How true that sequence or step in learning forex?

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    How true that sequence or step in learning forex?

    How true that sequence or step in learning forex?

    Follow the step by step below. So that there is a true understanding of who should follow perlangkah the first sequence and understand the meaning of that delivered.

    Step 1: overview?
    Are you at all do not already know about forex? Patient, at a glance, you'll want to read the following article.
    Read: Basic Introduction to Forex
    Read: Actors Forex

    Step 2: What makes people glance at Forex?
    Clearly profit / money, with forex so you can get rich quick, this is number one. In addition, the number of them, the flexibility factor in time, capital, and infrastructure ease, make forex increasingly in demand. With a capital of only $ 1,000 can profit up to 100-200 $, even more. Wah2, interesting.
    Read: Advantages of Trading Forex
    Read: Make Money From Forex

    Step 3: Facts on the field
    Because you are tempted, then you are in high spirits want to immediately jump in forex. But, wait a minute, according to statistical data reports, only 10% who can be rich, the rest failed (up and down, even with a bankruptcy) know. Read the article below.
    Read: Forex Trading Risk

    Step 4: From the facts, it's hard to Forex and Risk
    Look at the statistics field, it turns out that forex is difficult and risky. In addition to the risk of money / funds that may be lost, some who may not feel is the risk of losing time. What if it turns out many years what earned that much-so alone? What is not a waste of time, thought, concentration, etc..

    Step 5: Consider
    From the rich potential (step 2) and the fact + Hard + Risk (steps 3 and 4) consider first .... Do not force it, and refer to the type / model of your personal. Am I a model person who can accept all of the above.

         If you think 'try' new all decided ', then continue with the next step.
         If you do not match the risk, then close this page.
         If you are challenged and interested in forex, then make sure that you are serious serious serious about learning, why? watch the above risk factors you can get into the 90% group that failed. Do not let this happen to you.

    Step 6: You Want to Become a Successful Forex Trader
    So now, start learning, learning, learn, and practice.

         Read all the articles in the sub Learning Forex
         Read all the articles in the sub Forex School
         Specifically on the sub 'School Forex' The learning material is structured and arranged with tiered levels (kindergarten, elementary, junior, etc.) so it is easier to follow.
         Some are very long article in one page, such as for example the page you're reading now, for it if you do not already tired of force, you can bookmark this page and visit once again tomorrow when you've refreshed again.

    The materials in case you need to read are: Introduction to Forex, Basic Analysis, Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. Of course, the topic of this matter is not binding, you are free to explore the other. But at least for the first you have to understand these things.

    Well a lot of yes.! You feel lazy and complicated? If you are new / newbie, sorry, not to underestimate, but you should not need lyrics forex again. Useless, already visible signs of defeat and failure. Instead you'll lose money and regret, better, stop now !!

    So, be patient, and take the time to learn it first. Someday you'll understand that patience and discipline is something that is priceless.

    If you want to ask for or consultation, you can use a free question and answer facility in seputarforex namely:
    1 Rubric debriefing
    2. Forum interactive question and answer
    all free and we will try to help as best as possible

    Step 7: You Have to Know Basics of Forex Analysis
    At this point you should have imagined how in case you can achieve a profit in forex, forex analysis with science. The main science are Technical Analysis and Fundamental. If your understanding about 40-50% of the read / learned before, then go to the next step. If not, multiply the time you learn and understand more.

    Step 8: Learn to Practice Demo
    Read the title well, learn and practice, means it is still practiced, there is no money here. How: Read and follow the instructions on the sub article 'Practice Demo Account'
    With this facility use a demo account metatrader + to accelerate the process of learning and understanding you will be fundamental and technical analysis.
    At the same time it is important that you know is about berlu metatrader application. Read, understand, and master too. About metatrader can be seen in the sub-study metatrader

    Step 9: Know the Resources and Resouce For Reference.
    From the above study will analyze, surely now you would need a source that can be used as a reference for your analysis. Here below are some of the sites / sources that is quite interesting.
    Site And (New Forum)
    Learning Rubric Contains guide to learn forex
    Contains thousands of articles Article Rubric created by the author of the SF team, with which a variety of categories: psychological, indicators, fundamentals, macroeconomic, tips, and other general forex article.
    Questions and Answers You can use this section to ask for free, and from the SF team will answer as optimal as possible :) is a new forum and official seputarforex, here you can ask interactive responsible and free.
    Rubric Broker brokers Lists and reviews, as well as articles about forex brokers
    Rubric News Contains latest forex news
    Technical Analysis analyzes technical set daily, weekly, and tables of technical indicators.
    Analysis Fundamental Analysis by team SeputarForex about forex fundamental market conditions.

    World Affairs
    Learning Site Indonesian News,,, Forex Portal,

    Step 10: How Your Demo Account Outcome?
    Surely now you can measure and see your personal trading performance over the demo account. How Well Results? Oh yes, until now you've been way / practice how many months? Baguskah profit? Consistent ?. From those experiences, most of the money already in the collapsed tuch her ​​demo, the other, up and down, giddy :)

    Recommendation: Good, so you know that forex is hard, and it's the usual laa. So, still continue to learn and practice your.

    Step 11: Important Points, Trading Psychology.
    You control yourself, then you master the forex. You can not blame forex and redundant / market (sorry, you will be considered a smart ass, but actually is a real stupid). All remained one of your own, the sooner you accept this, the better. So now try to find the articles on trading psychology.

    Step 12: Important Points, Money Management
    In trading psychology there are things about the emotions of greed, revenge, and so on. It is certainly going to crash into the concept of your funding arrangements. That lead to resistance exhausted and chaotic trading capital. So now looking for articles on money management, and remember this is a very, very important.

    Step 13: Important Points, Trading Forex = Business
    In business, there is no drop ride, need care development, invosi, evaluation, and continuous Development. It is the same with forex trading, than you menjejar stamp 'Successful Traders' what if forex trading is seen as a way in which of step-step to continue to increase your knowledge and profit. The former step of your journey and consistent.

    Step 14: Secrets of Personal Trading Systems
    You already know most of the basic analysis, means, strategy, etc., etc.. So now create your own trading system. This trading system is a unique trading system that fit for your own. Surely in the manufacture tarap you can read here and there, could merge here and there. But remember that is needed is a trading system which suits you. The way the logic of your analysis, your emotions, your Spirituality, your time, etc..
    Note: If there is a chance now you were taught by a Master Forex Trader, Trust me, there is no guarantee you will become a master Forex trader yourself :) .. So understand the intent of this important point.

    Step 15: Well, Step / unlucky number ya, how come I still gini-gini alone? The performance earned my demo account.
    Easy, Relaxed Aja kalii :) ..
    Try closing first of all, relaxing, and refreshing. You train hard every day (24 hours) as there are also minuses. Brain and your emotions claustrophobic. No one can require you now, that you own that there is not impatient.

    Step 15: Process Creation Trading System.
    Why why repeated again? Yes .. because your trading still suck. So, you need a lot of reading in seputarforex :) artikel2 forex, you need to be googling articles on the internet, you need to find friends for a question and answer forum forex is one of the means that good.
    Bottom Line: Increased Knowledge + Self-Mastery Intensive + Exercise => Creation of Trading Systems
    Where the above core should run together now.

    Step 16: Wow, this 6-12 months my demo account and consistent profit
    Well, surprise, congratulations .... But can not say you've been so successful traders. You alone who judge.
    Only, with evidence that 12-month good results, there is no reason to hold you to Plunge into the world of forex trading estate.

    Step 17: You are trading in real account now.
    Some important points here:
    - No-risk demo account, real money account you can actually disappear. So there will be a psychological effect which could mess. Obviously now you are more emotional, scared, etc.. It can make you do not follow the trading system that you have previously created. Be careful for this and prepare.
    - You need to learn about forex brokers, but if that is still relatively easy, essentially cuman how to choose a forex broker that good, and right for you. Can be read in this column.

    Step 18 s / d Unlimitied: Thank You, And It's up to you.
    It is difficult to describe in sequence when you have the mastering stage / trading mastery. If it turns out to date have followed langkah2 you turned out well and the sequence above, and even then very few people who want to :)
    So keep what? maybe this time you have more than our master, it could be, why not? So you better know the next step which is definitely more suitable for you personally.
    If you have time, let us give an example of an analogy to the case.
    When the first and early, someone will learn martial arts expert knowledge. Kick, physical, respiratory, power in, etc., etc.. Kick can be dozens, can make the body physically battered. Well, when there is a match, how ya that when the experts in the field have to remember what kind of stance in the head, before he parry the opponent's attack. It could be late, or may not, depending on the speed of the opponent :). What hell yes such a stance must be opposed with Z stance, stance B opponents with moves X, is there one-on-one formula so. It could hit tuch first punch before jurusnya remember :)). Eh but it turns out your good physical exercise, so hit punch relaxed aja times ...
    A martial arts expert is a special opponent see where it turns out he realized that there is power in that strong. Well after that he was determined to find ways to increase the power level it .. (Ha2, rich movies / games only)
    Yach dech so, hopefully you can be enlightened, must how the order, what must be learned, it's still all relative ...

    This article was prepared as best we could with the limitations, may be able to provide direction that is more correct. There is no guarantee of success because of this article. However, your order more quickly in learning, that's our expectation.

    If any Forex Master2 who found this article, please kindly share tips, advice, knowledge, etc.. via the comment box below.

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