Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina

Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina - Hallo sahabat the life of the muslim world, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan bebragi ilmu tetang islam yang berjudul Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina, saya telah menyediakan semaksimal mungkin, artikel ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat sekalian, maka dari itu jangan sungkan untuk komentar dan membagikan tulisa ini kempada yang lainnya.

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    Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina

    Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina Hanung Budyo announced price increases of non-subsidized LPG 12 pounds of Rp 1,500 to Rp 18,000 per kilogram or per tube. Typically, LPG ​​price hike is done every 6 months.

    Hanung said it raised the price of LPG on January 1 and July 1. However, in July Pertamina does not raise the price of LPG because concurrent with Eid.

    "The increase in July 1 that we retreat because there are considerations Eid. So we have to raise this September 10," Hanung said in a press conference in his office, Wednesday (09/10/2014).

    Therefore, further Hanung, Pertamina will again raise the price of LPG 12 pounds on January 1, 2015. The rise in the price of Rp 1,500 per say kilogram, the same as the increase today.

    In facing the LPG price hike, says Hanung, Pertamina also conduct outreach to stakeholders or stakeholders and users of LPG in a sustainable manner.

    "January 1, 2015 we raise back around Rp 1,500 per kilogram. Due Pertamina is the state-owned companies whose shares are wholly owned by the government and the impact of the use of LPG to the wider community can have an impact on inflation, we will inform you and the first consultation to the government," said Hanung.

    As for the adjustment of the price of LPG at Rp 1,500 per kilogram in force starting today according to Hanung will be able to reduce the loss of LPG Pertamina Rp 452 billion for this year. Meanwhile, Pertamina loss prognosis of non-subsidized gas will drop from Rp 6.1 trillion to Rp 5.7 trillion.
    see also: Starting Today, Price of LPG 12 Kg Up to Rp 18,000 Per Tube

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