Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 60

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 60

    Kim Chun Chu read:
    SeogukHosejon (Lord of the Western Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha Sukhavati)

    Shinguk Hojejon (Silla declared ruler)

    Queen Seon-Deok shock as Kim Yong Chun said decipher the words "the people whose name refers to the Pure Land Sukhavati Mr. .. Meaning that he would reign of Silla" seo hyun Kim said if the Master of the Pure Land ... Kim Yu Shin Sukhavati play with the combination (日) (云) = "Dam" dark clouds .. and refers to the word is Bi Dam Authority. Kim Yu shin and the Queen knew that the word which refers to Lord of the dam is a Bi Dam.
    Bi Dam looked at Jujin and Suelbu, he knew they were the mastermind of all this. Queen choked that there are going to seize the throne from him.

    Kim Yong Chun argue with how they know that Seoguk Hosejon Bi Dam refers to as the heir to the throne. Seoguk Hosejon means Lord of the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha Sukhavati is tan and the word also means a cloud covered the same as "Dhar" Sanskrit root for Dharma or Dhamma.

    Kim Seo hyun stressed that this was referring to Mr. Seo woof of Sukhavati. (In Korea, Buddhists called Seon).

    Baek Eui said that Mr. Sukhawati refers to Amitabha Buddha. Deok Chung said then to the word of Buddha Dhamma which is derived from the Dam. Im Jong said means "Amitabha Dharma" refers to Bi Dam.

    Kim Seo hyun said if so Seoguk Hosejon, Shinguk Hojejon shows Amitabha Buddha, which means Bi Dam as the sovereign ruler of Silla. Kim Yong Chun said how this is possible.

    Residents get kata2 that Bi Dam will be the ruler in accordance with the doctrine. One woman said that this same incident when King Jinheung rule but this time is the great ship of Ashoka Maurya dynasty which is a sign of great fortune and luck. Another said, but the Queen is still alive and ruled Silla, what makes sense that the Bi Dam will be king, but anyone speaks, he hears envoy Tang said that if Silla often threatened due to be governed by a woman. Another man asked that his friend be careful if you talk, if anyone who heard it can cause death.

    Kim Chun Chu gather his troops are men Wyol Yes and say this provocation against the Queen and the palace household. And an evil and despicable deeds. They must find the culprit and then be accused and punished under state law. Kim Seo ji chun chu requesting cooperation with trading dept to go and inspect the vessel. Do go also go to the Sapo to investigate the surrounding area and look for petuinjuk person who sent the ship.

    Kim Chun Chu said that they must speed up the investigation up to the area Gurahwa at once. Queen reflected on the balcony, Yu Shin came and told me that Kim Chun Chu himself who led penylidikan in Gurahwa. Queen said he had agreed. Queen said this should be seen as a threat to the throne and this can not be forgiven. Kim Yu Shin understand especially for Kim Chun Chu will definitely heavier. Kim Yu Shin said Kim Chun Chu and Bi Dam now is a political opponent in persaingn throne, even if this is not what they wish.

    Queen said Bi Dam is not involved. Queen said that if Bi Dam has the ambition to the throne, he would not do this gimmick, this is not going to give a significant advantage on Dam Bi Bi Dam but sbaliknya place in hell difficulty. Yu Shin added that the situation looks bad and can be seen Bi Dam is no longer able to control his own men. even the board members did not verbally say it mean. Queen interrupt what they are implying that I've left the Bi Dam?

    Queen said he would consider to know who is right and wrong in determining the assessment and is open to all options but it looks like orang2 have shown that the Queen had left the Bi Dam. Queen said to said hal2 little to gain people's trust, which is even more difficult is to get it. But the world is far more severe than emndapatkan people's trust by abandoning them. Kim Yu shin understand, that the same arguments used in the Queen to help her. Queen said he would continue argued, he would never leave anyone and will never give up on them or leave them freely, and one had none.

    Bi Dam harsh rebuke allies, how dare they make such a strategy without permission and they would not agree they will believe and follow the rules. Mi Saeng said they need to Bi Dam in line with them, Yeom Jong Dam Bi say what ever think of those who become allies. Bi Dam remind Yeom Jong: What do you want to die? Hwang Yun said they followed the Bi Dam for wanting to survive. They all had to bet the lives for Bi Dam, they have the right to request it from Bi Dam, Dam Bi Bo Jong said should support their goal is also to orang2 that follow. Lord Jujin said that this is a good opportunity to make war with the Queen and Bi Dam must make a decision. Bi Dam furious.

    Kim Chun Chu arrived at the port Gurahwa (cur Ulsan) and investigate the ship without a crew with Seo Ji and officers from the dept. trade. Kim Chun Chu ban all entered the harbor area. Kim Chun Chu see the shape of the ship and knew not many experts who can build ships of this type. Trade officials agree. Kim Chun Chu asked officers to check the ship, and investigations in Sapo still underway to investigate the rebel movement.

    Seo Ji said Daedaegam Go Do already take care of that problem. Yeom Jong from afar to see Kim Chun Chu had examined the ship inch by inch and prohibit people closer. Go Do investigate orang2 in Sapo who can make a boat like that. Orang2 do not know. Yeom Jong observed. Yeom Jong annoyed that dept. defense has been holding the ship and began asking questions. Yeom Jong said to his men, they can not find the creator of the ship, may not, and asked his men to take care of that problem.

    Bi Dam remember when he swore loyalty to the Queen as their ruler. Bi Dam went into the room the Queen and asked for his presence was announced. The guard said the Queen ordered no one should go into his room. Bi Dam insists guards must announce its presence. The guard said Al Cheon not here, so he did not dare go in and let Bi Dam entrance. Bi Dam raising his voice he is Sangdaedeung and guards must announce his arrival. Al Cheon come and Bi Dam in Al Cheon said he wanted to meet the Queen. Al Cheon refused, the Queen ordered no one should enter his room and asked Bi Dam to come next time. Bi Dam said that if the Queen ordered him to leave, he would go and beg on Al Cheon to announce his arrival at Queen's.

    Queen looked Bi Bi Dam Dam and know do not have any motive but the allies Bi Dam does not like it and how Bi Dam must solve and overcome this problem. Queen said they fear the result if the Queen died later. It will eventually end up on the problem of the heir to the throne. To them, Kim Chun Chu will be seen as the enemy. Unlike Kim Chun Chu who embrace Gya Hoe Bo, Bi Dam allies would not do it, then Bi Dam is the answer as a solution for them. Queen said that if Bi Dam failed to overcome them with your own way .. then all of a sudden heart attack the Queen and the Queen tried to breathe. Bi Dam panic and asked what was wrong and he would call the physician's palace but when he would go, the Queen holding hands Bi Dam and said that he baik2 only and is not necessary.

    Bi Dam near Queen: What are your breath is good. Bi Dam asked where the sick. Queen convince Bi Dam she's fine she exhausted lately. Health Queen looked worried.

    Go Do report the ship was probably coming from Uljin (Gyeongsangbukdo) and they are convinced the ship was from there and headed for Sapo.

    kadorama-recapsPetugas justify trade. Pine trees have been exposed to sea air, the pine trees must have come from Uljin and there is only one maker of the famous ship in Uljin. His name is Yu Cheok. Kim Chun Chu directly to it.

    In Uljin, Go Do and Seo Ji Yu Cheok surrounded the house and burst in, turns on the already chaotic and many bodies. Kim Chun Chu came in and got a report that all had been killed to eliminate witnesses. Yeom Jong waiting for a report, his men came in and reported they had killed all but Cheok Yu managed to escape. Yeom Jong angry how they can be so careless, he asked his men to find and fix Cheok Yu.

    Cheok Yu's come to seek and identify Cheok Yu. Cheok Yu Apparently none of the victims. Kim Chun Chu directly asked all over the place inspected and seek Cheok Yu. He should immediately be found. Seo Ji and Go Do in motion.

    Cheok Yu caught the child to escape and Yeom Jong, he realized he would die, run and meet Cheok Yu Yang Yang Gil Gil and ask for help, children recognize Yang Yeom Jong Gil, and hides, while Kim Chun Chu arrived with his troops. Cheok Yu's recognize it and tells Kim that it was Yu Chun Chu Cheok. Yang Gil saluted Chun Yu Chu and will hold Cheok. Tiba2 they showered arrows trying to kill Yu Cheok. Kim Chun Chu ordered they should protect Cheok Yu. Cheok Yu Dae Pung protect others and make a barricade to hold the arrows, making Chun Ki circumstances exist in the open and exposed to fire arrows. Seo Ji shouting and protect Kim Chun Chu and ask them to retreat, when they retreated Cheok Yu finally shot an arrow and died.

    Empress Chun Chu Kim received a report hit the arrow during an investigation and asked how his condition. Al Cheon said that this is a relief because the arrow is not on fatal and not part of the vital organs and Kim Chun Chu okay. Queen sigh of relief, breath Queen looks short. Al Cheon asked whether the Queen was fine because he saw the Queen struggling with his breathing. Queen said she would go and see Kim Chun Chu.

    Seo Hyun Kim asked how this could happen. Princess Man Myeong said cruel things happen to the King family and what we should do. Kim Seo Hyun said they could not say anything and he will go to the council to find out.

    Ha Jong Kim Chun Chu shocked by injuries and Mi Yeom Jong Saeng deplored carelessness, Cheok Yu thinks should be killed from the first. Jujin say now cause problems for them. Yeom Jong sorry but they can not avoid this. Ha Jong upset, sorry excuse what he thought could solve the problems they will face. Yeom Jong said if he knew it would be like this then it is best to kill Kim Chun Chu. Nobility Sueulbu Yeom Jong said what had gone mad. Yeom Jong said they would not have known that everything would be easier if Kim Chun Chu removed. Ha Jong angry and pulled the collar Yeom Jong and said he was angry with Yeom Jong because he wanted to kill Chun Chu, you have to remember Kim Chun Chu is the nephew-in-law!

    Bi Dam heard from San Tak that they tried to kill Kim Chun Chu and Bi Dam interesting collar San Tak: Who gave the orders? San No not know and San Tak benar2 said he did not know. Bi Dam releases San Tak and sat back, his men benar2 already violated the limit. (You know he asked for 1000 troops for BD Exterminate Mark, knp guns? Do it now!)

    Kim Chun Chu resting after being wounded. He tried to get up to salute the Queen. Queen asked state and Chun Chu Chun Chu said, the dart is not about the vital organs and the wound was not deep, he will soon recover. (I think BGS also made Chun feel a little flavor of war, he could make preparations jd King). Queen asked about Yu Cheok. Kim Chun Chu said he was killed. Queen asked what he makes Asoka the Great ship, Kim Chun Chu agreed. The man who hired him wanted him dead. Who is the man. Kim Chun Chu said that Uljin is one of the trade area Yeom Jong. Cheok Yu had already done several projects for Yeom Jong ship.

    Kim Chun Chu said he believes Bi Dam was not involved because it was not beneficial for him but Kim Chun Chu can not ensure Dam Bi's men who now are not controlled. Queen stood up and said his patience with young fruit Dam Bi ends up here. Queen to go but he turned around again and asked whether the arrow was accidentally fired in the direction Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu did not feel that way, Cheok Yu was the target. Conversely said the Queen was right arrow directed to Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu shocked. Queen to go and Al Cheon calm Queen for not too worrying Chun Chu.

    Queen held a hearing and summon all the people. Al Cheon asked whether this sudden and Queen are not doing it In Gang Jeon? Queen of repeat orders and asked Kasim do it. Queen ordered Al Cheon to give secret orders to Bi Dam and said for Bi Dam should not be attending the meeting and after the meeting finished, Bi Dam must meet the Queen secretly.

    Queen entered the trial and all salute. Sueulbu noblemen pretended concerned with what happened to Kim Chun Chu. Jujin say because the sky's mercy on their side then Kim Chun Chu was not seriously injured because of this accident. Queen asked what was an accident and how dare you mention that. How dare the board members stated this was an accident but an assassination attempt jelas2 (Queen purposely ..) on King family members. Lord Jujin surprised that Queen sternly ordered pengacaunya he will discover and investigate the attempted murder and will be punished in accordance with applicable law to be an example for others. Kim Yong Chun Queen commissioned to conduct an investigation into the truth. Kim Yong Chun willing to do so. Son Dam Bi fruit growing restless because the Queen knows.

    Kim Chun Chu sat at Joo Bang said that the Queen ordered the commission to investigate the accidents that befall Kim Chun Chu and announce it in court. Chu Chun Joo Bang tried to sit up but ask her to break it. Kim Chun Chu asked whether Bi Dam attend the trial? Joo Bang Dam Bi do not remember what there is or not. Joo Bang asked whether this benar2 Dam Bi plan? Kim Chun Chu said was involved or not is not a problem and allow the wisdom to help the Queen and Bi Dam to act. Joo Bang asked what he would do Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu said that he needs help Joo Bang for travel. Where? asked Joo Bang. Kim Chun Chu said he had to meet Bi Dam. Kim Chun Chu said he would offer help for him.

    Kim Chun Chu met Bi Dam and said it almost became a fatal tragedy, how this could happen. Kim Chun Chu asked what this plan Dam Bi. Bi Dam said how he dared to act like that. Kim Chun Chu said, let us leave the protocol and talk like they used to be, Kim Chun Chu said Bi Dam has been promised if later the Queen died, Bi Dam will release its political power and resigned to the common man. Kim Chun Chu said this apparently will not be realized. Bi Dam asked what was meant by Kim Chun Chu. He does not understand.

    Kim Chun Chu said this directly because of his mother that my mother had died and now his son tried to kill him as well. Kim Chun Chu asked what she would sit quietly and wait for death? Bi Dam did not catch Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu said he had a secret that no one has known. Kim Chun Chu asked whether Bi Dam want to hear it. Kim Chun Chu said that although he was not great but his mind benar2 agile and quick, that's why he showed in front of everyone that he is unable and slow. But what benar2 Dam Bi Chun Chu knew that Kim would not let go even the slightest of details or facts and very thorough in all his actions and give examples of what Bi Dam know what Bo Nam Dae reason why he was not seen again and seemed to vanish. Kim Chun Chu said please discuss with Bi Dam Dam Bi and he left with his mind mister.

    When Kim Chun Chu will go, Bi Dam said Kim Chun Chu is ripe. Kim Chun Chu see Bi and Bi Dam Dam said in the past, Kim Chun Chu plain scared if you see it, is not it? Kim Chun Chu confirmed that in the past presence benar2 scary and Kim Chun Chu sit back and say to Bi Dam, now the opposite ... why is that ... in the past, Bi Dam is an unpredictable movements and actions, then fear arising from ignorance, but now, Bi Dam benar2 transparent (translucent emang he hehe ..) and Kim Chun Chu is able to guess his actions and fight it with ease.

    Kim Chun Chu said Bi Dam was not able to control his men and they dare to do whatever they want and let his love in a woman blind logic and become a weakness. (Setuju..!! Chun Chu emang smart, DSR politician .. hehe) Kim Chun Chu said what Dam Bi really think that the Queen will give her heart to Bi benar2 Dam. (Basic Kim Chun Chu .. sdh know BD is rich so ..) Kim Chun Chu said in the past Bi Dam scary as a person. Kim Chun Chu went. Bi Dam looks a little confused.

    Joo Bang waiting for Kim Chun Chu and asked what were the results? Kim Chun Chu did not say anything and said to himself, he should apologize because he knew Dam Bi Bi Dam had nothing to do with this issue and Kim Chun Chu realize loyalty Bi Dam to death in Queen's sincere but nevertheless Bi Dam and its allies are now seen as a major stumbling block to their ambitions and must somehow be removed from this world.

    Joo Bang curious and asked what was wrong, Kim Chun Chu said not apa2 and go. Kim Chun Chu running again and he said to Bi Dam is really unfortunate because his name will not appear in the page history because its primary purpose is personal loyalty to a woman. (Like I said before, BD just ordinary man with his love ..)

    Dam Bi's men returned from the trial and said they were in big trouble. Ha Jong complain, Yeom Jong was too much. Bo Jong said that not only the Queen but all now suspicious of them. Mi Saeng ask them to calm down, they should think what will be done.

    Yeom Jong came in and asked why all sit silent. Mark should deploy troops. Sueulbu Yeom Jong angry what is now proposed rebellion? Yeom Jong said the examination started and they will be suspected. Ha Jong said checks okay, maybe just Yeom Jong will be checked and it had nothing to do with them. Yeom Jong laugh what is true?

    Seo Hyun Kim asked how this could happen. Princess Man Myeong said cruel things happen to the King family and what we should do. Kim Seo Hyun said they could not say anything and he will go to the council to find out.

    Ha Jong Kim Chun Chu shocked by injuries and Mi Yeom Jong Saeng deplored carelessness, Cheok Yu thinks should be killed from the first. Jujin say now cause problems for them. Yeom Jong sorry but they can not avoid this. Ha Jong upset, sorry excuse what he thought could solve the problems they will face. Yeom Jong said if he knew it would be like this then it is best to kill Kim Chun Chu. Nobility Sueulbu Yeom Jong said what had gone mad. Yeom Jong said they would not have known that everything would be easier if Kim Chun Chu removed. Ha Jong angry and pulled the collar Yeom Jong and said he was angry with Yeom Jong because he wanted to kill Chun Chu, you have to remember Kim Chun Chu is the nephew-in-law!

    Bi Dam heard from San Tak that they tried to kill Kim Chun Chu and Bi Dam interesting collar San Tak: Who gave the orders? San No not know and San Tak benar2 said he did not know. Bi Dam releases San Tak and sat back, his men benar2 already violated the limit. (You know he asked for 1000 troops for BD Exterminate Mark, knp guns? Do it now!)

    Kim Chun Chu resting after being wounded. He tried to get up to salute the Queen. Queen asked state and Chun Chu Chun Chu said, the dart is not about the vital organs and the wound was not deep, he will soon recover. (I think BGS also made Chun feel a little flavor of war, he could make preparations jd King). Queen asked about Yu Cheok. Kim Chun Chu said he was killed. Queen asked what he makes Asoka the Great ship, Kim Chun Chu agreed. The man who hired him wanted him dead. Who is the man. Kim Chun Chu said that Uljin is one of the trade area Yeom Jong. Cheok Yu had already done several projects for Yeom Jong ship.

    Kim Chun Chu said he believes Bi Dam was not involved because it was not beneficial for him but Kim Chun Chu can not ensure Dam Bi's men who now are not controlled. Queen stood up and said his patience with young fruit Dam Bi ends up here. Queen to go but he turned around again and asked whether the arrow was accidentally fired in the direction Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu did not feel that way, Cheok Yu was the target. Conversely said the Queen was right arrow directed to Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu shocked. Queen to go and Al Cheon calm Queen for not too worrying Chun Chu.

    Queen held a hearing and summon all the people. Al Cheon asked whether this sudden and Queen are not doing it In Gang Jeon? Queen of repeat orders and asked Kasim do it. Queen ordered Al Cheon to give secret orders to Bi Dam and said for Bi Dam should not be attending the meeting and after the meeting finished, Bi Dam must meet the Queen secretly.

    Queen entered the trial and all salute. Sueulbu noblemen pretended concerned with what happened to Kim Chun Chu. Jujin say because the sky's mercy on their side then Kim Chun Chu was not seriously injured because of this accident. Queen asked what was an accident and how dare you mention that. How dare the board members stated this was an accident but an assassination attempt jelas2 (Queen purposely ..) on King family members. Lord Jujin surprised that Queen sternly ordered pengacaunya he will discover and investigate the attempted murder and will be punished in accordance with applicable law to be an example for others. Kim Yong Chun Queen commissioned to conduct an investigation into the truth. Kim Yong Chun willing to do so. Son Dam Bi fruit growing restless because the Queen knows.

    Kim Chun Chu sat at Joo Bang said that the Queen ordered the commission to investigate the accidents that befall Kim Chun Chu and announce it in court. Chu Chun Joo Bang tried to sit up but ask her to break it. Kim Chun Chu asked whether Bi Dam attend the trial? Joo Bang Dam Bi do not remember what there is or not. Joo Bang asked whether this benar2 Dam Bi plan? Kim Chun Chu said was involved or not is not a problem and allow the wisdom to help the Queen and Bi Dam to act. Joo Bang asked what he would do Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu said that he needs help Joo Bang for travel. Where? asked Joo Bang. Kim Chun Chu said he had to meet Bi Dam. Kim Chun Chu said he would offer help for him.

    Kim Chun Chu met Bi Dam and said it almost became a fatal tragedy, how this could happen. Kim Chun Chu asked what this plan Dam Bi. Bi Dam said how he dared to act like that. Kim Chun Chu said, let us leave the protocol and talk like they used to be, Kim Chun Chu said Bi Dam has been promised if later the Queen died, Bi Dam will release its political power and resigned to the common man. Kim Chun Chu said this apparently will not be realized. Bi Dam asked what was meant by Kim Chun Chu. He does not understand.

    Kim Chun Chu said this directly because of his mother that my mother had died and now his son tried to kill him as well. Kim Chun Chu asked what she would sit quietly and wait for death? Bi Dam did not catch Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu said he had a secret that no one has known. Kim Chun Chu asked whether Bi Dam want to hear it. Kim Chun Chu said that although he was not great but his mind benar2 agile and quick, that's why he showed in front of everyone that he is unable and slow. But what benar2 Dam Bi Chun Chu knew that Kim would not let go even the slightest of details or facts and very thorough in all his actions and give examples of what Bi Dam know what Bo Nam Dae reason why he was not seen again and seemed to vanish. Kim Chun Chu said please discuss with Bi Dam Dam Bi and he left with his mind mister.

    When Kim Chun Chu will go, Bi Dam said Kim Chun Chu is ripe. Kim Chun Chu see Bi and Bi Dam Dam said in the past, Kim Chun Chu plain scared if you see it, is not it? Kim Chun Chu confirmed that in the past presence benar2 scary and Kim Chun Chu sit back and say to Bi Dam, now the opposite ... why is that ... in the past, Bi Dam is an unpredictable movements and actions, then fear arising from ignorance, but now, Bi Dam benar2 transparent (translucent emang he hehe ..) and Kim Chun Chu is able to guess his actions and fight it with ease.

    Kim Chun Chu said Bi Dam was not able to control his men and they dare to do whatever they want and let his love in a woman blind logic and become a weakness. (Setuju..!! Chun Chu emang smart, DSR politician .. hehe) Kim Chun Chu said what Dam Bi really think that the Queen will give her heart to Bi benar2 Dam. (Basic Kim Chun Chu .. sdh know BD is rich so ..) Kim Chun Chu said in the past Bi Dam scary as a person. Kim Chun Chu went. Bi Dam looks a little confused.

    Joo Bang waiting for Kim Chun Chu and asked what were the results? Kim Chun Chu did not say anything and said to himself, he should apologize because he knew Dam Bi Bi Dam had nothing to do with this issue and Kim Chun Chu realize loyalty Bi Dam to death in Queen's sincere but nevertheless Bi Dam and its allies are now seen as a major stumbling block to their ambitions and must somehow be removed from this world.

    Joo Bang curious and asked what was wrong, Kim Chun Chu said not apa2 and go. Kim Chun Chu running again and he said to Bi Dam is really unfortunate because his name will not appear in the page history because its primary purpose is personal loyalty to a woman. (Like I said before, BD just ordinary man with his love ..)

    Dam Bi's men returned from the trial and said they were in big trouble. Ha Jong complain, Yeom Jong was too much. Bo Jong said that not only the Queen but all now suspicious of them. Mi Saeng ask them to calm down, they should think what will be done.

    Yeom Jong came in and asked why all sit silent. Mark should deploy troops. Sueulbu Yeom Jong angry what is now proposed rebellion? Yeom Jong said the examination started and they will be suspected. Ha Jong said checks okay, maybe just Yeom Jong will be checked and it had nothing to do with them. Yeom Jong laugh what is true?

    Al Cheon brings Bi Dam to meet the Queen as instructed in secret and Bi Dam remember what words of Kim Chun Chu Bi Dam benar2 think that the Queen can give her love for Bi Dam and this creates doubt Dam Bi (aarrgh.. Chun Chu Chun Chu true .. tp also, statesmanlike should be no personal ill feeling .. sigh ..) Kim Chun Chu benar2 play psychological mind games through feelings of insecurity Bi Bi Dam Dam that have a phobia abandoned or discarded. Al Cheon announced the presence of Bi Dam, Queen meet with Bi Dam.

    Yeom Jong Jujin blame for all the chaos that made them all to be like this. Yeo Jong agree he is screaming his brains and just do it .. please report it to the Queen and Kim Chun Chu. And say that the incident behind the secret agreement with the envoy Tang, incident and construction of boat Seoguk Hosejon Ashoka the Great all is not their idea and not intend to kill Kim Chun Chu. Yeom Jong ask them to report to the Queen and say this not because the nobles wanted to rebel and lose the Queen but it's all because Yeom Jong was responsible.

    Yeom Jong challenged the nobles to go and report this to the Queen. Queen of the wise and smart he would have known that the incidence of Kim Chun Chu was an accident but still the Queen asked for an investigation, is to tell them that the Queen had decided to execute them and get rid of them all. Ha Jong then asked what advice Yeom Jong? Yeom Jong said before the hearing to produce something that is important against them, they must first conduct an attack first.

    Jujin say Yeom Jong intend to rebel? Yeom Jong said this might be terjdi. Jujin shocked. Yeom Jong asked whether there was a problem with it, we'll laugh Sueulbu revolt to seize the throne. Mi Saeng then asked how the Bi Dam? How do they overcome this with Bi Dam? Mi Saeng said to start the rebellion must be why. There is no reason except Bi Dam as a son of King Jinji and also Mi Shil's brother and besides Bi Dam, nothing that would justify their actions. Mi Yeom Jong Saeng asked to persuade Bi Dam to change his mind. Yeom Jong sure and ask them to trust him.

    kadorama-recapsSeondeok: We never share anything together before .. Between Us

    Bi Dam saluted the Queen who said he knew right Bi Dam was not involved with this incident but Bi Dam failed to control his men and they are already too far. Bi Dam admitted that he could no longer control them and do not have a choice. Bi Dam asked inquiry command to reveal the truth and punishing all those involved without exception for them. Queen said that if this happens, Bi Dam will be exposed to the consequences, no matter in what way, Bi Dam will be prosecuted responsibilities. Bi Dam does not matter if he will be checked for this to be done Queen and Bi Dam said he was ready and willing to fall because of this incident. He was ready but I'm not ready for it, said the Queen. Bi Dam shocked.

    Queen gave the ring to him and said: We never share any joint. Bi Dam asked why the Queen to do this now. Dam Bi was the Queen forced her to go and send it away. Queen said he would send to Chuhwa Dam Bi (cur Miryang) and the Queen asked for Bi Dam immediately go and leave all affairs in Seorabeol him. After all finished, the Queen will call Bi Dam again.

    Queen took the hand of Bi Dam and put a ring on his hand and clasped hands Bi Dam, the Queen said that if fixed at Seorabeol Dam Bi, Bi Dam will be affected by this problem. Queen will be able to overcome his men if Bi Dam go and he would exterminate them all from Seorabeol. After the public sentiment as the wind died down and passed Bi Dam he would call back. Bi Dam just kept ringing kata2 Kim Chun Chu, what do you think that the Queen can benar2 benar2 give her feelings for Bi Dam and Dam Bi Queen asked what you believe me?

    Bi Dam visibly insecure. Bi Dam said that the Queen does not need to say it, he has always believed the Queen. Queen said that Bi Dam must leave immediately. Ministry Registration or Wi Hwa Queen Mother will deliver orders to him later. Queen Bi Dam pulled her hand but holding hands with the Queen but she slowly pulled her hand from the hand of Bi Dam and said to leave immediately. Bi Dam Queen and go see the ring and said not here's how. Queen looked at the Bi Dam from a distance and said to Bi Dam is only a temporary separation between them, he will finish it soon.

    Yeom Jong said they've put mata2 between Queen's palace guards. Yeom Jong want to meet that person. (The same org who refused Bi Dam to meet the Queen at that time) Yeom Jong convince people that the welfare of his family would be guaranteed. Palace guards are ready but if that person is dead .. Yeom Jong said he was the best swordsman in Silla, not to worry about and Yeom Jong gives advice for carers was not attacked directly but when he is not aware of his presence, then attack him.

    Bi Dam playing with his doubts, the Queen placed in custody in Chuhwa ... and he should immediately go ... A waiter came and asked what to call Bi Dam. Bi Dam said to make preparation for a trip to Chuhwa. The servant went, and Bi Dam think again, as soon as Bi Dam leaves Queen will finish off his men in Seorabeol. Bi Dam: what I can only leave this mess to him and walk away? This confusion is not because the Queen but for me, and I must take complete responsibility for his kindness, because the Queen has given attention to himself and he just left this issue to be resolved Queen. Bi Dam vowed he would leave soon after completing this mess and come to admit his guilt.

    Bi Dam took his sword and menghunusnya and she remembers Kim Chun Chu in the past that he is scary but not anymore. Bi Dam drew his sword and saw blade. He said this sword has been stored too long and the sword has already lasted too long and now he must kill them all and Bi Dam swung a few moments with his sword. (BD sdh kira2 14 years old .. ill use his sword but his knowledge rusty guns guns ya .. but never the war, KPN practice? BD emang great hehe ..)

    Mi Saeng said Seorabeol Jujin must leave immediately and stay at the castle Sangju. Jujin understand and leave. Then asked whether Bo Mi Saeng Jong has contacted all its forces commander. Bo Jong said already. Ha Jong said that if it found little evidence that they were involved then they would rather die than sit quietly waiting.

    Yeom Jong said there is suspicious movement by troops in Seorabeol. Yeom Jong Seorabeol ask them to leave immediately. They all feel this bad.

    Kim Yu Shin said that the Queen is not hard to catch them now, because they had taken off all his personal army. Yu Shin asked the Queen allowed. Wyol Yes agree, Go Do lead with San Heun Guk Dae Pung and Yang Gil on guard and ready to execute whenever a command sent down (Actually I miss the funny and warm hiks ... Go Do Go Do is no longer warm and cute .. now he's hiks frightening ..)

    Al Cheon said that among them are members of the council involved. Kim Yong Chun agree if they need to arrest members of the council then they should have concrete evidence to do so. Queen said to wait for the evidence found may be too late. Do you think they will sit quietly and wait. Kim Chun Chu agreed to an assassination attempt on him not satu2nya reasons but a secret agreement with the envoy Tang and trick them about Asoka the Great to threaten the throne of the Queen and they must be responsible. Queen said he would issue an order to approve the detention and arrest them. (Similar to those ways Mi Shil as well)

    Saeng Mi Yeom Jong asked what was meant for them to go now. Yeom Jong said mata2nya report any abnormal movement of the army's defense dept. Ha Jong dept asked whether the defense will catch them now. Yeom Jong'm not sure, but more wisely if they went and hid in the mine. Bo Jong said he'll let Jae Ho, Seon Yeol, Hwang Yun and go. Mi Saeng asked where Bi Dam? Yeom Jong ragu2. Mi Dam Bi Saeng said without them there is no plan will succeed. They will not have a reason to hold a rebellion. Yeom Jong Sueubu say what will rebel without the presence of their leader in the rebellion? Yeom Jong ask them not to worry, he has to solve this problem and will look for Bi Dam.

    Wyol Yes gather his forces and ordered all the commanders and troops to go and arrest people who have been determined. They must quickly and quietly, and asked what they understand. They understand. Go Do led his forces and began to move, also Guk San Heun, Dae Pung, and Yang Gil.

    Kim Chun Chu asked the Queen about the arrest warrant for Bi Dam. Queen said Kim Chun Chu know and benar2 know just like him that Bi Dam was not involved in this incident. Kim Chun Chu did not agree, all this would have happened if Bi Dam does not exist. Queen asked if so .. but Kim Chun Chu said that if they do not take this opportunity to deal with Bi Dam then he will always be a threat for the throne (if you think about, BD is more entitled to the throne than Chun Chu, his son King BD, Chun Cu only grandson of King). Empress Chun Chu asked if Kim was afraid of Bi Dam? Kim Chun Chu silent. means may be true. Queen said Bi Dam will lose his subordinates how he could be a threat to Kim Chun Chu?

    Queen asked what was so feared Kim Chun Chu so he encouraged the Queen to issue a warrant to arrest innocent people and warned Kim Chun Chu Bi Dam so as not to interfere without orders. Kim Chun Chu looked less pleased. (Chun Chu BD's .. you know .. the same rich uncle Kim Yong Chun ..)

    Guk San Heun lurk Jujin residence (use and throw pity Jujin also this) and got a report there is no activity in the house Jujin. (Aduh.. Jgn2 later Queen think yes .. BD divulging his intention to kill his men ..). Guk San Heun and his men burst in and said Jujin must surrender and no answers. Apparently Jujin house empty. Guk San Heun shocked, Yang Gil also received the same report there was no one at home. Gil Yang said that they should immediately report.

    Bi Dam ordinary dress look of the vent from a distance and his men will benar2 rebellion and holding his sword tightly.

    Kim Yu Shin surprise that all their homes empty. Dae Pung confirmed no one and Go Do report the same thing with houses Mi Saeng. Yang Gil and Guk san Heun came in and said there was a problem when Kim Yu Shin stood up and said no one there. Yang Gil said they had completed .. .. Dae Pung escape. Kim Yu Shin Seorabeol command to gather forces to be deployed to the palace. Go Do and the others understand.

    In a cave in Geumjeongsan. Ha Jong complain it's all because Yeom Jong then all there is in distress. Jujin said they managed to flee from their need to plan Seorabeol The next action. Dept. of defense will know that they've disappeared. Ha Jong said today that it Yeom Jong, Bo Jong said he would come with Bi Dam into this mine. And Phil said that if Bi Dam does not join then they can not do anything. Hwang Yun agree that without Bi Dam they had no reason to rebel. Mi Saeng convince Bi Dam may be joined if Yeom Jong succeed, must succeed. Ha Jong asked how her uncle could be so sure that Yeom Jong will be successful. Mi Yeom Jong Saeng said if failed, they would all be dead.

    Yeom Jong and his men walk at night as follow Yeom Jong Dam Bi and the Palace Guards who paid Yeom Jong follow Bi Dam.

    Im Jong informs the Queen that the troops on the front lines Sueulbu nobles deserted from his post. Wyol Ya said the same forces in Iseo Gun Jae Ho also disappeared from his post. Kim Yu Shin asked whether all the forces of the nobility disappeared? Wyol Ya said they were not sure but it seems like it. Al Cheon said this benar2 rebellion and they must be quick. Queen said that they must look upon once more and the blood shed in Seorabeol. Queen worried Bi Dam.

    Yeom Jong Dam Bi and call blocking. Dam Bi showed himself. Yeom Jong laugh where Bi Dam so far, they've been looking everywhere Dam Bi. Bi Dam threw a straw hat in the direction Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong sword. Bi Dam ask them to stop wasting time and came quickly to play.

    Yeom Jong: what are you waiting for, attack him!

    Dam Bi's men besieged Yeom Jong and Bi Dam beat them all, it turns out science is not a rusty sword and kill all the children Yeom Jong. Then see Yeom Jong Dam Bi is now alone, then pointed his sword toward Yeom Jong, I should have killed you years ago! (Cape deh .. BD) Yeom Jong laugh (who is hated ..) and say do not lose Bi Dam skill play sword that Bi Dam benar2 an expert sword.

    Bi Dam said he now remembered as the day he wanted to know was whether the head will be able to laugh like that if it is separate from your neck, when Bi Dam near Yeom Jong, someone threw a secret weapon in the direction Dam Bi, Bi Dam and the Guard to avoid a second blow, Bi Dam avoid them again and catch up.

    Guards out his sword and Bi Dam able to beat him and then pulled his mask and recognized him as a guard at the palace of the Queen and who has refused to meet the Queen at that time. Yeom Jong smiled behind, the plan seems to succeed. (Tp kok BD guns suspicious yes, attacking use the secret weapon that was typical Yeom Jong, such as Moon Noh first time, MN was attacked while off guard with his weapon RHS. Hrsnya BD aware there is a pattern ..)

    Dam Bi was asked who gave the order because Bi Dam know the man's palace guards, Bi Dam wanted to know who has ordered to kill him. Then Bi Dam realize and conclude that perhaps the Queen and the Queen remembered Bi Dam Bi Dam said he knew no motive and ambition but sends guards to kill him (BD shrsnya conscious, BD Queen knows the skill, guns may be used to send guards to kill him, if Send last mo at least Wyol Yes or Al Cheon is ..).

    Bi Dam started his own confused and full of doubt, Bi Dam remember the Queen was not prepared for reality to get rid of Bi Dam. Bi Dam wanted to know who she is .. The guard said, according to the instructions Yeom Jong: Kill an enemy country and live His Majesty! and he took the sword Bi Dam and kill him, he died (LBH strange again, kalo emang eventually committed suicide, why must say life is precious? if it eventually committed suicide, he would shut his mouth tightly to the death who would not have ordered correct way ? rich people who were told to kill Kim Jong Seo Bo Hyun.) Yeom Jong come and add a dramatic atmosphere say that this person is the Palace Guard, whether he might be sent by ... Queen?

    Bi Dam remember all the rejection when his hand was rejected by the Moon Noh and Queen (yes cooking continues to hold his hand, his bodyguard guns worth seeing, the guns get it, BD), all spinning in his mind and remember when the Queen asked Bi Dam trust him.

    Bi Dam confused and screaming like almost crazy.

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