HUMAN DISTRIBUTORS FOUR Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani

HUMAN DISTRIBUTORS FOUR Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul HUMAN DISTRIBUTORS FOUR Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    HUMAN DISTRIBUTORS FOUR Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani

    Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani

    As is said to be auliya Syeikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani
    QS, that man is divided into four groups:

    FIRST; People who do not have oral and heart.
    They are the ma'siyat actors too stupid, so be careful
    that you may not be part of them, for they are experts in adzab.

    SECOND; People who only have oral but have no heart.
    They talk and convey the wisdom but do not practice it,
    they invite men to God, but they run away from
    Stay away from them, so you will not be late by his or her tongue and later
    you burned by the ma'siyat he did, and then smelled
    The carcass of their heart kills you.

    THIRD; People who have only heart but have no oral.
    They are the believers who deliberately God covered them from
    human sight, God permits them to see only disgrace
    and their shortcomings, God illuminated their hearts, and God told them
    they will be destroyed when mixing with humans, and destruction
    when talking with a bad speech.
    They are waliyullah, they are awake in the presence of Allah, they
    do all good, then look for them, their gauze,
    to serve them, Allah will love you.

    FOURTH; People who study science and teach science as well
    practice his knowledge. They are al-'aalim billahi, they know
    Allah and His verses. Allah entrusts them, knowledge
    great, God extends their chests / hearts to receive various knowledge
    Then be careful and be careful, if you violate and avoid
    they are, and do not return to the advice of their advice.

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    the life of the muslim world HUMAN DISTRIBUTORS FOUR Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat untuk anda semua. baiklah, sekian postingan the life of the muslim world kali ini.

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