Inequality, SDGs and Cooperation

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Inequality, SDGs and Cooperation

Inequality, SDGs and Cooperation

On July 12, the day is always celebrated as a cooperative world. Not as usual, the anniversary of the 2016 Cooperative celebrated beyond the date. Although still in July, the president of RI commemorate National Cooperative (Harkopnas) 69th, on Thursday, July 21, 2016, in the office of the Governor of Jambi, Telanipura, Jambi (Reuters, 21/7). This foreshadowed what? What are examples of depictions government never "ngreken" (consider important) against him? Please reader interprets itself? Whatever it is, the more significant the cooperative reality of the condition of the world economy. That is why the UI Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB University of Indonesia) initiated discussions "cooperatives as a sustainable economic backbone" (cooperative for sustainable future), 17 July 2016, in the auditorium of Master of Management UI Salemba, Jakarta. Initiators progressive FEB UI professor (lecturer cooperatives) and activists as well as perpetrators of Indonesian cooperatives. This movement needs to be campaigned economics faculty at other universities. Salut. Economic picture model of cooperation for reviews many famous scientists and practiced in some countries. In the discussion, the study revealed FEB UI explained that in countries that have advanced cooperation, it contributes a significant impact on GDP (gross the domestic product) his country. For example, in the land of Sweden, from 5 major cooperation when added together reached 3.49% of GDP, or $ 200 trillion. In terms of management and leadership, cooperation models rated adaptive equalization and welfare culprit. Common examples are the differences ownership of Spanish football club Barcelona and Arsenal in England. Barcelona FC in owned fans. While Arsenal largest share belongs only 4 people possessed great owners. What are the implications? As a result the price of tickets to watch a football match Barcelona at the Camp Nou stadium many times cheaper than the Arsenal match at the Emirates stadium. Amazing is not it ... In terms of management and leadership, cooperation models rated adaptive equalization and welfare culprit. There is a difference between cooperation and management management Multinational Corporation (MNC). Mondragon cooperative movement often mentioned as an example. MCC or Cooporation Mondragon Cooperative (MCC), is a worker cooperative Basque province, Spain, which in 1945, and consisted of 62 764 (2005). This cooperation manage 264 companies in three areas; financial, industrial and retail distribution. The remarkable thing of it is in the field of industry, MCC seventh in the Spanish top. Some 78 455 employees, 80% of them have become cooperative members. Global 300 (2005), an assessment of ICA (international cooperative alliance), placing the MCC in the rankings to simbilan to "turn over" attempt is the amount of USD 14 040 million, and has assets of USD 27 204 million. Great right ... .. What makes the admiration is a member (who is an employee) MCC is the owner and workers in the company. In that context, member (which is pememilknya) were given wide space to develop the potential to become a professional. Therefore, general manager or CEO salary was not much 9: 1. That honor manager no more nine times that of the lowest staff salary. This contrasts with the management of management in Multinational Corporation (MNC) in the United States, for example, which gives the manager a big lard, amounting to 400: 1. Great and powerful "jomplang" it right .... The striking differences between CEO salary in cooperation and MNC, very reasonable, cooperative management experts said. Because when examined, "style" of leadership cooperation is "togetherness" (cooperation). Whose members are the owners were delegated to the board, and was a "manager" of her life. The manager only act as "facilitator", or "arranger", or "conductor", which holds all the idea of ​​members and managers - especially in the event RAT (annual members' meeting). All the problem is borne collectively. Herein lies the importance of education member. So, being a member of cooperation, preparing for a smart and "helpless". Education, self-reliance, solidarity, innovation, and democratic is the fifth pillar of cooperation. No weight right, so manager cooperation. In fact, members of intelligent prosecuted. Enak not .... In contrast to the manager in the company of the model PT or CV. They are required to understand as "smart" and understand everything. His decision always anticipated subordinates and companies, as well as their owners. Singel fighter, a term that fits him. His decision was also top-down. Practice interesting cooperation model company in Indonesia is ACE Hardware. Company pejual home furnishings in the country United States does (as origin) is a cooperative faced. Initially the furniture company was founded Richard Hesse, E. Gunnard Lindquist, Frank Burke and Oscar Fisher, in 1942, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, United States. However, after one of its founders, Hesse retired in 1973, ACE sold to retailers and be cooperative. Now, the owner is a labor of workers who work on the vessels. However, because there are rules the government of Indonesia that foreign companies present in Indonesia in the form of FDI (foreign direct investment) and the legal entity PT. Even so, in operation, ACE Hardware apply the principle of cooperation. Ie for example, he stressed the "membership" or a membership to the customer. For consumers who sign up to be a "member" (member), then get the convenience, such as discounts or other benefits. The principle of giving benefit for members, a small fraction of cooperation principles. Cooperative: the "pillars" or "Sokolidi"? How does cooperation in Indonesia? Many literary review it. Cooperative experts, activists of the movement, and the perpetrators are often membicarakanya cooperation. The tip of the information is "wrath" with the condition of cooperation in Indonesia. However, in order to connect with the following paragraph, the authors review it. In a number of cooperative units, the Indonesian nation should be grateful, because the number of cooperatives in the world. In fact - if calculated count - average in every village there are three co-operatives. FEB UI even estimate the number of cooperatives in Indonesia reached 209 488 (data 2014). Not great. But wait. Do not be excessively excited. In fact, the large number of not describe the quality, some of which have not operated. Of these, only 80,000 are doing RAT (or by 38.2%). Nah loh !. Unfortunately too, the condition is allowed to control the land policy. Government Regulation No.17 / 1994 states clearly that the dissolution of the cooperative is possible when it is not held RAT 2 years. In this case, the government is silent. Furthermore, it turns out cooperative business volume only Rp190 trillion, or 1.9% of GDP. Or it could be said the average volume of each cooperative effort resulted in only $ 900 million annually. Easily, we can say that is relatively smaller than the number of units of MSME (micro, small and medium enterprises) in Indonesia. Total member cooperatives are estimated at 36.4 million people, or 30% of the total Indonesian workforce. In terms of capital, there were 12,000 credit cooperatives (KSP models) or the Islamic financial services cooperatives (KJKS), and 98,000 for savings and loans or Islamic financial services unit (UJKS), has assets of Rp 87.27 trillion, or 1.5% of the total assets of 119 banks that have Rp 5,600 trillion (data as of December 2014). In contrast with the assets of the cooperative in France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc. (as mentioned above). Sad is not it? I think keperasi jargon needs to be revamped. Not anymore he became a cornerstone of the perokonomian Indonesia. But "Soko stick" (the term Nining I. Susilo, Kompas, 2016). Brittle, easily broken, and broken, and so on. That's just from the amount of the capital. What about other factors? At least at least 3 acute case of "clung" staganasi cooperative. The first, related to "political literacy". Cooperatives in Indonesia are generally indifferent to the education of the members. Members are left in ignorance and "stupidity". They do not have a "learning system" systematic member. Years someone take charge. Regeneration stagnate. The only slight concern cooperative education of members. Secondly, the ineffectiveness of the cooperative rules. Geopolitics Indonesia who tend to be "selfish, groups, and faction" also influence the regulation of cooperatives. Some cooperatives minister - in history - the desire to change it through cooperative law. Reason coalition of civil society for the democratization of the economy ever filed a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK) of the Cooperatives Act No. 17 of 2012, in May 2013, worth listening to. Among them; legislation providing government interference and the interests of big capital was strong. Whereas the establishment of a cooperative goal is for the welfare of members. While in another article (75), also did not side with the cooperative. Namely that outside parties can be the owners of the cooperative capital. It was clearly threatens the independence of the cooperative and make members as the object of loan owners of big capital. Thirdly, the history of cooperatives in Indonesia was established from above (top down), has always been a shadow. The history of the mass KUD (village cooperative unit) by the government of the new order is a concrete example. At that time, the community - ready or not anyone - "given" capital for the establishment of cooperatives. Cooperative as established to "accommodate" external assistance funds and kelembagaanya members. Government after new order was - to some extent - applying the model of capital assistance to cooperation. "Empowerment" that characterize the cooperative members and pilirnya severely compromised state. Whereas in CU (credit union) and the parent credit cooperatives, as well as other good cooperative, in its early years, usually "menggojlok" member by accumulating capital from within. Inequality and the role of cooperatives President Joko Widodo choppy cabinet construction in 2016. The second important message conveyed in the inauguration of the minister of economic team is the reduction of inequality. The President was not wrong. Even right. Inequality in Indonesia fear for. Renowned experts and scientists warn. The Gini coefficient is a common indicator of income inequality are often used. Namely, the extent to which the distribution of income among households in the irregularities of the spread of equitable distribution. The number 0 in the size of the Gini coefficient indicates complete equality. While a value of 1 indicates perfect inequality anyway. In that case, the condition of Indonesia more days - slowly but surely - concern. From 1990 to 2013, the Gini coefficient figure rose sharply from 033 to 0.41. This inequality indicator is the highest achievement ever etched Indonesia in its history. Hebatkan ..... Worse, in urban areas more alarming numbers. Noted figures Gini coefficient of urban Indonesia reached 0.43 in 2012. Even municipalities is in Java is more terrible. That figure is perched at 0.44 in 2011, although the following year the figure was corrected with the rate of decline to 0.43. Joseph Anshori, an economist at the University of Padjadjaran, boldly predicted that mainly according to the area, the current level of inequality using the Gini coefficient measurements, showed worse than expected (Joseph Anshori, 2013). According to the study, Indonesia imbalance occurs due to two important factors. Namely economic policies (or in common language and ideology is the cornerstone of the economy) the State, and institutional factors. In terms of economic policy, political policies encourage the initiative of various fields in the direction of the corporation. Whereas human berekonomi initiative terafisilasi with various models. In the SOE Act of 2003, impressed no attempt to overhaul the legal entity owned cooperatives for instance be. The condition is coupled with the failure of structural transformation. Meanwhile, the usual aroma institutions corrupt and dominated by the oligarchy of power exacerbate inequality poor in Indonesia. The high Gini ratio kekhatiran raises many circles. Terutup not even chance it will be the seed "social revoluasi" among the public. Moreover, in 2030 there will be a demographic bonus, 70% of the population are youth. It's already happened in the country of Sweden, which is famous for prosperity and political stability. Exact date of May 27, 2013, reported unrest in the Scandinavian country. The riots occurred because of social and economic inequality, between immigrant communities and indigenous peoples. Economic immigrants better than local people. Even in the affluent countries, inequality has always kept the "coal" ready to explode at any time. A number of riots in Indonesia, more or less, have the similarity of conditions where inequality became one of the reasons. Inequality is not only in Indonesia. Global community to experience it. According to rough estimates, there are about 32 million people who have a wealth of over 1 million $ US. When the human wealth of the super-rich were gathered, then they have 41% of total global wealth. While there are about 3.2 billion people who have a wealth of under $ 10,000. Hadeh .... Based on it, the goal of sustainable development, commonly known SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals) problems of inequality the world to get serious attention. In destination SDGs to 10 mentioned "reducing inequality within the country and between countries". In chapter turuan of destination 10, stated that "In 2030, empowering and encouraging social inclusion, economic and political for all, regardless of age, gender, penyandangdisabilitas, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic status or any other status ". Her question, why the economic model of cooperation, not be perbicangan in discussions SDGs? Everyone was asking, can cooperation be able to parse inequality? For cooperative actors "right" - that is based on values, principles, pillars - believes 100% can, even encouraged. If the reader does not believe, berkacalah to countries where kooperasinya a model of economic activity, and check how the numbers gini ratio. One of the countries where strong kooperasinya is French. In a country which recently hosted the European Cup football, the combined turnover of the 48 largest cooperative when added together equal to 17% of the GDP of the country. From here, it turns out the French gini coefficient index is about 0.3. Lower right ... Similarly in other countries where the contribution of cooperatives became obvious, surely beredampak to ketimpangannya level. Therefore, what are you waiting Indonesia. If you want to decrease the number of inequality, look and cooperative practice correctly, consistently and wholeheartedly ...

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