Forbidden Knowledge : Advanced Ancient Technology part 2

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Forbidden Knowledge : Advanced Ancient Technology part 2

The engineers and the deal with all the dollar by cutting stone so serious and use and that is clear and not only in the tournament and the 30 minutes and then the temperature and how many places you can see that the delivery to teach at that point to knowledge of high technology a fascinating thing occurred when a chunk of stern recently fell off a little at a Buddhist temple and controversial images resembling a helicopter and other advanced looking vehicles were revealed under the stairs it would seem that the images were covered in the distant past when things were changing politically in Egypt nowadays Egyptian to a guys are explicitly instructed not to point these hours to tourist s

the Egypt logical explanation is the disease multiple hieroglyphs overlapping from distant king The explanation is still debatable controversial object of Egypt ologist smelly DM impossible and is the artifact commonly known as the Baghdad battery the generate some mild electrical charge similar ancient artifacts that match these are pigs have been found in Egypt we can't say for certain but it would appear that the Egyptians documented the existence of these are just acts as well we creations of these objects are being made and have successfully created electric current

There was no natural light inside these underground Chris but we see notes from torches or oil lamps the end the lights we know the Ancients used for the ancient Egyptians have had their own source of electrical power if nothing else the Ancients have to cut move and list massive Theron block that would challenge our engineers today want to see hunter will automatically assume that ancient structures off of ceremonial and religious purposes maybe the pyramids of two completely different function than previously imagined there's a lot of speculation about what the pyramids were actually built for vimos accepted notion is that they were too

Much more complicated situation of the Great Pyramid than most people understand most people believe including the lobby to call just to see it simply as a tool for the pharaoh Khufu what idea did Travis Tritt for the following reason I'm even if we don't find mummies in the parents and for assigning a single money in any of the pyramids doesn't seem to deter the people who think that that's what they were for us or something that sometimes referred to as I stop for gas or copper and the beautiful granite structure but that doesn't prove defensive in my mind that was ever actually use her to have been used for many other purposes

Send a different going to Sac tonight once I got a stupid I mean that is to look at the difference in construction between the Step Pyramid and the Great Pyramid the difference in style of construction would logically indicate they were built in different time frames the buildings we need to be to me that the Step Pyramid the car and the flat topped master bath also the car are very different from the smooth sided Pyramids at Giza and Asher typically in Egypt all the construction I build a large of a new construction of those of smallest an ulcer in archaeology all the structures are Depot nearest structures are found closest to the Sun sets every other too much is being found is highly decorated with

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