Laundry Manual 1998

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    Laundry Manual 1998

    Laundry Manual 1998
    The Processing of Linen                                          1
    Protective Clothing                                              5
    Thermal Disinfection                                             6
     Safetex Bag System and Dissolvo Sacks                           7
    Laundering of Kitchen Laundry                                     17
    Laundering of Colour Coded cloths and mops                       18
    The Care of Polycotton in the Laundry                            20
    Checklist for Care and Handling of Linen                         22
    Cleaning of the Laundry                                          1
    Check list for Cleaning of Laundry                               6
    The Use and Care of Washing Machines                             1
    The Use and Care of Hydro -Extractors                            3
    The Use and Care of Tumble Dryers                                4
    The Tumble Dryers - Drying Temperatures                          5
    The Use and Care of Rotary Ironers                               6
    The Use and Care of Hand Ironers                                 7
    Checklist for the Use and Care of Laundry Equipment              8
    The Laundering and Care of Duvet Quilts and Pillows              1
    The Laundering and Care of Curtains                              3
    The Laundering and Care of Reusable Bed Pads                     6
    Cheecklist for the Laundering and Care of Soft Furnishing        7
    SECTION 5                                                        Appendix
    Job Description for a  Laundry Assistant                          1
    Social Services Departmental Procedure 33/93                     2
    Mattress Protectors                                              3
    Duvet and Pillow Protectors                                      4
    Information on : Reusable Bedpads and Chair pads                 5
    Information On Dissolvo SacK Stand                               6
    Information on Laundry Bins/Bags                                 7
    Products Used  in the Laundry                                     8
    Information on Diversey Lever Laundry Products                   9
    Information on Proctor and Gamble Laundry Products (Ariel)       10
    Laundry Equipment Custom Plan Agreement for Labour and Materials 11
    Information on Electrolux Washing Machine                        12
    Information on Electrolux Tumble Dryers                          13
    Information on Electrolux Rotary Ironers                         14
    Washing Symbols                                                  15
    Guidelines on Community Laundry                                  16
    Examples of Weights of Various Items                              17
    Risk Assessment for Laundry Staff                                18
                                       SECTION 1
                            THE CARE AND HANDLING OF LINEN
    All laundry must be sorted into three main categories:
                            A = used
                            B = infected
                            C = heat labile
          This is all normally soiled laundry which may be washed by hand or
          machine in accordance with the care label.
         Rubber gloves must be worn.
    B.   INFECTED:
          Any laundry which has been soiled by any body spillage or used by
          persons suffering from infection.
          Disposable gloves and plastic aprons must be worn.
          Solid matter e.g. faeces, vomit must be removed by:-
    1.  Sluicing: where there is that facility
    2.  Flushing down a toilet.
    3.  Removing solid matter with paper towels and placing these in double
        plastic bags and putting into the dustbin or medical waste in/bag.
    *  Most of our commercial washing machines do have sluicing facilities, but
      solid matter must be removed from items in sluice or toilet before being
      taken to the laundry in a safetex or dissolvo sack to be processed in a
    * The hospital programme must be used for all infected laundry. If the
      washing machine does not have this setting the hottest wash possible for
      the fabric should be used and sanisoft, bactericidal fabric conditioner
      added to the final rinse.
    * Safetex bags/dissolvo sacks must be available for use with machines having
      a sluicing facility, or a cold rinse programme.
    * This is clothing manufactured from fabrics which would be damaged by normal
      heat disinfection or by machine washing. e.g. thermal underwear, knitted
    * These must be washed according to care label at temperatures below 40°C.
    * These items cause concern if they become infected as bacteria will multiply
      on the fabrics. The Department of Health recommend the use of bleach to
      disinfect such items; however, this is not advisable as it damages the
    *    A combined fabric conditioner and bacteria sanitiser called Sanisoft
         (Catalogue No. 598948) is now available to disinfect Heat labile items.
         Sanisoft replaces Divosan QC. Sanisoft has a lemon fragrance and will not
         damage fabrics. It is a fabric conditioner so must not be used on fabrics
         that are required to be absorbent e.g. reusable bed pads. The chemical is
         fed into the machine during the final rinse via the liquid dosing system.
     N.B. Sanisoft can only be used on washing machines with the liquid dosing
         system installed.
    To install please contact your Diversey Lever representative.
    For Further information contact the Hotel Services Officer (01962 847289) or
    your Diversey Lever Representative. (See appendix 9)
     Laundry will also be sorted by other groups:-
    Fabric type:Cotton, polycotton, synthetics
    "Area" type:Kitchen, laundry, overalls, resident's clothing, dining room
    Colour: Light and dark colours.
    (i.e.. residents bedroom, bathroom toilet etc.)
    * All used/ infected/heat labile items must be initially sorted at source by
         care staff etc.
    * No linen contaminated with body fluids shall be mixed with used linen as
      this would make all linen infected and would therefore require processing
      on a hospital setting (thermal disinfection)
    * All linen containing body fluid such as urine, blood, vomit and faeces must
      be put into a safetex bag or dissolvo sack if no safetex bag is available
      and sorted as described in Section 1 page 7-16
    * All used/infected linen must be sorted into covered bins/trolley
    * Used/infected linen must not be carried around the establishment in staff
      arms unless within a safetex bag or dissolvo sack.
    * Where a laundry chute is used all infected linen must be thrown down a
      chute in a colour coded bag/ safetex bag or dissolvo sack.
    * The laundry chute door must be locked when not in use and fittted with a
      guard to prevent persons falling down the chute.
    *  Where  possible the use of the laundry chute should be discontinued.
    The trolley/ bin used to sort/collect/store and transport used or infected
    linenfrom source to laundry chute or laundry room must be looked at as part of
    the risk assessment to ensure that it reduces the risk of contamination from
    micro organisms and moving and handling injuries to staff.
    They should have the following features:-
    *     well fitting lid
    *     easy to load and unload e.g hinged lid
    *     on wheels
    *     braked wheels if required
    *     easy to manoeuvre
    *     has a handle to assist with moving
    *     correct height which does not create a stooped posture when moving,
          loading unloadingeasy to unload
    *     easy to clean/disinfect
    *     allow laundry to be sorted into differentbins/bags e.g. colour coded
    * Laundry must not be sorted on the floor unless this is unavoidable. There
      should be sufficient laundry bins/ colour coded bags available for each
      group as previous discused.
    For information on laundry bins and bags contact the Hotel Services Officer
    or Hardware Section at County Supplies 01962 846157
                                 ( SEE APPENDIX 6& 7 )
                                  PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
    * Laundry Assistants must wear overalls or work wear such as polo
      shirts/trousers/tabard when working in the laundry . .
    *  Rubber gloves must be worn :-
    i. When handling used/soiled laundry.
    ii. When hand washing.
    iii For all cleaning tasks.
    iv. When changing over containers on liquid dosing system or handling any
    washing powder or fabric softener.
    * Disposable gloves and plastic aprons must be available in the laundry for
      laundry assistant to wear when handling infected laundry.
    * Laundry staff must report to their manager any skin irritation such as dry
      skin, rash, allergy or dermatitis. Manager must follow guidelines as laid
      down in Hazardous Substances COSHH Manual.
     It is advisable that disposable gloves are kept in a plastic dispenser on the
    * Eye protection such as safety over glasses or goggles must be worn when
      dispensing chemicals, changing liquid dosing bottles
    *  Face masks must be worn when cleaning the lint screen on the tumble drier.
                                  THERMAL DISINFECTION
    Thermal disinfection involves holding washing liquor for sufficient
    time/sufficient temperature to disinfect items washed on such programmes.
    On the majority of washing machines purchased during the last 15 years this is
    built into the Hospital Programme.
    The hospital programme ensures that:-
    65°C (Polycotton) temperature is maintained for at least 10 minutes.
    93°Ctemperature is maintained for at least 3 minutes.
    Items washed at these programmes are thermally disinfected and most
    bacteria/viruses are destroyed during the washing process.
    1. Infected items - items contaminated with a body spillage.
    2. All bedding.
    3. All towels/flannels.
    4. Kitchen cloths/tea towels/uniforms. See Section 1 page 16
    5. Workwear/uniforms generally. e.g tabards
    6. Colour coded mops and cloths if commercial machine used - polycotton 65°C
         or 71°C cotton hospital programme.
    N.B.On all Electrolux machines the polycotton setting has a slow cool down
    which maintains the non crease qualities of the fabric. This setting also has
    a short spin.
                                THE SAFETEX BAG SYSTEM
    This system provides a simple and effective method of protecting staff and
    service users from infections from body fluids from all infected laundry. It
    is environmentally friendly as it reduces the use and disposal of red plastic
    dissolvo sacks  within establishments each day. The bag is washed and dried
    with the load or air dried and therefore does not use any additional energy.`
    Although there is no specific Health and Safety Regulation for laundry
    operations, it is covered under the Health And Safety at Work Act 1974 and the
    Management of Health and Safety Regulation 1992. It would also be required
    Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 1995 as micro organisms
    are included in this regulation.
    The NHS have produced guidelines which should be adopted as good practice by
    all laundries who handle potentially infected laundry; this includes NHS
    laundries , private laundries, all nursing and residential homes in house
    laundries. The purpose of the guidelines are to protect staff handling and
    processing linen.
    These guidelines include the collection, sorting and washing of linen. The
    guidelines recommend that all laundry is sorted at source.
    It is felt that these guidelines may soon become the framework for a health
    and safety regulation and are accepted by the Health and Safety Executive as a
    good practise standard..
    Hampshire Social Services have to work on the assumption that all laundry
    contaminated with body secretions could be infected and must be sorted at
    source. Until recently the method used to prevent laundry staff coming into
    contact with infected laundry was dissolvo sacks.
    DISSOLVO SACKS (The previous system)
    Dissolvo sacks are the patent name for a red plastic sack which has a cold
    water soluble strip and cold water soluble tie manufactured by a company
    called ENAK.
    The bags are widely used throughout the country in health, nursing homes and
    residential homes both private, voluntary and local authority run.
    For many years ENAK have had been the only manufacturer of this type of
    The purpose of dissolvo sacks is to isolate and transport soiled and infected
    laundry from the source to the laundry room
    Dissolvo sacks are a single use. The sack is put into a washing machine and
    the sluice cycle opens the bag, releasing the items and allowing the laundry
    to be washed. The plastic bag is disposed of at the end of the washing cycle.
    Before the devolvment of budgets to areas and units, the purchase of dissolvo
    sacks was held centrally in the incontinence budget. Managers where therefore
    able to purchase as many bags as required. However many units did not use the
    sacks as required so consumption although high was not as high as one would
    Today with the budgets restrictions Dissolvo sacks are not used for all
    laundry contaminated with body secretions, the minimum standards laid down in
    the previous Laundry Manual where:-
      *  during an outbreak of Diarrhoea and vomiting
      *  when a resident has a know infection
      *  during bed changing at night
      *  during staff sickness or holiday when laundry will not be processed for
         some time
    The actual uses in residential units vary, e.g. some units only use them
    during an outbreak, some only use them at night others use them more
    frequently. The reasons for this varies but some suggestions are:-
      *  varying laundry systems
      *  budget restraint vs. health and safety
      *  lack of knowledge by managers
      *  poor control of usage by managers and staff
      *  lack of management support
      *  lack of training for staff
      *  lack of staff awareness of their existence
      *  incorrect use e.g. used as a waste bag
    This system is recommended by the department of health and is particularly
    important in many residential homes in Hampshire as laundry often has to be
    transported near to kitchen, dining room. front entrances and laundries are
    often sited near to the main kitchens.
    * cost 20p each
    * not used by all establishments as necessary
    * training only occurs as part of the departmental laundry course or by
      management in the establishment.
    * one use only
    * linen must be sorted before placing in the bag
    * damage to clothing due to incorrect sorting into bags.
    * mixed loads require various temperatures
    * under/overloading
    * incorrect use
    * environmental plastic usage and waste
    * plastic bags can be faulty
    * plastic bag can burst when thrown down a laundry chute.
    * bag will disintegrate if soluble strip becomes wet.
    * staff found handling bag with wet hands can often cause the bag ties or
      strip to dissolve.
    * staff remove the soluble ties and cause holes to appear in the bag.
    * water soluble ties are often missing
    * if not sealed correctly the  bag will not open fully
    * infected laundry is only handled at source.
    * micro organisms can't multiply
    * less risk of infection to staff and residents
    * less risk of cross contamination
    * Ammonia can't form due to lack of oxygen therefore urine smells are not
    * prevents stains setting as laundry doesn't dry out
    * laundry can be safely transported near to kitchen etc.
    * dirty laundry can be left until laundry assistant is on duty this could be
    * laundry can be transported safely in cars e.g. community laundry
    * can be used for an emergency such as machinery breakdown.
    The use of  dissolvo sacks now will  be minimal but  when needed staff  should
    follow the following instructions.
    1.    A supply of dissolvo sacks should be kept on the premises for emergency
          use ofortransport of infected linen outside the premises. e.g. Community
          Laundry, day centres, vehicles. A sack stand is available to hold the
          sacks when in use.
    2.   Items must be sorted before putting in the sack, i.e. polycotton and
          cotton Items which cannot withstand thermal disinfection must be put
          into a separate dissolvo sack to other infected items to allow laundry
          staff to process at low temperatures with sanisoft bactericidal fabric
          conditioner added.Items must be sluiced off to remove organic matter
          before placing in the sack.
    3.   Don't remove the water soluble tie from the side of the sack as this can
          cause holes to appear in the sack.
    4.   Place items in the bag. Turn the water soluble strip side of the sack to
          the back of the sack stand. This stops water running down the front of
          the sack dissolving the strip.( For information on sack stand see
          appendix 6)
    5.   When the bag is two-thirds full, exhaust the air in the sack and tie
          tightly using the water soluble tape supplied.
          i)  Do not overfill bag or it will not fit into machine.
          ii) Do not knot the bag - this will prevent the soluble strip dissolving
          iii)  Do not leave bags open after filling. This allows bacteria to
                escape and odours to be given off.
    6.   Take Dissolvo sacks to laundry. Do not store on a wet floor or in a sink
          as water will dissolve the strip.
    7.   Without opening the bag place in the machine as soon as possible.
    8.   The machine should be set for a sluice programme followed by a hospital
          programme. Alternatively, a cold rinse followed by a hot wash may be
          used if machine has no hospital programme.
    9.   During the cold sluice/cold rinse, both strip ties will dissolve and
          contents of bag will be released into drum.
    10.  At the end of the cold sluice/cold rinse programme and without opening
          the machine door or removing the bag, the items should then be washed on
          a hospital programme so that the bag and contents are thermally
    11.  The sack must be removed at the end of the wash cycle and thrown in the
          waste bin.
    The consumption of dissolvo sacks varies but if an establishment used the
    sacks to transport all laundry contaminated with body fluid such as urine,
    blood, vomit and faeces, the average consumption would be 10 per day.
     Dissolvo sacks cost approx. £40 per box of 200 therefore cost per bag is .20p
    If one establishment use 10 bags per day cost per day is £2
    Therefore the annual cost is
    2 X 365 = £730 per annum
    There will be a future need for dissolvo sacks
      *  when extra bags are needed in an emergency such as an outbreak of
         infection, staff shortages.
      *  for use in establishments who operate a community laundry e.g.
         Nightingale Lodge.
      *  when a day care service user requires infected clothing to be transported
         to their home for washing.
      *  when needed to transport infected laundry in a vehicle.
    THE SAFETEX SYSTEM (The New System)
    This is an alternative bag to the dissolvo sack which is more cost effective,
    provides a quality service, is environmentally sound and protects the health
    and safety of staff and service users.
    Content Ltd. have recently introduced a reusable alternative to the dissolvo
    sack called Safetex. They have the patent of this design and will supply
    direct to the establishments. Content Ltd. have also provided laundry trolleys
    to a number of homes in the last 2 years.
    This system will be introduced during 1998 to all residential and some day
    care units who handle infected laundry and will form part of the control
    measures required under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
    Regulation 1995.
    All residential establishment who have potentially infected laundry on their
    premises will receive full training before implementing this system. This
    training should be completed in full by July 1998.
    Training, all staff who handle infected laundry must attend the training
    session. This includes:-
      *  care assistants
      *  night care assistants
      *  senior care assistants
      *  management
      *  laundry assistant
      *  relief laundry staff
    The initial purchase of the bags is being funded centrally so all invoices
    will be sent to your Property Services Assistant for payment. Any additional
    bags or future replacements will be funded by the establishment.
    The system consists of a waterproof bag which is held together with poppers.
    The bags are supplied in three colour:
      *  RED
      *  BLUE
      *  GREEN
    Considerable cost saving can be made by introducing the Safetex system.
    Cost per Safetex bag is £12.95
    If a home use 10 dissolvo sacks it is estimated they would require at least 20
    Safetex bags to allow for processing time.
    20 x £12.95 = £259 per annum
    The total saving per annum would be £480
    These figures reflect the saving made if Safetex bags were used to transport
    all contaminated linen.
    This saving would be greater as although the bags are guaranteed for 250
    washes, which means if washed alternate days would last 500 days. I have also
    found that reusable bed pads which are made of a similar plastic they are
    still in use years after their expected lifespan. Chris Speak from Content has
    also commented that the bags have been on sale for 18 months and as yet no
    original customer has had to  purchase replacements.
    The bag is washed and dried with the load so there is no extra washing/ drying
    If bag is aired dried outside during dry weather this also prolongs the life.
    bags don't have to be fully dry to be re-issued for use.
    * cost
    * training provided to staff before use.
    * guaranteed at least 250 washes each
    * environmentally friendly as does not waste plastic bags.
    *  fully waterproof
    * will not disintegrate if wet.
    * staff are able to sort with use of colour coded system
    * all linen contaminated with body spillage can be put into Safetex bag
    * only care staff handle linen contaminated with body fluids
    * the same system will be introduced throughout Social services therefore any
      member of staff can work in another unit and be familiar with the system.
    * the initial purchase is funded from the central budget.
    * items must be correctly sorted by care staff to ensure that items are
      washed at the correct temperature.
    * the bags are not transparent so staff must use the correct coloured bags
    * care staff will need to be trained in sorting
    * ensuring that there are enough Safetex bags available.
    * dissolvo sacks may still be required for use in an outbreak of infection in
      the establishment as there will be more infected linen.
    * dissolvo sacks will still be required for infected linen being transported
      outside the establishment e.g. infected linen being brought in or taken
      home by respite, community laundries or day care service users
    1.   Care staff sort all laundry contaminated with any body fluid into one of
         3 coloured bags at source e.g. bedroom, bathroom, toilet and medical
      *  RED All items contaminated with body fluid that can be washed at 65°C
         Hospital Programme with a fabric conditioner added e.g cotton and
         polycotton bedding,
      *  GREEN All reusable bed pads, chair pads and personal pads. These items
         can be washed at a hospital programme but fabric conditioner must not be
         added as it affects the absorbency.
      *  BLUE All items contaminated with body fluids that cannot be washed at a
         hospital programme (Heat labile) e.g personal clothing.
    2.   Any item which requires sluicing is taken to the sluice in the sealed
         bag, removed sluiced and returned to the Safetex bag and then resealed.
    3.   Bags must not be overfilled, or under filled, if a bag had only a few
         items in it must be sealed and reopened when there are another items.
    4    Sealed bags must be taken to the laundry in a laundry trolley or down the
         laundry chute and stored there until processing.
    5.   The laundry assistant sorts and processes the bags by colour.
      *  RED bags processed with a sluice/prewash Main wash Hospital programme
         65°C destainer and fabric conditioner turned on.
      *  BLUE bags processes with a sluice and then main wash 30/40 °C no
         destainer used. Sanisoft the bactericidal fabric conditioner is  added.
      *  GREEN bags processes with sluice and pre wash. Main wash 65 or 71°C with
         destainer and no fabric conditioner or sanisoft added.
    6.   The 3 poppers at the top are opened before the bags are put fully into
         the machine. The bag is put into washing machine bottom first, before
          closing the machine the popper on the tie are undone.
    7.   After washing the bags are either line dried or in the tumble dryer for
          15 minutes medium heat.
    8.   The 3 popper at the top edge must be done up before returning to the
          sluices for future use.
    *     All kitchen laundry must be washed on a hospital programme.
    *     If the laundry has no hospital programme wash on the hottest programme
    *     Items must not be bought for use in the kitchen if they cannot be
          treated at a minimum 65°C hospital programme.
    *    All uniforms used in the kitchen and for serving meals should be
         washed in-house.
    *    Yellow kitchen mop heads areas may be washed with blue and green mops.
         See Laundering of Mops Section 1 page 16
    *    Kitchen tea towels, oven cloths and yellow cloths must be washed
    *    Kitchen laundry i.e. dish cloths, mop heads, tea towels, tablecloths,
         napkins, must be kept separate from other laundry within the
    *    Wash polycotton napkins and tablecloths on 65°C  hospital programme.
    *    Wash tea towels and dishcloths at 93°C or 71°C hospital programme.
    *    Heat labile tableware e.g. nylon table cannot be washed above 40/50°C.
         and if available Sanisoft should be added to final rinse in the machine.
    * There must be a covered bin designated for kitchen laundry only into which
      all the items above are placed when used/soiled/dirty.
    Should be stored in clips on a wall surface.
    a)  Mops heads and cloths used with approved disinfectant
        should be washed together:
    i.e. White mop heads from Spot Mops
         Red mop heads from toilets and sluices
         All red cloths
    b)   All other mop heads may be washed together: i.e.
             Green mop heads from bathrooms and laundries
             Blue mop heads from general areas
             Yellow mop heads from kitchens
             and Blue and Green cloths.
    c)   Yellow cloths from the kitchen and tea-towels should be washed
    There must be bins with lids provided to sort and store used mops before
    washing. Ideally these bins should be colour coded. The minimum standard is 3
    bins to store mops and cloths as above.
    a)In a domestic washing machine which has been specifically
    designated for the laundering of the mop heads.
    i)     Put mop heads and cloths in a laundry bag.
    ii)    Put a small amount of washing powder (approx. 1 oz or 25 gms) in the
    iii)   Wash items on the hottest wash cycle.
    iv)    Dry mop heads and cloths in the appropriate drier.
    The machine must not be used to launder any other type of laundry.
    b)  In commercial machines - this is only appropriate where there
        are sufficient mop heads and cloths to be laundered.
        i)   Put mop heads and cloths in a laundry bag.
    ii) If the machine has liquid dosing, switch this off and use only a
        small amount of soap powder (as above).
    iii) Wash mop heads and cloths on the 'Hospital' wash cycle (Polycotton 65°C.)
    iv)  Mop heads and cloths can be dried in the 'tumble drier' on the cool
    c)   By hand - where there are insufficient mop heads to make a machine wash
         economic. Items can be soaked in a solution of washing powder and
         then washed out by hand, rinsed thoroughly and line dried.
     It is advisable to wash all mop heads once a week in the machine to help to
    retain their colour, but do remember:
          All mop heads and red cloths used with approved disinfectant should
          be washed together in a separate load.
          Use the 'Hospital' wash cycle on commercial machines.
                               (POLYCOTTON 65°C OR 71°C.)
                         THE CARE OF POLYCOTTON IN THE LAUNDRY
    * Polyester/cotton materials require different handling to cotton items.
      Polyester/cotton It is in some ways stronger but in other ways more
      sensitive to how it is handled.
    * Polyester/cotton materials include 'polycotton' which is an easy care
      material with a mixture of polyester and cotton in different percentages
      e.g. 50:50, 60:40, 70:30. In the following the term polycotton will be
    * Polycotton is devised to combine the advantages of each.
    * Polycotton is man made, very strong, has a memory (heat can change the
    * Cotton is natural, porous, soft, absorbent, comfortable but
      wrinkles easily.
     If polycotton is subjected to a sudden change in temperature e.g. from very
    hot to cold and vice versa, the straight fibres of the manmade fibre are
    distorted and so are no longer straight. The fabric therefore becomes
    The creasing and damage caused by thermal shock is permanent.
    a)   Separate out polycotton from cotton as polycotton is attracted to lint
          and will become fluffy.
    b)   Separate heavy soiled and normal soiled if possible to stop soiling
         redepositing on items.
    c)   Separate colours: Light and dark. Polycotton will absorb some colours.
    a)   Do not overload machine.
     i)  If the load cannot turn easily creasing will occur.
     ii) Overloading will mean that detergent cannot work in correct
    iii) Items will not be cleaned efficiently.
    NB  If creasing occurs because of overloading, items will need to be rewashed.
    b)  Wash polycotton on the 'Polycotton' setting only.
    N.B Rewashing will not help in such cases, the creasing caused by thermal
        shock is permanent.
    Never use a separate hydro-extractor or spin drier for polycotton.
    a) Do not overload
    b) Do not mix loads
    c) Set the temperature for polycotton.
    d) Set the time/cool down. Polycotton needs approximately 30 minutes drying
       with minutes cool down.
    e) Do not remove items before cool down occurs or 'thermal shock' and creasing
       will occur.
    f) When tumble drier has finished unload immediately. Fold or drape items to
    prevent creasing.
    g) If items are left in tumble drier creasing will occur. These items may need
    to be rewashed to remove creasing or tumble dried on no heat to allow creasing
    to drop out.
    h) Items left in tumble drier are a potential fire hazard.
    Polycotton items must not be ironed or thermal shock will occur.
    When items have a thermal shock the only way to remove creasing temporarily is
    to iron. Therefore, once item has been ironed it will always need ironing.
    If you have any item that has been mistreated in the past and now have to be
    ironed ensure that when new bedding is bought it is not mixed up with the
    damaged e.g. for bedding or tableware buy a different colour or design
    If polycotton is looked after correctly it is a very easy to care for fabric
    This checklist must be photocopied and completed at least once a year or more
    frequently as necessary e.g. induction of new staff or introduction of
    systems.It should be completed by the the officer with responsibility for the
    laundry and the relevant staff. It should be filed in Section 1 of the Laundry
     NO   ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS                              Delete as
      1   Are disposable gloves and aprons worn by all staff who      YES   NO
          handle infected linen?
      2   Are disposable gloves, aprons, face mask and eye protection YES   NO
          available in the laundry?
      3   Are all infected heat labile items disinfected using        YES   NO
          Divosan QC or Sanisoft fabric conditioner?
      4   Is all use/infected laundry sorted at source by care staff? YES   NO
      5   Are mobile covered bins/trollies used to transport and      YES   NO
          store all used/infected laundry?
      6   Are safetex or dissolvo sacks used to  transport and store   YES   NO
          all used/infected laundry?
      7   Do you have sufficicient Safetex bags for your needs        YES   NO
      8   Do you have dissolvo sacks available for emergency use?     YES    NO
      9   Is the hospital programme on the washing machine used to    YES   NO
          thermally disinfect all of the following:- bedding, towels,
          hankerchiefs, flannels, kitchen Items, workware,tablecloths
          and napkins?
      10   Is there at least 3 covered bins available to store colour  YES   NO
          coded mops and cloths
     11   Is there a covered bin designated for kitchen laundry only  YES   NO
     12   Are all mops and cloths washed as laid down in the laundry  YES   NO
     13   Do all staff who process poly cotton items follow the       YES   NO
          guidelines as laid down in the manual?
     14   Is all clean laundry transported to linen                   YES   NO
          cupboards,bedrooms etc. on a suitable trolley
     15   Is all clean laundry transported and separated from         YES   NO
          used/infected linen?
     16   ACTION REQUIRED                                             BY WHOM
                                       SECTION 2
                               THE CLEANING OF THE LAUNDRY
                                 CLEANING THE LAUNDRY
    1.  Laundry Surfaces
    i)  Put 5 litres (1 gallon) of hot water in a bucket.
    ii) Add 5 ml (1 tsp.) neutral detergent or Professional Flash Powder as
        directed on the box.
    iii)  Using a green cloth wipe all laundry surfaces e.g. work surfaces and
          laundry trolleys.
    2.    Sinks, Sluices: (where sited in laundry area)
     i)   Use cream cleanser or authorised washroom/bathroom cleaner and green
          cloth to clean sluices, sinks and draining boards in laundry.
     ii)  After surfaces have been cleaned with the detergent solution, that must
          be disinfected.
          METHOD 1 Use NaDCC Tablets
     *    Put on all PPE required.
     *    all surfaces must be cleaned with hot soapy water before using NaDCC
    *       a clean green cloth must be used
    *       Add 1 NaDCC tablet to 1 litre of cold water
    *        allow 30 minutes contact time before rinsing with clean water
    Method 2 Use Endbac cleaner sanitiser
    *      Put on all PPE required
    *      make up a solution of Endbac Cleaner sanitiser (1 scoop per 5 litre or
           12 gms per litre) in warm water.
    *      wash all areas thoroughly.
    *      allow 5 minute contact time
    *      rinse in clean hot  water
    *      air dry or use a paper cloth.
    Examples items which require daily disinfection are:-
      *   work surfaces
      *  sinks and taps
      *  laundry bins/trolleys
      *   tops of washing machines
      *  all door handles
    N.B. Surfaces being disinfected must be rinsed after contact time to prevent
    damage to fabrics placed on these surfaces.
     i)  Vacuum or sweep floor to remove debris.
     ii) Using the green mopping unit, mop the floor using detergent solution of
        5ml (1 tsp.) to 5 litres to each gallon of hot water. Rinse the floor with
       clean warm water.or Using the green mopping unit, mop the floor using Flash
       Professional powder as directed on the box. These is no need to rinse.
       N.B.Laundry should not be sorted on the floor. If clothes are being
          sorted on thefloor, the floor will need to be disinfected using the
          same dilution a above. The use of bins/bags for sorting will
          eliminate the need to disinfect the floor.
    Launder green cloths and green mop head daily (see page ).
    Don't forget to clean floors and surfaces before you disinfect
    i.Vacuum laundry floor in particular behind machines to remove build up of
    ii.Shelves, paintwork, pipes etc.:- Using a detergent solution or flash powder
    solution and a green cloth wipe all shelves, paintwork, pipes, paying
    particular attention to the back of the machines.
    iii Drains-: 2 fl oz Brillo Degreaser (two downward presses of pump) to
        every gallon (5 litres) of hot water.
        Use a brush to clean drains and gullies.
    i.  Clean all cupboards and drawers.
    ii. Using a high level duster, clean all high pipes and remove cobwebs.
    Cleaning of ventilation - This will be done by an outside contractor.
    Contact the Property and Services Team at Three Minster's House
    Winchester for information on recommended contractors.
    This checklist must be photocopied and completed at least once a year or more
    frequently as necessary e.g. induction of new staff or introduction of
    systems.It should be completed by the the officer with responsibility for the
    laundry and the relevant staff. It should be filed in Section 2 of the Laundry
     NO   ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS                              Delete as
      1   Are all laundry surfaces cleaned daily?                     YES   NO
      2   Are all required surfaces disinfected daily using an        YES   NO
          authorised disinfectant?
      3   Is the laundry floor vacuumed or swept and mopped daily?    YES   NO
      4   Is a safety cone displayed when the floor is wet?           YES   NO
      5   Are all weekly tasks carried out?                           YES   NO
      6   Are all monthly task caried out?                            YES   NO
      7   Is the ventilation clean                                    YES   NO
      8   Are green cloths, mops and bucket used in the laundry area. YES   NO
      9   Is there a high level duster available to clean high pipes  YES   NO
     10   Are cleaning tasks completed by relief and casual staff     YES   NO
          working in the laundry.
          ACTION REQUIRED                                             BY  WHOM
                                       SECTON 3
                         THE USE AND CARE OF LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT
                          THE USE AND CARE OF WASHING MACHINE
    Electrolux Commercial Machines.
    Model Load capacity
         WE464.5 kg (up to 10 lbs)
         WE55 5.5 kg (up to 12lbs)
         WE656.5 kg (up to 14.3 lbs)
         WE105 10 kg (up to 23 lbs)
         WE757 kg (up to 15 lbs)
         WE120 12 kg (up to 26 lbs)
         The loading for a standard Electrolux WE65 machine to make the drum
         two-thirds full is, for example:-.
         9single polycotton sheets
         30pillow cases, polycotton
         15single towels
         3 reusable bed  pads
    * Washing machines must be used fully loaded - two-thirds full. As a rough
      guide a hand span space between the top of the clothes and the top of the
      drum is the ideal.
    * If there is not sufficient washing to make up a full load and it cannot be
      left, use old clean linen e.g. old sheets to make up the load. The sheets
      should be kept for this purpose.
    *  Underloading will:
       a) Damage the machine
       b) Cause oversoaping when liquid dosing is used.
       c) Be less cost effective particularly if liquid dosing of detergents
          is in use.
    N.B. The WE 55 model has a microchip which weighs the laundry and calculates
    the water level, drum balance. This means that the machine can be used under
              liquid dosing is dispensed automatically into machine.
              See section on washing detergents. Appendix 9 & 10
    *  Follow the dosage recommended on the packet.
    *  The correct dose for the machine will depend on the water and the amount
      of soiling and the best guide is trial and error.
    *  It is important not to under or to over soap.
    *  When the machine stops during wash cycle, soap suds should be only
      one-third of way up the glass.
    *  Undersoaping will give poor results and possible rewashing over soaping
      will be uneconomic and may result in laundry being incompletely rinsed.
      This can cause skin irritation.
     1.    i) Put 5 litres (1 gallon) of hot water into a bucket.
          ii) Add 5 mls (1 teaspoon) of neutral detergent or professional Flash
              powder as per the directions on the packet..
         iii) Using a green cloth, clean the washing machine to remove splashes
              paying particular attention to glass door, door seals etc.
     2.   Clean the detergent hopper using a bottle brush.
    Once a week the machine should be run empty on the hottest wash possible.
    Do not add soap. This will clear the pipes and drains of surplus detergent.
    The operation manual for Electrolux washing machines can be found in
    Appendix 12
                           USE AND CARE OF HYDRO-EXTRACTORS
         The basic rules for hydro-extractors apply also to domestic spin dryers.
         It is very important that manufacturers instructions are followed.
    i.  Load evenly, distribute articles around outside of drum. Do not
    ii. Place a towel over the top of the clothes to prevent garments from
        moving up the drum and into the outer casing.
    i.  Wipe over daily using a green cloth and hot soapy water.
    ii. Once per week put half a bucket of plain water through the machine to
        keep it sweet smelling.
    iii The lid must be left ajar when machine is turned off.
    N.B. Never try to open the lid or remove items while the drum is still
    Never use the machine if the guard in not working.
                           THE USE AND CARE OF TUMBLE DRYERS
    i)  Set the time and temperature appropriate for the type of laundry.
    ii) Do not stop tumble dryer in mid cycle. Allow cycle to be completed.
        care of polycotton).
     (iii) Articles must be removed from the machine at the end of each cycle.
           Failure to do this may result in a FIRE. It will also lead to creasing
           of clothes.
     (iv)  Articles removed from the drier at the end of the cycle should be
           draped over tables or racks until folding and finishing can be carried
           out.  Leaving articles in a basket can:
    *     cause a fire by spontaneous combustion, especially if articles in
          centre are hot and moist.
    *     cause creasing.
     (v ) NEVER place articles around or on the top of the dryer to dry. This is a
          fire hazard.
    When cleaning filters wear a face mask to protect from dust.
    * Clean filters using a soft brush at least once daily.
    * Wipe drier top, sides, door and glass daily using a neutral detergent
      solution and a green cloth.
    *  Using a tub vacuum cleaner remove lint from behind filter
       screen, put vacuum hose into drum to remove loose lint.
    The operation manuals for Electrolux tumble dryers can be found in Appendix 13
                               THE TUMBLE DRYER - DRYING
    TT350 / TT210
                             A                            COLD
                             B                            53°C
                             C                            74°C
                             D                            74°C
                             LOW                          57°C
                             MEDIUM                       65°C
                             HIGH                         85°C
    TT 310
                             COLD                         45°C
                             P/PRESS                      75°C
                             WARM                         75°C
                             HOT                          75°C
    STD 16
                             FLUFF                        COLD
                             DELICATE                     50°C
                             P/PRESS                      68°C
                             NORMAL                       68°C
                           THE USE AND CARE OF ROTARY IRONERS
    * Always check the guard to the sole plate is working every time the machine
      is used. Don't use the machine if guard fails to work.
    * Never leave the machine unattended and turned on.
    * Display a hot surface sign whenever the machine is left unattended but is
      still hot after use.
    * Only staff who have been trained to use the equipment may use it.
    * The machine must be switched off between use and not left
      running constantly.
    *  The whole bed of the ironer should be used and not just the centre
    * The cover should be changed weekly (depending on use), and should be
      laundered on a 65° wash.
    * It is advisable to have a spare cover for ironer. Replacement
      covers are available from Diversey Lever representative
    * To put cover back on, it is best left damp.
    * The sole plate should be cleaned regularly at least once per week using a
      conditioning blanket. The conditioning blanket and wax may be purchased
      via Diversey Lever . The Diversey Lever representative will be happy to
      show staff how to use it.
    * After cleaning run an old sheet through the ironer to remove any surplus wax
      before using.
     A dirty sole plate will result in ironer not working properly and will give
     poor results.
     Operation Manual for Electrolux rotary ironers can be found in
     Appendix 14
                             THE USE AND CARE OF HAND IRONS
    Hand Iron
    *Read the manufacturers instructions for care of hand irons.
    *  Read the care label on items before ironing.
    *  Set the iron for the type of fabric.
    *  Remember irons take a long time to cool down. Iron the most delicate
       items first and finish with cotton and linen items which require a hotter
    *  When replacing your iron purchase an iron which is designed for hard water
       Information on replacement hand irons are available from the Hardware
       Section at County Supplies 01962:846157.
    Ironing Boards
    *  The ironing board cover must be kept in a well maintained condition to
       ensure the best possible finish is produced.
    This is a heated ironing board and cordless steam iron which by providing a
    dual heat source enables both sides of the garment to be ironed at once.
    This can be ordered direct from County Supplies
    CAT NO. 293151
    N.B. Never fill the numatic iron with water while it is in situ on the board
         always use the stand provided.
    This checklist must be photocopied and completed at least once a year or more
    frequently as necessary e.g. induction of new staff or introduction of
    systems.It should be completed by the the officer with responsibility for the
    laundry and the relevant staff. It should be filed in Section 3 of the Laundry
     NO   ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS                              Delete as
      1   Are all staff trained to use laundry equipment before use?  YES   NO
      2   Are all washing machines fully loaded 2/3rds full before    YES   NO
      3   Are all faults reported immediately?                        YES   NO
      4   Are all equipment regulary cleaned?                         YES   NO
      5   Are all laundry equipment regulary serviced and maintained? YES   NO
      6   Is the tumble drier always allowed to complete it's cool    YES   NO
          down cycle before unloading?
      7   Are the top and sides of the tumble driers always kept      YES   NO
          clear of  articles?
      8   Is a face mask worn by staff when they clean the lint       YES   NO
          screen of the tumble drier?
      9   Is the tumble drier filter cleaned at least once daily?     YES   NO
     10   Is  the tumble drier unloaded after use.                     YES   NO
     11   Is the tumble drier turned off and the door left open after YES   NO
     12   Is the finger guard of the rotary ironer tested before use? YES   NO
     13    Is the rotary ironer turned off when left unattended or not YES   NO
          in use?
     14   Is the rotary ironer cover changed and the ironer cleaned   YES   NO
          and conditioned weekly?
     15   Is the laundry door closed and where possible locked when   YES   NO
          not occupied?
          ACTION REQUIRED                                             BY WHOM
                                       SECTION  4
                                      AND PILLOWS
    All duvets and pillows purchased by Social Services must be up to flame
    retardancy standards.
    Flame retardant polyester filled pillows are available direct from County
    Flame retardant duvets may be purchased via County Supplies
    See Social Services Department procedure 33/93
    All duvets purchased by Social Services are fully washable. However, there is
    not available on the market at present a 'heavy duty' duvet and for this
    reason washing of duvets should be kept to the minimum by making use where
    possible of water retardant protective covers: pillows may also be protected
    in a similar way to prevent over-washing (see also washing/cleaning below).
    For information on water retardant duvet and pillow protectors . ( See
    Appendix 4 )
    *  When not in use, store in a dry cool place, free from odours.
    *  Avoid excessive compression of the quilt in a folded position for periods
      `exceeding one month.
    *  The use of an outer cover will minimise washing. The washability feature
       of the duvet enables the easy removal of soiling and spillage, but does not
       cover repeated or multiple washing. It is, therefore, recommended that
       duvets are not used in a situation where there is a high degree of
       incontinence, without some form of water retardant cover.
    *  Dry cleaning is not recommended under any circumstances.
    *  Soap powders of a synthetic variety only can be used, thereby protecting
       the flame retardancy of the duvet. These are supplied by
       County Supplies i.e. Industrial Ariel or Staphro powders or liquid dosing
       wash products.
    *  Single duvets can be washed in machines which have a capacity of 6.5 kg
       (11 lbs) or more.
    *   The "setting" for each machine should be as follows:-
    i)  Minimum wash programme, without addition of bleach.
    ii) Temperature - minimum 40°C up to maximum thermal disinfection programme of
        71°C (where possible these items must be washed on hospital programme
    iii) Drying - tumble dry at not higher than 40°C for shortest
         time possible.
     iv) Hand washing is not recommended.
     v)  Do not dry over the top of tumble dryers.
         This is a fire hazard.
                          THE LAUNDERING AND CARE OF CURTAINS
    The budget for the purchase of all sort furnishing including curtains is now
    held centrally (as at 1/4/98). Therefore any purchase must be made via the
    Property Service Officer for the establishments. Any manager who has resident,
    relative who wish to purchase soft furnishings such as curtains and bedspreads
    for bedrooms must refer to their Property Service Officer for authorised
    suppliers and samples.
    See Social Services Department Procedure 33/34 (Appendix 2).
    The following has been extracted from the above document.
    "2.2  All curtains, including net curtains, blnds must meet the current fire
    retardancy standards, i.e. B.S. 5857 Part 2 Source 5 or FR7.
    There are, in fact, relatively few outlets which stock fabrics to these
    standards though a large number will buy in to order, made, or for making
    4.4  In some cases, residents' relatives have purchased curtains and
    provided flame retardancy sprays with which to 'coat' the curtain.
    The only flame retardancy method which can be guaranteed is complete
    immersion of the fabric.  Furthermore where materials have been sprayed,
    they will have to be treated after every wash.  The use of sprays is not
    therefore recommended."
    All curtains for Social Services establishments must be fire retardant.
    The material used must be inherently fire retardant and not ordinary material
    sprayed with a flame retardant spray.
    The periodic vacuuming of curtains can reduce the need for laundering in some
    Different methods of flame retardancy require different washing methods. It is
    advisable to ensure that the washing instructions are available when
    purchasing new curtains. Many firms sew instructions into curtain linings or
    headings .
    Although requiring different methods of washing some general rules do apply:-
    *  All curtains with sewn in lining should be dry cleaned only. This will
      incorporate retreatment for flame retardancy.
    * Flame retardant curtains without a lining or with detachable lining may be
      washed without destroying the fire retardant properties provided that:
    Only synthetic washing powder e.g Industrial Ariel, Staphro and liquid dosing
    products are used. (soap e.g Lux or Persil will cause soap deposits on fabric
    and adversely affect the flame retardant properties.
    Bleach is not to be added to wash/rinse.
    * Temperatures up to 71°C only may be used, this will depend on the type of
      fabric (read the wash care label).
    *  Curtains must be of a manageable size for washing and ironing.
    * A commercial steam cleaner fitted with tools may be used to clean and
      disinfect curtains in situ. (this method can not be used on curtains with a
      pile such as velvet.) For further details contact the supplier of the
      equipment for training.
    *  Heavy stained curtains may be soaked for up to 2 hours at room temperature
      in an enzymatic detergent e.g Industrial Ariel.
                       *    Do not overload washing machine.
                       *    Do not use fabric conditioner/softener /sanisoft  as
                            this can affect fire retardant properties.
                       *    Do not over dry items as this can cause static.
    Generally, curtains need washing/cleaning every year except in areas where
    there are strong odours when more frequent cleaning will probably be
    * It is recommended that there is a minimum of 2 pads per bed. If there are
      insufficient pads the non stop processing will result in a reduced
      life span. The average lifespan of reusable pads is up to 200 times
      without deterioration of absorbency.
    * Wash before first use for optimum absorbency.
    * Fabric conditioner including Sanisoft must not be used with bed pads as this
      retards absorbency.
    * Reusable bed pads must be washed on a hospital programme if the facility is
      1. The pads can be washed up to 77°C.
         Therefore the pads can be washed at
         A 65°C. hospital programme, polycotton setting
         or if possible A 71°C hospital  programme (Cotton Setting )
         The wash time for the 71°C is approximately the same as the 65°C
         setting, but it produces a better spin. This will reduce the
         drying time.
              If the washing machine does not have a 71°C setting, then wash at
              65°C hospital programme. When the cycle is finished, leave in
              machine. Set machine to 93°C hospital programme and fast
              forward to final rinse and spin. This will leave the bed pads
              drier and reduce the drying time.
     2.  Tumble dry the pads at 82°C for 30 minutes.
     3. Do not overload the dryer, give pad sufficient space and air to dry.
     4. Do not use the hottest setting on the tumble drier.
     5. Do not dry above 88°C.
     6. Do not mangle, iron or dry on radiator.
    This checklist must be photocopied and completed at least once a year or more
    frequently as necessary e.g. new soft furnishing being purchased.It should be
    completed by the the officer with responsibility for the laundry and the
    relevant staff. It should be filed in Section 4 of the Laundry Manual.
     NO   ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS                              Delete as
      1   Are all duvets and pillows purchased to fire retardant      YES   NO
      2   Are all duvets and pillows water retardant protectors used  YES   NO
          where there is  incontinence?
      3   Are all duvets and pillows water retardant protectors used  YES   NO
          on short stay beds?
      4   Are all curtains and nets to fire retardancy standard B.S.  YES   NO
          5857 Part 2 Source 5 or FR7?
      5   Are reusable bedpads and chair pads used as necessary?      YES   NO
      6   Are Curtains, nets, chair covers, reusable bedpads and      YES   NO
          chair pads washed without the addition of a fabric
          conditioner e.g. sanisoft
          ACTION REQUIRED                                             BY WHOM
    *Social Services Department recommend that duvet and pillows are protected
     from soiling by semi-disposable covers.
    *Semi disposable covers reduce the amount of washing required for duvets and
    *The covers are particularly valuable on the beds of incontinent residents and
     for short-stay rooms.
         Contact Derek Church at County Supplies 01962 846186 (CPSADC)
         for current supplier of these items.
         The current supplier of this product is:-
         PARK HOUSE
         WF17 3PL
     TEL. 01924 441881
    The type of mattress cover recommended by Social Services has a terry
    towelling top and a waterproof underside.
    The Pillow & Duvet protectors are available from:
     Delis Products UK Ltd
    100 Banks Road
    West Kirby
    L48 0RE
    Tel 0151 625 3147
    Fax 01516255865
    Pillow Cover- Zipped Ref 32010
    Single Duvet Cover Ref 61232
    Contact supplier direct for current prices
    See information enclosed for further details
    Waterproof Covers (these do not have a terry towelling top)
    Available direct from County Supplies
    Cat No 271299 Mattress protector £5.52
    Cat No 271566 Pillow Protector   £4.44
    Cat No 271712 Single duvet cover £19.16
    Cat NO 27124 Double duvet cover  £24.22
    These are now available direct from County Supplies:
    See current County Supplies Catalogue for details.
    Contact Angela Alexandra at County Supplies for more details
                                  MATTRESS PROTECTORS
     The type of mattress cover recommended by Social Services has a terry
     towelling top and a waterproof underside.
     The mattress protectors are available from:
     Delis Products UK Ltd
     100 Banks Road
     West Kirby
     L48 0RE
     Tel 0151 625 3147
     Fax 01516255865
    Single Mattress Cover Ref 12099
    Double Mattress Cover Ref 12379
    Pillow Cover- Zipped Ref 32010
    Single Duvet Cover Ref 61232
    See information enclosed for further details
    1    Wash on a hospital programme.
    2.   Bleaches can be used.
    3.   Do not iron.
    4.   Do not dry clean
    5.   Do not spin dry
    6.   Dry by tumble drier or line dried. Tumble dry on a very cool setting
         only. Excess heat  may cause damage to the plastic or shrinkage.
    N.B. ALLERGON products can be washed at 93°C hospital programme.
                                      LAUNDRY BINS
    24"X 18"X 30" High
    Catalogue No:- 250859 Page 222
    Price:- £145.02
    574mmL X415mm W X356mmH
    Catalogue No 250853
    Price :- £88.84
    94x44x88 cm.
    Catalogue No:- 271213
    Price £86.42 per pair
                             PRODUCTS USED IN THE LAUNDRY
    PRODUCTS                                ISSUE            COUNTY SUPPLIES
                                                             CATALOGUE NO
    Air Freshener (Diversey)                1                 572484
    NaDCC (Chlorine) tablets                Tub               570144
    Fabric Softener                         1X 5 Litre        599400
    BP BEEP Cream Cleanser                  1 Bottle          585260
    Brillo Degreaser                        1X 5 Litre        485444
    Neutral Detergent                       1X5 litre         579404
    Disposable Gloves Med.                  Box               932120
     Large                                  Box               932115
    Disposable Gloves Dispenser             1                 932112
    Dissolvo Sacks                          Case              933488
    Dissolvo Sack stand                     Pair              271213
    Diversey: LD 46 detergent               1X 5 Litre        598924
     LD 46 Softener                         1X 5 litre        598936
     Fabricare 2000 Liquid detergent        2X 10 litre       598974
     Fabricare 2000 Liquid destainer        2X 10 litre       598980
     Enzyme powder                          8kg               598962
     Sanisoft                               1X 10 Litre       598948
    Leverline Cartridge soap dispenser      1                 638367
    Leverline Soft hand cleanser            800ml             598327
    Leverline 'Bac'                         800ml             598303
    Diversey R8 Kettle Descaler             750 ml            586111
    Lifeguard Limescale Remover             1                 585325
    ENDBAC Cleaner Sanitiser                500ml             570258
    Face masks                              1                 176453
    Face masks Refills                      Pack              176453
    Goggles                                 Each              176855
    Industrial Arial Automatic              4X 4 KG           598906
     Ultra                                  4X 5 KG           598996
    J Cloth Green                           Pack              576112
    Laundry Bin with lid                    1                 250859
    Laundry bin (Low)                       1                 250853
    Nail Brush                               1                 553400
    Paper Towel Dispenser                   1(free)           816654
    Paper Towels                            Case              816551
    Plastic  Pump                            Each              638765
    Pedal Bin                               1                 312112
    Pedal Bin Liners                        Pack              710807
    Professional Flash Bathroom             2 litres          585284
    Professional Flash Powder               1kg               575512
    Rubber Gloves Small                     Pair              172954
     Medium                                 Pair              172655
     Large                                  Pair              176156
    Safetex Bags                            1                From Content Ltd.
    Sheild Bathroom                         Spray bottle      585299
    Sprint Hard Surface Cleaner (refill)    5 litre           592125
    Sprint Hard Surface Cleaner             Spray bottle      592113
    Stapro Biological Powder                9 Kilo            598970
    Wet Floor Safety Cone                   1                 550518
                              SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT
    RESPONSIBLE TO: Unit Manager or Senior Duty Officer
    1.  The Laundry Assistant post is primarily responsible for processing items
        of laundry as follows:-
    (a) sorting soiled linen items for both sending out and processing on site;
    (b) operation of laundry equipment;
    (c) hand washing;
    (d) ironing;
    (e) sorting and transporting laundered items to residents' rooms or storage
    2.  Responsible for as necessary the processing of foul linen, e.g. machine
        wash, ironing and sorting.
    3.  The cleaning of laundry equipment and the laundry area.
    4.  Using the agreed procedure, reporting verbally or in writing, any defects
        in laundry equipment to the Unit Manager.
    5.  Responsibilities for ensuring compliance with instructions issued by the
        Unit Manager on the care and use of laundry equipment and materials.
    6.  Mending where time permits.
    7.  Effective participation in Staff Meetings/Training Courses.
    8.  Such other duties reasonably falling within the purview of the post which
        are conducive to and contribute to an effective caring service.
    9.  All duties must be carried out within the Health and Safety at Work Codes
         Practice for Employees of Hampshire County Council.
    June 1998


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