this letter to Bi Dam.

    San Tak said Joo Bang had no choice, Joo Bang should not be to Myeonghwal because surely will die. San Tak said Joo Bang principle of survival is to avoid confrontation and he should avoid it in any way and fled. Joo Bang believes he needs to go to Myeonghwal Sanseong. San Tak remind Joo Bang if he goes, he will die. Joo Bang said that is why she needs San was with him and he dragged the San Tak.

    Queen to get a copy of the proposal and Kim Yong Chun said that it is not clear, how they can lead Hwabaek council meeting for this proposal and how dare they became very rude. Kim Seo Hyun said the nobles of this work to create chaos and confusion of the people. Queen said council Hwabaek Sangdaedeung invalid without a lead. In Silla, Sangdaedeung must lead a council Hwabaek be true and valid. Princess Man Myeong said the proposal was signed by Sangdaedeung Bi Dam. Queen said he would not conclude without prior verification of the authenticity of this proposal without a presence on the council Sangdaedeung Hwabaek, is considered a violation of law.

    Kim Seo Hyun and Kim Yong Chun surprised that Queen still refuse to believe in the authenticity of this proposal. Kim Chun Chu asked what if this proposal was held by Sangdaedeung Bi Dam and therefore this proposal is valid in all protocols and procedures and what would the Queen do. Queen said that if this is true then he will not forgive Sangdaedeung. Kim Chun Chu benar2 want the Queen to say those words. As they say, the words of the Lord is the law.

    Al Cheon came in and asked the Queen out for a while and see what happens on the page In Gang Jeon. Al Cheon show Heuk San corpse with a letter. Al Cheon said that this is San Heuk one of his men who disappeared several days ago. Kim Yong Chun asked how this incident could happen to the Queen's personal bodyguard (Paspampres rich so ..). Kim Seo Hyun said they sent the corpse as a sign of a threat to the Queen's palace guards. Then Kim Yong Chun saw the Queen ring tied to the neck of the corpse and mengambinya and Kim Yong Chun said that it does not belong to the Queen and how these bodies can have this ring.

    Queen instantly recognize it is a ring that he gave at the Bi Dam as a sign of farewell. Queen took the ring from Kim Yong Chun and look carefully and remember to give this ring to Bi Dam. Ring for Bi Dam is an exact replica of that worn by the Queen on his right hand since he ascended to the throne. Queen with this confirmation to know that this really works Bi Dam itself.

    Joo Bang and San Tak overlooking Dam Bi. Bi Dam Queen read the letter and then squeezed it after reading it and pulled the collar Joo Bang (wealth of their favorite scene, yes ..) and Joo Bang asked what was wrong, Bi Dam asked who actually sent this letter. Joo Bang said was sent by the Queen herself. Bi Dam knew that Joo Bang is now the men Kim Chun Chu and this is part of Kim Chun Chu trick. Joo Bang said that this is not like that, this letter sent by the Queen and asked Bi Dam believe that this is really a letter from the Queen and said the situation now is very strange.

    Joo Bang said that if not so why did he risk his life to come here to send a letter of the Queen, she will think is crazy that know and are aware of this path toward death. san was confirmed that Joo Bang went to Chuhwa gun used to come here looking for Bi Dam before him. Joo Bang justify and they read the proposal on the bulletin board and come to Myeonghwal Sanseong and risking his life to send this letter. Bi Dam releases his grip and laughed that he once again lied. Joo Bang did not catch Bi Dam. Bi Dam asked states to Kim Joo Bang Chun Chu and the Queen that he is still alive and stressed that people who really want them to kill are still alive and ask Joo Bang convey his message. San Tak and Joo Bang do not know what to say.

    Bi Dam Queen saw the ring and the ring with his hands clasped. This is found in the bodies and then remember that the Bi Dam contract will release its political force after the Queen dies and resigned. Bi Dam said that this is not a difficult thing to do. Kim Chun Chu aware of the Queen and ask the Queen to make a decision. Kim Yong Chun justify the proposal that led to rumors everywhere. Kim Seo Hyun said that the proposal will be ratified Sangdaedeung issued, this will create more weight to them because the parties will increasingly have Sangdaedeung hearts of the people. All three are pressed the Queen for a decision.

    Queen finally decides: Bi Dam is released and removed from office and declare Sangdaedeung Bi Dam as an enemy state. Queen of Silla ordered that all people have the right to end the rebellion and punish the rebels and death to the rebels in order to create peace and sovereignty of Silla. Queen asked them to immediately implement them. three of them went with satisfaction.

    Queen ruling Al Cheon to investigate the background of the death of one of San Heuk Royal Palace Guards.

    Bi Dam spoke with the San not to ask what this is so that Joo Bang benar2 to Chuhwa gun to send the letter to him last night. San does not justify. Bi Dam said that people would try to kill him is one of the Queen's bodyguard. Bi Dam have not investigated the background of San Heuk San. (BD and Dm together, make decisions first and investigate sigh ...). san Do not understand. They do not know that the child Yeom Jong saw it. Yeom Yeom Jong Jong informs that Sangdaedeung ordered Heuk San San was investigated. Yeom Jong said this should not happen and ask for Heuk Myeong And coming soon.

    Al Cheon conduct an investigation and headed to San Heuk. (Hrsnya Al Cheon guns need to wait for the Queen commands, he immediately investigate hrsnya kel. Heuk San when the body is received, tp sdh is yes ..). Yeom Jong, Heuk Myeong And Heuk San massacring families, when they will leave, they spotted Al Cheon and his army. Al Cheon Myeong recognize Heuk And (perhaps most wanted man) and ordered his men to arrest him. Mark chasing Heuk Myeong Dan. Al Cheon check conditions in the home page Heuk tubuh2 San was all dead. Al Cheon realized there was someone hiding in the bushes. Al Cheon drew his sword and then check the direction semak2 and find girls who are very frightened.

    Al Cheon lowered his sword and pulled the girl and said he was from the Imperial Guard and asked whether she was injured. She said she did not apa2 Al Cheon .. but her parents asked what was happening in his home. The girl is the younger Heuk San who was told by the killer that his brother made a mistake and should leave immediately. Al Cheon asked what's wrong? San Heuk sister said there was a man named .. he try to remember .. .. Yeom Yeom Jong! who says comes from the Ministry of Audit. Al Cheon surprised Heuk San has received orders from Yeom Jong. San Nothing that has happened to overhear also ruled that Heuk San Yeom Jong and go.

    Queen received a report from Joo Bag that Bi Dam is on Myeonghwal benar2 Sanseong. Joo Bang with regret justify. Queen asked to meet directly with Joo Bang Bi Dam. Joo Bang justify. Queen stunned when Joo Bang menjelakan that Bi Dam thinks that the Queen sends someone to kill him. Queen in shock. Joo Bang said that when he sent a letter the Queen, he refused it and think it akal2an only. Queen looks increasingly troubled by the statement Joo Bang, Bi Dam said: He is alive and well even when the Queen tried to kill him. Joo Bang asked what should they do now.

    Al Cheon came in and reported that this was all caused Yeom Jong. Joo Bang asked means people who would kill Bi Dam is Yeom Jong. Then attributing all the blame on the Queen and this is a game Yeom Jong. Al Cheon justify ya right like that.

    Queen: How the trust between 2 people can be so weak and try to understand the minds of people can be so difficult. Joo Bang said that the Queen should try to resolve this misunderstanding with Bi Dam and must get rid of doubts. Queen regret to say it was too late to do anything for Bi Dam, the Queen had no choice that can be useful.

    Queen then had a heart attack again. Al Cheon and Joo Bang worried and Queen struggling to breathe. Queen pacify them he was fine and asked them to come out of his office. Al Cheon understand and he will call the physician's palace and asked for Joo Bang went with him. Joo Bang went and Al Cheon see the Queen for the second time, he was very anxious.

    San Tak back to Myeonghwal Sanseong and he wanted to meet Bi Dam and wanted to enter the fort. The guard asked what he was San Tak. San did not say Bi Dam was ordered to do tasks and Bi Dam waiting for him. The guard's men Yeom Jong, and Yeom Jong-out with his men and wanted to speak privately with San Tak. San not remember the incident in San Heuk home. San Tak said he had something to Bi Dam and then he fled from Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong shouted to pursue San Tak. San Tak ran and chased, he avoids an arrow and then he reached the edge of the abyss and can not be returned. San Tak choose to jump down and the child loses Yeom Jong San Tak. San was actually hanging on the edge of the abyss to give the impression he jumps down.

    Bi Dam can not wait for San Tak and reread the letter from the Queen and see the Queen signed the letter as Deok Man. Bi Dam asked whether San Tak is back and she screamed for attention.

    Jujin entrance and Bi Dam Queen hide behind the letter. Jujin report there is something good and someone entered. It turned out that Jin Yeong nobleman in and join the Bi Dam and the duke of Jin Yeong greets Bi Dam. Yeong Jin said that he will do my best to Bi Dam. Bi Dam said he had made the decision right. Ha Jong Ho said in addition nobles also joined yeon, Mi-Hyeon Saeng said Commander Gurahwa also join. Bi Dam know that the troops Gurahwa Hyeon is a great army. Jujin agree that if the troops come Gurahwa Hyeon then nothing to worry about anymore. Ha Jong Dam Bi congratulate the additional amount of their allies. Mi Saeng said many nobles now believe and join the BI dam. Bi Dam said he was very grateful for their generosity. Allied Bi Dam very pleased with this outcome but Bi Dam is still in doubt on the letter of the Queen which he kept.

    Bi Dam go and Yeom Jong Dam Bi asked where are you going. Bi Dam asked whether San Tak is back Myeonghwal Sanseong. Yeom Jong said he did not see the San do not. Yeom Jong asked what the task is given Bi Dam on the San Tak. Bi Dam said only a small task. Bi Dam said if not returned immediately bring San San was to her. Yeom Jong menyanggupinya and said that all the nobles had gathered and Bi Dam must be present immediately. Bi Dam agreed. A messenger came and called Bi Dam.

    Meanwhile in Wyolseong. Kim Yu Shin said she had run a command the Queen to announce that the Bi Dam is the enemy of the state and all the people of Silla had a right to arrest him and they deserved to die. Queen knows but the Queen looked uneasy. Kim Yu Hsin said he is concerned with the actions of the nobility who became very sensitive because their forces are absorbed into the defense dept. Giving rise to suspicion and insecurity.

    Queen asked what they had to fight in the neighborhood of the capital. Kim Yu Shin convinced they have prepared all attack and defense plans. View of the Queen looked blank and asked whether the Queen Shin Yu okay. Kim Yu Shin said she had received a report that this is actually the act that makes Yeom Jong misunderstanding between Bi Dam and Queen. Queen said that the draft does not care about people or just plain misunderstanding or whatever it is, there are only incidents caused by the consequences and history will always be determined and made by those who win. Queen said that she and Bi Dam had gone too far making it impossible to return because they had crossed into the direction where there is no turning back. But the most Queen regret is that Bi Dam never sought confirmation from the Queen herself that's why he was sorry for Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin asked what should be forgiven by Bi Dam and what was meant by the Queen.

    Queen said to the Yu Shin about his plans in the past, the Queen wondering what he said he was suddenly like Bi Dam just because the Queen wants Bi Dam provide troops for nobles. Queen did not dare say that it was not so sure. Queen think what he chose to marry in order to separate Bi Bi Dam Dam from its allies. Queen could not be sure of what all these feelings for it. But the Queen confirmed that she was sincere when she said wanted to leave the throne and spent the rest of her life with Bi Dam, this is only my last desire. (I think that guns hurt DM blom certainly want to abdicate the throne and HDP with BD, I'm sure jg guns, mending still reign .. Seriously, love is not for orang2 like them)

    Bi Dam read that the Queen ordered the Queen commands Bi Dam to be taken down and moved as Bi Dam Sangdaedeung and declared as an enemy state. All the people of Silla has the right to kill Bi Dam to the threat or serious crimes. Bi Dam squeezed notification letter and threw it into the ground. Yeom Jong took it and read it. Yeom Jong asked whether the Queen had put into the whole country. Yeom Jong asked then what we will do. Bi Dam asked what was the Queen who has written that he would leave the throne and will spend the rest of his life with Bi Dam?

    Queen said on his cabinet revolt they will use this to eliminate all the rebels and make it as an example for the basis of unification of the 3 countries. Al Cheon came and reported that the Silla people had gathered at Mu Yong Jang said they would voluntarily join to protect the Silla and the Queen of the rebels. Kim Chun Chu said that the people of Seorabeol already volunteered to be involved in the conflict. Al Cheon justify and the Queen said that they had to go to Yang Mu Jang soon.

    In Myeonghwal Sanseong, Bi Dam talking with its allies, while at Seorabeol Queen also face the people in Mu Yong Jang,

    Scene between Myeonghwal and Wyolseong:

    What on earth they're doing?

    Bi Dam: Silla was crying. This is because the Queen of the incompetent ..
    Queen: Silla is in jeopardy. This is because the nobility who did not want to lose all they have ..

    Bi Dam: We've been defeated in war and despised by other countries ...
    Queen: Many people lose and even more and that we must appeal to other countries like it ..

    Bi Dam: Just like that ... there is in distress and Silla's keputusasa
    Queen: .. Silla is in crisis and facing danger

    Bi Dam: We can not stand still and see it passed in front of our eyes again
    Queen: We can not continue to let this happen

    Bi Dam: We should lower the Queen
    Queen: We must root out rebels

    Bi Dam: We must create a new era in Silla
    Queen: We must ... forever protect the honor of Silla

    Bi Dam: We must build a new Silla
    Queen: We must summon the people from the 4 corners of Silla Silla and protect from harm.

    People in Myeonghwal Sanseong and Wyolseong shout and welcome their leader Bi Dam and Queen Seon Deok will involve themselves in a great battle and only one will come out as winners.

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