Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 27

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    Queen Seondeok Synopsis Episode 27

    Yu Shin speak privately with Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin said that in order to serve the King will take all of his loyalty to the King. So it is with her love Deok Man took all his loyalty to him but Yu Shin did not know how to separate them, that from this moment all his emotions to Deok Man and all his feelings for Deok Man as man will end.
    Kim Yu Shin will serve him, help him, and will lead him but he will never love Deok Man as it should be a man. While Kim Yu Shin Deok Man chose but have selected the throne than he, that's only choice that can be taken, and now he will serve Deok Man as ruler or master. Deok Man hit by saying that without it that way there is no other way she gives her heart to dapan Deok Man and besides how it Deok Man also had no choice to accept the feelings Yu Shin.

    Yu Shin Kim Deok Man asks from now on they can not support each other like normal people even if there is Yu Shin side because the rules of protocol did not allow it. Kim Yu Shin Deok Man does not want to make it a chess pawn but Deok Man's suffering is greater than himself. This is because Yu Shin Deok Man is subject and as subject, then there will be something that they give to their employers. This is what he learned from Deok Man. Yu Shin felt as a ruler he must give hope to the people, the Yu Shin will do it because he has the same dream with Deok Man.
    Deok Man will walk in dark street but Deok Man does not need to fear because Yu Shin will follow the ups and downs. Shin Yu can not be ordered again or ask for tying bags of sand, unable to hold her hand, this is the choice of path he took. Deok Man gone but Kim Yu Shin Deok hold her hand and pulled the man into his arms and hugged her and this is very painful Kim Yu Shin because he can only do this once for the last time. Deok Man said to himself that this was the last time they can hug, then he will undergo this road alone.

    Al Cheon asked what was going to happen alliance with Bo Gya Hoe. Kim Yu Shin said, he gave land to his family in Anyang Ju Bo Hoe Gya. Deok Man asked how the Wyol Cheon. Yu Shin said they would take over Wyol Cheon. Yu Shin Deok Man asked to protect refugees in the district of Gaya Da Gil for not slaughtered by Bo Jong. Deok Man sure Seol Won Ju Rang Samyang will attack. Kim Yu Shin received orders and Deok Deok Man Man will meet Wyol Cheon.
    Seo Ji asked Kim Yu Shin intentions and rumors about the twin daughters. Wyol Yes indeed confirmed that Yu Shin Kim Yu Shin serve the twin daughters of one another. Seo Ji find it very difficult for Deok Man to be recognized as a Princess. Wyol Yes decided to wait and see, because soil provided Anyang Ju Shin Yu is good for agriculture. Wyol ya feel now enough to work with Kim Yu shin only.
    Kim Yu Shin ordered to rescue residents from Samyang Ju style and put them in Anyang Ju. Wyol Ya said that because Yu Shin gives families on their land does not mean he's got their loyalty. Yu Shin understand, unless Kim Yu Shin betrayed them, then Wyol Ya have to respect their fellowship. Kim Yu Shin said Wyol Yes to become his private army.
    Seo Ji bring Wyol facing Deok Cheon Man. Man recognize Deok Seo ji is the leader of the rebel stronghold Manno at that time. Seo Ji also recognize Deok Man as a child who brings the rain. Deok Man stood up and greeted on Seo Ji. Seo Ji delighted especially Deok Man turns out to twin daughters. Seo Ji felt this destiny. Deok Man asked what happened after he left. Seo Ji told me that the rebels destroyed the village. He's lucky to be saved by a group of Gya Bo Hoe. Seo Ji glad to see Deok Man and his heart full of gratitude. Before leaving, Seo Ji said on Wyol Deok Cheon if not for the Man wants to meet, you'd be dead. So Wyol should help Deok Cheon Man. Seo Ji did not believe he could meet Deok Man again in this world.
    Mi Shil received a report from that Wyol Cheon Won Seol exist in the township style. Mi Shil wonder how people can deceive Style Seol Won, Mi Shil ask them to be punished so they learn not harass Seol Won and Mi Shil.
    Deok Cheon Wyol Man asked when solar eclipse will occur. Deok Cheon Man asked Wyol perform arithmetic calculations for him. Wyol Cheon said it hard to perform calculations with Dae Myeong system. Deok Man Jeong Gwang Ryeol provide a copy of his own. Wyol Cheon refused why he should help Deok Man. Deok Man said calculation of a lunar eclipse that time has resulted in suffering for the people of Hollywood. As someone who comes from Hollywood and a scientist, why Wyol Cheon do that. Wyol Cheon said that what is responsible for sword smiths who take a life. Deok Man said blacksmith was responsible for people buying swords yan, should he sell the sword to the people who will use his sword for personal gain.
    Cheon Wyol laugh and ask what is the difference Deok Man with his request. Wyol Cheon said, Deok Man is here to beat Mi Shil. Wyol Cheon said that those who engage in politics are the same. People with mathematical and science skills will be manipulated by politicians. Wyol Cheon asked what reason he had to help Deok Man. Deok Man must think fast.
    Seol Won Ju arrived in Samyang and found the place empty. Seol Won Jong surprised when Bo reported no one in the village. Then yell at Bum Seok Seol Won Jong Bo Rang and to see something. There was a message: Reverend Wyol Cheon already in hand. Deok Man.
    A cadre arrived with prayer beads Wyol Cheon. Seol Won-rang to ask what really Deok Cheon Man get Wyol.
    Wyol silence Cheon and Gwang Jeong Deok Man Ryeong leave on the table. Wyol Cheon view the content of the book and he remembered Deok Man said that if this book does not help Wyol Cheon then this book is not useful for Deok Man. Now it's up to Wyol Cheon, want to use it or destroy it, it's up to him.
    Bi Dam asked what Wyol Deok Cheon Man will read the book. Deok Cheon Wyol Man said that scientists and he would not stand if they see a book of science and curiosity will kill him. If Wyol Cheon read it then he will do the calculations for the solar eclipse.
    Seol Won Deok Man Rang bring the message to Mi Shil. Mi Saeng justify the beads was indeed owned by Wyol Cheon. Mi Shil angry with this incident. Mi Shil asked how Deok Cheon Man knew about Wyol. seol Man Deok Won say no to Bo Gya Hoe. Seol Won Cheon Rang asked what Wyol governing Sadaham. Mi Shil agreed. Then it must find Wyol Seol Won Seo Cheon because Ri is dead.
    Bi Dam asked about the origin of the prophecy about the birth of twin daughters. Al Cheon (Tirzah: that seems to have a personal history teacher Dam Bi .. ha ha) story that he got from his father. When the ancestors Hyeokgeose almost died, he carved the stone and write predictions. The stone is now kept in the palace library. Bi Dam ask how ordinary people can know about the prophecy.
    Yu Shin and Al Cheon explained during the reign of King Silseop, the 18th King of Silla, Kim Nulji (which later became the King's 19th) held a rebellion, when Kim Nulji pursue Silseop King, king of rock divination Silseop brought with him. When King Silseop fall, the stone was cut and left in the corpse of King Silseop is a piece of stone with a sentence Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin (Tirzah: means the chances are, his prediction was wrong because no intact .. right?)
    Bi Dam said there is another sentence in the prophecy stone. Al Cheon said yes but the other missing forecasts. Bi Dam said that what comes after the sentence that will definitely change their fate. Al Cheon said maybe. Deok Man got the idea when Bi Dam said that we should find that some of the stone. Deok man told how to find something lost 200 years ago. Al Cheon said orang2 fuss about the presence of twin daughters as a flyer. Yu Shin feel they have to find the prophecy stone as soon as possible.
    Yu Shin Deok Man asked Yonghwa Hyangdo gather members because they have to act immediately. Mi Cheon Saeng said Wyol will not help Deok Man, because he already said that the eclipse of the sun less predictable. Saeng Mi Mi Shil and plans that the existence of twin daughters have noted, they can not just sit and wait Wyol Cheon. Mi Shil requested a new grand Reverend Seol Mae to meet him. Joo Bang and Go Do they still in hiding. They do not know what will happen because they are on the run. Then and Guk Dae Pung San Heun came and smiled at them. Go Do ask for food. Kim Yu Shin also come and greet them. Joo Bang and Go Do Shin Yu are very pleased to meet, they hug Yu Shin.
    Joo Bang asked what happened. Yu Shin asked them to follow. Joo Bang asked about Deok Man, Kim Yu Shin said he will explain as we go along.
    Deok Man meet Wyol Cheon, Cheon Wyol benar2 tempted to read Jeong Gwang Ryeong. Wyol Cheon said, his family was Astronomer Royal Style, but when Daegaya fall, the first place was destroyed by the Royal family. Cheon Wyol witnessed his own father's death. Cheon Wyol Daegaya King asked why the family did that. Deok Man said the killing was to prevent the knowledge of astronomy Silla style. Wyol Cheon also nearly killed, but he was saved by Sadaham and he was released.
    Wyol Cheon Mi know she manipulated Shil. He agreed because he felt indebted to Sadaham not on Mi Shil. Deok Man know, but Mi Shil use it to destroy the people of the world of Gaya. Cheon Wyol felt it was not the problem. Wyol also know Deok Cheon Man will use the same knowledge for the same purpose. That's not a bad idea, but he sees no reason why he should join. Deok Man can not persuade Wyol Cheon.
    Joo Bang Bo Gya hoe into camp and see Deok Man. They ran and hugged Deok Man. Al Cheon Joo Bang reminded about the rules of protocol. Joo Bang greet al Cheon, but they have not seen how Al Cheon can say that. Al Cheon Yonghwa ask all members to keep the rules because it's true Deok Man Princess King of Silla. Man Deok Deok Man justify why it needs their help. Joo Bang could only gape as Kim Yu Shin came in and asked what they had met Princess Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin asked members to salute kapada Yonghwa Princess Deok Man.
    All kneel to worship him, Deok Man teman2nya actually do not like to be like this, but Al Cheon said this protocol and they should obey. (Tirzah: Al Cheon really a protocoler freaks ..) Kim Yu Shin Deok Man asked what orders to members Yonghwa. Deok Man asked them to gather human bones and cat urine. Kim Yu Shin asked to what all of that. Deok Man said they should be looking for it. (Tirzah: anyone know how to find cat pee?)
    Joo Bang Shin Yu told them met with So Hwa, the mother thought to Deok Man who died in the desert. Go do confirm the story Joo Bang, they were held together. So Hwa fell while running away, now they do not know So Hwa was alive or dead. Kim Yu Shin asked them to conceal this. Deok Man Go Do feel entitled to know, but Yu Shin said that if Deok Man know, he will experience the trauma again. All obedient and keep this.
    Meanwhile, several masked men spread burung2 corpse. The next morning, King was surprised to see many dead birds in the courtyard. Kim Seo-Hyeon thought it was weird. This is akal2an Mi Shil. Jong said that this is a bad omen. Ha Jong reported that the signal towers were destroyed. Kim Yong Chu said that death was burung2 natural events and the tower was old and rotten.
    Seol Mae said it is a bad omen and evil will befall the King family. Kim Seo-Hyeon Seol Mae asked to be careful. Ha Jong said the same thing happened outside the palace gate. King surprised. Seol Mae and Se Jong said that the tomb of King burung2 it hit earlier and die.
    Kim Yu Shin reported the incident which is considered a bad omen to the King family. Al Cheon said that Mi Shil sure who designed it all. Deok Man smiles. Joo Bang facing, after giving due respect, he reported that they had received the requested Deok Man. Deok man now ask them to catch burung2 who are still alive. Joo Bang surprised with a strange request Deok Man. Deok Man have them arrested as much as possible. They have to catch hidup2. Bi Dam said that if the bird, he caught expert. Joo Bang saw the normal force Bi Dam Deok Man. Joo Bang hidup2 asked how to catch birds. Bi Dam said that first they must be lured with fruit. Burung2 was happy with fruit. Deok Man asked Al Cheon help them. Kim Yu Shin asked what his job. Deok Kim Yu Shin Man wants to visit his family.
    Se Jong reported that all went according to plan. Seol Won Rang said that people hear baik2 but they do not pay attention and quickly forget what they hear. (Tirzah: That was so true, sir ..) Mi mi Saeng Shil ask what all the preparations are cooked. Mi Shil said public sentiment that will help them and they do not have difficulty. Seol Won Rang add more bizarre news, the more quickly the news spread.
    Kim Yu shin visit his mother. Princess Man Yu Shin Myeong asked what strange events at the court hearing this akhir2. Princess Man Myeong feel this is the work of Mi Shil again. Yu Shin Kim begged his mother to understand what he bet. Her mother understands, and what Kim Yu Shin wanted. Yu Shin wants his mother to give a letter to Queen Maya. Princess Man Myeong understand. (Tirzah: I love how the moms in this palace worked.)
    Queen Maya read a letter Deok Man. Deok Man has called himself the son of Queen Maya. Princess Man Myeong worry if this problem is known, but the Queen Maya will still help no matter the conditions or rules (I love u Mom ..). Princess Man Myeong worried, but she will do it.
    Kim Yu Shin reported that Queen Maya agrees to help them. Deok Man said up to this time, he could not call her mother. Kim Yu Shin said that although he has not called her mother, Queen Maya benar2 mother. Deok Man said that the mother who raised him in the desert is the same. All the same mother. Deok Cheon Man said Wyol not want to help him. Deok man said he could not persuade because it is said Wyol Cheon Cheon Wyol true.
    Shin Yu said Deok Man should know what you want Wyol Cheon. Same if later Deok Man ruled, he must know what the will of the people. Just like a mother who knows what her child needed. Yu Shin Kim Deok Man asks to use the perspective of a mother's heart to know people care, it should be understood Deok Man.
    The next day, Wells Najeong filled with blood. Mi Saeng, Kim Yong Seol Mae Chu and come investigate. Im Jong reported that the guards who guard it well see well shed blood. Seol Mae said that it is not a normal occurrence. Mi Najeong Saeng said if the wells are full of blood, much less than the disaster that will happen. People's knees and begged for mercy in heaven. They begged for Mi Shil as a royal stamp guard came and prayed for the Silla and soothing paradise. People begging. Saeng and Seol Mi Mae pleased with what happened to the people.
    Seol Mi Saeng Mae asked how to do it. Mi Saeng said the theory of simple irrigation. Collecting water in the storage and release, giving rise to energy. He sprinkled powdered flowers Hong Ram as a dye that causes the water became red like blood. Seol Mae praise and Mi Mi Saeng Saeng laughs proudly. (Tirzah: I hate guns could be discharged with Mi Saeng he is clever he .. he, knowledge is power, the DM should LBH Pinter).
    The king held a meeting about all that happened. Mi Mi Saeng said Shil to go out to calm the heaven. The Board agreed that the Mi-Shil had to do it. The king had no choice but to ask Mi Shil do its soothing paradise. Mi Shil will hold a ritual for 7 days in the temple court. King knew it was all just show it.
    Ha Jong thinks her mother has the strength and grace of heavenly paradise that will get a revelation. Saeng justify Mi, Mi Saeng knew it was just akal2an but Se Jong and Jong Ha did not know. Seol Won asked what revelation also including the heir to the throne next.
    Mi Shil perform ritual ceremony at the temple. Man Deok Cheon Wyol still persuaded to cooperate with him. Princess Man Myeong give what is asked Deok Man on Kim Yu shin. Looks like a copy of the forecast Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam jin.
    Deok Cheon Man Wyol need help with the calculation of the solar eclipse. Mi Shil completing the plan, then Deok Man gets on the solar eclipse of Wyol Cheon. Kim Yu Shin asked what would happen eclipse and Deok Man agreed. Wyol Yes asking when, but Deok Man will only give the date on Bi Dam. Deok Cheon Man asked Al what they catch the bird hidup2 because they must carry out his plan tonight. Kim Yu Shin said that the soya beans and a copy of the forecast of charcoal were also there. Deok Man said fine and they can carry out his plan.
    Joo Bang and Go Do spend time to play. Seo Joo ji past and recognize Bang. Joo Bang also recognize Seo Ji. Joo Bang deny recognize Seo Ji. Deok Man Joo Bang arrives and asks to do something for him, the man asked Deok Joo Bang falsify something for him. Joo Bang take this opportunity to break away from Seol Ji.
    Bi Dam Deok Man met who wore makeup for the effect. This man said Deok Dam Bi's turn to run the plan. Bi Dam Deok Man helps makeup and she explained about the Mi Shil. Deok Man said that Bi Dam does not have a sense of fear so he must be successful. Bi Dam Deok Man asks why not do this yourself, Dam Bi Mi Shil asked what was so scary. Deok Man said he had to face Mi Shil, Mi Shil unable to read his mind, Bi Dam also must not let Mi Shil read her mind. Bi Dam Deok Man assured not to worry. Bi Dam asked when solar eclipse will occur.
    Deok Man said it should be kept secret. Deok Man said on Bi Dam. Meanwhile, in the evening at the palace to see burung2 orang2 a glowing flying in the night sky from the residence of the late Princess Cheon Myeong. All wonder. Later outside the palace, the people also saw a glowing burung2 flying at night.Pung and Guk Dae San Heun see burung2 it and fascinated by the effects. Those who remove paint burung2 who has covered human bones mixed with cat urine (Tirzah: flourecent natural, human bones contain calcium and phosphorus, this is why our teeth glow in the dark, cat urine reacts with Ultra Violet rays, it is likely to shine after contact with ray UV. Rich MTV Room raiders who check tmp sleep use of UV light). Dae Pung wonder where Deok Man know about this paint mixture. San Guk Dae Heun prohibit Pung call Deok Man just by name alone.
    Mi Saeng surprised when Seol Mae reports that of the residence of the late Princess is a group of birds flying glow. Saeng Mi Seol Mae thinks it works. Seol Mae thought it was a work Mi Saeng. Mi Saeng benar2 surprised.
    Seol Won Rang to come and say there is somebody who perform rituals in front of the well Najeong who have shed blood. Seol Won feel this is unusual because this man lit incense with his bare hands and orang2 start believing it. Mi Saeng surprised this was not their plan. Seol Won said this guy came to Silla to liberate Silla from the disaster and now began a ritual in front of the well Najeong.
    Bi Dam in disguise perform rituals in front of the well. Bi Dam Deok man using a magnifying glass to light a fire. Mi Shil to King and said he got a revelation. Bi Dam do special effects by generating a carving of a well with a loud explosion. People knelt in front of the carvings, there are 5 lines and Bi Dam smile because he has succeeded so far.
    Mi Saeng upset because someone beat them. Seol Won gotten rid of carving on the well Najeong but rumors have spread. Mi Shil asked who did this and what his writings. Seol Won Rang said it was part 2 of the forecasts are missing 200 years ago. Kata2 Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin is the sentence that followed. Mi Shil and his group was surprised by the presence of stone-fulfilling prophecy to-2. Inscription on a stone:
    Game Cheon Yang Gwi; Il Shik Yu Ji; Game Rip Ja Yang; Gyerim Cheon Myeong; Shin Cheon Do Rae
    Mizar star back into the sky. The sky will recognize it. The Game will stand; Heaven Gyerim will soften and reduce the era or a new era and a new government.
    Mi Shil destroy copies of this title. Mi Shil said that was false and ordered to bring people who perform rituals in front of wells to be brought to him. Mi Shil will slice his limbs one by one.
    Bi Dam located in the well Najeong said that the revelation came to him from ancestors Bakhyeokgeose. Bo Seok Jong Bum catch Bi Dam. Orang2 protest for Bi Dam is removed. Bum Seok brandishing a sword to silence the masses.
    Mi Saeng know Bi Dam using the same way with him. Now someone has proven that Mi Shil cheater and he can not deny. Dam Bi was taken to court for trial. Bi Dam Deok Man remember him letters to carry. Deok Man said there would be no eclipse of the sun in the near future. Deok Man said Shil Mi Cheon Wyol not know what helped or not so, Deok Man asked for Bi Dam said that the solar eclipse will occur and create Mi Shil trust him. Bi Dam should play this game.
    Deok Man said if it failed, Bi Dam may be dead. Bi Dam Deok Man said smiling as Bi Dam had to escape. Mi Shil meet Bi Dam (mother and child first met).
    Queen Maya read part-2 of the forecast and wondered what was true. Princess Man Myeong satu2nya said this is how to make Deok Man gets back the status. Queen said that Gaeyang star who returned to heaven is Cheon Myeong. Star Gaeyang which will establish a new government is Deok Man.
    King asked how the predictions are thought to be lost 200 years ago tiba2 appear. Kim Yong Chu and Kim Seo-Hyeon mean that the new government will emerge from Gaeyang star. King asked who is the star Gaeyang, later Queen Maya came along and said it would forecast about Deok Man. The king was surprised that the man probably is Deok Man. Kim Seo-Hyeon doubt the authenticity of the stone. Queen and Princess Man Myeong said it was made Deok Man. Only in this way he can take back the status. Kim Yong Chu asked what it was fake, Queen justify, she who gave a copy to Deok Man from the previous forecast.
    King could not believe how Queen Maya can do that. Queen said it all for the sake Deok Man regain its status, it must be done because it is not possible the birth of twin daughters hidden. (Tirzah: agree! Do not believe in predictions, all happened because Mark believed forecast, dial back his predictions .. just believe in God and ability to yourself.) Princess Man Myeong added by section of the 2nd prophecy, the birth of twin daughters are not seen as a disaster precisely the way to a new government. Seo Hyeon Kim say the forgery was made with the intention that the birth of twin daughters is not a curse. Princess Man Myeong said is true and is a brilliant strategy Deok Man. King said for forgery is successful, they must hold a solar eclipse.
    When will eclipse will occur. how they can predict solar eclipses.
    Mi Shil came and asked the Bi Dam. What he was at the well Najeong. Seol Won justify. Seol Won asked mask Bi Dam in the open, revealing a "cut" a pretty horrible. Mi Shil installed again asked for his mask.
    Mi Shil and Bi Dam has a similar expression. Bi Dam see their similarities.

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