Playful Kiss episode 4

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    Playful Kiss episode 4

    Joo Min-Ah Ri and anxious to see the house Seung Jo, they are only allowed to peek Ha Ni from the outside. Ha Ni was panicking, let's fast, Jo Seung Baek danger if returned. Hurry!

    But just two of his friends wanted to know which room Ni Ha, ah surely is room next to Seung Jo.
    Ha Ni: Please, I beg you, get going.

    But it has not managed to persuade two of his friends left, my mother appeared, Ha Ni gone home? Ah why do not you go. Are they your friends?
    Both recognize the mother's friend Ha Ni, ah pizza that ... My mother immediately thrilled and invites them all inside.

    Ha Ni fear oh no .. but she seemed pleased with teman2 Ha Ni and even serving strawberry ice cream, let's eat before we go. This rich tea party anak2 women hehehe

    Seung Jo came home with upset and angry with rumors, especially seeing the two friends Ni Ha, you all seem very happy here.
    Mother: Ah you're back my son.
    Seung Jo mad: Not enough to spread gossip, you're also bringing people back home?

    Ha ni dizzy and my mother said she answered that invites them inside. She also said all this Was not like it any good? This Anak2 I asked what exactly your mother or your sister.

    Jo angry at Ha Seung Ni, Ni Ha Oh, what are you testing my patience? I told you not to bother me, stop interfering with my life.

    Mother: I'm taking the picture. I also slipped it in the book. Why are you so mean in Ha Ni?

    Seung Jo: Mother, you too! Please close the mom blog soon!
    Mom: What? What is your right to intervene in the hobby and fun mom?

    Seung Jo complained it made her uncomfortable. Seung jo angry and immediately went upstairs.

    Ri and Joo Min Ah feel bad and they left. Mother arrested them and would like to invite to dinner, but both refused, they were not good. My mother had a suggestion again, this weekend they will to the beach and we went with ya!
    All: What?
    Ha Ni said he was afraid to miss a lesson, but Mom says it's okay. We will all have fun.

    Bong Joon Gu called her father, please, please, do not ask what the reason was not only whether you help me?
    Bong Daddy: Why? what you screwed up again?
    Joon Gu: No
    Dad: Are you sick?
    Joon Gu: No
    Dad: Well how memangnya and for what money?
    Joon Gu: One thousand, two thousand, not three thousand.
    Dad: Three thousand?
    Joon Gu: Consider it as an advance for my wedding someday.

    Joon Gu's father finally agreed to transfer 3000 Won, Joon Gu very grateful. Then dad actually asked for what? But then the father changed his mind and Joon Gu angry do you think I was printing money, you want to rent a house of all, let's go home, everyone at home worried about you.

    Joon Gu gets love advice from an uncle and he was determined to win back Ha Ni. Joon Gu said to himself, Bong Joon Gu did you ever seriously in love before, until now you have not confessed in Ha Ni. Even if you confess first, what changes will occur?

    At home Seung Jo.
    Seung Jo: Look, there is that I hate more than anything in life. That is if people like yourself with a small brain, not knowing the situation, not even clearly understand, and act as though you know, whining and annoying people. Do not make me repeat the same words again.

    Ha Ni so sad and crying in her room. Ha Ni thought she did not cry when love letters read in public, but now why he could not hold back her tears.

    Seung Jo in the window and he could hear Ha Ni receive call from his friend and said if he is okay, Ha Seung Ni said jo might misunderstand it and if Ni Ha Seung Jo then he would also do the same.

    Seung Jo heard the conversation and he softened a bit.

    The next morning, Mother together Ri and Joo Min Ah siap2 going to the beach. Seung Jo down and he was stunned, what happened? Mom said to come on jo seung ready, we will soon be gone.
    Seung Jo: Go? Where?
    Mother: We decided to go camping 2 days 1 night.

    Seung Jo could not resist when my mother forced him to participate, worse .. Oh Dad pressed the intercom from the outside and look to the intercom Ha Ni, Hong Jang Mi was also participate! gosh ...
    Eun Jo as well, he even had "kidnapped" by his own father .. hahaha BWA
    Seung Eun Jo Jo to: Hyung, I was kidnapped. When I awoke, I was already in the car.
    They prefer to go to school instead of to the beach, rare yes ...

    Bong Joon Gu entered the classroom and confused, what happened? why all are not there? Joon Gu looking for his teacher and asked about Ha Ni et al.
    Master Song said if they all go play to the beach, why? are you jealous huh?

    Joon Gu: Master, what you do not know how dangerous the world today? How gadis2 went to the beach alone?
    Song Kang Yi: Not alone, Baek Seung Jo and her family also went.
    Joon Gu: Baek .. .. Baek Seung Baek Jo?

    Bong Joon Gu stress, how can they just leave, after all, for 2 days 1 night! I can not stand!
    Bong Joon Gu was determined he had to catch up with them, he headed the vice principal's office and said there is an emergency, I can just news that my aunt's accident (gosh these kids ..), they wanted me to come soon.

    Bong Joon Gu finally get a loan scooter vice Principals and he headed to the beach with a grin hahaha

    In red light, there is a girl who approached him, oppa, oppa, stop by sometime. It turns out that ad where the girl gives massage and a lighter as a souvenir.
    Joon Gu took it and put it just lighter in his pocket.

    Oh Baek family and departed with great camping car and on the way Jang Mi suggested for karaoke, but she did not like him refuse. Then Ha Ni suggested to play the game of words. Game said that the first word the next sentence is the last word of the sentence uttered before.
    The loser was sentenced to write a name with his butt. She felt that a good proposal.

    Ha Ni's turn, he must make a sentence which consists of 4 words with the prefix baek, so direct Ni Ha Seung Baek said Jo, JJANG! (Jo Seung Baek best)
    Seung Jo smirked: You do want to say it right? so you suggest to play the game kata2.

    Ha Ni: No, are you crazy? I say it because no one can say.

    Finally the car they arrived at the beach. There are many camping car parked to spend the weekend. All dressed in beach clothes.

    Hong Jang Mi Ha Ni wearing a bikini and wear a cute swimsuit that girly but cute. Mother praises Ni Ha, you look innocent and beautiful like this. Seung Jo, Ha Ni pretty right? as these should be high school girl look.

    Seung Jo: yes he is like a school girl
    Ha Ni teman2 disgusted and they praise the Ha Ni, and Seung Jo said I almost forgot. You need this, right?

    What's this? Ha Ni asked. Seung Jo: Socks hahaha ...

    Ha Ni upset for mercy, he was furious and looked at Seung Jo with sadistic then said something familiar to me (which is said to resemble her oppa hehe): I would get rid of it today and then will go to hell. (Noona forgive me, I'm not going to stop, after I finished with everything, I will accept my punishment)

    Ha Ni shouted: yahh! and pursued Seung Jo but he slipped and Seung jo want to help him, you're okay ..?
    But when he saw the expression Ni Ha, Seung Jo scamper

    Ha Ni wake up and catch up again, then fell again, Seung Jo do not you ask nothing and running again. Seung Jo: I just mean you're wearing socks!
    Ha Ni: Hey you! and he went after Seung jo again, cute.

    Meanwhile, Bong Joon Gu had difficulty with the scooter's deputy Principals. Joon Gu confused, what is it? Is the battery dead? Ouch was almost there, because there is no gas what it? What should I do, I do not carry cash.

    Joon Gu want to know what the fuel tank is empty, but it was too dark and he could not see, and Joon Gu took the lighter from his pocket, then turned on her .... Bum!

    So explosive was the Vice Principals BWA scooter hahaha ...

    Mi Jang Eun-jo play ball together and he was familiar with Seung jo pretentious. Creating Ha Ni and two colleagues resentful. Hong Jang Mi was exactly once with flies, fly there and here.
    Mother calls for eating watermelon. When Ha Ni will come, mocking Jo Eun Baek, Bong Ha Ni hey!

    Ha Ni: What? Young children, quiet you!
    Eun Jo: Bong!
    Ha Ni annoyed and chase Eun Jo, Jo Eun Baek hey you come here! Both kejar2an ago Eun Jo is on the edge of the water, come get me in! you could not even swim.

    Ha Ni stopped by the beach, she was afraid because it can not swim, he just teriak2 Baek Eun Hey Jo! yes wait till you get out of the water!

    Jo Eun Tiba2 lost his balance and nearly drowned, he was reaching out from the water. Initially Jo Eun Ha Ni thought she was conscious of acting but Eun Jo in danger. Ha Ni could not swim so he shouted to call Seung jo.

    Unfortunately Seung Jo did not pay attention and no one noticed the call Ha Ni. Finally, with courage, daring Ni Ha went into the water and try to save Jo Eun.
    While she was wondering why Jo Eun Ha Ni and do not eat watermelon. Seung Jo saw them play in the water and hand waving Ni Ha, Seung jo amusement, they have the same mental intelligence, these so-called innocent.

    But then he realized, they are really in danger. Seung jo iPodnya and ran off immediately as soon as possible to the direction of Ha Ni and his sister. Min Ah Jo Seung ran behind. Mother and Jang Mi-Ri Joo also followed, Ha Ni Ha Ni, Eun Jo ..
    When we reached the beach, Min Ah Jo Eun been brought to the edge. Jo Eun spewing water, and his mother is very worried. Meanwhile, Jo Seung help Ha Ni.

    Both fell in the sand and Ha Seung Ni jo hugged and wept uncontrollably, she was scared. Ha Ni afraid of water and he could not swim.

    At night, the atmosphere was calm. Both families held a BBQ, she asked Seung Jo gave water to Ha ni. Jang Mi want to give her but the mother forbid, do not need, you can continue to roast meat, Jang Mi (how I love you Mom hehehe)

    Ha Ni father said he was frightened at all, see you struggling with life in front of me, while I was buried in the sand.

    Ha Ni entertaining but I got out quickly, so it's okay. Her father said how it's okay, I can not move while in the sand. At that moment I realized that it is hell.
    Ha Ni: I'm sorry dad.
    Seung jo come: You want water?
    OH Father: Seung jo I have to thank you. If not for you, I benar2 can not imagine what will happen.

    Nothing says Seung Jo. Daddy got up and said I would make a good dinner as a thank you and left.

    Seung Jo: You can not swim but you're not even afraid?

    Ha Ni: Then what should I do? I shouted, but nobody is listening.
    Seung Jo: You benar2 maker problem, since I first met you, my day is never quiet.
    Ha Ni: Why do you yell at me anymore?

    Suddenly, he heard a scream from the direction of the camp, Bong Joon Gu arrived, his face scorched by the blast and acak2an scooter, he immediately asked, where Ha Ni-ku, where is he?

    It's time to sleep, all the men slept in a tent unless Eun-jo's mother brought in a car. Eun Ha Ni jo beginning to appreciate. Both father happy and chatting in their tent.

    While Ji Hoo .. uh sunbae Jo Seung sit outside to play guitar. Bong Joon Gu came and sat beside him, he looked at Seung jo.

    Seung Jo: What?
    Joon Gu: Do you even know how to play guitar?

    Gu Joon Seung Jo had to borrow clothes and he said he heard that the rescue Jo Seung Ha Ni. I should have come earlier, hurt my pride.

    Seung Jo: Did you come here because Oh Ha Ni?
    Bong Joon Gu justify, even if you're a child genius, you're still hot-blooded youth, in case you turn into beasts. Of course I should be there and protect it.

    Seung Jo laughed amused and he said if so why Joon Gu did not move to his home?
    Joon Gu: Do you have any rooms available? Do macam2 with her, just remember I'm watching you.
    Seung Jo: You really like Ha Ni Oh yes?
    Joon Gu: Oh hey .. you ask me directly .. .. I just wanted to make him happy, it is my dream.
    Seung Jo: You just do it. You are harmonious, you and Oh Ha Ni.

    Joon Gu delighted, Baek Seung jo hey, we're friends yuk! Seung Jo: no. Joon Gu said yes already, why be friends with you, I've got Ha Ni.

    Apparently Oh Ha Ni is behind the car, and he heard their conversation, Ha Ni seemed broken hearted ow ...

    Back to school, all the stress of university entrance exams. They hope to go to the company who they want.
    Ha Ni said they would have if they work hard.

    Joo Ri: This is the confidence of the people who entered the top 50 in one week?
    The two friends Ha Ni Ha Ni play to the room and admire the room. They find a list of "dream" Ha Ni who want to do it with Seung Jo, namely:
    1. Namsan Tower (Kim Sam Soon, BBF, etc.)
    2. A kiss in a place that many people (Goong)
    3. Walk to beautiful little street holding hands (not counted, almost in all the drama)
    4. Talk on phone all night (Coffee Prince)
    5. Married

    Ha Ni protest, hey! Joo Ri: this book is full with Jo Seung Baek.
    Teman2 Ha Seung Ni began to gossip about Jo, Jo Seung first I thought it was thin, but after coming home in rags, I realized he benar2 men. He seems to sport. Back muscles look toned.

    Ha Ni concentration teman2nya'm learning, but when they are having difficulty, ask the two co-Ha Ni Ha Seung Ni persuade Jo to teach them.

    Ni Ha Seung Jo refused to enter the room, but his two friends knocked on the room and thrust the jo Ha Seung Ni. Ha Seung Ni persuade Jo, please, my friend and I had trouble with this problem, we have an answer but did not know the process is just a minute please, not 30 seconds.

    Seung Jo: No.
    Ha Ni: Why?
    Seung jo: Though only 30 seconds was a waste of time.
    Ha Ni: 30 seconds that determines our fate. come on just this once.

    Finally Seung Jo said, where the difficult questions? Ha Ni showed her, and Jo Seung directly working with just 30 seconds! Benar2 30 seconds, making Ha Ni unnerved ...

    Ha Ni teman2 amazed and they advanced to the next question, but also difficulties, Ha Seung Jo Ni into the room again to ask, excuse me ... one more question. Ha Ni kept pace back and finally Seung Jo annoyed that it was time to sleep.

    Jo screamed at Ha Seung Ni, back again 15 minutes! Ha Ni out and wait. Ha Ni teman2 persuade, go and see. Ha Ni fear, no, I'm afraid.
    Seung jo out and throw the book at Ha Ni, he shouted, now do not go into my room again!

    They see the book on and wow .. all have been done by Seung Jo .. ckckck

    The next morning, all classmates Ni Ha Seung Jo fascinated with the settlement and they say must be good if he could become our tutor. Right, let's go to his house this weekend.
    Ha Ni: What?
    Teman2 Ni Ha: Ha ni Me too, I'm learning yes
    Bong Joon Gu came in and upset, what do you do? Do you have no self-esteem? He refused to participate. But retinue want to come, Joon Gu only just sighed.

    Jo Seung Baek went home and froze what it is, hey, hey, 5,4,3, why there is a lot of shoes?
    Baek Seung Jo came in and surprised, all Year 7 unless Joon Gu saluted, hello, teacher. Mrs. Jo Seung overjoyed that her son so many friends.

    Seung Jo: Mother, why are they here?
    Mother: all come looking for you.

    Seung Jo did not want and said he is tired. All the pleading and they attract Ha Ni which hide behind the couch for fear, Ni Ha finally came out and begged as well.

    Ha Ni: just once, to save our 7th grade, we will never forget your kindness during our lives, we will not forget, we pray.

    How can you resist Baek Seung Jo! hehehe. Seung Jo eventually teach them all in the living room.

    Seung Jo teaches physics, Newton's laws, there is a weight of 20 kg object placed on surface water. Plus a force of 10 N, yields a 4 N friction. At that time, how the maximum acceleration / acceleration can achieve it?

    Seung Jo: For this question, we must use the formula F = ma,
    Seung Jo: What does F here?

    Anak2: Force / power / number of forces on objects
    Seung Jo: m is the mass, and a is the acceleration or acceleration. What we want is a her, so a equal to F / m, with 10 N and 4 N friction force, then the total force is ...

    The lesson is complete, anak2 new mothers will go home and prepare dinner when he got the phone, then she panicked, oh what to do, what I would do ..
    My mother then said to jo and Ha Seung Ni if he and Eun Jo must go, yes you keep the house, and prepare their own dinner.

    Jo Eun wonder why her sister did not go? Mother said because your sister had to learn, he had three classes today. Mother also prohibits Ha Ni out of the house.
    Mother hurried away. Leaving these two high school kids were at home, alone.
    My mother asked my father went to the restaurant just father Ha Ni. Hahaha .. oh mother this ..

    Seung Jo will be out to buy food, but Ha Ni said he could mask, however he daughter Oh Gi Dong.
    Ha Ni trying to prepare dinner: Hawaian Loco Moco

    Ha Ni: Grilled meat on the pan, pour the sauce, then cover with egg .. it looks easy.

    Ha ni Apparently upset him again, his flesh charred and Mrs. Baek messy kitchen, hahaha ..
    Jo Seung down, hey where my dinner? he was starving. And was surprised to see the condition of the kitchen, what happened?

    Ha Ni wry smile, I'm a little singe him.

    The two then sat down to eat, Seung Jo raised meat (that formed the heart!) What's this?
    Ha Ni: Hawaian loco Moco
    Seung Jo: Hawaii .. what? you said it is a little singed?

    Seung Jo decided to step in and make his own dinner. Jo Seung whisk the eggs, pour some egg to pan, after a half-frozen, Seung jo enter rice seasoning,

    and he turned the pan (so no need to roll up) ... voila rice spice egg wrap ckckck ready ..
    Seung Jo laid her eggs and the cooked rice sample cuisine Ni Ha Seung Jo, wow .. this is very good, you're great at all, as presented in the restaurant, how the eggs can stick with the good, and you set up quickly, even less than 30 minutes.

    Seung jo: Because I've got a good brain.
    Ha Ni: What?
    Seung Jo: You must have a smart brain to cook.

    Ha Ni believe, if so my dad definitely too smart, and Bong Joon Gu well. Seung Jo slightly changed his expression, what gu joon cook?

    Ha Ni said yes, Bong Joon Gu clever cook, during the festival, he even made rice cake flavor and sweet caramel for sale, very good!

    Seung Jo jealous: Hey! rice cake is not classified as food.
    Ha Ni: That's the type that is more difficult to make, more difficult because it must adjust to the tastes of everyone. Ubi Caramel is also .. which krispi the outside while inside juicy, is not usually sticky and ...

    Jo Seung annoyed: Have you finished eating? and immediately took the plate Ha Ni.
    Ha Ni protest, I just ate a spoonful .. Seung Jo did not want to know and direct beres2 hehehe

    Meanwhile, the mother invited all to noraebang / karaoke. My mother seemed to want to give Jo Seung Ha Ni and more time together.

    Ha Ni in the room and ready to learn because there is a test of English. Ni Ha Seung Jo felt even always quarrel with him, but he still helped me.
    Ha Ni looking for his English book. And then remember the book was left at room Seung Jo.

    Ha Ni panic because in it there is a plan "future" with Seung Jo.
    Ha Ni: he must not see it, very embarrassing.

    Ha Ni crept into the room and Seung Jo. Ha Seung Ni see Jo were asleep, oh well, he's asleep, good kid. Where are ya?

    Ha Ni've found the book and will be out of the room when I suddenly woke up and Jo Seung Baek won Ha Ni wrist.

    Seung Jo: What are you doing? so like a wild cat?
    Ha Ni: No, I come here looking for something.
    Seung Jo: You want me to believe what you say? Currently there are no people and only two of us at home, you can be who you were looking for?

    Ha Ni: No I really do ..

    Ha Seung Ni jo attracted to her bed and holding Ha Ni. Bong Joon Gu said however I am a man aged 19 years who are warm-blooded.

    Ha Ni panic: What, what's wrong with you?
    Seung Jo: What? Did not you come in here because you want this to happen?
    Ha Ni fear: What? Not
    Seung Jo: so what if this, now in this house not only the two of us?

    Ha Ni: Seung Jo .. what's wrong with you? Seung Jo .

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