About Marijuana dalam Bahasa Indonesia Adalah Ganja

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About Marijuana dalam Bahasa Indonesia Adalah Ganja

Ganja (Cannabis sativa syn. Cannabis indica) is a fiber-producing plant cultivation, but is more known for narcotic substances in the seeds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that can make the wearer experience the euphoria (feeling like a prolonged without cause). Marijuana plants are usually made into a marijuana cigarette

These crops can reach 2 meters high. Leafy menjari with male and female flowers on different plants (married two). The flowers are small in dompolan at the end of the branch. Cannabis grows only in tropical mountains with an elevation above 1,000 meters above sea level.

Cannabis became a symbol of the ever popular hippie culture in the United States. This is usually denoted with a marijuana leaf-shaped characteristic. In addition, marijuana and opium is also touted as a symbol of resistance against the flow of globalism imposed capitalist countries against developing countries. In India, some of Sadhu who worship the god Shiva use marijuana derivative products to perform the ritual worship of hashish by sucking through a pipe Chilam / Chillum, and by drinking bhang.


In some countries this plant is classified as narcotics, although not proven that users become addicted, with different drugs based on chemicals and damage brain cells, which have been very clear danger to mankind. Among marijuana users, a variety of effects produced, especially euphoria (feeling happy) redundant, as well as loss of concentration to think of the particular user.

The negative effects in general is when it is sucking the user will become lazy and brain will slow in thinking. However, this is still a controversy, because it is not fully agreed on by some particular group that supports medical marijuana and marijuana in general. Besides purported pain-relief, and treatments for specific diseases (including cancer), many are also those who claim the surge of creativity in thinking and in making the work (especially on the artists and musicians.

Based on recent research, this (the surge of creativity), is also influenced by the type of cannabis used. One type of marijuana is considered helpful creativity is a modern hybrid "Cannabis indica" which comes from India with "Cannabis sativa" from the West, this hybrid type of Marijuana that is the type that grows in Indonesia.

The resulting effect is also different to each individual, which in certain groups there who feel the effect that makes them become lazy, while there are groups that become active, especially in creative thinking (not physically active such as the effect produced methamphetamines). Marijuana, until this moment, was never proven as the cause of death and addiction. In fact, in the past regarded as a remarkable plant, where nearly all the elements available to it can be used for various purposes. This is very contradictory and different from the effect produced by drugs and alcohol, which causes users to become addicted to physically tortured, and even do violence or fraud (criminal action) to get the drugs that man-made chemicals. (Various sources).


Cannabis plants have been known to mankind for a long time and used as material for bags because it produces strong fibers. Marijuana seeds is also used as a source of oil.

However, because marijuana is also known as a source of narcotics and usefulness of economics is more valuable, more people to plant for this and in many places abused.

In a number of countries planting marijuana is strictly prohibited. In some other countries, the cultivation of cannabis allowed for the benefit of fiber utilization. Condition is planted varieties must contain narcotic substances at very low or nonexistent.

Before there was strict prohibition against marijuana cultivation, marijuana leaves Aceh become common components of vegetables and presented.

For users, dried marijuana leaves were burned and inhaled like cigarettes, and could also be smoked with a special device called a bong bertabung.


This plant is found in nearly every tropical country. Even some of the cool temperate countries also have started membudidayakannya in a greenhouse.

In Indonesia, marijuana grown illegally in the province of Aceh. Usually planted marijuana in the early rainy season, can be harvested before the dry season results.

Marijuana harvest of leaves and twigs beriut flowers and fruit in the form of small grains. Mixture of leaves, twigs, flowers, and fruit that has been dried is commonly rolled into cigarettes of marijuana. If the female flowers are extracted, they will produce concentrated resin known as hasyis.

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