Automated Trading or Auto Trade

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    Automated Trading or Auto Trade

    Automated Trading or Auto Trade
    Since the popular online forex trading, then the development of the model and how trading is also increasing. From the manual, in the sense that we directly own trading. Until now it is gaining in popularity is to use a trading robot. And to have easy way of working is a model of Auto Pilot.

    trading robots
    Okay, let's learn one by one:

    1.Trading manually

    The trading model is a common and long used by traders. Where the individual concerned traders trading in human. He himself is open, close, or monitor. Of each model is certainly possessed the advantages and disadvantages of each.

    Advantages manual trading:
    - Flexibility in changed the rhythm of trading, however, because the way humans / brains to think more responsive than the robots.
    - In terms of the cost would be cheaper, because they do not need to use the facilities / other providers.
    - Quicker to realize a trading system.

    Manual trading losses:
    - It would be more time consuming, because inevitably you have to monitor (continued) price movement and status of your open transaction.
    - You must continue to develop the knowledge and skills of your trade, especially in the analysis in order to become a qualified trader.
    - The weakness of the human hand, which sometimes trading system that has been planned violated the rules because of the emotional and psychological dynamics that traders affected by the news and the situation.

    2 Automatic Trading Robots Trading

    This trading model more rare users. Called trading robot, because this model can operate like robots. By using Robot Trading software / applications can make their own open, close itself, giving alert2 to us (email, voice, etc.). As this is now popular in this model is the trading platform Metatrader trading robot which is often referred to as Expert Advisor (EA). Metatrader itself is a basic application that is provided by forex brokers for us to be able to do forex trading. Well, if you want to take the trouble is, you are given the facility (programming language) where you can create / add to Robot Trading that you created in the logical / your trading system.

    There are important issues here that you must understand and do not get upside down. That the trading robot is based on a trading system. If the trading system is premised uncertain stable, proven, and profitable, then make Robot Trading is something that is useless. So if now you have to have a proven system, so-so if you think to make it into a robot (EA), of course, with the aim that more and more of your free time and not all the time constantly in front of the monitor.

    Requirements In order to make Robot Trading sebuat:
    1 Should have had a trading system that is proven, stable, and profitable.
    2 For early must learn robot programming language of the application that we use. As an example, if you use metatrader, then that should be learned is MQL (Meta Query Langguage) which is a coding language Metatrader.
    3 For those of you who previously have basic knowledge and experience as a computer programmer applications, it will be easier in learning. Because it also uses the structure of MQL programming language like in general.
    4. Maybe for you that find application in addition to the Metatrader trading, they will have a system of making different robot.

    The process of making this robot can be complex and long. Because the robot is expected to eventually be able to apply what is your trading system (analysis, decisions, reasoning, logical) into automated applications. Plus, you have to really understand programming in order to obtain the perfect robot.
    That might be interesting now is, There is EA / Robot trading is already finished. And it can be sold. You could try googling and searching 'trading robots' or 'EA metatrader'. You will find a lot there. There's that cost millions and there is even free (eg in forum2 forex).

    3 Automated Trading with Auto Pilot / Peer 2 Peer

    This trading model based functions can be incorporated into automated trading types anyway. Cuman if using EA / robot scripting the more dominant factor.
    In the models of Auto Pilot / Peer 2 Peer is all so much easier, because the signal / trading systems already exist and we live determine just where we want to apply or follow. Some brokers who provide this facility are:
    - Alpari: Alpari we can follow the trading of professional traders (PAMM), or from the collection of the trading system (Systematic), or integration into the trading signal provider (ZuluTrade).
    - AvaFx: Collection trading system (Ava Auto Trader), or integration into the trading signal provider (ZuluTrade).
    - Zulutrade: Zulutrade as a trading signal provider is working with several brokers in which the system will be connected to form an automated trading system.

    So in automated trading models typically there are 3 main factors:
    2.Trader (you)
    3.Signal Provider (another Trader, System, etc.)

    Automated trading has several advantages:
    1 Not too time consuming. You spend quite a bit of time eg on a weekly basis to find and analyze a system of trading, professional traders which are good by you and that you will apply in your automated trading.
    2 Does not require knowledge of forex analysis (technical and fundamental), because you are analyzing the performance of system / trader / individual. However, general knowledge about forex and analysis remains important. We recommend that you keep this knowledge to explore at your leisure.

    While the lack of trading this model are:
    1 Less flexible, we can not decide when we will open the transaction. So just follow it. However, there are several such systems in Zulutrade we can decide to download the stop / close the transaction if we do not fit with the way trading again. Besides it can also decide to stop / hold on the provider that we follow now.

    2 Cost per trading more expensive, due to the commission / we have to pay part of the signal provider / system.

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