Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya

Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya

    Abah Anom Suryalaya
    The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya

    Shohibulwafa Tajul Arifin Ahmad was the original name Abah Anom. Born January 1, 1915 at Suryalaya, Tarlac. He was the fifth son of Sheikh Muhammad Nur Abdullah bin Mubarok, or Abah Sepuh, founder of the Pesantren Suryalaya. A special boarding schools that taught mysticism Tariqat Qadiriyya Naqsabandiyah (TQN).

    He entered the elementary school (Vervooleg school) in Ciamis, at the age of 8 years. Five years later went to the madrassas tsanawiyah in the same city. After tsanawiyah, then he studied the Islamic religion, more specifically at the various schools.

    He was in and out of various boarding schools around the West Java such as, boarding school and boarding school Cicariang Jambudwipa in Cianjur for sciences and Ushuluddin tool. While in boarding school Cireungas, he also studied martial arts. His interest deepened to learn martial arts to Pesantren Citengah led by Haji Djunaedi famous expert "tools", martial arts champion and expert wisdom.

    Passion for their studies, causing Abah Anom mastered various Islamic sciences at the relatively young age (18 years). Backed by the world's interest in boarding schools, has encouraged his father, who dedengkot Thoriqot Qadiriyah Naqsabandiyah (TQN) to teach him TQN dhikr. So he became vice talqin his father at the relatively young age.

    Perhaps since then, he is more known as Abah Anom. He officially became Murshid (mentor) at the Islamic School TQN Sufism since 1950. A period which is susceptible to a variety of armed violence between various groups in society, especially among the DI / TII against the TNI.

    "Sufism is not only a genuine product of Islam, but he has managed to return Muslims to the authenticity of religion in the period-specific period," said Abah Anom, the existence of Sufism in Islam.

    Abah Anom understood mysticism, not mysticism which tends to ignore most of the shari'ah as prioritizing dhauq (taste). According to him, and pengamal Sufi tariqa must not leave the science or the science of fiqh shari'ah. In fact, he says again, science is the way to ma'rifat Shari'ah.

    He was, as usual Sufi figure, do not want to be famous. "He was very difficult for an interview with journalist, because he did not want to be known people," said Ustadz Wahfiudin, mubaligh Jakarta who became one of his pupils.

    Nevertheless, he is not a Sufi figure who fled to the forests and mountains, like the legend of the Sufi who often come to our ears. A life for himself, and accused the society as the enemy that prevents him from God Almighty. He is familiar with the various fields of life, ranging from agriculture to combat.

    In the year 50-60 people's economic condition is very alarming. Abah Anom down as the pioneer of the economic empowerment of the people. He is active in building irrigation to regulate agriculture, the development also windmills for power generation.

    Abah Anom's even made a sort of rice self-sufficiency program in the community of West Java to anticipate food crisis. This activity has forced the Minister of Social Welfare and Gen. A. Suprayogi H. Nasution to visit and review the activities were in the Pesantren Suryalaya.

    Battlefield is not foreign territory for Abah Anom. In times of war for independence, along with Brig. Jend. Akil work together to restore security and order in its territory. When the rebellion erupted PKI (1965), he was with the santrinya conduct armed resistance.

    It does not even stop there, Abah Anom make the program "spiritual rehabilitation" for the former PKI. No wonder, if Abah received various awards from the Bureau of Islamic Spiritual Kodam VI Siliwangi, Governor of West Java and other agencies.

    Field education is also not spared from space activities. Starting from the establishment Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Madrasah 'Aliyah in 1977, until the establishment of Islamic Institute Latifah Mubarokiyah in 1986.

    Complete their work in various fields of human life, was originated from his understanding of the meaning of ascetic. If most of the mystics ascetic opinion is to leave the world, impacting on the Muslim decline. So in the opinion of Abah Anom,

    "PIETY is qasr al-'amal means, short of wishful thinking, not a lot of dreaming and be realistic. So the ascetic does not mean eating perfunctory and ragged clothes. "

    Abah refer to the letter of An-Nur verse 37 is, "Men are not neglected by commercial and not (also) by the sale and purchase of remembering Allah and from establishing prayer, (of) paying the zakat. They are afraid of a day (on that day) the liver becomes shaken. "

    So, according to him an ascetic is one who is able to control his / her wealth to be a servant, while he himself can be submissive to Allah alone. Or as stated by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani,

    "Dudukkanlah yourself with the worldly life, while your heart with the life hereafter, and rasamu together Rabbmu."

    Inabah rehab centers

    Alleviating human contempt of waste is not an easy matter. Abah Anom has a strong theoretical foundation to formulate methods of spiritual healing, it's all in the name of the school's own, Inabah rehab centers.

    Abah Anom Inabah rehab centers are not just making a name for the pesantren, but more than that, he was the theoretical foundation for the freeing patients from psychiatric disorders because of its dependence on illicit drugs. In the eyes of Sufism, he is a name of spiritual rank (maqam), which must pass within a Sufi spiritual journey towards Allah SWT.

    ".. One of the results of muraqabatullah is al-Inabah rehab centers whose meaning back from sin leads to obedience to Allah because he felt embarrassed to 'see' God," said Abah which refers to the book of Al-Qulub Taharat.

    In theory Inabah rehab centers, to put the faith in the heart, there's no other way except with dhikr laa ilaha ilallah, this way among TQN called talqin. Likewise in those treated mesikapi in pesantren Inabah rehab centers. They should be given 'sword' to repel enemies in their hearts, the sword is the recollection of God.

    The people who were treated at Inabah rehab centers are treated like people affected by liver disease, who are trapped in difficulties, confusion and sadness. They have been neglected and misled the devil that can not afford anymore in His dhikr. Like people who do not have a weapon again face his enemies. As a result, a cure for them is the dhikr.

    Prayer is one form of dhikr. In the view of Abah Anom, the patient was not able to pray because it is still in a drunken state (sukara), because it is the first step is to awaken them from a drunken state with bath junub. Moreover, the nature of the drunkard is ghadab (Caliban), which is an act syaithan made of fire. The medicine is nothing else but water.

    So, in addition to dhikr and prayer, to heal the patients that used methods junub wudlu and bath. The combination of both methods still used it until now Abah Anom to treat the patients from the mildest to the most severe, and quite successfully. Evidence, branch Inabah rehab centers not only in Indonesia, Singapore stood a Malaysian branch and two branches. Not to mention the guests that flow from different continents such as Africa, Europe and America.

    Voice of Hidayatullah, 1999

    Demikianlah Artikel Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya

    the life of the muslim world Abah Anom Suryalaya The founder of Pesantren Inabah rehab centers, Suryalaya, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat untuk anda semua. baiklah, sekian postingan the life of the muslim world kali ini.

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