Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 42

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 42

    Seol Won Seok Rang hear from about what is done Bum Kim Chun Chu and now both are facing King Jinpyeong. Bum Seok Kim Chun Chu said the official had reported her marriage to Bo Ryang. Bo Jong shock.
    Deok Man met the young couple, Deok Man to speak privately with Chun Chu. Chun Chu explained that he was deceiving Mi Shil. Deok Man confirmed he had indeed been done but Deok Man is also in doubt. Deok Man wonder why Mi Shil not do anything when tricked Chun Chu. According to Chun Chu, Mi Shil must have known he was just still thinking what to do.
    Deok Man said Kim Chun Chu actions have created confusion and mutual mistrust between them that almost made him take action. Kim Chun Chu justify, all this was planned from the beginning. Kim Chun Chu said he had no military support, such as Hwa Rang and Mi Shil, or as Deok Man who use science and astronomical calculations or tombstone raises from the ground. All he had was the sharpness and wit of the tongue as a weapon. Kim Chun Chu said that now lives to see how these forces will split from the formation only of his words. (Likewise, the tongue, though a small member of the body, but can boast a large case-case.) Deok Man agrees that it shall follow the plan of Kim Chun Chu, but what he was thinking about the impact that will arise from this plan.
    Kim Chun Chu said already, and he was sure there was no error in the plan. Deok Man said that still if it ends in failure and if this happens then he will put out his hand to help Chun Chu and he must accept it. Deok Man asked whether he agrees. Kim Chun Chu agrees that if his plan fails.
    Seol Won Jong Bo and Bo Rang see Ryang who waited outside the residence Deok Man, Bo Ryang to greet them. Seol Won asked what happened last night. Chun Chu Kim Deok Man out of the residence to greet them, he called Bo Jong as the father-in-law and request that the greeting is received. Kim Chun Chu're sorry, this is because they are young who make all this happen and request that they can understand. Se Jong Ha Jong and they peered from afar. Won Seol met Rang Se Jong Ha Jong and upset because it was allegedly abducted Bo Ryang. Seol Won said this is all a misunderstanding and they did not know in advance what was happening. Seol Won Mi Rang find agreement with Se Jong Shil, that's why he sent away to avoid Bo Ryang Kim Chun Chu. Bo Kim Jong Chun Chu Bo was the one who kidnapped them Ryang who did not previously suspected.
    They are also just as confused with Se Jong and Jong Ha. Seol Won ask them to trust him, or else they will fall into the trap of Kim Chun Chu. Se Jong asked if Seol Won Rang is he, what he would believe it. Se Jong go and he did not accept the explanation Seol Won Rang.
    Saeng waiting for Se Jong Mi and Ha Jong nervously. Ha Jong asked his uncle what happened with this problem. Se Jong asked where Mi Shil now. Mi Saeng ask them to calm down, he was also looking for her brother. Ha Jong Mi Saeng be asked if he was, what he can be calm and Mi Shil not exist everywhere. Mi Saeng said the objection to the marriage Se Jong Kim Chun Chu and Bo Ryang and how he could know, stupid kids like Kim Chun Chu will come up with this plan. Se Jong still think all these tantrums Seol Won Rang. Mi Saeng Won Seol Rang asked what could do tricks like this. Mi Saeng said the opposite, Seol Won Rang is not a character people like that. Mi Saeng advised that they are not angry anymore and think clearly, Mi Saeng will meet with Kim Chun Chu.
    Se Jong said they could not see what is in front of him. Ha Jong said he would ask Hwa Rang to supervise the residence and activities Seol Won Rang. Se Jong said he will meet with Phil Dan. Seol Won surprised when he heard of the Hwarang that Mi Shil go for a walk. Seol Won feel weird. Bum Seok confirmed that go with Chil Shil Mi Sook and several guards. Jong Bo does not understand as there are situations when heated with Se Jong and Jong Ha. Seol Won Hwa Rang ordered to search for Mi Shil quickly and do not waste time. But then said he needed Seol Won Seok Bum, Deok Chung and Baek Eui are nearby. Seol Won ask San Not looking for Mi Shil and his men. Mi Saeng came and asked what he already knew where Mi Shil. Seol Won said they were still looking for it. Mi Saeng said he had done their best to soothe and Se Jong Ha Jong. Jong Bo still wonder why her mother left at a time like this. Seol Won Mi Shil said maybe just stress alone, he is also worried about Mi Shil.
    Empress Chun Chu angry because Kim made a surprise anymore. King wants an explanation. Kim Yong Mi Chu said this is not a manipulation but instead Shil Kim Chun Chu Mi Shil who cheat. Princess Man Myeong Kim Chun Chu shock that can do it. Kim Yong Chun Chu Chu said marriage was made camp and Se Jong Won seol heats. Kim Seo Hyeon Shil Mi say nothing, but his wife said today Mi Shil was out. King also felt weird because Mi Shil did not do anything.
    Deok Man said that Chun Chu is enjoying his victory, but .. Kim Yu shin feel they do not know what to do Mi Shil. Deok Man understands Mi Shil will definitely keep harmony in the camp. Al Cheon feel strange because this time it went out Mi Shil. Wyol Ya say if stronghold Mi Shil this split will be beneficial Deok Man. Wyol Ya said they must find a way to take advantage of this incident and he asked her to Man does not need to worry. Deok Man feel the opposite of this situation made him more nervous. Mi Shil fooled by Kim Chun Chu. Kim Yu Shin said this makes stronghold Se Jong Won Seol split. Deok Man said Mi Shil will not let this happen but he has not responded to any. Deok man wanted to know what you think Mi Shil now.
    Al Cheon and Wyol Yes orang2 collect them, if by chance Mi Se Jong Shil disappeared then and Seol Won definitely seek it, then they should continue to monitor their movements. Seo Ji said he would bring the Gil to oversee Se Jong. Al Cheon ordered to oversee Go Do Mi Guk Saeng and San Heun and Seol Won Dae Pung watched Rang. Al Cheon ask them to report to him as soon as possible if there is something.
    Go do not see Joo Bang. Guk San Heun said since the Bang Joo Chun Chu hear wedding she looked upset and went, until now has not come back again.
    Joo Bang meet Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu Kim Joo Bang accept with pleasure, he said if not for the help Joo Bang, then the trick will not work. Bang Joo Kim Chun Chu wonder and ask for waiter serving tea to Joo Bang. Joo Bang said he did not come to tea. Chu Chun Joo Bang said that should not be doing this. Chun Chu did not want to hear it. Kim Chun Chu give money to Joo Bang and asked what words of people about his actions. Joo Bang said he came not because of money, he asked Kim Chun Chu did not insult Princess Deok Man. Chu Chun said Joo Bang very expert in his view, with the help of Joo Bang he could design this. Kim Chun Joo Bang Chu asked what would join him. Bang Joo Kim Chun Chu left stunned and brought with it prize money. He said that all the mistakes that made her tongue was in trouble. Bang Joo Kim Chun Chu people feel strange.
    Then Mi Saeng ordered guards to be alert and Joo Bang hiding, Mi Chun Chu Kim Saeng call he wanted to talk to her soon. Wonder why Mi Joo Bang Saeng Kim Chun Chu search. And Joo Bang almost died of shock when Go Do approached. Joo Bang Go Do ask why here. Go Do say all busy looking for Mi Shil, Joo Bang wonder. Go Do said he had been commanded to observe Mi Saeng.
    Mi Saeng Kim Chun Chu met and laughed, he understands the violence kepalaan Kim Chun Chu. Although Mi Saeng understand, but the action Kim Chun Chu create opposition from various sides. Kim Chun Chu see Mi Mi Saeng Saeng and say this is too complicated, but Kim Chun Chu asked Mi Saeng is a smart man so he should be aware of where the situation is growing and must anticipate. Kim Chun Chu believes Mi Saeng understand and to conclude. Mi Saeng just do not understand the purpose of Chun Chu.
    Kim Chun Chu: My mother, Princess Cheon Myeong killed by your son, Dae Nam Bo. But I forgive him. That is why now Mi Saeng must reciprocate.
    Mi Saeng was surprised when he knows the real side of Kim Chun Chu. He wants retribution for his generosity in Nam Dae Bo, because Kim Chun Chu benar2 want to look for justice to avenge the death of his mother.
    Joo Bang dragging Go Do Go Do said although he had to oversee Mi Saeng. Bang said Joo Mi Nam Dae Saeng and Bo from the same party. Joo Bang reminded that most of the new cadre comes from the descendants of Style at Amnyangju, and Dae Nangdu now watching them and ask Go Do follow Joo Bang. Mi Saeng out and look a little shock and slip and then look for Dae Nam Bo.
    Se Jong met Phil and Phil's father and asked what Dan has received his letter. Phil And convince Se Jong, her father will support the Se Jong, Se Jong asked Phil And back to her father and said he wanted to talk to him.
    Phil And see Ho Jae and said he would meet his father. Phil And worried something will happen in Seorabeol. Phil And like a whisper but Bum Seok come in and disrupt them. Phil And ask yourself and go. Mi Nam Dae Saeng search for Bo, and says it all is the design of Kim Chun Chu who manipulate and deceive them. Mi Mi Shil Saeng said if it was not immediately returned, something terrible will happen. Nam Dae Bo said he went with Chil Sook, a few guards, and servants. Saeng complained Mi where Mi Shil today and how he can find Mi Shil. Nam Dae Bo said by waiters at the palace Mi Shil, Mi Shil look strange. That Mi Shil sleeping? Saeng remember Seol Won Mi Mi Shil said a little stress. Mi Saeng guess the one place where they can find it.
    That place is the place where Empress Dowager Ji So away from the palace, the place was Mi Shil vowed to return. When King Jinji revealed he would also go there to make a decision. So he must be there now.
    (Dowager Empress Ji so is the mother of King Jinheung)
    Nam Dae Bo and his men search for Mi Shil and one of his cadre to give a message on the Go Do and Joo Bang in disguise. Joo Bang read it and said they should meet Princess Deok Man. Deok Man thoughtful and Kim Yu Shin comes and asks what he thinks. Deok Man said he believed the Mi Shil. Kim Yu Shin surprise. Because he has the Mi Shil as his opponent and he believed it. According Deok Man when he deceived Mi Shil with its sun eclipse Mi Shil he believes will act according to his expectations so that what he planned to succeed. Kim Yu Shin agree that Deok Man can see the characters Mi Shil. Deok Man said now she started to lose confidence, that he understood what he was thinking Mi Shil. Deok Man Mi Shil fail to see the plan Chun Chu and now he does not do anything, it's like not Mi Shil.
    Deok Man said there was something that changed the thinking Mi Shil.
    Dam Bi Mi Shil escorted to its destination. Mi Shil looked around and said that this is the place and say how beautiful the scenery. Mi Shil said he would come to this place to reduce stress and a tense mind. Bi Dam asked what he had to make it so stressful, after all the chaos in Seorabeol, what else. Mi Shil see Bi Dam and smile
    kadorama-recapskadorama-recapsJoo Bang see Deok Man and said he knew where Mi Shil. Mi Shil in Oji San Hanun in Gaonjeon Valley. Deok Man said they should immediately set off to find Mi Shil. Mi Shil was talking about the past and he remembered adventure Moon Noh and tell it to the Bi Dam. Bi Dam laughed at the adventures of the teacher is quite embarrassing.
    kadorama-recapsMi Shil said that's not all, one day trying to work on teachers' Moon Noh silatnya Geochilbu and put the snake. Bi dam glad to hear his teacher was quite naughty when I was young. Mi Shil said that Mishil loved the King, so Geochilbu appreciate it. Seol Won brings nangdonya to go out. With this he earned the nickname Hu Sang In which people cope with the clouds. Bi Dam asked then what is the nickname Moon Noh. Mi Shil said Moon Noh is Hogukseon nickname which means the god who defended the country. seonin means god.
    Bi Dam asked then what is the nickname Mi Shil, Mi Shil said that among them were 3, one of them will stand up and conquer all, and heaven will bless them no matter what happens. Bi Dam constantly asked what nickname Mi Shil. Mi Shil said his nickname was Guk Ji Gyeong Saek, (Gyeong = fall, woof = State, ji = bring, saek = beauty; a beauty that brought the collapse of the state)
    Bi Dam said that beauty is not it means that one day will lead to collapse or fall of a country. When the Hwarang be funny with the nickname Mi Shil, that shall he also reminded the King Jinheung to beware. Bi Dam asked what he liked with his nickname. Mi Shil reflect what he really loved it or hated it. Mi Shil said maybe because he dreamed of becoming Huang Hu. Bi Dam asked what it was a bad dream.
    Mi Shil can only dream became Huang Hu and ruled behind the curtain but Deok Man dreams of becoming a queen who commanded or Yeo Wang, and Mi Shil never saw it as possible while Deok Man makes the impossible become reality.
    Bum Seok Won informs seol before Phil left the residence Se Jong And he said there will be chaos in Seorabeol. Seol Won said what Phil and went to see her father. Seok Bum agreed. Seok Bum said Phil's father Dan oversees the 5000 warrior elite. Seol Won Jong Se say attempted to organize a civil war between them in Seorabeol. Seol Won Rang think what no way to prevent Se Jong doing this. Jong Bo asks what they should not support just as Kim Chun Chu Bu Gun. Seol Won Jong Bo saw his son and added if not then what they should attack first. At least they need to collect and organize troop strength from San Hwe (now Chang Won) and Chu Hwa Gu (now Miryang).
    Seol Won said it was too late if it will gather the troops. Jong Bo asks how the troops in the ministries of defense. seol Won said will not be permitted, if he moved the troops, it will make it a rebel leader. Bo Jong ask then what they should do. Seol Won Mi Shil says will return to calm the atmosphere up to that time we should try to find a solution to overcome this problem.
    Seol Won Jong asks Bo to call Deok Chung and Baek Eui along with their regiment. Ha Jong comes with a panic and said to his father if Deok Chung and Baek Eui and their regiments gathered at the residence of Seol Won Rang. Ha Jong said they would have known Phil and his father and asked for help troops. So they are now just in case. Ha Jong said at least they should keep their homes not to be attacked. Ha Jong-Won Seol wonder why not mobilize troops from the defense ministry. Se Jong said if Seol Won doing so, he would be revolted. Ha Jong said he could not say anything and must do something. Se Jong asked what happened to Kim Chun Chu. Ha Jong said he had ordered people to look but do not know where he is.
    Chung and Baek Eui Deok surprised what they really can do this because Se Jong is Sangdaedeung (Tirzah: if she heard what I remember exactly the position Sangdaedeung Dam Bi Sangdaedeung he .. he). Bo Jong remind them that they had sworn to support Bo Jong and his family. Baek Eui say they are not betting their lives. Bum Seok agree to do it. Jong Bo grateful to them.
    Ha Jong gather his troops and ordered them to go and protect their homes from attack. Then the waiter came and told them the problem. Bo Jong and orang2nya came to see Se Jong. Se Jong angry at their interference. Bo Se Jong Jong politely asked her to follow them diam2. They react like this because Se Jong does not believe in them. Se Jong asked whether they could live after her arrest. Bo Se Jong Jong ordered taken. Se Jong Seok Bum pulled out.
    Ha Jong surprised to know Bo orang2 Jong and his father arrested. Jae Ho said that they must immediately go and save Se Jong. And Phil said that they need to add anyone else. Ha Jong Jong Bo's name .. SeokBum, deok Chung, Baek Eui, and Seon Yeol then asked whether Seol Won included. The waiter said he did not see Seol Won Rang. Then Ha Jong Won aware that seol alone.
    Bo Se Jong and Jong orang2nya guard who was in a litter. Se Jong tied. Then San Tak ran in panic and said that Seol Won has .. Jong Bo asked what happened to his father. Seol Won Rang bound by Ha Ha Jong Jong and directs the knife to the neck Seol Won Rang. Ha Jong said he was confident Seol Won know that the time would come and dare seol Won Rang do this. Seol Won said this occurs because Se Jong did not trust them. seol Won Mi Shil reminded when absent, they should be more careful. Ha Jong asked what the reason was that made them hold him. Seol Won said they had no choice. They defend themselves. If they do not, then Ha Jong will send troops to attack them. Ha Jong said Seol Won Rang is the same.
    Seol Won said we are all manipulated by Kim Chun Chu. Ha Jong did not believe. Ha Jong-Won Seol interesting collar and said he knew that Seol Won is the planners. Seol Won Jong Ha asked what already noticed changes to her mother, Ha Jong asked what was wrong with her mother and changed the time to repeat what Seol Won Jong Ha Mi Shil believe that will solve this problem. Ha Jong relented and thought.
    Yeom Jong said that there is progress as planned, Kim Chun Chu. But .. Kim Chun Chu asked what was wrong. Yeom Jong confirmed that the problem in accordance with the thinking Chun Chu, but this problem seems to be stagnant. What he meant was the Mi Shil. Yeom Jong justify, Mi Shil not react this is confusing. Kim Chun Chu said that the Mi Shil might support Seol Won-rang because he had no other choice. That is true but after Deok Man proclaimed that he would ascend the throne, Yeom Jong asked whether there is a choice except to Kim Chun Chu will end. Kim Chun Chu said they misjudge Mi Shil, they are too high rate Mi Shil. Yeom Jong said they also should not be underestimated Mi Shil.
    Kim Chun Chu only assess the ability of Mi Shil as someone who got the power for personal gain. Kim Chun Chu asked where Bi Dam, he missed all the fun of Kim Chun Chu plan.
    Bi Dam asked about a bad dream that has been called Mi Shil. Mi Shil said yes it is true. Mi Shil says she is a woman who does not have a great direction and ask what became Huang Hu (Queen) but only a couple and what a great guy and he laughed and said he swam against the tide that he had thrown her own child without a doubt and so Just for the sake of the Queen. Bi Dam said he admired the Mi Shil. Mi Shil asked is it true and Bi Dam said this is his dream and Mi Shil confirmed it was a bad dream. Bi Dam said that no matter how bad or big dreams, they will force you to discard anything that you have to undergo road in front of you to achieve your dreams. Mi Shil said he was pleased that the Bi Dam has a deep understanding of the issues, but then he asked why Bi Dam helps Deok Man, Mi Shil see Deok Man does not look fit with Bi Dam.
    Bi Dam said that he was like a duck. Mi Shil surprised with the parable Bi Dam, duck? Bi Dam explained, after hatching from eggs, duck will follow anyone who first sees and will follow it fully.
    Bo met Chil Nam Dae Sook, Chil Sook said he had to wait. Nam Dae Bo tried to explain clashes Seol Won Rang se but Chil Jong Sook said that if Mi Shil in emotional conditions like this, nothing can be done. Nam Dae Bo tried to explain again, but Chil Sook interrupted.
    kadorama-recapsyeah That .. tell your mom you love her ..
    kadorama-recapsShil said Princess Mi-Deok Man what a Bi Dam to see the first time when he came into this world. Noh Moon Dam Bi remember before he died. Mi Shil see Bi Dam and asked what love admiration for Princess Bi Dam Deok Man. Bi Dam but asked whether such a Mi Shil said that Bi Dam has no charisma. Mi Shil said that the man who depends on a woman without a devotion that will always make Mi Shil they trample over their bodies without souls. Bi Dam because of devotion then asked whether there will be an opportunity to fulfill his dream as well.
    Bi Dam said his teacher had a dream to unite the three kingdoms. His teacher dedicated his life to realize that by compiling topographic map 3 countries. while Mi Shil not interested in the slightest with the unification of 3 countries, Deok Man on the contrary showed great interest. That's why Deok Man get his help and will achieve great ambition was as he got it and made his name recorded in history and famous. Bi Dam recalls his teacher had said to someone who reach it will gain a reputation forever. Bi Dam asked whether this also may include a big dream. Bi Dam asked for a guy who has big ambitions whether women will see that this man was charismatic, Dam Bi Mi Shil asked to dispose of his dreams because dreams can not be compared with the other. Mi Shil said why he had to throw it away.
    Bi Dam said that he was the man. Mi Shil said he thought he could not let go of his dream. Bi Dam asked why. Mi Shil said because he would be the one. Bi Dam said Shil has admitted that a bad dream. Mi Shil said yes, it's because I was Mi Shil and like that.
    Kim Yong Chun reported that the Se Jong and won seol involved disputes. King asked what was going on Seorabeol, King asked So Hwa where Deok Man now. So Hwa said that Deok Man went to seek confirmation from the Mi Shil. King felt weird because Mi Shil was not in his residence and if something happens to Deok Man what they should do. King felt sick again. Queen to help her husband and ask So Hwa call physician palace. So Hwa will go but the King stopped him. King said all those present know the condition of his health, but this is not the right time to reveal this matter to everyone and ask them to leave.
    Mi Sook Shil upset because Chil Nam Dae Bo report that search. Mi Shil had told them to wait, he just went from Seorabeol for refreshing and now his condition became like this. Chil Sook said not like that, he also reported that the Princess Deok Man is also here to look. Deok Man enters and greets Bi Dam Deok Man. Mi Shil asked whether the purpose of his visit Deok Man.
    Kim Yu Shin spoke with Bi Dam, Dam Bi what is done here. Bi Dam said that if it raises suspicion he will not answer. Kim Yu Shin said this is a curiosity, and asked what was wrong. Bi Dam said he met Mi Shil to tell him that he was deceived by Kim Chun Chu, Kim Yu Shin then asked why Bi Dam Mi Shil tiba2 accompany a walk. Bi Dam said there is no reason not to go with it. Bi Dam asked what he was doing here with Princess Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin said Princess Deok Man felt uneasy because of a problem. Bi Dam asked what the problem. Mi Shil not apply to normal. Bi Dam smile appeared only with ordinary streets Deok Man can draw conclusions from this problem completely. Kim Yu Shin asked whether it was true Mi Shil acting strangely and Bi Dam justify.
    Deok Man asked about the behavior of Mi Shil strange lately. Mi Shil did not know the purpose Deok Man. Deok Man asked whether Mi Shil know how much effort it would take to guess what actions Mi Shil.
    Mi Shil asked what it was. Deok Man said that the Mi-Shil was the enemy that he believes more than anyone else he knew but then why change and act tiba2 unusual so that he could not be sure how to push his mind and fight. Mi Shil said that Deok Man learned to think and act like him. Deok Man agreed. Mi Shil asked if so Deok Man knows the reason why he acted that way. Deok Man feel uncomfortable.
    Seol Won asked whether Se Jong joined the Mi Shil because he can not match the status and wealth Mi Shil. Ha Jong said not so. Seol Won: Is not he joining Mi Shil because believe wholeheartedly that the Mi Shil has the ability in the assessment and what do you think young people are naive and naughty was able to deceive Shil.Seol Won Mi Mi said Shil is facing a change, he knew that the light new revelation will likely emerge from this experience.
    Mi Shil said Deok Man has been asked many interesting questions to him and as usual he took questions Deok Man. Deok Man asked, what Mi Shil think that he is corrupt, Mi Shil answered yes. What Mi Shil could not hold it anymore, Mi Shil justify. Means this is something underneath his new revelation. Mi Shil justify. Deok Man asked whether Mi Shil benar2 will carry that revelation. Mi Shil said that there was probable that he will end up losing everything and had to witness it. Deok Man feels to win, but somehow do not expect Mi Shil will give up so easily.
    Mi Shil said that is what is called a double asset, in wealth, military and great talent. That's what Deok Man wanted from Mi Shil, Mi Shil hoped he could bequeath it to Deok Man, but what the Mi Shil not owned Deok Man because of the time. Deok Man reminded that Mi Shil likely to lose everything he had, and Deok Man does not have anything that makes Mi Shil exist in different levels. Mi Shil justify. That's why he came here to ponder and contemplate. What exactly he wanted. What physical and mental goals that will be worn to begin competing with Deok Man to get anything under this sky.
    Se Jong Won Seol asked what that ask them to do this to him. Bo just said Seol Won Jong want to talk about changes in attitudes Mi Shil. Se Jong asked if so why not talk Seol Won only. Ha Jong-Won Seol bring into one place. Deok Man leaving Mi Shil and Kim Yu Shin asked what he got. Deok Man said that the Mi Shil already decided. Bi Dam said that Mi Shil intend to act the way it is. Deok Man said they had to quickly arrive at Seorabeol.
    Chil Nam Dae Sook came with reports that Bo and Kim Chun Chu is married to Bo Ryang. Nam Dae Bo gave a letter from Mi Saeng. Mi Shil read it and he asked Dae Nam Bo prepare a horse to speed up their journey. Nam Dae Bo understand and get going. Mi Shil said he would return to Seorabeol.
    Deok Man and his entourage arrived at Seorabeol and Al Cheon welcome them. Al Cheon report, when they went Se Jong Seol Won Rang conflict with Se Jong. Al Cheon said they masing2 build support from the Hwarang and now it is nearly exploding.
    Deok Man asked where Kim Chun Chu. Al Cheon already sent cadre to search for it but have not succeeded. Yu Shin Kim Ryang asked about Bo. Al Cheon said Bo at his residence but there Ryang Kim Chun Chu absent. Al Cheon said they are looking at every place but no tanda2 of Chun Chu. Bi Dam said there is one place, he might go there. Deok Man asked whether Bi Dam know where Kim Chun Chu.
    Kim Chun Chu and Yeom Jong are enjoying a facial with hot towels. Yeom Jong described his experiences in Egypt.
    Yeom Jong orang2 wonder why there was so dark, so Yeom Jong only see their teeth, he laughed. Bi Dam came diam2 and took a towel from the face Yeom Jong. Bi Dam asked Yeom Jong silent. Bi Dam near and Bi Kim Chun Chu Chun Chu Dam took the towel. Chun Chu shouted how dare lift his towel. Deok Man signed with Kim Yu Shin and Kim Chun Chu makes surprise.
    Yeom Jong Dam Bi introduce mentioned that he had helped in the case of wheat. Deok Man nodded. Yeom Jong asked how he could get the honor now his own daughter in front of him. Bi Dam asked Yeom Jong silent. Deok Man ask them out, he wanted to talk to Kim Chun Chu. All bowed and left. Kubu Se Jong and Seol Won Rang facing each other.
    Kim Deok Chun Chu asked what Man came to give up in front of him. If Deok Man would join them to start negotiating. Kim Chun Chu admire and greatly appreciate the ability of his aunt. Deok Man grateful, but Deok Man must apologize to Chun Chu for underestimating him. because Chun Chu is very young and do not deserve to ascend the throne but he also recognizes exceptional ability to Kim Chun Chu. Deok Man said that compared with him, Kim Chun Chu already demonstrated the ability to see the sincerity of each person.
    Kubu Se Jong Won Seol already masing2 sword. Se Jong Won Seol asked to trust them and if Se Jong do not believe, then have to trust Mi Se Jong Shil. Seol said: Se Jong Won Mi Shil never knew like this. Se Jong agreed. Seol Won said he might be ambitious but he was not reckless to act without the knowledge of Mi Shil. Seol Won ask for Se Jong believe. Seol Won Jong Se Rang will trust and ask for Bo Jong keep back his sword. Bo Jong Won Seol ragu2 and ask them to perform quickly. After that the Hwarang backwards. Stay Se Jong, Bo Jong, Seol Won Rang, and Ha Jong.
    Deok Man said on Chun Chu Chun Chu that plan failed miserably. Chun Chu Kim Deok Man did not catch it already failed. Deok Man said that Kim Chun Chu only see one direction only. Kim Chun Chu said he thought it over and has been studying the situation. Kim Deok Chun Chu said that while self-proclaimed Man Bu Gun no alternative other than himself who could be a contender for the throne merebutkan. Deok Man said there was someone. Kim Chun Chu wonder there kandiddat to-3. Deok Man coldly said: Mi Shil.
    Se Jong and Seol Won Rang been released from their bonds. Se Jong Jong Bo say whether it was true. Seol Won telling the truth. Ha Jong Mi Shil not believe that her mother would take this opportunity for himself. Se Jong Mi Shil see come to the temple and called him.
    Kim Chun Chu said it is impossible and unreasonable.
    Deok Man: What have you and I are doing really great. My dream for the throne as a Queen or a word that Golpumjedo system is antiquated and outdated system and now we both have to do something that cause awakening Mi Shil. Dragon who had long fallen asleep ... now wake up. So now we must work together to prevent the dragon is awakened within him.
    Kim Chun Chu did not believe that this happened.
    Deok Man: So from now on you will need to take my hand, if it still Mi Shil, I'll deal with it.
    Mi Shil announced a new enlightenment he received.
    Mi Shil: I'll do this yourself, this will be accelerated.
    Camp was surprised by his intentions.

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